General :: Adding Thumbnails For Specific Records

Jul 21, 2014

I am looking for a way to store thumbnail images for specific records. I want an idiot proof way of selecting a jpeg image and then storing a 200x120px bmp version of the file in the database. Is this achievable with VBA code?

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Reports :: Adding Specific Number Of Blank Lines Between Records

Jun 20, 2013

I have a WO Table and a related WO Procedures Table. I would like to add a specific # of blank lines/records between each record but that # will vary. So the report will show the WO Procedure Desc then a specified # of blank lines below it and then the next WO Procedures Desc then a specified # of blank lines below it etc.

I thought to add a field to the Proc tbl called #ofLines and whatever number was entered would be the # of blank lines to appear below the record on the report.

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General :: Attach Files To Specific Records

Jul 10, 2014

I have been trying to figure out a best way to attach files to specific records. Up until this point have been using Hyperlink to link files that have been stored in shared folders. This seemed to be a very good option for quiet sometime; but some users wish to play god ! Since I have to give them RWX permission on the folder; they go into the Shared folder and either rename the file or move it around or worse, DELETE the file permanently. Thus messing up the hyperlink.

Now I am planning to use the wretched Attachment data type in Access. I know it will bloat the DB, but this seems to be a safer option. As I can control DELETES/EDITS. So I was thinking to use a stand alone DB, just used for Attachment tables. As these records will not be accessed everytime.

My problem is, I remember vaguely using two linked backend DB files, put a lot of strain on the front end. Thus making the connection very slow. Sometime even upto 10 seconds to simply load the login form.

My idea is to establish a persistent connection to the two DB files on front end opening. Thus the connection is always there so it might not be that slow !

Or is there something I could look into to manage the Files/Attachments more efficiently, other than Hypelinking?

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General :: Forms Don't Open To Specific Records

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table in my database whose forms are refusing to open to specific records. They only open to a blank record--either by using other forms to open to specific records or simply by opening the form straight from sidebar. Even the Navigation bar doesn't allow me to move from one record to another; it only shows "1 of 1".

The "initial" form, which creates new records in the table, works perfectly--in creating a new record. I can create a new record, use the Navigation bar to move to a new record, create it, and move back to the first. But then when I close and re-open the form the above issue once again comes up.All my other tables--and the forms that are associated with them--work perfectly and I can open them to specific records without a hitch.

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General :: Printing Specific Records Displayed In A Form?

Jul 18, 2015

How do I go about printing specific records displayed in a form? I basically just want to add a print button on my form to do this

I have a main form with a button that displays/opens a form

I then want to print the records displayed in the opened form

(See attached pictures)

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General :: Fabricated ADO Recordset - Adding Records

Dec 19, 2013

Example of a fabricated ADO recordset bound to an ADO recordset here: [URL] ..... and it is reattached here.

I have been unable to discover how to add records using the form. So, what needs to be changed, so that one could add records just like with a normal form bound via DAO to a table?

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OLE Object (thumbnails Of 4kb) Increase .mdb-size Extreme?

Jul 12, 2005


Do you guys think the database will get small in size if i have like 200 records and each one of them have a 4 kb thumbnail as OLE object?

I know that putting big images in OLE objects gets very big but a small thumbnail is ok and doesn't increase the size of the .mdb so much? (130x98 pixels)

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General :: Access 2010 / Adding Reports To Records As Attachments?

Apr 12, 2013

I have an Access 2010 database connected to several SharePoint lists. I'd like to be able to print a report (based on a query) and add that report as a .pdf attachment to the record I was looking at when I generated the report.

At the moment I can save the report as a .pdf to a local file store, then upload it as an attachment, but is there any way to skip that step and add it to the correct record automatically?

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General :: Adding Automatic Timestamp Field To The Table For New Records?

Jul 2, 2015

I am looking to add a field to my table with a timestamp for each new entry.

I am working with a split database. All of the records are inputted by forms (in the back end by other users). I want to be able to see the exact time that a record was added, but without having to add this field to the actual form. I just want to be able to have a field in the table that shows me when the user submitted an entry. Is there a way to add an automatic timestamp field to the table?

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Export Select Records And Fields In Those Records To A Specific Location?

Jun 15, 2013

In an Access 2010 form is it possible to export select records and fields in those records to a specific location?

Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(4)
With objDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select a File"
.InitialFilename = "C:"
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Action Cancelled")


The user can select the directory using the code above, but can specific fields in records be exported to a excel workbook in that selected directory?For example, if the are 5 records in the database can the fields LastName,FirstName,BirthDate in records 1,2,3 be exported to Setup.xlsx in that selected directory?

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Forms :: Adding Variable To Specific Row Of Listbox (Table / Query)

May 31, 2014

The VBA code I have at the moment:

me.Results.Rowsource = "SELECT car, title, FROM dbo_inventory"

Is it possible to add a variable to a specific row in listbox using the code above? In this case the price?

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Getting Query Criteria To Select All Records Or Specific Records In Query Design Section?

Jun 16, 2014

How can I get a Query Criteria To Select All Records or specific records in query design section.

I have a table that shows many departments with credit card transactions. I like to run a query to see specific department, or have an option to see all the departments when the query is run.

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Only Opening Specific Records

Sep 28, 2004

I have the following code in the click event of my button,
Code:Dim strCriteria As StringstrCriteria = "[1stApproval]='-1'"DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmLookupRecords", acNormal, , strCriteria

However when I click the button, there was an error that says,
Quote: The OpenForm action was cancelled. You used a method of the DoCmd object to carry out an action in Visual Basic, but then clicked Cancel in a dialog box. For example, you used the Close method to close a changed form, then clicked Cancel in the dialog box that asks if you want to save the changes you made to the form
What does this error mean? I want to open a form that only shows approved records and the column "1stApproval" is a Yes/No field. Thanks for any help!

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General :: How To Reference A Specific Post In URL

Aug 26, 2014

I have tried to reference a specific post within a thread in response to a question. I have not been successful.

For example: What do I need to go directly to post #17 in this thread [URL] ....

I can get to page 2 using &page=2, but haven't sorted the post number.

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General :: Error - You Can't Go To The Specific Record

Jun 16, 2015

I was trying to run the front end on the 6th pc and this error "You cant go to the specific record. you maybe end of a recordset." showed up. But no such problem for the others.

why this is happening?

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General :: Setting Up A Specific Database?

Aug 12, 2015

I have appx 500 customers that have contracts..... The contracts have 15 products that are available. Not all of the customers purchased all of items on the contract. I want to have a database that lists (on one page) the client information, contract information and the product details for that customer. I have no clue how to go about doing this. The Contact database template is what I am starting with. I want to click on a customer and pull up the information all on one page.

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General :: Specific Workers In Several Activities

Oct 23, 2012

I have a project with several activities, each activity has specific people who work in the activity and of course an ID for the activity. Now every person has a unique ID, name, address, birth date, address ,,,, etc

a person can work in several activities ,, now what i want to know is should i put activities in a table , and persons in another table or what !!? how can i connect the two tables? How can assign a new activity for the persons?

let us say that all the activities need 100 workers, but there will be duplicate of the workers, how can i find the actual number of the workers without duplicate?? ( i need to find the numbers of all workers and the number of the actual workers)

Finally i want a restriction that if a person worked in five activities, i want an alarm or warning that this person has worked for four activities and he can't work any more, is that something i can do !??

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Lock Specific Records In Table

Jul 18, 2007

Is there anyway to lock specific records in a table so users cannot edit them after a manager has approved them?

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Select Only Records For Specific ID Query

Jul 31, 2007

This is killing me,

I have a form with a unique ID, I have a query that pulls all data regardless of the ID on the form.

How can I get the Query to pull only the data for the ID that is currently in view on the form?

Please help..


Fen How

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Select Specific Records In Forms- Help!

Nov 3, 2005


I'm sure this has a simple solution, but iv searched this forum and every solution that i get is filled with code that goes over my head! Well here goes...

I have a main form called expense... which contains a tab control. the tabcontrol in turn has three pages containing a subform each. (lets call them sbfrm1 sbfrm2 and sbrm3.)
All three subforms are based on three different queries (say Qry1 Qry2 and Qry3) but the three queries are based on the same table. this table contains all the expenses incurred over the months across three categories (hence three queries). the subforms are to display these expenses according to categories.. i.e. sbfrm1 displays records pertaining to Category1, sbfrm2 for category2 etc.(the queries ensure that!)

when the main form opens, the subforms display all the records in the table according to category...but not according to the month in which the expenditure was incurred.

I now want to add a feature that enables the user to choose records pertaining to a given month at the click of a button.

for eg. if there is an option group named month, (with toggle buttons as the month names), then if the user selects the month Aug, then immediately the subform1 displays records under category1 for the month Aug? However I want to include an "ALL" option as well whereby all the records are displayed for all months (the category criteria must be maintained at any cost!!!!
Is there a solution that will not use too much code!

Thanks in advance.

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Tables :: How To Add Data To Specific Records

May 6, 2014

i have a table

ID - File Type - Source - Delivery - Return
1 - X - LB - ROY - LB via Roy
2 - Y - USA - Smith - USA via Smith
3 - Z - LB - -

my question is how can i make the last column (Return) to fill like the data above..what i mean if (Delivery) not null So the return will be filled like the above if the (Delivery) is null the return will be null too

-the user will fill only the columns (File Type - Source - Delivery)
-the column (Return) will be filled automatically if (Delivery) not null

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Queries :: Counting Specific Records

Feb 27, 2014

I am working on a Human Resources database for a big project that has a field called 'Position Number' (eg. 290) which is unique for each position. But the position can have up to 4 different stages over the life of the project which is shown in the primary key field 'Position ID' (eg. 290-A, 290-B, 290-C). There are columns for each month of the life of the project and If the Start Date and End Date of the position are in between these months then a number one will appear in the Month column.

For example, position 290 will start at level A (290-A) and will start on Jan-14 and finish on Aug14. The next stage of the project will start and position 290 will do the same role in a different area of the project (290-B) and will start on Nov-14 until May-15. Therefore the 48 columns with months as headings from Jan-14 to Dec-17 will show a number one in those months from Jan-14 to Aug-14 and Nov-14 to May-15.

There are over 150 position numbers with up to 4 different position ID's which is phased throughout the 4 years of the project. I need to do a count of how many "number ones" are in the monthly columns per Position.

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General :: Redirect Role To Specific Form?

Nov 26, 2012

I've created a log in system with a tutorial I've found on YouTube. It simply redirects users to a specific form after a successful log in. Here is the code:

Public Sub Login()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
If IsNull([cboUser]) = True Then 'Hier wordt gechecked voor de UserName


The users are defined in tabel "tblUsers". All users are now redirected to the form "frmMenu" which is good.

However, I would like to know how to add an exception. For example

1) All users should be redirected to frmMenu after a successful log in. (Check)
2) The user called "Management" should be redirected to an other form "frmMgm"

I've searched on the internet on how to do this but without luck. (

So in short:

IF user "Management" logs in THEN redirect to frmMgm (or whatever form)

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General :: Selecting Specific Table From Listbox?

Apr 7, 2014

I have to make a multi-user manage database.All the usernames are sorted in one table and exported to listbox in Form.For each user there is a separate table with 3 columns where i must fill information from listboxes.The listbox (there are 4 listboxes, one for users select and 3 for different parameters) are located in MainForm where you select the information.My question is how can I select a specific username(table) from the listbox and fill the information from the other listboxes to the selected one?

The usernames table is named - Clients

each table for separate user is named client1, client2, client3 etc.

the form where you choose what to select is named Fill form.

The listbox for users is named - List71 And the listboxes for parameters are named - List75, List77, List79 Also there are 3 textboxes with calculated fields that i also need to insert in the specific user table.

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General :: Access Won't Show Specific Fonts

Aug 27, 2012

I'm using a certain font - Guttman Yad-Brush (Hebrew, comes as a part of windows in Hebrew) in some forms and reports. On the design view of the objects, everything is OK. But when I try to display the form, or a print-preview of the report, Access refuses to show me that font. The text is clearly visible, in Hebrew, but in another font (I think Times-New Roman, but not sure).

The font is well installed, and works fine on other Office applications. Couldn't reproduce this behaviour with other fonts (but obviously haven't tried them all).

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General :: Open A Specific Windows Folder

Aug 14, 2013

Open a specific Windows Folder.I am using this code to open a specific Windows folder ..... and it works perfect:

As String Dim folder
folder = "c: Documents WORD"
Dim Retval
Retval = Shell ("explorer.exe / e, / root," "" & folder & "" "", 1)

... but also need to open in the specified path, taking the data "UserName" of one field in a table:

TABLE: "Assignments" IDEExp, UserName, Date

So instead of going to the folder = "c:Documents WORD" would go to: c: Documents WORDUserName ". In Windows and subfolders are created with UserName1, 2,3,4, etc.

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