General :: Can't Exit Access Now Error

Mar 8, 2013

Access 2010. I've created a database on my thumbdrive and I'm now wishing to place it on our network for multi-users. In copying/pasting the database the the network drive I'm getting the following error message when either trying to Compact and Repair and/or just simply close the darn thing.

Error message:You can't exit the Microsoft Access now.If you're running a Visual Basic module that is using OLE or DDE, you may need to interrupt the moduel.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Error 2450 When Click Access Close Button To Exit

Dec 17, 2014

Getting error '2450' when click Access close button to exit.

Run-time error '2450': ECN cannot find the referenced form 'frmLogin'.

Note: After login my login form is visible to, cause to get login user id into "frmECN" Form. But When I'm in "frmECN" Form and enter data then close to exit Access main close button I'm getting 2450 error.

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General :: MS Access Exit Button - On Click?

Apr 1, 2014

I'd like to create 'Exit Microsoft Access' Button.

In Command Button Wizard which action I should use to get it right? and finally in the properties should go to 'on click'?

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General :: Run A Function On Exit

Jun 13, 2013

I want to run a function when my application closes. But it must run in all cases, so running it on the last form, or in a hidden form, is not good enough. Even if I'm in design mode with no forms loaded, I want it to run.

For background info - my app is locked down tight against clients poking around. I have got a way for me as developer to get into the "back door", and what I'm trying to do is make sure when I'm finished doing my stuff that the app is locked again without me having to remember to do it.

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Help: Exit Access

Feb 16, 2007

Hi all,

How would i close access via vba after a function runs?
I know how to close a form, but id like to close the entire thing.

Thanks in advance

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General Error With Migration 97 To Access 2003

Sep 29, 2005

In the company whe are migrating from NT4 with Access 97 to a XP And office 2003 enviroment.

This couses some serrius Isues.

one of them richt no is a Multi usser DB. 2 systems of XP and only one of them is able to run the DB. both instalations are the same. ... the DB is tested on more XP systems. but so als it seems only one person is able to run the DB at a time..

But a few can't run the DB at al.

the Software on all systems is the Same Image so there is no diference between OS and Office.

Who already migrated from 97 to 2003 and had isues with migrating..
like these.

.. on the department whe have 15 + diferent DB's in 97. and the Main developers of these DB's ore the IT department is not going to fix this.

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General :: How To Get Rid Of Error When Network Access Interrupted

Jun 10, 2012

Some of my users have laptops and usually at work finish, they remove their laptops. The issue occurs when they restart their laptops again without network access and then they have some dialog boxes showing below messages:

"Your network access was interrupted and you should close MS access and restart."

When OK is pressed, some other messages like " Object invalid or not set" appears and by pressing many time OK, it does not reset. Last option is to use "Ctrl+Alt+Del".

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General :: Error When Splitting Access Database

Feb 15, 2013

I have created a db for a nonprofit counseling org. I had created the first half, mostly administrative tasks, called Phase1, and put the BE on a network drive and the FE on multiple users. Now in developing the clinical portion, Phase2, I linked to four of the tables in Phase1 BE file.

Now I tried to split Phase2 the same way as Phase1 and got an error "Subscript out of Range". I think because of already having some external links in it. I checked for the file and Access actually created the BE file for the new phase2, all of the tables are in it minus the four I was linking to. But, access didn't create a FE file. The original still has all of the objects, tables and forms etc. My question is; can I link to the tables in the new BE file even though those tables still exist in the original file?

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General :: Upsizing Access Database To SQL Server Error

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to upsize the access database to sql server ,i have an odbc connection and when I try to move the tables,all the data is moving except one table "tblproductinfo" . I have attached the table data and error.

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General :: Enter Parameter Value Error On Access 2010

Jul 20, 2012

I continue to get this "Enter Parameter Value" on my access and I can't figure out how to fix it. I have access 2010..

"Field1. Filename"

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General :: MS Access White Screen - Error 1002

Aug 13, 2014

Our client has about 10 end users on Terminal Serve, and they occasionally get white screen error. The event log show following error message

"The program MSAccess.exe version 14.0.7104.5000 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel. Process ID: 51cc Start Time: 01cfb681b4d13efe Termination Time: 0" Event ID 1002.

Server has MS Access 2010 (SP2) runtime installed. The error happens randomly, and happen on a particular form. When user has updated form details, click EXIT button, the white screen occur.

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General :: Access Update SQL Run Time Error 3075

Aug 16, 2012

What's wrong with my zSQL string? I am working on it for 2 days and got no where. I want to put a IF statement

(=IF('Report - key'!$B$7="ALL","ALL",'2012 data'!B2))

to a ACCESS Text field using SQL Update. Here is my code:

Dim zSQL As String
Dim zmsg As String
Dim DQ As String

DQ = """"

zSQL = "UPDATE Supplier_Meeting_Planning SET [ID3] = ' " & "=IF(" & "'" & "Report - key" & "'" & "!$B$7=" & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & "'" & "2012 data" & "'" & "!B2)"
Debug.Print zSQL

It is very painful to put ' and " in the string.

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General :: Error Using Access 2010 Contacts Database Template

Jun 13, 2014

I used the Contacts Database Template to import a comma delimited txt file of contacts data. The template included a number of tables, queries, forms & reports which I did not require. I deleted them leaving only a Table entitled 'Addressbk'. I added an Entry Form using the standard access tools and this works fine with the table. However, on running the access database I get the following error message; 'The form named "Main" is mis-spelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist. My only form is labelled 'Entry Form', so it would appear that one of the forms I deleted must have been named 'Main'. If one ignores the error message the database & entry form function perfectly.

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General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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General :: Access 2013 / Error - Not Enough Memory To Update The Display

Dec 16, 2014

I am regularly getting the error "There is not enough free memory to update your display, close unneeded programs and try again"

Access 2013 on a windows 7 machine with 4 processors and 24GB total RAM.

Today I have 14 GB free memory (unbelievable! my first laptop had 136 MB total memory!) when I got this error (Access using 38MB) which makes me believe its not a system memory issue but to do with how much (or quickly) memory is allocated to Access.

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General :: Error 3343 - Unrecognized Database Format (Access 2007)

Aug 19, 2015

I have a standard shared Access DB application (i.e. central BE on the network, multiple users running their own copy of the FE on their local machine) Has been in production for a while, no major issues.

New user has been added in recent weeks. My error logger has picked up an error he hit earlier today - doesn't appear to have been fatal (he hasn't come to me with a problem, suggesting he just "OK"d the error prompt and continued on - I need to confirm this with him though...)

Error was 3343 "Unrecognized database format 'C:TempMyDBMyDB.accde'."

Can see it was tripped on a particular form which queries certain data into a subform (so he was obviously able to open the FE and connect to the BE fine; it was several steps down the road where the error has occurred).

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General :: Run Time Error 3011 When Exporting Access Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2012

I using excel 2010 and access 2010. I have VBA script runtime error 3011 when running script. It has problem finding access report. First I was passing in as variable with the name. Then I used a script to pull in the report name from access and it is still failing with same error.

Code is shown below.

Private Sub Command29_Click()
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String, FilePath As String, tempStr As String
' reportname = Me.My_DBTableName

[Code] ....

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General :: Date Import From Excel To Access - Type Mismatch Error

Sep 17, 2014

So I have a macro in excel which imports data from the excel sheet to a table in access db. Now the excel file has 4 columns which have dates.

- I imported the excel file from access via access so that I can get the heading of the table and the table is created. Then I deleted all the data in the table.
- When the table was imported 2 of the date columns got set as Short/text data type. Dont know why.
- Now, if I leave the data type as it is in Access table, my macro button in EXCEL works fine and imports the data to Access. If I change the data type, in access design, of the two data columns to date type, I get the type mismatch error when I run the import macro button in EXCEL.

I am going nuts over this error. I even created a blank table in access and defined data types to all columns which would be imported from excel. but still excel macro button shows the same error.

I checked the format of all the four date columns is date.

I did a lot of hit and try and could it be the case that if access table fields are defined properly, but any of the data columns cells in excel sheet is null/empty, it will show the type mismatch error.

ALTERNATIVELY, is it possible and is there a way, that once the data is imported to access, I can convert the value in the column from short text to date type.

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General :: Access Will Not Save Picture Appropriately - Runtime Error 2450

Apr 27, 2014

I have a access program and recently I began getting this Error out of the blue . I really need to fix this error because it shuts down my entire program . When I go to save a pic like i always do and it will not recognize the "quote Main ".


Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![HousePicture] = Me.PicSave
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![ZoomValue] = Me.ZoomValue
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![GoogleZoom] = Me.GoogleZoom

Error I receive

Runtime access error 2450 ............. ? Capture2.PNG


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General :: Disk Or Network Error With Error Code 3043

Jul 13, 2012

How I can get rid of Disk or network error with error code 3043? What this error indicates.

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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Exit Help

Jun 6, 2005

Does anyone know the code to exit from THE whole ACCESS program.

That is when I click the close button on the switchoboard, I want the system to close the whole of access program.

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Using X To Exit

Nov 14, 2006

If my user uses the MS Access 'X' button (upper right hand of screen) to Exit the application does anyone know what methods are triggered that may let me perform some task before the application actually ends?

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My Switchboard Won't Exit!

Jun 27, 2005

I've created a new database using the standard Switchboard function. However, when I use the Exit Application command the database closes but MS Access stays open. It's a minor problem but infuriating, especially as I've never encountered this problem before and everything I try won't fix it. Any ideas?

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Hangs & Exit

Aug 21, 2005

I'm having an application which is developed in access. It's running quite well, some times when I made changes to forms or reports it hangs for a while and exits without saving, it happens sometimes not always... what could be the problem? how can I rectify this..

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Backup On Exit

Oct 13, 2005


I have a database which on exit runs calls the following module and backs up the database to anther folder

Public Function BackupCopy()

'This function will allow you to copy a db that is open,

'You must set a reference to the 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime' for the CopyFile piece to work!

Dim fso As FileSystemObject

Dim sSourcePath As String
Dim sSourceFile As String
Dim sBackupPath As String
Dim sBackupFile As String

sSourcePath = "C:Database"
sSourceFile = "MyDB.mdb"
sBackupPath = "C:DatabaseBackups"
sBackupFile = "BackupDB_" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "_" & Format(Time, "hhmmss") & ".mdb"

Set fso = New FileSystemObject
fso.CopyFile sSourcePath & sSourceFile, sBackupPath & sBackupFile, True
Set fso = Nothing

MsgBox "Backup was successful and saved @ " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & sBackupPath & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The backup file name is " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & sBackupFile, vbInformation, "Backup Completed"

End Function

but after backing up correctly it brings me the following error

"Run-time errror '424':

Object required

any ideas what might be going wrong


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