General :: Arrays Within A Cell

Nov 11, 2013

What's the best way of storing arrays of data within a cell? Or should I be creating fields to the size of the array.The size of the arrays are unknown at the moment.

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General :: Arrays - Sequential Dates Onto A Calendar

Aug 28, 2012

Are there no arrays in Access? I am looking for a way to put sequential dates onto a calendar. An array would work fine, with an offset for Weekday(FirstDayOfMonth).

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General :: Insert Two Values Into A Cell

Oct 19, 2012

I have a table which holds the status of peoples orders. It holds information on order_id, order_status, order_desc, letter.

A letter is printed for each of the different statuses. However for one status i need two different letters to be printed.

How can i insert two values into the same cell.

So far i have done
insert into order_status (order_id,order_status,
order_desc, letter) values('025', 'Dispatched', 'Black tailored coat ','DPT notification');

This prints the DPT notification fine but i need another letter to print along with this.

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General :: Odd-numbered Appearances Of Text Within Cell

Jan 9, 2014

My friend extracted some text from a PDF file, pasting it into Excel, and needs to find certain pieces of information. Problem is, the text came out as a long string instead of being broken into cells.

So, what we need to do is find, within the text, the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th times the word "Principal" appears, and then report back the name that follows. Within the text, it would read something like

(1234 Principal John Doe)

The number in front of it will change or be in a different format, there are other parentheses in the text (varying number of times within the text), and the name changes, of course. We want to extract the name following the word "Principal"... but only the odd-numbered times they appear. Some cells will have as few as six "Principal" entries, others as many as fourteen.

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General :: Copy A Format From One Cell In A Subform To Another

Aug 18, 2012

The Format Painter seems not to work in Access 2010.The Format Painter button is not in Home / Text Formatting, where you might expect to find it.I create a New Group and add the Format Painter icon. I cannot then use it. It stays greyed out.I add Format Painter to the Quick Access menu. It stays greyed out.If I view a form in Layout mode, I can sometimes get the Format Painter icon to highlight - but I cannot select just a single cell whose format I wish to copy.

Where use of the Format Painter is documented..How to do a very simple thing: copy a format from one cell in a subform to another.

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General :: VBA Insert New Row Below Active Cell Error 1004

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to insert a new line below the active cell ive tried several attempts but i am getting error 1004. Some attempts are commented out.

With wks6
' .Rows.AutoFit
' .Columns.AutoFit

[Code] .....

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General :: Concatenate - Combine Dates Into One Cell To Have One Row Of Order Data

Feb 25, 2013

I have 2 gig of order data which has duplicates due to different invoice dates. How can I combine the dates into one cell so I only had one row of Order data.

i.e. order number, price, order date, invoice date

same order number, same price, same order date, different invoice date.

How do I combine the second line with the first so that I only have the data once.

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General :: Adjust Cell Size According To Length Of Data In Datasheet

Jul 9, 2013

I have subform (Datasheet) is there some code e.g. after update, which can adjust size cell to lenght of data?

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General :: Extract Multiple Values From A Cell To A Separate Table?

Aug 18, 2015

I have imported an Excel table with a column which has several values in one cell separated by "". In my case names of institutions afiliated with a patent. Example of the format of a single cell: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (US) RIVE TECHNOLOGY INC (US)

In order to normalize the Access database I would like to extract the institutions to a separate table (institutions) and that the patent is related to both institutions.

I am using Access 2007.

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Jun 25, 2007

Hi all

I need some help with an array.

I have 10 fields each with 5 possible values. At the moment I've written 50 if then statements.

is there a cleaner way to do this?? I thought perhaps an array of some sort may do the trick.

Any advice is appreciated


soc5 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=5")
soc4 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=4")
soc3 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=3")
soc2 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=2")
soc1 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=1")
soc0 = DLookup("[effort]", "values_effort", "ID=0")

If Me.txtFieldS1 = 5 Then Me.txtS1 = soc5
If Me.txtFieldS1 = 4 Then Me.txtS1 = soc4
If Me.txtFieldS1 = 3 Then Me.txtS1 = soc3
If Me.txtFieldS1 = 2 Then Me.txtS1 = soc2
If Me.txtFieldS1 = 1 Then Me.txtS1 = soc1
If Me.txtFieldS1 = 0 Then Me.txtS1 = soc0


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Control Arrays?

Jun 23, 2005

I am not even totally sure that is what you call it. . but I have most of my experience in VB.NET and this VBA in Access 2002 is killin me. HA. . .

I am trying to dynamically create checkboxes (50 of them) in 10 rows and 5 columns. This is part of a "im bored" project and would like to be able to tackle the dynamic controls area.

I am thinking I want to keep the naming convention as "chkBox01. . .02. . .03" so that I can use the mid() function to determine its "value" and apply the value in the proper place.

I suppose the only thing I need is an example if anyone has one of a checkbox or any control for that matter being made by VBA and not placed on the form manually. 50 check boxes suck when trying to rename them all. sigh

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Dynamic Arrays

Jan 24, 2008


How can I determine the length (size) of a dynamic array so I can iterate over it?


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Arrays And Text Boxes

Jun 1, 2006

Is there anyway to name text boxes in an array format?

i.e. Text(1,23)

Or if not is there anyway to use VB to cycle through the text boxes

i = 1
Loop until i = 25
Text(i) = codehere
i = i + 1
Exit Loop


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Queries :: Use Of Arrays In Forms

Dec 27, 2014

I have a form that allows me to sell animals in a group. While some fields, (i.e. buyersname, sellingunits, datesold) are good for all, some fields (i.e. AnimalID, SellingWgt, Sellingprice, Picture) need to be specific.

Having said this, Using a query for GroupSales, I filled a list box of all the animals that are to be sold. Below the list box two command buttons (1-ALL) and (2-by Group).The only difference being here, is that by clicking cmdALL all animalIDs listed in the list Box will be highlighted. The By-Group means the user has to highlight the IDs they want to sell..

In either event, there will multiple IDs. If I can use arrays here, I could include the other fields for each animal that has been chosen. These would then be updated/appended to other tbls.

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Modules & VBA :: 1 Function For Multiple Buttons / And Using Arrays For Button Colors

Mar 4, 2014

Question 1:

I am attempting to make a macro to pull information based on a clicked button to provide information to another form. While my example below will be rudimentary, I am attempting to create so that it can be applied to 450 buttons, hence the need for it to be a macro and not simply code per button.

For example if I have 3 buttons, captioned: red, green and blue. If I click on the blue button, it will open another form with a text-box that will say 'blue'. Likewise, if I click the red button the text-box will be changed to 'red'.

In the code below the section that I need to change is: Command1.Caption. Using this data I can pull from the one button to create the value, but I need it to be based on an OnClick or something in order to pull the value from the right button.


Function Macro1()
On Error GoTo Macro1_Err
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form2", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
Forms!Form2!Text0.Text = Forms!Form1!Label0.Caption
DoCmd.GoToControl "[Text2]"
Forms!Form2!Text2.Text = Forms!Form1!Command1.Caption


Question 2:
I am trying to use a query to change button colour on the basis of values stored in a table.What I want to do is change the button background after comparing the button name to the same variable in a table, and determining another variable.

Button1, Button2. In table: Button1, Val = Y, and Button 2, Val = Z

Pseudo Code:
Array: From Button1 to Button2
Query for Button1 against table
If Val = Y, Button1.background = red
Else if Val = Z, Button1.background = blue
Else Button1.background = black
End if

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General :: Possible To Have Value In Excel 2010 Cell Used To Update Access 2010 Database

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to have a value in an excel 2010 cell be used to update an access 2010 db?

For example, if in a spreadsheet "test" cell A2=3 then in a db "test" a column "value" is 3. However, if the value in the spreadsheet changes so does the db.

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Add Value To Cell According To Another Cell In Same Record

Nov 21, 2006

i have a table of articles. A field in the table is ArticleSubject

the ArticleID is made up of 3 letters then 3 numbers. i want the 3 letters to be something according to the subject
for example i want the first 3 letters of the ArticleID to be MAT*** (* is a number) if the subject is Maths
or ENG*** if the subject is English

the subject is picked from a listbox in the same record

how would i do this in a table . i am reluctant to use append or update queries.
but will do so if its the only way.

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How To Have New Cell With New Values?

Jan 9, 2007

I have "ID" column and I want to create new column called "ID_new" where the value of each record should be "1000" plus the value of "ID".
For example:
First record, has "ID"=1, than I want "ID_new" to become = 1001
Second record, has "ID"=3, than I want "ID_new" to become = 1003

Any tips/hints?

Thank you in advance & best regards

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Duplicating Cell

Jan 10, 2008

Hi Guys

Not sure what I should do here. I would like to have a cell populate with the value of a specific cell previously.
in excel, we can use formulas like this:

A1: 00:00 B1: 08:30
A2: 08:30 B2: 13:00
A3: 13:00 B3: 15:00
etc, etc
Notice that each cell in A is the same as the previous B Cell. So the formula for Cell A2 would be something like: =IF(B1>0,B1,"00:00")
and Cell B3 would be =IF(B2>0,B2,"00:00")

The fields I have in Access are:

TimeIn TimeOut

So I would need to get TimeIn to be the same as the previous timeout???
Not sure If I'm making any sense right now :)

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Copy Cell Above And Add 1

May 2, 2005

I have a subform in Datasheet view. One field contains numbers. When entering data into the datasheet I wish to copy the number from the cell above and add 1. Can anybody help me with the code to do this?

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Format Cell Color

Oct 19, 2004

This is a very stupid question, I'm sure...
I want to get Access to find a cells that have a certain value and make them a particular colour so that they can easily be seen by database users. I could also make the font a different colour. I've tried getting the builder to do this in the query I run (for the column the fields appear in) but nothing seems to work. How and where do I enter formatting for colour / font colour based on data that is already in the cell... and what do I need to type?

Also would it be faster to get Access to do this before I run a query - so that the formatting is appllied to the whole table or would it be faster to do it during the query process?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Sub Cell Information In A Table

Aug 9, 2005

I am not sure if this has been done in a table before. I have seen it in forms but not in tables.

Here is my problem.
I have created a database for a planespotters club. This database has the tables.

I am trying to display selected information in the ac_logged tbl that is related to other cells. For example: If someone selects boeing in the maker field they will only boeing models in the model field. Also, if someone enters Ireland in the country field only the airports for that country would be listed.

I don’t want to do this in a form but I could settle for a query if I have to.

I was just wondering if this could be done in a table as opposed to any other way.

Hope I have made myself clear on this one. :confused:

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Replacing Cell Value In A Table

Aug 1, 2007

OK, here is my situation. I have an access database which is updated automatically every night with new data. My companies solution to this is each morning, the entire database is downloaded to my computer to be used by another application.

In one of the tables, there is a field that doesn't work for my purposes, so each day I have to manually open the table, and change the contents of that field for every record. For example, lets say I have the following table:

Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
Rec1 Wigets Faucet Model1A
Rec2 Wigets Faucet Model1B
Rec3 Wigets Sink Model1A
Rec4 Wigets Sink Model1B
Rec5 Wigets Toilet Model1A

Each day I manually change Field2 so it reads "Total" and whatever is in Field2:

Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
Rec1 Total Faucets Faucet Model1A
Rec2 Total Faucets Faucet Model1B
Rec3 Total Sinks Sink Model1A
Rec4 Total Sinks Sink Model1B
Rec5 Total Toilets Toilet Model1A

Each morning when I receive the new database download, they all go back to widgets.

Is there a macro or module I can create to automatically look at Field3, and then assign a new value to Field2 based on Field3's value?

Any help would be appreciated!!!!

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Value Of A Specific Cell From A Subform

Nov 4, 2005

Hi experts,

I have a mainform in which there is a subform. Is there any way that I can retreive the value of the selected cell of the subform in the main form?
Currently what I usually do is that using a text box and setting it's control source to that special field in the subform, we have the value. But this is only for a specific field.
To explain my problem more precisely, I have a subform with 7 columns (fields) and 5 or 6 rows (datasheet view). When I click with the mouse on a specific cell ( or navigate within the subform with the arrow keys) I want to have the value of that cell in my main form.
Thanks in advance.

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Excel Cell Value Not Same As Value Written To It

Feb 14, 2008

Has anyone else had this problem?

I have a program that brings in the upper and lower specs to a excel spreadsheet and then brings in the values from lab tests.

The program then uses the specs to determine if the value is in or out of spec and colors the value if it is out of spec.

My problem is that in one cell the upper spec that is brought in is 2.7 and it shows that on the spreadsheet but when you click the cell the true value stored there is something like "2.66990153". Since a test value of 2.7 is greater than that it colors it when it is in fact in spec.

I have stepped through the code and the spec value pulled from the table is coming in correctly at 2.7.

Why would the excel sheet have a different value?

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How To Highlight Cell In Subtable

Oct 1, 2012

Ok, there is one main form and a subform which is linked directly to a table. A VBA routine checks entries and flags certain rows for errors. We want to highlight specific cells that are out of tolerance.

Been playing around with the Me.ActiveControl.BackColor = vbYellow

But if this can be done to a particular cell on a table, and if this can be done using VBA.

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