General :: Always On Top Forms

Jan 24, 2013

Is it possible to have a form in access which is always visible - say on the left of the screen - then if a button is pressed alternate forms appear on the left?I realise I could create one tabbed form with a menu on the left and sub-forms on the right but I wondered if there was another way which is "smart" looking?

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General :: Search In Forms

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to make a search function for my DB. I am using agehoops' example db shown in the following thread:

Search Function, of February 16th 2007

My problem is, that the table I am referring to in my search-query has some looked up fields. These fields are returning an ID-number to my query rather than the text value I want to be displayed.

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General :: Tab Control - Same ID Forms And Subforms

Feb 24, 2013

I have a form with a 'tab control' on it

Tabs 2-9 have a subform on them

Each form/subform writes to a seperate table

The form is the main table

When a record is created with by the form an autonumber Id is generated

I want to pass this ID to each of the subforms so that the tables can all link

Form-1 Table-1 AutonumberID
Subform-1 Table-2 AutonumberID from table-1 (can be new field in table)
Subform-2 Table-3 AutonumberID from table-1 (can be new field in table)
For all subforms and tables

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General :: How To Make All Forms Acquire The Same Look

Jan 20, 2014

Am preparing a db in A2010. Have imported forms and other bits from 3 A2007 db's, and the forms' looks (colour, background colour, fonts, bits sunken/raised) differ.

How make all the forms acquire the same look?

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General :: Cannot Open Dynamic Forms

Nov 5, 2013

I have created MS Access forms that are dynamic using VBA. As a part of the VBA I open a from in design mode assign values to form controls, save the form and then open the form in normal mode.this works great as an mdb. However when I created an MDE in 2010 I can not open my dynamic forms. I assume because the VBA wants to first open the form in design mode, assign values and the open in normal mode.My goal is to create a version of my access database that will not allow users to view my code.

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General :: Updating Table With Forms

May 13, 2013

I have created a form and subform using form wizard where users could enter the data of a new order.In the form, there are some expressions where it does a computation of the fees that the company earned for each order. This is a percentage of the gross income.The subform expression formula updates the fee amount and net income automatically when the gross income is entered and fee percentage entered.

Is there a way to update the fee amount and net income which the expressions derived into a data field in a certain table?I actually need these information to be in the table too, as data as they are required by other users.Or is there a better way to do it?I am mainly using wizards and don't know how to use any SQL or VBA.

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General :: Pictures As Backgrounds For Forms

Nov 20, 2012

Can I add a picture as a background for a form, rather than just a colour? I can't see how, but I'm sure I've seen others do it.

NB: I have developed my database in Access 2003, to ensure that it is usable by all computers networked on my system.

Also, would this dramatically alter the size of the database?

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General :: Extracting Data In Forms?

Jun 12, 2014

I have managed to get my access DB set up, get the data entry, searching and editing working perfectly (in forms)

The next stage is extracting data from these.

ie I four of the columns I have are

Date Received
Portal (drop down list of 3 choices)
User Initial (list of 4 choices)
Days of the Week (ie Monday, Tuesday etc)

I need to be able to search through the database, ie between X Date and Y Date and mark the totals from each of the sections. so the following

Date: 01/06/2014
Date: 13/06/2014

Portals 1 = XXXX
Portal 2 = XXXX
Portal 3 = XXXX

Total = XXXX

Then I'll need to do one for all of the above. and more.

So how can I do this? will a report do it? or a form where it searches down and displays totals?

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General :: Autocomplete Records From Different Forms

Mar 21, 2014

I have create some forms which have some common fields, I have built relationships between them as well and I want to autocomplete the records in the fields with the relationships. For example I have a form with the client's details and I have install a Macro so that when I have complete the form with the new clients details and click on the Macro to automatically open the form with the clients order where this form has the clients ID and Name which are common with the fields in the Client's form. What I am trying to do is to autocomplete the common fields when I click the Macros to open the Order list.

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General :: Fixed Fields In Forms

Aug 19, 2013

I've been creating a database. I prepared forms to enter records. In these forms there are many fields. I want some fields to stay fixed while going up to next record unless changed. How can I do this?

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General :: Report Opening Behind Forms

Feb 25, 2013

I have two pop up forms called "frmRepair" and "frmPaid" with a button that opens another popup form called "frmLabels". This final form has a button to print a report with the following code:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptlblCombined", acViewPreview, , "CallID=" & Me.CallID

The problem is that when this report opens, it is always behind frmRepair or frmpaid and frmLabels so it can't be seen.

I tried to use the popup and modal properties on the report, but this does not seem to do what I need.

My next step was to hide frmRepair or frmPaid when frmLabels loaded and then hide frmLabels when I was printing the report, but the problem is that when the report closes I need to also close frmLabels (easy) but then I need to make visible either frmRepair or frmPaid, depending on which one was used to open frmLabels. How can I do that? How do I know which one of the two forms opened frmLabels to make it visible again?

What are my options to have that report open on top of everything?

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General :: Using Checkboxes To Open Certain Forms?

Sep 17, 2014

I have 6 different check boxes that I want to attached to one button. If a check box is marked I want a specific form that is related to that checkbox to open when clicking the OnClick button.


[x] FormA
[ ] FormB
[x] FormC

Action: Click 'OnClick'

--> (now forms 1 and 3 should open)

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General :: Setting Focus On Forms

Jun 26, 2015

I am having trouble setting the focus on my forms... I have a parent form with two labels that are coded like this.

Private Sub Advisory Messages_Click()
Me![ Advisory Messages].Visible = _
Not Me![Advisory Messages].Visible
End Sub


I have the visible property set to no on the subform allowing the user to toggle the visibility when the label is clicked. The problem though is when I click inside the subform to use the scroll bar to view records, it transfers the focus to the subform making it almost impossible to close by clicking the label again because the label is on the parent form. I found the "me.parent.setfocus" command and a few other set focus commands but I don't know what I should be applying the command to in order to make it work.

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General :: Viewing As User Would See Database Forms?

Nov 3, 2013

I want to develop my database and forms to fit a 1600 x 900 resolution screen and would like to know, whilst I am in the Developer mode of Access 2007, is there a key that I can press that will switch to display the database/forms so that I can see what the User will see?

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General :: Adding Record Into Database Via Forms

Aug 9, 2013

I want to send out my database to a client so they can add records into it via the forms i've created, but I don't want them to be able to change the coding etc. But I also want to be able to update my database and send it back out to them but obviously the records they've entered need to remain. Do i convert it to an accde and then back to an accdb, make my changes then convert again to accde?

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Forms :: How To Disable Edits In General Tab But Not In Calls Tab

Apr 9, 2013

I have a form called Contacts that has two tabs. One is called General adn the other Calls.

In the General tab I have a bound field called CustomerIDdet which can be numeric or alphanumeric. I need to disable edits in the General tab but not in the Calls tab if CustomerIDdet is numeric (and it follows certain additional rules)

I have placed this code in the Onload even for the form:


If Len(CustomerIDdet) = 9 Then
If IsNumeric(CustomerIDdet) Then
If Right(CustomerIDdet, 4) = 9090 Then
If Left(CustomerIDdet, 1) = 0 Then
'disable editing in the General tab
End If
End If
End If
End If

I know how to disable edits control by control, but can I disable edits in all controls in that tab at once?

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General :: Button Attaching Documents To Forms

Jul 18, 2012

I'm trying to use this API in my database to be able to attach documents to my forms. [URL] .....

Do I have to put this into its own Module? I'm not familiar with how the code is defining Types and declaring Global variables.

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General :: Creation Of Database To Replace Forms

Apr 1, 2014

I have been given a project from work and although I have built multiple databases before, for some reason this one is stumping me. I need to create a database to capture data which was previously being captured on multiple spreadsheets to simplify the statistics program at my company. Each spreadsheet captured key pieces of information, I've attached an example of each. Each sheet needs to be set up so that an individual can enter their information for their location and that one person (me) can enter the full company information. For example the hours form, from this form I need to capture the employee count and manhours, whereas from the district sheet I need to capture contractor hours, vehicle data (second tab), and performance data on a monthly basis. The final entry needs to be able to enter all of the counts on the counts link form in order to create a table similar to the link form.

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General :: Delete Button - Forms And Tables

Sep 12, 2012

I have a form, with tab control which includes fields from two tables. When I delete a record on a form it deletes fine.When I go into the tables the record is still there in the one side of the relationship but has been deleted in the table of the many side.

I've read that a simple delete button on a form will only delete records in the many side of a relationship from a table.How do I get a delete button that deletes the record from both the one and many tables.

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General :: Specifying Connection String In MS Access Forms

May 9, 2013

I have a question about connection strings. Basically I have an access front end and an access back end. It works fine for now, but when it gets rolled out, I don't want to have to manually relink the tables every time. Is it possible to hard-code the database connection strings for all the tables used in the solution as the paths won't change once deployed?

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General :: Manipulate Forms - Adding Two Columns

Jul 13, 2014

Access file attachment in the form below if you want to add two columns (like other columns with the capability to filter).

Link file attachment : [URL] ....

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General :: Equal Fields Across Tables / Forms

Aug 22, 2013

I have a few fields that are the same across a couple of forms and sub-forms (each form/sub-form being represented by a different table). I would like for data entry into one field to ensure that the data is autofilled into the other. ie if I type 'ENG' into field 1 on form 1, it will autofill the equivalent field in sub-form 2 as 'ENG' so that I do not have to type the same thing twice. These entries are not unique or in any order as it is variable depending on the entry and so they can't be linked as primary keys and foreign keys. So how would I do this? I would like to avoid VBA is possible.

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General :: Forms Don't Open To Specific Records

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table in my database whose forms are refusing to open to specific records. They only open to a blank record--either by using other forms to open to specific records or simply by opening the form straight from sidebar. Even the Navigation bar doesn't allow me to move from one record to another; it only shows "1 of 1".

The "initial" form, which creates new records in the table, works perfectly--in creating a new record. I can create a new record, use the Navigation bar to move to a new record, create it, and move back to the first. But then when I close and re-open the form the above issue once again comes up.All my other tables--and the forms that are associated with them--work perfectly and I can open them to specific records without a hitch.

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General :: Disable Printing Of All Records In Forms

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to disable the printing function in a form ?

We are getting people clicking the print icon when viewing a single form record. This results in the printer printing all records !!

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General :: Restoring Backup In Access (Forms)

Feb 27, 2013

In our forms, we have managed to export a backup of our application (to accdb file) in a specific folder.

We now are trying to make a backup restore function that restores the backup (the accdb file).

However, we have some difficulties with restoring this backup in a form (like browsing for this specific backup file).

How to make this restore function?

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General :: Possible To Store Forms And Reports In Separate FE

Jul 27, 2013

I have an A2007 database used for time and billing. As time goes on I've had to add more forms and especially more reports. I feel the because of all these "additions" the FE is getting a bit bloated, something like 2.2MB right now.What I want to inquire about is the possibility of moving at least some (if not all) of the forms and reports to another FE and can this be done without having to move tables and/or queries?

The navigation pane is "hidden" from the users so they don't see all the tables, queries, forms and reports but some are smart enough to figure out to "unhide" the navigation pane.Concerning the forms; there are certainly some forms that I do not want other users to open out of curiosity, or for whatever other reasons they might have, so these I would want to move. The same basic reasoning would apply to the reports.

My thinking would be this; move a particular form/report to a separate FE that merely acts as a "bucket" to store the form/report. Clicking on the control in the main FE would open the form/report stored in the other FE using the tables and queries in the main FE.can it be done without having to re-write a bunch of code? I know I can add code so certain controls aren't visible to certain users but I've not found a way to permanently lock and hide the navigation pane.

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