General :: Adding Header And Footer In Table?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a single column table which is created by set of queries, the data type is of memo, the single column table is a merge of a table with multiple columns by adding a space between the columns.

This table is then exported to the txt file, i want to add header and footer which appears exactly on the position after exporting as of now the header and footer is occuring in between the table data.

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General :: Export Table To CSV And Then Add Extra Data Lines At Header And Footer Of File?

Feb 20, 2014

Managed to export a table to csv file. The problem I now have is I need to add the following Text at the start of the file:-


and the new last line :- T,whatever the record count is,2

Whether this info is added before or after export is not important.

I have even resorted to using VBA to create an Excel spreadsheet and saving to csv.

Thought this had cracked it however I had surplus commas at head and footer where the original csv file had additional columns (ok manually delete these comas) ,then found that the end of each csv line was missing a final comma that is needed by the recipient of the file.

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General :: How To Add Header And Footer To Exported Text File

Apr 23, 2013

I need to create a text file that is exported from access to txt. I know how to do this; however, I need to have a header and footer setup in this file that dynamically changes with the day. How do I create these two required objects?

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Reports :: Adding File Path In Footer?

Sep 29, 2014

In Access 2010 how to add a file path in the report footer?

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Reports :: Adding Group Header In Design View?

Mar 28, 2014

How do I add a group header while i am in design view

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General :: Sum (column) In Footer On Continuous Form Not Updating?

May 19, 2014

My form is setup with Continuous view, with data feeding from a table. The structure is straighforward (excel style). AgentID, workHrs, holidayPaid, holidayUnpaid, sickHrs etc. The structure is not normalized, and I know the risk. This is basically only for human interpretation, not really a structure that will cause instability or patched up working of the DB.

I have the continuous form view, so it can be viewed in one single display, I have placed a Totals at the footer, which is populated by nothing but a simple = Sum(columnName). This works great in most of the computers, except one. My boss's computer. Which is where it actually needs to work. I am baffled, because I have tested it on almost every single computer in my office, everyone's work. Just his computer is playing up. I am unable to pin point the problem. The status bar keeps going "Calculating..." but even after giving it a solid 5 minute it does not seem to work !

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General :: Refer Field In SubReport Which Is In Report Footer

Nov 21, 2013

I want to refer field "plyty_sa" which is in "RaportZleceniaRobocze" Report, in "RaportRobocze_Offset" SubReport. The problem is that, SubReport is in Report Footer. I tried many possibilities but I can't find solution.

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General :: Adding New Record To A Table By Using A Mask

Aug 23, 2014

I need to add only one record into a database by using a mask.

For sure when I call this mask via a button, this new record has to be added after the last one.

Someone is suggesting me to use function docmd.openform, but I really dont' know how to do it.

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General :: Adding New Preset Record Into Second Table

Feb 26, 2013

I was trying to further my knowledge of access. I have a database that is suppose to be used a s a simple budget database.

Form: StartingAmount
Table: StartinAmount
Field: StartingAmount
Button: Create

Form: Transactions
Table: Transactions

When the database is open the form StartingAmount is open (only until a starting balance is entered.)

User then puts the starting amount in. clicks create.

Then a record is added to Transactions.
TransactionDate = Date entered (auto populate)
TransactionName = Starting Balance
TransactionAmount = StartingAmount

I tried this code:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Transactions (TransactionAmount) " _
& "VALUES(" _
& "'" & Me!StartingAmount& "') "

With this it kept giving me an Append error and Im not sure how to get it to stop and how to add all the fields needed.

I tired to do:

INSERT INTO Transactions([TransactionName], [TransactionAmount])
VALUES ("Starting Amount", Me.StartingAmount)

But i keep getting an expected error in the VBA side.

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General :: Adding A New Record To Linked Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have several tables that are linked that I need to be able to add to. This is an example of the structure:

Patient Info
FK_Ward - ID of Ward table
FK_Room - ID of Room table
FK_Cond - ID of Condition table




Unfortunately, its not the exact one as I can't post that here! What I am trying to do is to add a new patient record using information from the other tables as guides - e.g. the user selects the name of the Ward but the ID in the Ward table is entered, the User selects the number of the room but again the ID in the Room table is entered, and for the Condition same thing. So I would like to have dropdowns (or ComboBoxes) for each of these and based on the user's selections add a new record to PatientInfo using the ID values as links.

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Form Footer Like Report Footer

Aug 25, 2006

I have some reports which lay my data out perfectly.For example,Report headerPage headerDetailsPage footerReport footerNow, I'd like to have exactly the same layout on some forms but with various buttons, etc. for manipulating data.The only problem is that when I put something on the form footer, it appears at the bottom of the viewable screen area no matter whether the detail area should overrun or not ?Is this due to form size or something else?Ideally I'd like to have it appear right at the bottom of the form and allow the user to scroll down the form to see the footer.

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General :: Show Count Of Text Boxes That Have Value Greater Than 0 At Footer Of Report

Oct 19, 2013

I have a report and at the footer i want to show how many of the txt boxes i have are >0

i tried


I know that this is quite simple but i just cant get it.

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General :: Importing CSV File With Header Row?

Oct 3, 2012

Is there a way to automatically skip row 1 of a CSV file when importing? Row 1 contains a header with filename, date created, period covered, total record count, etc., and then Row 2 contains the column names.

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General :: Adding A Path For Photo Based On Table Info

Nov 18, 2014

I have a form where I can add a new resident. It runs off a query that shows ID as null and has a button to add the data and refresh the form and query. I used to drop in OLE files but have since changed it to a linked image file. What I want to do is pull the info from the data that I input as a new resident.

Basically it means that any staff member can take a photo of the resident and put it in a folder and the database will point to that file.

The location is..."C:UsersRP"&[First Name]&" "&[Last Name]&".jpeg" First Name and Last Name are in the table already. I have tried using an append and an update query to no avail.

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General :: Adding Automatic Timestamp Field To The Table For New Records?

Jul 2, 2015

I am looking to add a field to my table with a timestamp for each new entry.

I am working with a split database. All of the records are inputted by forms (in the back end by other users). I want to be able to see the exact time that a record was added, but without having to add this field to the actual form. I just want to be able to have a field in the table that shows me when the user submitted an entry. Is there a way to add an automatic timestamp field to the table?

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General :: Cannot Get Report Header To Print On All Pages

Aug 17, 2012

While I have worked with computer all my life I am new to Access. I managed to create my database and the report I wanted to generate. However; I cannot get the Report Header to print on all pages. It only prints on the first page.

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General :: Group By Query And Adding Checkbox Fields To Update A Table

Oct 24, 2014

I have a invoice system I have created in Access and it did used to work perfectly and then maybe an update Who knows stopped the system working.

I have an customer order screen that has customer details and then a subform within the same form this takes a total of items & costs for this order and then it entered it into the customers table from the order_Details table using me.Order_total = Order_Total.

I know this is bad design but I store it because once the order is places I need the total to be static because the invoice has been sent and so if someone changes the order then the total owed doesn't change.

I then have a reconcile form which is on a datasheet form straight from the tab;e so it is editable which has a checkbox that then once ticked copies the total from the Order_Total in the table to the reconciled field in the same table and then I use a report to show who owes me still.

So I have made a Select query from the Orders table & Order_Details table and used a Group by Order number (Which is the link between the 2 tables) this shows correctly but now not editable because of the rules So I am trying to add an editable checkbox on the same form.

I tried to use a dlookup makes all of the boxes either ticked or not. I've been looking at Recordsets but I'm unsure if this is what I need or not really

So really I just need to see if I should be putting the Total from the Subform into the mainform and then entering it into the table (Like previously) using a calculated unbound field and then using the Afterupdate event to insert the data into the table. but for some reason it just wont work.

I can get the OnClick to work but then as soon as i go to the next record for some reason it then resorts to 0.00 but then the table shows correctly which ever record the form is working on.

Or should I be using the new query based idea to create the reconcile form and if this is the best way I just don't now where to start on how to get a multiple table query that I can then add a reconciled checkbox which then copies the Order_Total from the table to the Paymet_Recieved field.

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General :: Updating Front End After Adding New Table To Back End In Split Database

Sep 22, 2013

I have split the data base

Added a new table to the back end .But do not know how to update it to the front end

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General :: Can't Change Listbox Column Header Name When Data Source Is A Share-point List

Jul 30, 2013

The following code works to change the column header name for a listbox in form view when the data source is a local table, but not when the data comes from a sharepoint list.

sqlstatement = "SELECT ID, PONum as [PO Number], ActDate as [Date], VendorName as [Vendor Name], Service, BuildingNumber as [Building Number], ReservationDescription as [Description], POAmount as [Amount], QuoteType as [Type of Quote], Comments" & _
" FROM ActivityLog" & _
" WHERE (Activity = 'AcceptReservation') AND (PSCName = '" & Me.PSCCombo4.Column(0) & "')" & _
" ORDER BY ActDate;"
'MsgBox sqlstatement
Me.EditPOListBox.RowSource = sqlstatement
sqlstatement = ""

Also it appears that there is no such thing as a caption property for a sharepoint list column.

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Page Header For A Table

Sep 18, 2007


Is there any way I can put a page header on a table in Access - so that when it gets printer in Data View I can identify who's work it is

(sorry this is needed for a ICT class)

At the moment the only way I can think to do it is to rename the table with the student name in it e.g. Table1 John

Any help would be great


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Copy & Paste From Access Table To Excel Without Header Info

Dec 11, 2004


Does anyone know how to exclude the header information when copying a record from an Access table and pasting it into Excel. When I paste into Excel, it is also pasting the header information from Access which I do not want. I only want the data to be pasted.

Thanks for the help in advance.


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Forms :: Combobox On Navigation Form Header - Query Table To Show Right Info

Mar 24, 2013

I created a navigation form on which I put a form call [frmAnimal Setup].

I then placed one combo box on the Navigation frm Header. I have bound it to its source and it actually queries the tbl and show the right info. However when I select one, it will not let me.

In addition, [frmanimal setup] will not allow me to select a breed although it does query the tbl and shows the right information.

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Reports :: Footer To Bottom Of Page Or Page Footer To Last Page Only

Oct 23, 2014

I am trying to create an invoice report. I want to add all the costs from the detail section in my footer. I have accomplished this in either the Report footer and/or the page footer, but the problem is that the report footer doesn't go to the bottom of the page, and the page footer doesn't go to just the last page. I have tested a bunch of suggestions that don't seem to work.

1. Print page footer with Report header = NO - only works if your report is two pages or more.

2. Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Page = Pages Then
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = True
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = False
End If
End Sub

The Page functions worked, but it did not change the results from page to page. If it was a two page report, then the if statement is false and the text box was not visible on page 1, but it also was not visible on page 2.

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General :: Adding Two Totals Together?

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to add two columns with multiple records in them together using VBA.

I have one column named "Quantity" and that has 5 records going down

Column1(Row1) = 2
Column1(Row2) = 3
Column1(Row3) = 1
Column1(Row4) = 2
Column1(Row5) = 2

I have another column name "Quantity2" and that has another 5 records going down

Column2(Row1) = 1
Column2(Row2) = 4
Column2(Row3) = 2
Column2(Row4) = 2
Column2(Row5) = 2

I need a code to simply add them all together together using VBA and put the value back in a text box.

So the Value in the text box would be = 21

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General :: Sum Adding 1 To Overall Result?

Mar 26, 2015

I have a report...with one number at the end of a line, beneath is a sum() of all the numbers above.

To test this report, I have ensured there is just one line to 'sum' ....this particular number happens to be $15.82, yet the field showing the sum of this is displaying $15.83 ...I'm going potty here trying to work out where the extra 1 is being's not a rounding error as there are no further decimals involved, both fields are set to 'fixed' 2 decimal places.

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General :: Adding Values To Graphs?

May 23, 2013

anyway you can add the values onto a graph

eg i have created a bar graph and on each bar would like the value shown on the top of it

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