General :: Auto-populate With Check Box

Nov 20, 2013

I have limited Access experience, but have designed a database that we use here at work. In one of the forms for this database, there is a field where a distribution statement can be added manually, if the statement is received from a customer. However, we would like to add a "check-box" to the form, where is it is checked, the distribution statement automatically populates with a previously used generic distribution statement.

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General :: Auto Populate A Text Box Based On Selection Of Combo Box

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to populate multiple text boxes from combo box using one table. First text box is getting populate on base of combo box value while 2nd text box is not getting populating.

I have used the following to populate the text boxes, even row count is correct, But why is not 2nd text box is not populating ?


One thing I noted when I provide the control source then selection gets stop from combo box...I am giving the valid control source is customerID but its not working.Could it be the reason ? Why selection gets stop from combo box when provide the control source ? If remove the control source then 1st text box is getting filled on basis of combo selection and 2nd text box value is not getting filled as describe above.

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General :: Auto Populate A Table Field From Combo Selection

Jan 17, 2013

I have a Table (tblFPAData) that is being populated with entries from a form I created. There are several fields but if I can get an answer for one relationship then I can repeat it for the others.

In tblFPAData there are the fields MaterialNo and Description.

I am creating another table called tblSchedule and using a form to enter the information. I need the user to select the MaterialNo from a combo (cmbMaterialNo) and the then table auto populates the Description from tblFPAData.

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General :: Auto Fill All Requirement Check Boxes Based On What Is Stored In Client Info Table

Jul 1, 2013

I have a table called Client Info which stores the clients name and their requirements (Gas safe etc). And I have a table "Job List" where i select from a drop down menu the clients and it auto fills all the requirement check boxes based on what is stored in the Client Info table. However I can't get the code to work.

Private Sub Client_Click()
[job_list].[Gas_Safe].Value = [client_info].[Gas_Safe].Value
End Sub

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Populate A Date Field With A Check Box

Sep 26, 2006


I need to have a date field auto populated with the current date, when a check box is selected on the same form/table.

I am OK with access but self taught, so treat me like a rookie.

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

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Auto Populate

Aug 25, 2005

What I’m trying to achieve is a database that I can enter the number of calls a salespersons makes in a day. Please find diagram below.

<< Date >>


I have kind of got one working but when I create a new day I have to type in all the names every time and it get a bit boring. Can anyone point me in the direction of how to auto populate the names of salespersons when I ad a new date ?.

I have attached a quick mock-up of what I have got so far so if I haven’t explained myself very well hopefully you can see what I’m gibbering about.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Mary

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Auto Populate

May 5, 2006

Hi all,I tried looking for an answer to this but I haven't found anything yet. I have a form that features a 'Bill To' and 'Ship To' section with 'City, State, Zip etc..' for each one. I'm triyng to create a button that my users can press to automatically copy the data from 'Bill To' into the corresponding fields in 'Ship To' to save time if the data is the same. I tried creating an update query but it seems to confuse the form code and throws errors.Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

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Auto Populate

May 8, 2006

I know this is a easy task, but I can't just figure it out. I have a table with branch No and Branch Name. In my form I would like the user to select the branch number from the combo box and the Branch name field will be placed in the Branch Name field automatically. How do I go about handling this task.

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Help. Auto Populate

Aug 10, 2006

Hey, hows it going,

Ive been through-out a decent chunk of the internet, trying to figure out how to Auto-Fill or Auto-Populate a select number of Text Boxes on a form.

Example ill sit there type in someones ID number and his Name, Where he works. all of that information have come up yet considering its probably a really simple question, can someone please help me out.

Thank you, and im really sorry for the bother.

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Auto Populate- Help For A Newbie

Dec 10, 2007

Hi, everyone! I hope that someone is willing to help me with a database that I'm trying to set up. I'm a teacher and want to use Access to track behavior notes and parent contacts. I'm trying to make the database work efficiently for me and need some help with auto-populating fields.

Here's an example of what I want:
Field 1= date (I have this setup to fill in automatically)
Field 2= student name
Field 3= behavior code
Field 4= comment

I want to type in a code for a behavior in Field 3, such as "t", and have "talking excessively" automatically pop up into Field 4. This would just make it faster for me to enter all my info, and then I can make a report that only shows the date, name, and comment without the codes showing up. I currently have the behavior codes listed in another table, but I don't know if that's where they belong or what. I've found some web sites that have codes for auto-populating, but I have no idea where to put them or what to change in order to personalize them for my database. Is there anyone willing to walk me through this? TIA!

These are the codes that I have:
bdid not have book in class
cdclass disruption
dadetention assigned
dcdress code violation
dsdetention served
hdhad head down throughout lesson
nwdid not complete classwork
ooffice referral
rreferral for 4 tardies
sdskipped detention
ttalking excessively
wdid not have workbook in class

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Auto Populate Next Form

Nov 11, 2005

Hey all,

Maybe im just having a brain fart, but I cant get this method to work.

There are two forms, the first records Two Names, The Bride and The groom along with their wedding date and where they registered. After all the data is entered on the first form, the first form is closed, and the second one is open.

What I would like to do is pass the info from the first form on to the second one. The second one uses the bride's info and the wedding date.

I tried using the query to fill it in but I havent had any luck. Been a long day.. maybe just not thinking clearly.

Any help would be appreicated, and thank you in advance to any replies!


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Auto Populate A Combo Box

Jan 21, 2006

I accidentally posted this in "general" I am posting it here under "forms", since it is "form" related. My intention was not to double-post...sorry.
Summerwind had posted an example to auto populate a combo box. The code below follows his example, but is not working for me:

The fields I have on my form are:


cboCompany is based on tblCompany( with fields CompanyName, Location)

When I update the cboCompany field, I want the cboLocation combo box to populate with all locations for the company that was entered into the cboCompany combo box on the form. E.g. The company "Visions" may be exist in the tblCompany with 3 different locations: Visions (Las Vegas), Visions (Ohio), Visions(California). When I pick the company "Visions" from the cboCompany combo box, I want the cboLocation combobox to be populated with "Las Vegas", "Ohio", and "California".

The code is as follows but returns empty records in cboLocation:

Dim StrSource As String

StrSource = "SELECT Location FROM tblCompany WHERE tblCompany.CompanyName Like " & Me.cboCompany.Column(1)
With Me.cboLocation
.RowSource = StrSource
End With

Can anyone help with this...thank you.

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Auto Data Populate

Jun 12, 2006

I have a standard Data Entry Form based on a WorkOrder. I am dealing with over 90 offices nation wide with mulitple offices in a state. I have a seperateTable that lists all 90 Offices which I have created a Query to Promt the user to enter the State code for that State.

Is there a way I can Select an Address from the Query and auto populate that information onto my WorkOrder form?

Any help would be greatly Appreciated as I have Exhausted myself trying to figure this out!

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Auto-populate From Another Table

Aug 16, 2011

Okay--I have a table of scholarships, and each one has fields for primary contact, secondary contact, tertiary contact, etc., in which the names of the contacts associated with each scholarship are stored. What I need to do is to have every name pulled from this table and listed--each as its own row--in another table. I'd like it to do this automatically so that if a new name is added to the scholarship table, it will create a new row in the other table.

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Making A Combo Box Auto Populate

Sep 8, 2005

I am creating an inventory database and was wanting to know how to make a combo box or any box auto populate information from tables. I would like to have a combo box so that you can do a search inside of it and find the necessary product, select it, and all the product specs will be displayed. I have created the combo box with this information, but no luck getting it to populate on the form itself. Thanks in advance for your help.

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One Lookup Or Auto Populate Field

Feb 25, 2006

Haven't touched Access in quite some time and now I can do a simple task.

Here's what I have:

2 Tables

Table 1 includes 2 fields COURSE CODE and COURSE NAME

Table 2 will be a list of students and the courses they have taken

What I'm trying to do is as I'm entering a new student in the database I want the course name to automatically fill in when I type in the course name.

I did lookup fields for both the course code and the course name to ensure the correct codes are entered. However since the data in table 2 does not autofill there is the posibilty of having a row with a course name that does not match the course code.

How can I force table to 2 match the course name and code relationship from table 1?:confused:

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Auto Populate A Text Box On Form

Mar 16, 2005

I have a form with a text box named HRName.

When I populate a combo box named BusOrgCode, I want to auto-populate the HRName box with the name that corresponds with the Bus Org Code. I get a run time error "2001." Help!

Here's my code:
Private Sub BusOrgCode_AfterUpdate()

Dim strFilter As String

' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strFilter = "BusOrgCode = " & Me!BusOrgCode

' Look up HR Partner Name and assign it to HRName control.
Me!HRName = DLookup("HRName", "HR by Bus Org Code", strFilter)

Exit Sub

End Sub

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Auto Populate A Form Field

Sep 22, 2005

I have a form with fields "Assigned To" and "Assigned Date". When "Assigned To" receives a value, i.e. Not=Null, I want to auto-populate the "Assigned Date" field with the current date and time. How can I do this? Any help is appreciated.

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Auto Populate User Name In Form

Aug 3, 2004

I am need of something that will help me auto populate the user name on a form. What I am thinking of is setting something that is diplayed when the form is open, asking users to enter their name. I then want this name to be populated in the user name of each record they update.

Can anyone help me? This sounds like a pretty easy thing to do , but sometimes what I think should be easy turns out to not do-able!

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Auto Populate Text Fields

Nov 15, 2004

I am trying to auto populate a text box when i click on the button to add a new record. This is the code for the addnewsequence button.

Private Sub addnewsequence_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_addnewsequence_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_addnewsequence_Click

End Sub

In this form is a text box called degree name that is link from the table degree. It autopopulates with the degree upon the sequence form first opening button clears the text box when i click add new sequence

any help greatly appreciated...
Thank you

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Auto-populate Form Field!

May 2, 2005

Hi, just a quick question that i hopes not too hard.

Basically i want one of the fields on my form to get automiatically filled in. I'd like it to take the first letter from one field and the first letter from another field. What im trying to do is make a primary key field up from other fields they have entered.

So for adding new customer i want it to take the firstletter of the firstname and first let of the surname.

SO for myself Luke Tarrant it would be LT. Then i suppose i'll need to add some unique so there no duplicates as it a primary key field im trying to populate.

So for instance Luke Tarrant would = L + T +001

Then Lucy Tarrant would = L + T + 002

Any help wouild be brill!

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Populate Fields

Aug 17, 2015

In a form, I have a comboBox with 3 columns.I update the field and with this piece of code, I update two more fields based on this comboBox data/columns.

Me.EUR.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(2)
Me.USD.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(3)

I wonder if I can update fields which are not parts of a combo.For example, suppose I have a form with two fields, DATE and USD, Once I update the DATE field, this event, auto populates the USD exchange rate field.

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Auto Populate Table Field

Sep 12, 2012

So I have this query that runs ....

Expr1: Left([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT_TYPE],3) & Left([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT],4) & Format([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT_DATE],"ddmmyyyy")

How can I get the result into the [EVENT_TBL].[EVENTTYPDTE_ID] Field?

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Auto Populate Table With Dates

Aug 4, 2014

I have a table with a few fields, which include a field called StartDate and a field called EndDate. From the table I plan on finding the Min StartDate and the Max EndDate, is it possible, to make a table from these 2 sets of data and have the fields in between be auto populated in increments of a month?

For example. (Dates in dd/mm/yyyy format)
StartDate=1/1/2014 and Max EndDate=1/12/2014

So the table should show:

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Auto Populate Text From Date

May 10, 2013

I'm creating a DB for tracking time. I have a form with a subform. The main form is the employee data, the subform is their time sheet. What I would like to do is when I enter the date on the subform the pay period number will auto populate in a text field. I have created a table with three columns - PK auto number, Date, and Pay Period Number. I created a relationship between that table and the time sheet table using the date. I don't know if that's right or not. I have read about auto populating from a combo box but that's not what I want.

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How To Auto Populate A Form Field

May 9, 2015

Just wondering if this can be done: You enter data in the first text box of a field on a continuous form, and all the remaining records are filled up with the same data.

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