General :: Autocomplete Records From Different Forms

Mar 21, 2014

I have create some forms which have some common fields, I have built relationships between them as well and I want to autocomplete the records in the fields with the relationships. For example I have a form with the client's details and I have install a Macro so that when I have complete the form with the new clients details and click on the Macro to automatically open the form with the clients order where this form has the clients ID and Name which are common with the fields in the Client's form. What I am trying to do is to autocomplete the common fields when I click the Macros to open the Order list.

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Autocomplete In Forms

Aug 4, 2005

Are there any way to insert autocomplete in forms like how the internet explorer works ? In other words, when i type a few letters , the whole string of word will come out.

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About 'autocomplete'

Jan 6, 2007

I hope this isn't too stupid of a question :o but I've been trying to find a way to activate some kind of autocomplete function to help while entering data in a table and couldn't find it. So if for example, in a field in the table, I write data multiple times, access could autocomplete the words already seen, the way it's done when a field has the look-up option...Was wondering if there's a way for that..


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Feb 18, 2005

Is there a feature in Access similar to Excel or Explorer where if you start complete a field with a word/phrase you have used before in the same field, it will suggest it? If not, can it be easily created?

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Autocomplete... Why Does It Do This

Jul 31, 2006

My Account Rep has a form with a subform.

Right now if they type the word "COTTEN" into the system it changes automatically to "COTTON"

Now if I do the same thing on my work station it stays "COTTEN"

Any thoughts or suggestions? thanks


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Jul 5, 2006

Ihave a simpel database that records customers details. I have a form that lets me enter dockets recording deliveries by my customers. To simplify data entry is there anyway that I can enter a customers name in the form field and have it autocomplete if something similar exists (Like excel). A Drop down list would be too long if each customer was a new or how can I add a new name to a drop downlist withoput exiting the form???????

Any help is apprecaited.

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Autocomplete In Code Editor

Aug 22, 2006

I'm not sure what you call it but I call it auto-complete; the functionality that gives you a list of methods/commands when you are typing something like Me.Forms. When you type the Me. after the . it will bring up a list for you to see what you can do from there. That works fine for me but when I do the following: "CoCmd." the list will popup for a brief moment (much less than half of a second) which does not let me view the possible methods. Is this normal? If not does anybody have any idea how I might be able to fix it short of reinstalling MS Office (that is NOT an option).

I wasn't sure if it should go in this section or the VB section. I apologize if it is in the wrong section.

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Autocomplete In Access 2003

Nov 11, 2004

I am teaching a group of students how to make a simple database (its a very short course, just 3 x 2hr sessions). One of them has indicated that she sufferes from dyslexia and that this is making it difficult for her to populate the database correctly.

When she types columns of data in Excel, once she has input each entry correctly once, the autocomplete feature helps her with duplicates of the same entry (e.g. placenames).

I cannot find how to turn on autocomplete in Access 2003. Am I missing the obvious? Is it possible? If so where is the setting hidden?

I realise that the field type could be changed to "LookUp", but this would complicate the setting up of the database and would require all possible entries in that field to be pre-defined.

I need it keeping simple as the course is so short, the student will be on her own with it in just a couple of weeks.

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Modules & VBA :: Autocomplete Unbound Text

Jan 22, 2015

I am looking for a way to autocomplete in a unbound text, but I did not find any answer. So I am using this code that I used before in excel, but it doesn't work in Access.

Code: The purpose is just to copy the last name of member to last name of spouse if the first 2 characters matches.

If abort Then abort = False: Exit Sub
With Form_frm_proto
If Nz(.lblSLastName) = Left(Nz(.lblLastName) & Chr(5) & Chr(5), 2) Then


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Modules & VBA :: Autocomplete Based On Percentage

Feb 20, 2015

I have an access form which 1 person updates daily, but the task after that is split between 2 users. I have got most of the form data automated with a combo box from a supporting table.

But I now want to automate a username & date, but based on a % and set of conditions.

(At the moment I go in at the end of the week and manually put those 2 usernames next to the new work thats been logged)

I'll try and explain:

user 1... gets 60% of the work
user 2... gets 40% of the work

At the end of that day, when the form is completed with say 100 new records, I want to then run a query, macro (or anythying else that would do it automatically), to assign those usernames 'user1' to 60 of those 100 records... and 'user2' to 40 of the records. and also give it todays date.

Is this even possible?

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General :: Forms Don't Open To Specific Records

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table in my database whose forms are refusing to open to specific records. They only open to a blank record--either by using other forms to open to specific records or simply by opening the form straight from sidebar. Even the Navigation bar doesn't allow me to move from one record to another; it only shows "1 of 1".

The "initial" form, which creates new records in the table, works perfectly--in creating a new record. I can create a new record, use the Navigation bar to move to a new record, create it, and move back to the first. But then when I close and re-open the form the above issue once again comes up.All my other tables--and the forms that are associated with them--work perfectly and I can open them to specific records without a hitch.

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General :: Disable Printing Of All Records In Forms

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to disable the printing function in a form ?

We are getting people clicking the print icon when viewing a single form record. This results in the printer printing all records !!

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How To Make Autocomplete Form With Editable Subform Underneath

Apr 18, 2012

I am making a library database which would be used in a school. I need to make a form which allows me to type in the persons id number then the persons profile will come up automatically then underneath there will be the persons book loans in a subform which i dont know how to do ...

So the top bit will have the persons details like personid, surname, first name, tutor group and then below there would b a subform with fields in from two different tables like from the book table there will be author surname, author firstname, bookname then from the loan table there will be the date the book was loaned field

The subform would also have to let me edit it so that i can add new loans or remove loans which i also dont know how to do but i was thinking if i had to add new records of the book would the subform have to autocomplete too? to save time typing all the details of the book

so so far i have made the tables added some test data and made relationships between the tables

a person can have many loans
a book can have one loan

I think there is something to do with queries to make this whole thing work but I am totally lost what i have to do, I've been reading some forum posts which are similar about autocomplete forms which i have done but it wont work when i do it with the problem I have.

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General :: Login To See Own Records But Admin To See All Records

Dec 16, 2013

I have a user login code am using for users to login and only access their records in a subform according to their user ID and access level (user or admin). On the main form I have a user name field, the password field and two other fields: one to hold userID and the other to hold access level.

I also want if the person logged in has "Admin" access level the subform should return records from all users. For now what is happening is that even when I assign myself with "Admin" access level, the subform is not returning all records from other users, but my own records only. The original demo where I found the code worked well but I cannot find it and I am totally lost on this.

Here is the code I have so far:

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
Me.Hold_User_ID = Nz(DLookup("User_ID", "T_Users", "Username='" & Me.UserName & "' and pword='" & Me.PWD & "'"), -1)
' check to see if we have a good login
If Me.Hold_User_ID = -1 Then
MsgBox "Invalid username or password."


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"Autocomplete" Three Fields From One

Jul 21, 2006

I would like to input a alphanumeric code ("Field 4") consisting of fourteen characters, where the first six characters represent "Field 1", the second 5 characters represent "Field 2", and the remaining three characters represent "Field 3".

Is there a way to input only "Field 4" into a form and program Access to "deduce" and save the values for "Field 1", "Field 2", and "Field 3" without re-entering the data? Also, would the inverse be possible (chain together "Field 1", "Field 2", and "Field 3" to create and save "Field 4")?

Thanks for your assistance!

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Forms :: Getting Records On Start And End Date / Error - No Records Found

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to get the records on start and end date, still showing error no records found.

My code is like this:

Private Sub Command90_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strReport As String
Const strcJetDate = "#dd/MM/yyyy#"


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Forms :: Limited Number Of Records In Continuous Form / But Now Can't Add Records

Mar 22, 2013

One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
End If
End Sub

to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":

Data Entry
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters

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Forms :: How To Protect Old Records In A Form But Can Edit New Records

Dec 12, 2014

I have a form which needs update ever month. When the form is opened, the end user can see the old records and data, and also a new record is added for any new data. I want to protect the old saved data and the user can only add, edit, or delete the new data in the newly added record. The problem is once a user adds the new data and moves to another record or another form, then he/she cannot edit or change the new data in case if there is any mistake or need to change something after couple of minutes.

I changed the Form Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" many different times and situations to solve this problem but with no success. I tried the following with NO success too: One of the Fields of the Record is (Month). In the Data Properties, I set a Default Value for this field as(December 2014) for instance. I set the Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" to (Yes). Then I put the following code in the Form's Current Event:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.month.Value = "December 2014" Then
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True

[Code] ....

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General :: Filter All Records That Contain Same ID Value

Jun 23, 2014

In access, I have the following: 2 sub forms located in an overall form. I would like when I select a record in the first subform, that the second subform would automatically filter for all records that contain the same ID Value.

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General :: Update While Going Through Records

Jan 22, 2013

I am working on a DB for work. Currently the form has 3 options, each one selected hides/shows different fields pertaining to that option. Works great when you are putting data into the tables using the form. Problem is when you start that the beginning and click 'next'. When clicking next you do not see the fields show or hide. How do I make this happen?

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General :: How To Get Unique Records

Oct 24, 2012

I am trying to build a query using two tables. One is a table called sanctuary lakes cleaning data. The other one is called Faulire data. In cleaining table there are four years of cleaning records for each pit. I want to find the performance of these cleaned pits using failure table. Each failure date should have only one correspoding cleaning date. I wrote the following query. This query works. But it gives duplicate data. Some of the records will show two cleaning dates for a failure.

My query is like this.

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], Min([Failure data table].Failure_date) AS MinOfFailure_date, [Failure data table].[Failure SR no]
FROM [Failure data table] LEFT JOIN [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data] ON [Failure data table].Pit = [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT
GROUP BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], [Failure data table].[Failure SR no]
HAVING (((Min([Failure data table].Failure_date))>Min([Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data]![Cleaning Date])))
ORDER BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT;

My results are as follows:
PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no
1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589

I want the following results.

PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no
1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984
1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589

How can I modify my query?

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General :: Subform Does Not Accept More New Records

May 14, 2013

I have a db for my clinic with 3 tables, one is Patient (P_ID, P_Name, P_Age, P_Sex...etc. The second is Referral (R_ID, R_Date, R_Clinic, R_Diagnosis...etc. The third is Therapist (T_ID, T_Name, T_Division, TherapyDate, T_Plan...etc.

The main form contains all patient info and below I have a subform showing info from both other tables (Referral and Therapist).

Each patient could have more than one referral, so I made the relation between Patient table and Referral table, one to many.

Other relations are as follow:

Patient to Therapist (one to many) because one patient could be treated by different therapist each time he is referred.

Therapist to Referral (one to many) because one therapist could handle many referrals.

Now for the first patient, I entered the first patient info in the main form and then the referral and therapist info in the subform, then the same patient was referred to me for the second time, when I attempted to enter the second record (referral) in the subform I am not able to. Why I do not Know, I am sure I did something wrong.

By the way most of the fields in the subform are comboboxes except for dates.

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General :: Group Records By Month

Aug 3, 2012

I would just like to know if it is possible to group Months together: this is what i have did so far :

SELECT Count(Source.ID) AS CountOfID, Clusters.Cluster_Desc, Department.Dept_Desc, DatePart('m',Source.Day_Month_Year) AS [Month], Source.Original_Source, Source.Headline, Source.Issue, Source.Analysis, Source.Action
FROM Source INNER JOIN (Department INNER JOIN (Clusters INNER JOIN Cluster_Dept ON Clusters.Cluster_ID = Cluster_Dept.Cluster_ID) ON Department.Dept_ID = Cluster_Dept.Dept_ID) ON Source.ID = Cluster_Dept.ID
GROUP BY Clusters.Cluster_Desc, Department.Dept_Desc, Source.Original_Source, Source.Headline, Source.Issue, Source.Analysis, Source.Action, Source.Day_Month_Year;

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General :: Update Records From A New Window?

Mar 1, 2013

I am trying to UPDATE records from the Master form by clicking a button to a new window -

frmCustomerMaster (main form) - a button will trigger to UpdateCustomerMaster new window and pass all the data to the new window.

UpdateCustomerMaster (New window Form) On Submit Update values.

frmCustomerMaster (main form) - is currently locked by properties, I do not want main form to be editable.

how to pass the data to new window and how to update the records?

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General :: Assigning Records From One Table To Another?

Dec 2, 2013

Database has a form to add a new item. This info is stored in the Item TBL. There is also a table that lists available UPC codes called UPC TBL. When a user enters a new item a dialog box will give them the choice to add a UPC code for that item. Clicking no - nothing changes and user return to the original form (no brainer) But if they click yes what I need to happen is:

1. The next available UPC code in the UPC TBL is entered into the Item TBL field for UPC.

2. The UPC TBL is updated to remove the assigned UPC, leaving it ready for the next assignment.

3. - and for another day - I need to create a message when the UPC table is empty because all UPC's have been assigned.

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General :: Reset Database To Have No Records?

May 18, 2014

Is there any way to reset a database to have no records (start again) ?

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