General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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General :: Parameter Box Pops Up On Application Quit

Jul 17, 2013

When my database application is closed a parameter box pops up asking for parameter from text16 but only if the Navigation Pane is hidden.

Some information:

The application starts with a login screen that has a hidden text box (text16) that allows me to limit what users can access throughout the database by setting it as the query criteria.

If a form is open that is gathering its data from one of these querys and you try to close the application the parameter box opens which is simply annoying for my users who do not know about access.

The interesting thing about this is that if I unhide the Navigation Pane and close the application with one of these forms open it closes fine with no parameter box pop up.

The goal is to have the Navigation Pane hidden and the parameter box not pop up.

Added information if the navigation pane is hidden I can use a command button with a macro that closes all open forms then quits application and this does not cause the parameter box to pop up.

So another fix for my problem would be to disable the "X" close button at the top right of the application.

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My Code To Quit The Application Has A Bug!

May 19, 2005

Hi I have succsefully used the code suggested on theis excellent forum to boot user from the db to repair it. It is FE/BE set up and the ONTIMER on the login form is used to chuck people off over the network.

My ug is: I like to give people the waring before I chuck them off, but sometimes when they are using another application with the db running in the background they dont get the message, therefore dont click ok so my Code wont carry on and Quit application when I want it to.

The code is trapped in

MsgBox "Please finish what your doin, as the db will shut down", vbinformation

Is there any way I can make my code bypass this if they user hasnt clicked ok?

Many thanks in advance

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Runtime For Access Xp Application

Oct 10, 2005

I am developing an application in access xp (2002) and want to distribute it as a runtime application. I do not have the Office xp Developer version and thus need to buy the MS Office Developer. It is still available and if so, where can I buy it? Or can the Visual Studio Tools for the MS Office System make a runtime version from access 2002?
Any help would be appreciated.

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General :: Access Will Not Save Picture Appropriately - Runtime Error 2450

Apr 27, 2014

I have a access program and recently I began getting this Error out of the blue . I really need to fix this error because it shuts down my entire program . When I go to save a pic like i always do and it will not recognize the "quote Main ".


Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![HousePicture] = Me.PicSave
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![ZoomValue] = Me.ZoomValue
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![GoogleZoom] = Me.GoogleZoom

Error I receive

Runtime access error 2450 ............. ? Capture2.PNG


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Cut/Paste When Application Running Using Access Runtime.

Mar 23, 2006

Hi all..

I have access 2003 and I package my application with Access runtime. Users do not have access installed in their computers.

The problem the users have is, they cannot Copy/Cut/Paste from the textbox controls in the application..The same application when I run using my full version of Access 2003, I can cut/paste...

Is there a way to fix it without having to get full version of access ? or I have to live with it because I use access runtime.


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Modules & VBA :: Application Settings In Access Runtime

Oct 23, 2013

In a startup-form I have following options to avoid annoying system messages in an ACCESS 2010 RUNTIME!! (.accdr)

Application.SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", 0

But they do not work, there are still messages when deleting a record from an endless form by pressing "delete". I don't want to add a button. Docmd. Setwarning false in every form!

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Modules & VBA :: Application Quit Doesn't Work On Network Users

May 26, 2014

My database is used by a few users on a shared drive in "read-only" mode so they can't change any data.I set a scheduled task to copy an updated version of the database (which I edit) every morning.

The problem is that when the users forget to close the database file I can't overwrite it.For this purpose I wrote a small code that quits the application at 00:00 using Application.Quit.The code WORKS when I test it on my computer, but every morning when I try to open the file I see that it is opened by another user since I also open it as "read-only" - meaning the code didn't work...getting the code to work properly OR get a better solution to be able to overwrite the file even though it's opened by other users.

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form Load Event Firing On Application Quit?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm developing in Access 2007 and created a runtime version.

When the user clicks the X to close the runtime application, the main form's Load event fires. Any clues as to why this might be? Some of the code is based on other forms that do close, so of course errors start flying. Note, this is only in the runtime version; the accdb file works just fine.

My current workaround is to put the offending code into the forms On Current event, which I'm able to do in this context.

Is it wrong to think that a forms On_Load event shouldn't be firing when the application is closing?

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General :: Access Update SQL Run Time Error 3075

Aug 16, 2012

What's wrong with my zSQL string? I am working on it for 2 days and got no where. I want to put a IF statement

(=IF('Report - key'!$B$7="ALL","ALL",'2012 data'!B2))

to a ACCESS Text field using SQL Update. Here is my code:

Dim zSQL As String
Dim zmsg As String
Dim DQ As String

DQ = """"

zSQL = "UPDATE Supplier_Meeting_Planning SET [ID3] = ' " & "=IF(" & "'" & "Report - key" & "'" & "!$B$7=" & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & "'" & "2012 data" & "'" & "!B2)"
Debug.Print zSQL

It is very painful to put ' and " in the string.

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General :: Run Time Error 3011 When Exporting Access Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2012

I using excel 2010 and access 2010. I have VBA script runtime error 3011 when running script. It has problem finding access report. First I was passing in as variable with the name. Then I used a script to pull in the report name from access and it is still failing with same error.

Code is shown below.

Private Sub Command29_Click()
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String, FilePath As String, tempStr As String
' reportname = Me.My_DBTableName

[Code] ....

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General :: Runtime Can't Find Activex Error

May 12, 2015

Access 2010 on both Windows XP and Windows 7..I have an application which USED to use a postcode address utility that created an Activex. I have removed all references in vba to the utility but Access runtime gives an error 'cannot create Activex' on my clients PC's (both with Windows XP and Windows 7).On my own PC the error does not show with either full Access or simulated runtime. I have tried decompiling the database and even using the old trick of copying the modules code into Notebook and pasting back, but to no avail.

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It's Time!! Access 2007 Runtime Now Available!

Jun 25, 2007

Access 2007 Download: Access Developer Extensions:

Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime:


Jeff Conrad - Access Junkie - MVP Alumni
SDET - XAS Services - Microsoft Corporation

Co-author - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
Presenter - Microsoft Access 2007 Essentials
Access 2007 Info:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

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General :: Runtime Error - When Filter Returns No Results

Sep 19, 2012

I'm creating an item look-up form with 2 criteria that I wan't to auto-filter as the user types. I'm placing my code in the Change event of the textbox, and only calling the .text for the current textbox (.value or no property at all for the other). The filter works smoothly and as intended until it returns no results in my table, and then it pops me with the error. I've tried forcing focus to the textbox in different places throughout the code, but to no avail. If I use the .value or no property for the current textbox, I'm not getting the CURRENT text, but the old text before it was changed, so the filter doesn't work properly.

Private Sub txtVendor_Change()
Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = _
"((strSearchVendor Like '*" & Me.txtVendor.Text & "*' AND strSearchItem LIKE '*" & Me.txtPartNum & "*'))"
Me.txtVendor.SelStart = Len(Me.txtVendor.Text)
End Sub

It usually pops the error on the last line "Len(Me.txtVendor.Text)", but I've had it do it on the Me.Filter line as well (only when debugging and messing with next statement placement).

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Determining Actual Running Time Of External Application In Access

May 3, 2014

I want to run an external application (a batch file) ... and want to run it by clicking on a command button on a form. That part is all fine, using the Shell command. I can determine the start time of the application (also fine with now() function) .. but want to find out how long the external application ran and log that "run time" into my database.

The part I don't know about is the .. really the ending time. How do I determine how long the application really ran for / ended ? I imagine I can use datepart to determine the difference in the start and end times. Or would I use a timer control. (but I cannot find the timer control in Access 2010).

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Weird Access Runtime Error

Jun 15, 2006

I have been writing databases for several years now, so I know my way around access pretty good. I have come upon a strange error though. which is confusing me to now end. I wrote a Database on my work machine which has the latest version of MS Access and SP2 for Office. I just tried to send it to another employee for them to test. Now they do not have the full version of MS Access installed on their machine, they only have the runtime version which only runs the Database. The load works fine and the first screen uses ADO to lookup some value and display them in a list box, nothing crazy, everything works fine. Now using this form, when they click a button the info in the list box is used to set the Fields a new Unbound form. And this is where the error happens. The on_load event of the form fails for some reason, and gives a msgbox which says, "Runtime error occured and the App needs to close", but the prog works fine on my machine. I am baffled. The file is a MS Access 2000 format, I tried changing it to MS Access 2002/2003 Format, and when I do that they cannot open the file because it says they do not have thje latest MS Access version. I have no idea what, why the error occurs, any ideas??

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General :: Open Recordset With A Query That Uses Reference To Form Control - Runtime Error 3061

Aug 2, 2012

I'm trying to open a recordset in vba and I'm getting the 3061 runtime error,Expected 1.

I'm trying to open a recordset with a query that uses a reference to a form control.

searchtable1 = "qInVisio_RSV"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(searchtable1, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

This is the sql of the query:

The highlighted parted is the form referance ( I know it's obvious, just for easier spotting )

WHERE (((dbo_FOLIO.KIND)=101) AND ((dbo_FOLIO.CHKIDATE)>=[Forms]![frmCleaningPlan]![DTPicker]));

also as you can see it's a datepicker control, so the value is a date...

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FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) Crashing Runtime Application

Jan 31, 2006

I'm attaching the code for a function that's attached to a button that allows the users to export data from a form to the directory and file of their choice.

This code works when we're just running Access, but we need it to function in runtime, and it just crashes with an entirely uninformative "runtime error" message.

I didn't write this code, but looking at it, it seems to be just a copy of what's in the MS knowledge base about the filedialog function.

I also never write my own applications using runtime (the program we're running this is was contracted for our lab), so I have no idea why this would be failing in runtime but not in Access. Can anyone help?

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Runtime Error When Trying To Send Email Using Access 2010

May 29, 2012

We are currently using Access 2007 and I've got a database that sends emails out to multiple users depending on the data that was entered. We are about to upgrade to Access 2010 and I am testing it now. I was originally getting runtime error '287' when I was adding addresses to a Recipient object. I got past that by adding the addresses in a string and concatenating. Now I'm getting the error with .Send.

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Forms :: Application Running In Full Version But Not In Runtime?

Apr 11, 2014

I have a small database application which is split in fe and be. Its running fine and i have been making changes to the front end regularly and replacing the file on server successfully with no problems, But today i edited some forms and reports and afterwards i ran it on a client in access runtime produced the on click event error ( which is on log in form which is a startup form ). Its working fine in full version of access even on the server but couldn't log in because the clicking on login button display the error. See attached image.

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WindowsNT 4.0 Service Pack 6 Error In Access Runtime Install

Aug 28, 2005

WindowsNT 4.0 Service Pack 6 error in access runtime install
I have an access runtime install package that has worked numerous times
installing on XP Home. It was built using Office XP developer's packaging

I tried installing it on a brand new PC running XP Home but it generates the
Visual Basic 6.0 Setup Toolkit
The office system pack cannot be installed on this system because it
requires Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 or later.

I cannot find any info on this - any ideas?

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General :: Deploying Access Application

Jul 22, 2012

i have an access application with a navigation form to browse through different forms & reports.i want to know how can i use it over my lan network as an intranet website ?can i convert it simply to html interface or what ? i know about access runtime but if i want to deploy it into intranet ( i.e. browsing through web browser ) what r the different methods?

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General :: External Access To Application

Apr 8, 2015

I found the way to make my app absolutely (???) secure. But there is one problem I can't find a solution: how to prevent anyone to sneak in my app?Of course it is possible to hide the VBA but I found nothing about the Access objects.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 / Runtime Error 1004 While Export To Excel

Jun 15, 2015

I'm using Access 2010 and I want to export a query to Excel by clicking a button. Every time I click on it Excel opens but doesn't open my worksheet, it's just gray like you just open the program without a table. After exiting it Access tells me I got a run time error 1004: the open-method of the workbook object couldn't be executed. After opening my Excel file it says that Excel found unreadable content and asks if I want to restore the content of the workbook.

Here is my code:

Private Sub Befehl62_Click()
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, SheetName As String, xlApp As Object
Set cdb = CurrentDb
SheetName = Me!txtSheetName.Text


where my problem is?

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General :: Access Runtime BE Location

Apr 11, 2013

In Microsoft article 291264, it says "In a run-time application, the front-end and back-end databases must be stored in the same folder."Is that really true or am I misconstruing the article?I want to use runtime clients with a split back end on a share drive.

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General :: Access Database To Application (EXE File) To CD?

Nov 24, 2012

Okay so I created a database inventory. I know I can turn it into a "application" making it a EXE file. I was wondering after that being done could I burn that into a CD? So it would boot from the CD. Pretty make it work like a program application as in word, excel, etc..

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