General :: Can Result Of Combobox Be Used In Text In AfterUpdate Event

Sep 4, 2013

Can the result of a combo-box be used in text in an AfterUpdate event?

Example, the combo-box (Result) can be negative or positive. If it is negative a textbox is populated with the test is (combo-box here)?

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Pass Value From Text Box To Combobox Force AfterUpdate Event

Aug 17, 2006

I'm new here and I thought I had already posted this but i couldn't find it so I am posting again... sorry if I've posted twice

When I pass a value from MyTextBox to MyComboBox using:

Me.MyTextBox = Me.MyComboBox

It does Not trigger the AfterUpdate Event of the ComboBox

I need it to! Any Suggestions??

I have tried: copy and pasting by but that creates a problem

Me.MyTextBox = BarCodeData$ 'passes the variable value to MyTextBox
Me.MyTextBox .SetFocus
Me.MyTextBox .SelStart = 0
Me.MyTextBox .SelLength = Len(Me.MyTextBox ) + 1
SendKeys "^c" 'copies the value of of MyTextBox

as soon as I add the below line, it no longer copies the value in

The onEnter Event of MyComboBox has the following code that works fine.

Private Sub cboLookupPart_Enter()

Me.MyComboBox.SelStart = 0
Me.MyComboBox.SelLength = Len(Me.MyComboBox.Text)
SendKeys "^v"

End Sub

If I ran all the code above, all works but the "Copy" and thus anything
that may be in the clipboard is pasted into MyComboBox, and the
AfterUpDate of MyComboBox triggers.

I know that there are compelling reason NOT to use the SendKeys but I
was just trying something

What I'd really like to do is eliminate MyTextBox and pass the Variable
directly to MyComboBox:

Me.MyComboBox= BarCodeData$

And have it force the AfterUpdate Event of MyComboBox

Eagerly awaiting suggestions!

Thank you,
Robert Bloomfield

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Combobox To Display Result In A Text Field

Apr 12, 2006

Hi All, I hope someone can help with this, I have 2 tables, 1 main table that holds all my part data ( ie part num, description, etc) and a second table with vendor info. On my Form I have all my fields that display the record. I placed a combo box on my form that I need the user to be able to select a vendor, which is working but I need the form to show the vendors part number in a field. The main table has a manufactures part number, and I have 3 fields that have my 3 vendors part numbers for that part in it. I have the combo box so that it shows the vendor name but how do I get it to look at a certain field for the vendor part number. Im still really new to Access and am clueless any help would be greatly appreciated. I know I have not explained this every well so I am attaching a sample of the DB so you can see that I have Thanks again

Thanks everyone..

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AfterUpdate Event Help Needed

Jun 14, 2006

Hi. i am very thankful for all your help in my other queries for my database. i have one last question and i guess i will be done after that. i have a form which have 3 fields one is Number and the other is group and the next one is Account. all of them are combo boxes. I am trying to add this function in the Number field text box properties in afterupdate event which is as follow

Sub Number_Afterupdate()
If not isnull(Number) Then
Number=Format(Number, "000000")
End sub

The code is working fine. i debug it and run it no errors. i want to put this function in afterupdate. i copied this whole thing in the afterupdate box and when i go back to my control form try to enter numbers in the Number field it gives me this

Msaccess can't find the macro "private sub Mynumber" the macro or its macrogroup does not exist or the macro is new but has'nt been saved.

Can anyone help me out what i am doing wrong ? or can tell me steps what to do i really appreciate that and thanks alot FONZ :)

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Firing Off The AfterUpdate Event Procedure From VBA

Jan 29, 2005


I have an "After Update" event procedure for a field on a form that calls a VBA sub. When I use a different VBA sub to input a value in the above mentioned field, the "After Update" event does not occur, even thought the data in the field has been changed. (Of course if I manually enter the data, the field "After Update" event works.)

Is there a flag or condition that needs to be set in my VBA sub to let the field realize that it has been changed? Or possible a way to call the fields AfterUpdate Sub?

I tried having a my sub call the AfterUpdate sub to see what would happen, but didn't get it to work. I got a bunch of error and didn't feel like this was really the way to go.

I also could just duplicate all the code in the AfterUpdate sub for the field, but we all know that that is not a good idea.

Thank you for any help.

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Paste From Excel Not Firing AfterUpdate Event

Aug 9, 2006

I have structured a subform as a datasheet to allow users to copy and paste from Excel into the database. Datasheet has numerous fields and 18 rows. I have set up recalculations of other data in the AfterUpdate event of the fields in the datasheet. This works perfectly until the user copies multiple rows from Excel and pastes them (one column at a time) into the datasheet.
Is there an event I can capture when the user copies and pastes a column?
Muchas-Grasias for any assistance.

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Modules & VBA :: AfterUpdate Event - Multivalued Field?

Jun 11, 2013

I have a form with (among others) a Y/N field and a multivalued field. The Y/N field indicates whether or not the resident is year-round or not (seasonal/snowbird). The multivalued field contains the months the resident it here. The user wants me to auto-select all months in the multivalued vield when the year-round field is set to yes in order to minimize data entry.

I have been trying to use an AfterUpdate Event using the following syntaxes as a test but Access doesn't like the format at all:

[Master Table].[Months Available].[Value] = "June" (this gives 2465 error)
Me ! [Months Available].[Value] = "June" (this gives a 424 error)

I'm not at all fluent with VBA but have been successful in populating form fields using data fields in another table so thought this would be similar.

Any way other than not to use multivalued fields? Because that isn't an option.

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Forms :: Label Not Updating After Afterupdate Event

Jul 15, 2014

So I have a bound form with the following onload code:

'Add the percent completed to lblPercentCompleted by calling the function
Dim Completed As Double


This works fine and set the caption and color of a label on this form.On this form I have several (now only a few, but in the end probably 40 controls or so) which will get updated by the user. When any of these controls are updated, I want the label lblpercentCompleted to get updated with the propper caption and color, however I am having trouble doing this.

I have an afterupdate event on each control with the same code as the onload code, however the message box below appears but the label does not update.

Private Sub TransferDieCutsOn_AfterUpdate()
MsgBox "Updating Label"
'Add the percent completed to lblPercentCompleted by calling the function
Dim Completed As Double


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Modules & VBA :: Place If Statement In AfterUpdate Event On Form

Nov 13, 2014

I'm trying to place an if statement in an afterupdate event on a form. The code I have is

If [Customer] Like "BRO001" And [Inv No] is null Then [Job_Price] = [Shots] * 27.5

this gives me a run time error, object required and highlights

If [Customer] Like "BRO001" And [Inv No] Is Null Then

I'd like the code to do nothing where the requirements to alter the job price are not met.

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Forms :: Update Textboxes With A Formula Without Using AfterUpdate Event For Each Textbox

Aug 24, 2013

I have a form with 7 types of weights (7 textbox rows) showing 7 weights in kgs and the others in lbs.When the user update any weight-kgs textbox, the opposite weight-lbs textbox will be updated automatically, and viceversa.Now, I'd like a fast way to code this action without writing the After Update_event for every textbox (they're 14).I have already setup textbox tags differently with "WeightKGS" and "WeightLBS", thinking about using "for each ... next" statement, but I have some problems to resolve what I want.

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ERR: The Expression AfterUpdate You Entered As Event Property Setting Produce Error!

Jan 11, 2005

ERR: The expression AfterUpdate you entered as event property setting produce the following error: Return without GoSub....

can someone help me...why..b'coz b4 this i'm using the same coding but it can work for another several form....

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General :: Text Box Event Coding - Jump To Next Field After Using Barcode Scanner

May 20, 2015

I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?


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General :: Using Combobox Selection In IF Statement To Make Another Text Box Visible

Aug 28, 2012

I have a combobox [CBreason] that reads from a table to show me why someone is gaining access to the building.

One of the options is "Incident".

When incident is selected I want a textbox [TBIncidentNo] and a button[BIncidentDup] control I made to appear.

I thought that the code:

If Me.CBReason.Value = "Incident" Then
Me.CBIncidentNo.Visible = True
Me.BIncidentDup.Visible = True
Me.CBIncidentNo.Visible = False
Me.BIncidentDup.Visible = False
End If

Placed in the after update action of the CBReason box would sufice but it doesnt work

I'm guessing the value is not recognised fro some reason but i cant work out why. There is no error message or issus, it makes the box dissapear when there is no entry but no change for selecting incident.

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Can't Get Text To Display On AfterUpdate

Dec 14, 2005


I'm having problems trying to get an If statement working on my form.
What I have is a form with two combo boxes linked to a Calendar when you click on the arrow. I can get the dates I select from the calendar into the combo boxes which works perfectly.
What I wanted to do then was create a textbox to list the number of days between each date.
I have created an If statement for me to do this, which works fine.
The problem I am having is that it doesn't seem to update these changes on the form after the date has been changed.

I have placed the code in the AfterUpdate event on both of the combo boxes and also in the Form Current Event.

Anyone any ideas?

If you want to see the If statement let me know, but I don't think it's that.


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General :: Lookup Combobox - Field Show Number Instead Of Text In Listbox

Jul 7, 2014

I have a field in a table where it is a lookup is a combo box. So this makes the data type of the field a number when in reality it is a text. When I have this field show in a list box it shows the number instead of the text.

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General :: Adding Count To Result Of Query Depending On Month And Result

Aug 18, 2013

I want to add a number to my results within a query depending on the month and how many results. For example I have 10 results in my query 3 from January, 5 from March and the rest from April. The 3 from January would be 1,2,3. The five in March would be 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Is it possible to do?

I'm using access 2003.

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Using AfterUpdate To Populate Text Box From Combo Value?

Jun 29, 2006


First post, new here. :)

I'm doing a course on Access and I'm trying to populate a text box based on the value I select in a combo box.

Basically, in the combo box I want to select a drug (for pets, it's for a veterinary clinic...) and in the text box next to it I want the cost to pop up. The list of drugs with their costs are listed in a separate table, with the drug name in column 1 (counting from 0) and the cost in column 3. I then have a continous form so I'd like to be able to keep adding drugs and their costs and then sum up the drug costs in a text box with the total.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Message On "AfterUpdate" Event:

May 2, 2006

I have a form with a field called "CCN" and what I need to do is have some sort of code that will look at the table "Application Data - NE" and check to see if there are any duplicate records for that CCN on the "AfterUpdate" function and if so; spit out an error message saying "CCN already exist; please try another".

Does anyone have any ideas on how to code this?

I know how to do the custom error message; I am just not sure how to have it check for duplicates before the rest of the form can be updated/before the record is saved.

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Modules & VBA :: Use AfterUpdate To Calculate Age Using Two Text Fields

Apr 16, 2014

i want to use the AfterUpdate to calculate the age using two text fields

Private Sub Birthdate_AfterUpdate()
Me.AGE = DateDiff("yyyy", [Birthdate], Now()) + Int(Format(Now(), "mmdd") < Format([Birthdate], "mmdd"))
End Sub

but it wont work

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Position Cursor At End Of Text Box After AfterUpdate Property

Oct 7, 2013

I am using an unbound textbox at the top of my form for filtering purposes. The user types in a string and hits "Tab" which kicks of the filter which is defined in the AfterUpdate property. I want the focus to return to the same textbox and position the curosor after the last character. I am trying to use SelStart but not having success.

Me.Filter = "COURSE_NAME Like '*" & Me.txtFilter & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True
txtFilter.SelStart = txtFilter.SelLength

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Forms :: Run Subform Queries From ComboBox Result

Sep 10, 2014

I am currently building a main form with a combo box control, two subforms and a hidden text box (optional). There are many different references to be made between tables, queries and forms to get to the result I am after, and I have tried many different codes from other people’s queries that seemed close to mine; however, had no luck getting my subforms to work as I’d like.

The names of my controls/forms/queries are as follows…

Main Form: frm_UReport
Subform 1: sbfrm_Query1 (refers to Query1, which refers to and calculates on tbl_C)
Subform 2: sbfrm_Query2 (refers to Query2, which refers to and calculates on tbl_S)
ComboBox: cmbo_ProductList (refers to tbl_ProductList)
TextBox: txt_ProductCode (refers to cmbo_ProductList, column 0)

I want the two subforms to run their respective queries after a Product Code has been chosen from the ComboBox. The relationship between the tables is one-to-many, from tbl_ProductList to each of tbl_S and tbl_C; with ProductCode as the primary key in tbl_ProductList.

Currently, I can choose a Product Code from the combo box, and it populates the text box successfully, but nothing happens in the subforms.

The codes I have worked with so far are as follows…

sbfrm_Query1 (Record Source):
SELECT Query1.ProductCode, Query1.PurchaseDate, Query1.ExpiryDate…
FROM Query1 WHERE (((Query1.ProductCode)=[Forms]![frm_UReport]![txt_ProductCode]));

sbfrm_Query2 (Record Source):
SELECT [Query2].[ProductCode], [Query2].[ProductDescription], [Query2].[PurchaseDate], [Query2].[AverageCost]…
FROM Query2;

[Code] ....

I have started working on integrating sbfrm_Query1 into the main form first, which is why the code looks different between the two subforms. Once I have it working, I will translate the same format to sbform_Query2.

Due to all the different levels of references that need to be made, I am having trouble identifying which (or if all) of the codes are incorrect.

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ComboBox Capture Event.

Jun 14, 2005


This is something very simple, but I am messing it up terribely. If someone could please help me out with this.

I have a form which has a combo box. This combo box contains a list of Query names. What I am trying to do is simpely, when you highlight on any of the query names and click the run query button it should fire the query the result should be displayed in the datasheet view. I am not able to get a hang on how to do this.

It would be really helpful if someone could help me out with this as i need to get this done ASAP.


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Modules & VBA :: Msgbox With Combobox Value Ii Not In List Event

Jan 23, 2015

I currently use this code to trigger a not in list event, ask the user if they want to add it to the respective table, and then add it.

I'd like to be able to add the text in the combo box that triggers the event to show up in the msgbox.

Private Sub cboCategory_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Const Message1 = "The data you have entered " & me.cbocategory.text &" is not in the current dataset."
Const Message2 = "Add now?"
Const Title = "Unknown entry in CATEGORY Field..."
Const NL = vbCrLf & vbCrLf

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Requery Combobox NotInList Event?

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form frm_GlobalSettings with a combobox cmbDescription that finds a record based on the value selected. The row source type for cmbDescription is Table/query, and the row source is a select statement on the form's underlying table.

I want the user to be able to use cmbDescription to add a new record to the form's underlying table. I currently have


Private Sub cmbDescription_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim strTmp As String
'Get confirmation that this is not just a spelling error.
10 On Error GoTo cmbDescription_NotInList_Error
20 strTmp = "Add '" & NewData & "' as a new global setting?"


but when a new value is entered this errors on line 70 with "runtime errror 2118 - you must save the current field before you run the requery action".I've tried various ways around this but can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Successfully Updating A Combobox Not In List Event

Jun 14, 2015

I have a basic form linked with a subform inside of it. The main form has a list of customers in a combobox and the subform lists all the things they have ordered from us. This all works perfectly fine, I can add data to the list of things ordered and it's ok.

I decided instead of using a whole extra form to add customers I'd just have a not in list event and allow users to add customers through there, bit more intuitive and cut down on forms.

It works to certain extent except one small problem, if I add a customer I have to close and reopen the form to be able to add/remove data from them in the subform. If I leave the form open and try to enter in data in the subform immediately it just shows whatever customer I had last on the combobox and adds it to the last customer as well.

It works perfectly fine if I reopen it so I thought it was some kind of query or update snafu but all the VBA code examples I found don't seem to do anything. Not exactly sure where to go from here.

PHP Code:

Private Sub cboDept_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
    Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer, sMsg As String
    Dim oRSClone As DAO.Recordset
    Response = acDataErrContinue
    If MsgBox("Add dept?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        Set oRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDepartments", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Change Which Row In Combobox Is Visible Depending On Event

May 21, 2015

I have a combo box with three columns, the first one is the bound one, the second is text in English, and the third is text in Spanish. Currently when the form is open, both the English and Spanish texts columns are visible. What I would like to do is set up a command button on a different form that will open the form with just the English showing in the combo boxes, and another button for Spanish. I've tried the following code which opens the form, but the combo box is disabled altogether.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditar", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
DoCmd.SetProperty "niv_gest", acPropertyColumnWidths, "0;1;1"

What am I missing?

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