General :: Booking Form - Preventing Double Records

Dec 2, 2012

I am new to Access and have made a database for a shuttle company that keeps track of their bookings. I need to prevent from the same booking being entered twice. I have a "Booking Form" that was made from a table "Master List". I was wondering if there was a way to compare three of the fields and if they match then a error would pop up.

I think if the "client's name", "booking date", and "pick up time" matched then a "booking already exists"... and also there are four different people can enter data and they have a log in form how can I get their "username" to be put into a field on the "Master List" automatically...

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Forms :: Preventing Double Booking Of Room In Form Based On Multiple Criteria

Aug 13, 2015

I have Table for rooms called Rooms, and the data in the table is roomNumber which is in the format Letter and two Digit number, so A01 would be dorm building A and room building 1, and I then have a seperate row named roomType that is either VIP or Semi Private.

Now I am creating a form where a worker will put in there scheduledCheckin date and scheduledCheckout date and it will be written to the Bookings table. I would like this form however to take the dates they have put in, as well as room type (Semi-Private or VIP, and assign them an available room that isn't booked at all in that range) or list all available rooms for that range of time and they could then just select the room. I would rather it automatically assigns an available room based on room type though because this check in system is going to have about 500 rooms.

I've attached a link for what I have so far. I know how to make a query to list anyone who has booked rooms over that date, but need one for just preventing booking the same room.

[URL] .....

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General :: How To Prevent Double Booking

Jan 23, 2013

On Microsoft Access 2010, I am creating a database project for a DJ booking system (not for professional use) and wondered how you can stop double booking from occurring that would provide you with an error message that I could personalize.

My current booking file looks like this:

Booking ID - Primary Key
Customer ID (Linked to customer table)
Venue ID (Linked to venue table)
Date Booked
Set Up Time
Start Time
Finish Time
Party Type
Discount Code

At the moment I have the date booked as Indexed (No Duplicates) however this gives me a long error message that I can not personalise.

Access 2010...

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Preventing Duplicate Records Being Entered (Double Bookings)

Oct 24, 2006

I have a form which allows the user to book rooms.

On this form, there are the following fields:

BookingID: (Autonumber)
RoomID: Text box
Time:Text Box
Date: Text Box
Class: Text Box
Teacher: Text Box

The form adds this information to the Booking table.

What I'm looking to do is prevent the user from double booking a room,like being able to check if the Room is already booked at that time and date, before the new information is added to the table and the room becomes double booked.

Basically this would be checking the RoomID, Time and Date fields, as everything else is irrelevant. What would be the best way to do this?

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Help With Double Booking

Mar 7, 2008

Please could someone give me help on this topic, I need to slove it for coursework in Access but im having the following problem.

Im creating a database for a hotel which rents out its room obviously. The problem i have is if a guest books a room for say march 3rd until march 6th, theres currently no way in which to stop another guest booking the room for any of these dates.

I think i know how to stop double booking for the start day, but not the days inbetween if you understand.
The database has 3 tables:
Guest Info
Room info

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S the method i hope to use, is the hotel will enter the start date of a guests stay and then enter the number of nights the guest is staying for e.g. 3rd-6th of march would be input as: Begin date: 03/03/08 for:'3' nights.

Thanks for any help

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Double Booking HELP

Oct 17, 2004

I am wanting to prevent a double booking. I have a form called:

frm_Booking which records an ArrivalDate and DepartureDate

and another form

frm_Building_Booking which records a BuildingID number

I want to ensure that a customer cannot book a BuildingID for an ArrivalDate and DepartureDate it it has already been booked by another cusotmer or book any on the days between.

However a customer should be able to book a BuildingID on the DepartureDate.

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Pls Help, Double Booking Problem.

Jan 14, 2008

could someone please help me, i am having a problem trying to get rid of double bookings in the attached database.

This database is for an assignment for my students, and unfortunately i had got the point now that i have got incredbily stupid and cannot see a solution.

I want to make sure that a client cannot double book an instructor and a car on a specific time or date...

Obviously i would also want to make sure that if one client has booked a specific car or instructor no other client would be able to book it, in the same time and date slot.. All lessons are 1 hour long

for some reason i have to make sure that a client can book a specific car...
This unit is being taught alongside another unit by another teacher, who does not see the complexities of the problem, and insists that this complexity is in the database, however they do not know the solution either.

I have tried creating different types of primary key combinations, but that does not work..

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Double Booking Property Problem

Mar 8, 2007


I have created a database to take bookings for holiday properties but can't figure out how to stop the properties from being booked over the same period. I have a table called booking order with the fields Booking no, property no, start date and end date. On the equivilant form for a property i need to be able to stop start and end dates being entered that are between existing start and end dates already booked for that property.

Thanks for your help

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Prevent Double Booking Using One Date And Start Time With End Time

Apr 10, 2015

so i created a system to have events booked, and i am trying to check time availability of the event room available, but i dont know what wrong. it either my query or vba code. i have attached the attachment,

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General :: Preventing Changes And Additions Except Through Appropriate Form / Table?

Nov 9, 2012

While I was trying to test one of my forms (which was NOT working and I had to totally redesign it), I somehow created a bunch of stores in my Store Information table...some with no names, some with the first letter of an existing store, and there was even a duplicate of the store which is creating a problem now because some products exist in Store 1A and others exist in Store 1B.

I've created a query to identify the wayward products and am changing those. I'll delete that store then.

My issue is...can I set it so that the ONLY place a new store can be created is in the Store Information Input form? That if someone makes a typo when entering products, it doesn't create a new store?

Access 2010

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General :: Get A Record In Main Form With Double Click In Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have a mainform named EMA and a subform named Q_EMO. In the mainform there is one event related to a patient.In the subform Q_EMO there are all the events releted to the patient.I would like to get a record in the mainform EMA when I double click in the record of the subform.

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Forms :: Send Records To New Form By Double-click In Listbox

May 4, 2014

I'm in desperate need of a (simple I guess) code to allow me to send records from my listbox to a new form. Scenario goes as follows:

I use cascading combo boxes to narrow my available choices and finally end up with a listbox presenting the records filtered through cascading process. Now, I want to double-click on a record and load a new form with all this record's fields.

This is the code used to populate the listbox:

Private Sub FilterTypeList()
Dim strRS As String
' Filter the list box appropriately based on the combo box selection(s)
strRS = "SELECT qryTaxonomy.Type, qryTaxonomy.Article FROM qryTaxonomy"

[Code] ....

What is the code to open a form with the double-clicked record's fields, as described above?

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Preventing Duplicate Records

Aug 11, 2011

I have two different fields in a table. Month/Year and Location.When a user is entering data in a form, I want a message to be displayed if the location AND month/year are the same to tell the user that they are entering a duplicate record. I can't put unique keys on either of these fields because there is going to have to be duplicates in each field.

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Preventing Multiple Records Or Using ComboBox

Feb 22, 2005

Hello everyone.
It has been many years since I played with this stuff and I probably wouldn't be now, if not for an emergency.
I know there is probably an example here that all ready explains what I need, but honestly, I am not real familiar with the terms and wouldn't know where to begin looking for it.

I am old and don't intend to make a career out of this, I just need to fix a database. We had a bookkeeper at our small business who, for years, maintained our mailing list. It was her own design, though she knew nothing about it and learned as she went along. We never interfered because she did her job flawlessly in her own little, confussing round-a-bout way.
She is gone now and we have to make heads or tails of this. We decided the quickest and easiest way was to blow the old db away, use as much of the basic fields that we could sacrifice and start over. It's just a simple mailing list, but it contains over 9000 records.

Her method of entering records was from the table view. Yep, starting a new line at the bottom of the table and then entering the 94 fields of information that applied to the new record.
I have created a form today that does this now and simplifies this process.
Her method of preventing multiple records, was to scroll down the table and see if she had already entered the record previously. This is my question.

My first approach to resolving this issue in my new form, was to create a ComboBox on the form to do a lookup using Last and FirstName. Due to the fact that this ComboBox will need additional fine tuning that I don't understand, when I use it, it does auto-complete the last name "Anderson" as I type it and it highlights the first "Anderson" record in the db, but It doesn't do any sorts in this same ComboBox to bring the rest of the "Anderson" records to the top so I can then check for a matching FirstName. I'm sure this requires changes in the property of the ComboBox that I don't understand.
Or, maybe I shouldn't even be using the ComboBox.

Actually, I would bet there is a way that I can alter my table so that it would not allow me to put in a duplicate record and therefore, eliminating the need to even look anything up.

Any ideas or direction with this would be greatly appreciated. Since I am only the person creating this and not the person(s) that will actually be using it, I should find a method for this that will be simple for anyone adding records.
Hopefully, in a day or so, I can be done with this and get back to my real job here as a mechanic, not a programmer. :eek:

Thanks again in advance.

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General :: Preventing Duplicates - Can't Find A Table

Aug 15, 2013

Access 2007 - I am using the oft used, frequently posted and shard code from srfreemen - modified as below. now I know I sort of broke commandment # 8 - Thou shalt not copy and paste other people's code without at least attempting to understand what it does. but I honestly did try to understand what it does.

I keep getting runtime error 3078 - cannot find the input table or query 'tblEnrolment_Committee_Master'. It is the name of a table in my database but I am missing the very basic element of how to get my form (which draws all of it's fields from that table) to look it up or identify it.

Likely because of a silly basic error. Normally - I wouldn't attempt such things but my work needs me to ensure no duplicates exist in this case AND it's already a primary key - but I don't want to wait until the whole form is filled out for it to identify the duplicate!

How to get the tblEnrolment_Committee_Master to be included in the search and erase this error ...

Private Sub Entitlement_File_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim SID As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim rsc As DAO.Recordset
Set rsc = Me.RecordsetClone

[Code] .....

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General :: Preventing Users Accessing Database

Dec 19, 2012

If I need to take the backend of my database offline for changes, what's the best/easiest way to inform the users? Is there some code I can drop into the front end? I'm thinking a "on database open, if [available] in tblClose equals no, then open frmDatabaseOffLine". But I don't know a) if that's possible or b) how to program it.

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Modules & VBA :: Preventing Probable Duplicate Records

Jun 21, 2013

I have a table called tblCompanies in which I have a field called CompanyName that is indexed set to "no duplicates". However, I want access to be able to pick out probable duplicates instead of only exact duplicates.

So, for example, if "Butter Fingers" is entered and "Butterfingers" is already in the database, I want access to prevent the new record from being created.

The code I found on MS Developer's reference only prevents exact duplicates which seems pointless since this can be done just as effectively on the table level using an index.

Anyway, here is the code:

Private Sub CompanyName_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("[CompanyName]", _
"tblCompanies", "[CompanyName] ='" _
& Me!CompanyName & "'"))) Then
MsgBox "Company has already been entered in the database."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

Can it somehow be modified to do what I want it to do?

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Booking Form Help

Apr 16, 2005

I have a database which uses a form to book appointments, new or existing customers are booked in this way, or not as this case may be.
I have designed the form with my three options to book someone in, that are a Date, a Time and the treatment.

My date is taken from tables containing the appropriate dates for any Monday, (No Tues) another table for Weds etc until Sat for the next 4 years
My Time is taken from one table containing appropriate times in the day.
My Treatment is taken from a table containing a list of treatments.

How can I book an appointment without duplicating dates and times?
How can I produce a list of these bookings either daily, or weekly to forward these details via Microsoft Outlook?
I hope I am not asking for too much as I have been trying to do this on my own now for a while and have searched the board.
I have got this far so I don't want give up now.
Many Thanks
Bern :confused:

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Preventing Duplicate Records Involving Null Values

Jul 22, 2005

I have a table with a multi-field unique index:

The problem is, date and/or examiner can be blank until that information is updated. I want those null values to be understood as actual values so that multiple instances of that "waiting to be updated" record do not occur. Is it possible for Access to understand my indexes in the following way?


and therefore not allow another record like the second one to be added? The ignore nulls property of my index doesn't seem to affect this issue?


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Computer Booking Form

Sep 30, 2006


For work i need to create a computer booking form so that people can book out computer rooms 2 weeks in advance and the perminant bookings are always in there etc etc... most of it i have sorted but what i want is for a query that can run and go to todays date and then only bring up the results for the next 2 weeks.

Is there anyone that could help me out with doing this because im at bit of a loss and its doing my head in :confused:

Any other comments or suggestions are welcome too if there is a better way of doing this.

Thanks, ieuuk

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Booking Form - Add Up Text Boxes From Last 7 Days

Mar 6, 2013

I have a booking form and i would like to create a report on how much all the bookings have made over the last 7 days. I have a DateBooked field which is the day is has been booked, i assume you might use this. All the calculations is done in a text box on the form for each record.

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Double Click To Extract All Records

Dec 10, 2006

I have a query with following sql
SELECT tblTrip.PaySlipReference, Sum(tblTrip.NDays) AS TotNDays, Sum(tblTrip.FlyingTime) AS TotFlyingTime, Sum(tblTrip.DutyTime) AS TotDutyTime, Sum(tblTrip.TAFB) AS TotTAFB, Sum(tblTrip!DutyPayRate*tblTrip!TAFB) AS TotDutyPay
FROM tblTrip
GROUP BY tblTrip.PaySlipReference;

I cannot find a solution for 2 questions:
1 - I need to count the number of records it has grouped as PayslipReference
2 - I need to double click on the field PaySlipReference and obtain list of all the records related to the PaySlipReference wich I have doubleclicked



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Reports :: Booking Sequence - Report Not Generating From Correct Form?

Oct 7, 2013

I have a booking sequence. Sales representatives take an order on a booking form and then then click a button to draw up the related report. The form is showing all Booking forms, not the specific one just taken.Do I need an OpenArgs statement? I've tried that but can't seem to get it to work.

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General :: How To Remove A Item (double Var) Of Listbox

Mar 21, 2013

I have to do a app in access2003. My problem is when i try remove a item of a listbox not do it right. Example.

values of the listbox:


If i remove 1 or 3 not problem but if i try remove value 2,5 my list box show:



my sentences if like this:


To introduce values i do a query and put them with listbox.addItem(value)

Perhaps any property of the listbox or something i am making wrong.

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General :: Field Default Value In Double Quotes

Jul 22, 2012

On an existing DB i have set a default value for a field. The customer has now asked that they be able to change this default. I thought, hey, no big problem. They have SuperUsers, so i included a little pop up form that lists all the current valid values for that field (from a look up table). If the default value needs to change a superuser can access this and select the new default. That works fine. The trouble comes when setting the default value on a form.

I figured a simple bit of VBA in the OnOpen event - Me.cmbTypes.Value = Me.cmbTypes.DefaultValue - should work. However the value it returns from the default is ""xxxx"" and as such it is read as "". I can work around it by removing the extra " " but WHY does it do this? Would it be better to set this up as a custom property of the DB?

Using Access 2003

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General :: Run Access File Automatically After Double Click

Aug 13, 2013

How can I run an Access 2003 file automatically, after double click the Access 2003 Icon?

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