General :: All Objects Toolbar Opens When Hit Print Button On Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects when opening my database for added security. This works.

The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation. This window shows all of my tables, forms, queires..etc.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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All Access Objects Tool Bar Opens When Try To Print Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects to open when the database opens of fear of someone messing with my data. This works. The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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General :: Removing Customizing Access Toolbar Button

Jan 23, 2014

I am currently using the code

<ribbon startFromScratch="True">


To remove the file button from access. however the more commands button in the quick access toolbar renders this method pointless unless i can remove the more commands button. How to remove the "customise quick access" button or failing that how to remove the more commands button?

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General :: Button To Print A Report Based On Text Box Values On Form

Jul 11, 2015

Im using a button to print a report based on a text box values on the form.the code for which is below


Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET BookedOut = True WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels", acViewNormal
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 1
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Labels", acSaveNo
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

The problem that I am getting is not only is the label printing but so is the form.

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General :: Button On Form To Print Current Record - Open Preview Before Printing?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a button on a FORM to print the current record with the following code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

But what I need is that before printing, open the preview to set the margins and page size ... or at least to pre-configure so that when you press the button, and comes preformatted.

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Forms :: Button That Opens Form And Pre-selects A Value In List Box

Aug 24, 2014

I open a form (EntryBasic) for users to enter data in, which is then saved to the only table in the database (MasterTable). The form (EntryBasic) has a list box with four choices: red, white, blue, orange. The button that opens the form is placed on another form (MainForm) The form (EntryBasic) record source is MasterTable.

A user is on the MainForm and needs to add a new record related to red. When user clicks on the button (NewRedEntry), I need the form to open and the list box pre-selected to red.

Is there a macro or VBA code that might simply execute this action, preferably something that can be attached to the NewRedEntry button?Even better, if there are two list boxes, code such code be applied to same NewRedEntry button, where both list box values are pre-selcted with the click of this button?

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Forms :: Command Button - Form Opens To New Record But Not Specific One

Jul 2, 2013

I have a form that opens from a different form based on the primary key within the original form. Unfortunately it seems to be opening a new record every time I open the form--not only from the original form but also straight from the sidebar.

The command button that opens the second form from the first uses the following VBA:

DoCmd.OpenForm "ZooMobile Incomplete Booking-Return Client", , , "[Event_ID] = " & Me.EventID

This exact coding worded perfectly in a similar set of forms that I had created; the only difference is a change in the form name & primary key field.

Add onto this, I think that the code DOES work, but then it immediately opens another new record. When I open the second form from the command button, then change to Design View, the form's Filter property is set to [Event_ID]=X (where X is the proper key from the first form) and Filter On Load is set to Yes. The X in the Filter changes accordingly when it changes in the first form. Also, every time I open the form a new record is added to the underlying table.

I've tried setting "Allow Additions" in the second form to No, but then when I open the form nothing appears. Literally; the entire form is blank, no labels, textboxes, combos, buttons or anything. When going to Design View it's still all there.

I've also checked the On_Load, On_Current & Form_Current events and found nothing. I even deleted them and the problem still occurred.

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General :: Form Always Opens On A New Record

Nov 14, 2013

I have a form that I built with the intention of creating new records. I want to convert it to use with existing records too. I can't seem to get it to look at anything but new records. I imagine it is a property setting and something very minor to a seasoned Access programmer.

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General :: Combobox Opens A Different Form

Aug 26, 2013

I have a form with a combobox. From this combobox I would like to trigger the opened of a different form with the name and surname of the patients selected into the combobox.

I used this vba code

Private Sub Find_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "ID Patient"
stLinkCriteria = "[PTS]=" & Me.Identification

[Code] ....

The problem is that when the form Id patient is already opened every thing works fine but when the Id patient form is not opened it looks like if the combobox was not able to trigger the form with the name and surname of the patients!

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Disable Button On Toolbar

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

This has to be simple, but the solution eludes me.

I have a database that works really weel, but I need to do some tweaking to the toolbars to "grey out" the "sort ascending" and "sort descending" icons so that hte users do not mess with those and change how the recoerds display.

There has to be an easy way to disable those two buttons or an alternate way to ensure that the form basically ignores them.



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Print Button On Form.

Apr 28, 2005

Hi... being extremely new to Access, i am sitting here frustrated as anything trying to make this work. I will attempt to explain what I am trying to do.

I have a form that has a combo box in it. This combo box references a table and pulls in the data depending on the company that is selected. What I am trying to do is add a print button on the form, so that the users can print off an address label. Now I can use the normal print report feature and this prints of the entire report, but what i would really like is the print button just to print the fields I want and not the whole thing. The fields I want to print are.


Ive had a look in the event field for the print button, but I have no idea of the commands to make it only select the fields that I want to print.

I truly am lost, and seeking guidance from the masters here at Access World.

My printing problem is in your hands.... cheers Paull

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Form Opens When Database Opens

Aug 16, 2007

How can I get a form to open when the database opens?

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Forms :: Adding A Button To Print Form?

Feb 11, 2015

I would like to add a button to a form that will print the form with the current record in it. Also, to add a level of difficulty, there are 8 subforms attached to the form. As I already have the form developed, I don't want to reinvent the wheel and go off and create a report with 8 subreports. Is this possible? If so, Can we force all the data on the form to one page?

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VBA Print 5 Copies Of Report Via Button On The Form

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to print 5 copies of the report via the button on the form.

I'm sure I have the code correct, however I only prints 1 copy instead of 5.

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Save Record And Create Print Preview With Same Button On A Form?

Apr 8, 2014

In Access I have created a button to print a preview prior to printing document it is entitle "NoVeteranMain" which works fine. Except I want it to save my document prior to printing preview how would I do it. If not after I edit it I have to re-save it prior to hitting button which generates print preview.

This is code that is generate upon click

Private Sub NoVet_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "NoVeteranMain", acViewPreview, , "ClientID = " & Me.ClientID
End Sub

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Forms :: Added A Print Button To Form To Send Report To Printer

Feb 10, 2014

I have a project which produces a report of names, addresses, etc. I added a print button to the form to send the report to the printer. The code is as follows:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Docmd.SetWarnings False
'Docmd.OpenReport "rptAddresses", acViewNormal
Docmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
Docmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Both alternatives in the code produce the same result described following.However, the printed report includes only the first 2 colums of about 10 of the 90 plus records. If I send to to a PDF, it works fine. If I do a print view on the screen ir looks fine.

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Reports :: Applying Criteria In The Button That Opens A Report?

Jul 15, 2013

I have the onlick of a button programmed with

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stCriteria As String
stDocName = "Rallies this year"
stCriteria = "[Year of Rally] = " & Year(Date)
MsgBox (stCriteria)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, "", "", stCriteria

the output in the msgbox is [Year of Rally] = 2013 which seems fine but the OpenReport command then gives me a type mismatch error the [Year of Rally] is a calculated field in the query - the record source.

I have tried

stCriteria = "[queryname].[Year of Rally] = " & Year(Date)

and same problem

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Modules & VBA :: Print Preview Button On Main Form That Previews Current Record In A Separate Report

Jan 25, 2014

I have VBA code for a Print Preview button on the main form that previews the current record in a separate Report using this code:

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If


I use this Print Preview code on a Button in the Form Header. The Main form lists head of household information. I also have a tabbed control with three tabs that have SubForms for Address, Children and Contact details. The problem I have is that if any of the subforms are left blank I get a Run-Time Error '3021': No Current Record. If I Debug (press the button), it takes me straight to this line:

varAge = DateDiff("yyyy", varBirthDate, Now)

highlighted in Yellow.Anyone on my database must have an address, should have contact details and could have children. If any one of these is blank then the print preview will not work.I would like to know how to stop this error happening for blank records in my subforms.

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Opening A Report Instead Opens A Form (which Opens A Report)?

Jun 15, 2005


I've been given an existing database to modify, and I'm struggling somewhat to see how the author has implemented certain functions.

On a main menu form (autoexecs on starting the database), there are various "Search By" option buttons to generate a report, ordered in various ways. The "On Click" field for each of them refers to a macro, called Buttons, and a line in that macro dependant on the type of search (e.g. OnClick = Buttons.byPerson).

The Buttons macro runs an OpenReport command, the report corresponding to the search type (e.g. Buttons.byPerson has an OpenReport command for the "Report by Person" report).

However, when I click the search buttons (or indeed run the corresponding reports) I instead get another form which allows the search criteria to be specified - this then generates the report (I would assume based on the relevant query - e.g. Person Query), but I cannot understand how this works.

Google searches have not helped much as I can't seem to find an adequate search phrase to use, and I've been staring at the thing for some hours now. Any help getting me off in the right direction would be much appreciated!

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General :: Tab Control Auto Opens When Hovering?

Apr 1, 2014

So I ave a tab Control with 5 tabs. When I hover or move across each tab name it auto opens that page, so I don't have to click to open. How do I get the VBA for this?

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General :: Accdb Opens As A Copy Every Time

Jul 28, 2013

I have Win7 Pro 64 bit and Office 2010 32 bit on my desktop machine. I have a laptop with Office 2007 and Win 7 Home Premium, 32 bit. I do NOT have Office 2010 SP1 because I heard there was some conflict between 2010 SP1 and Office 2007. I switch frequently between both (one on the desktop and one on the laptop).

I do not have this issue on the laptop ... they are both Win 7 64 bit, but the laptop has Home Premium and Office 2007 and the desktop has Office 2010 32 bit.

I converted some of my Access databases to the newer accdb from mdb format. The databases work fine on both computers. BUT, if I double click on the file or a shortcut to the file on the Win 7 Pro/2010 machine, a COPY of the file is opened and named "Filename1". If I double click again on the file or a shortcut to the file, then a different copy is opened and named "Filename2" (and this is a copy of the original "Filename", NOT the first copy "Filename1".) Of course, any changes I make to the file are saved in the new file name.

AND, if I double click on a copy, Then a NEW copy is made ..."Filename1" is copied to "Filename11"...The only way to open the original of the file is to select it and choose "open with ..." and Access.This does not happen with mdb files, or any other files that I can find. It also doesn't happen on the Win 7/2007 machine. It happens on every accdb file on the desktop machine, whether its a converted file (from mdb) or a brand new accdb file.I was ticked at my daughter for constantly creating "new" database files called Database, Database1, Database2, etc.! And she was frustrated because her changes were "never" saved ... they were, but not in the file she was clicking on.

Older daughter has a laptop with the same operating system (Win7 Pro, 64 bit) and the same version of Access 2010, 32 bit (installed from the same disk).I copied my file over to her computer and opened from Access, by double clicking in Explorer and by double clicking a short cut and it never duplicated the file. I did a repair of Microsoft Office on my desktop computer, using the install disk and that did not fix the problem. If I go to the Explorer right click on the file and choose "Open With" then, when the file opens, it is NOT duplicated. Or, if I open Access first and then open the file, it is not duplicated. So, maybe a file association problem? I changed the association to Excel.

I've been using this computer and Office 2010 since last July (2012).I discovered this problem in May and did some file checking and found copies of files created in February and forward ...

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Printing A Report Query Using A "print" Button On Form

Mar 7, 2008

Hello everyone,

How can i have a form with a "Print" button on it for print a report instead of going to file, print?

I will appreciate if a sample of such database can also be attached.

Stay well.

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Print Record Button In "form" Format...

Jun 7, 2006

I'm almost "there" with what I'm trying to do in Access.

I knew this bit would be tricky - perhaps a guru can help me here. :-S

I've taken screen shots of what I'm attempting to do to help describe the situation. (Go easy! It's the first DB I've ever done :-s)

Basically, I need a button on the "Company Job Summary" page that will let me print out one selected record from the job summary shown.

More importantly - I need it to come out looking like the form shown in the "Job Sheet View" which I have set up as a form that gets it's info from both the "Customer" database and the "Jobs" Database.

The Job sheet is controlled by a "Job ID" number - unique to each job.

What's the best way to approach this?

You help, as always, is much appreciated.

Thanks :D

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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General :: Two Divisions But One Set Of Database Objects?

Dec 4, 2012

I'm using Access 2007. I have designed a database for one of a two division set up. All of the raw data in the tables is similar yet there is one unique identifier for the two divisions. Let's call it DivID, four characters in length.

To keep the maintenance simple I want to have one set of forms, queries and reports. I do not want to duplicate all of these. To the user they will only see one set of the menus, which will show all of the necessary sub-menus.

The first or main menu will have two buttons, Division A and Division B. The user simply clicks on the appropriate division button, and off they go. I'm thinking that it would be easiest for me if the DivID is stored after they click on their division button, and this value is used for any form or report that they run afterwards. Also, this DivID value would generate custom headers at each menu and submenu to confirm which division they chose.

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General :: Greyed Out Objects In Database

Sep 23, 2013

I have greyed out objects in my Access database. I didn't create them and don't know what they are. I tried to delete them but couldn't. Why did they come to my database -or they were already there but now they are appeared- and how can I get rid of them?

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