General :: Can Users Without Access Installed Update

Nov 22, 2013

We have an access database stored in a shared location. One of the tables in the database is used to record transactions made in an excel spreadsheet-this is done programatically using VBA and SQL.

So here is my silly question; If users don't have access installed locally will the code be able to write to the shared access database?

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General :: ACCDE To Open / Need To Have MS Access Installed

Sep 24, 2013

do I need to have MS Access installed, in order to open an ACCDE file.there is no need, as I see ACCDE as an exe file.

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General :: Reports Not Formatting After Access Installed On New Laptop?

Mar 24, 2014

My new and previous laptops are both 64 bit and installed MA 2010 on both of the computers running win 8.

When I run reports on my new laptop the reports are not formatting. They are reflecting on 4 pages and not on 1 page like on my previous laptop running the same programs.

On my new laptop I installed Office 2013 and old one office 2010 but I used the same Access 2010 on both laptops which is a separate disk as office was not the professional one.

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Just Installed Access 2007 - Ick!

Feb 17, 2008

Ok, I know change isn't always easy, I remember going to 2003 and I didn't think I'd stick with it.
I'm now using 2007 and it's quite different in it's layout. I'm having trouble finding many things that I'm used to having "at my fingertips" but I'm muddling through it. The one thing that I'm totally lost on, has to do with form display.

Have a simple DB that a main form opens on start up. It's relatively small, auto centered, no resize and set to dialog. However, in 2007 it opens up occupying all available workspace space and I have to click the "Size to fit form" button. Then it's not centered.

Where the heck is the flag or setting to tell it to stop doing this?

Secondly, what's everyone else's thoughts on 2007?

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Question: Opening Access Form Without Access Installed.

Mar 28, 2007


I have a database (.mdb file) which includes a table, forms and VB code. I intend on putting it onto a CD and then opening the form on another computer which may not have Access. Is this possible? Can I convert the file or can I attach some type of reader to the disk?
I have seen some software for download on the internet which allows you to open the tables however the Form is the most important thing in this case (but I take it whatever I use, it will need to be able to view the VB, subforms and tables as well since the Form depends on them?).

...also can I install an auto-run to the file for when the disk is inserted? (this is not a major issue though).


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General :: Maximum Access Users

Dec 9, 2013

I know that Access probably permits around 20 or so users to simultaneously access the database before it start to become unfriendly. However, I have a database that would require 200 or so users grabbing around 1,000 rows of data via an Excel ADO connection to the backend tables.

So they would never need to physically go inside the Access database its self, but instead it would garb data by opening an ADO connection to the database > Grabbing the data > Closing the database connection.

Is this okay to do with around 200 users simultaneously querying the database tables via an Excel ADO connection?

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General :: Allow Users To Access A Database

Oct 27, 2012

I am about to allow users to access a database I redesigned for others to use.I am trying to save it as an ACCDE so they can't mess it up. The database is very very simple.6 tables each with only 4 fields or less... and none are related to one another

7 forms.
1 report.
0 queries... it's just a SKU generator.

When I attempt to save as ACCDE I get an error that reads."Microsoft Access was unable to create the .accde, .mde, or .ade file.This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file.* Because of the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table.* The Access database engine can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time.* Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).

There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Access database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE.* However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used."

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Data Access Pages Without Office Installed

Oct 2, 2006

I am building a database for users to input escalations in. The users that are actually keying the information in, do not have MS office. When they try to access the DAP html file, a message appears at the top of the page that states "The page requires the Microsoft Office Web Components.
See the Microsoft Office Web site for more information."
Can data access pages be used without office being installed? I have heard that it could also be the users internet explorer security settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Limit Access To Database To Few Users

Aug 16, 2013

I am using Access 2007. My boss has given me a project to create a tool for our team. I'm done with most part of the project, but for the last part I want editing and updating of database restricted to a few members of our team. However others can access the database and run queries etc. through buttons on a form.

I went about creating a login form for users to get access to the database and in turn created a table with fields UserID, UserName, UserPW and a yes/no field titled IsAdmin. For those who would be limited access would log in as 'Other' user and same as password. I am then using the code to determine if the user should be treated as admin or not by looking up the IsAdmin field in the table. Following is what I have so far, but it needs correction some places and I can't figure where:

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
Dim xxAdmin As String
'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box
If IsNull(Me.cboUser) Or Me.cboUser = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"

[Code] ....

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Viewing Page That Have *mdb File On PC Without Microsoft Access Installed

Nov 5, 2007

if let say i create a page that have database (*.mdb file) and for my client side, the PC don't have Microsoft Access, can they view the page that have *mdb file?

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Reports :: Running A Report Outside Of Access For General Users

Mar 28, 2014

My database is slowly coming together. For the final part of this phase i would like to create a shortcut on each users desktop which runs a summary report of information within my database.

I have criteria set so upon opening the report the user is asked for which address they wish to see information from which works great. But I do not want users to have access to the database, I just want them to be able to click a shortcut, be asked what address they are looking for and for the report to ping up in a 'Print Preview' type layout so information can be seen and displayed but not altered. All users have the access program.

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General :: Multi Users Access Database Gets Inactive

Nov 13, 2013

I have a multiuser data entry form which on using somtimes gets inactive, means the button stop working and we have to close the form and open again to avoid.

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General :: Access 2007 Pop-up Message To Logged-in Users

Nov 14, 2012

As an "admin" of our corporate local db, maintaining and/or upgrading is my task.

Usually there are logged-in users, then I have to ask them (mostly via communicator) to please log off, because I can not modify with users in the db.

I would like to send these users a message via Access, like "Please log off from the db for maintenance blabla".

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General :: Multiple Users In Access Each With Unique ID And Password

May 29, 2015

I already have created & run an Access database for around 12 users. I now am looking to create a database that can have at least 30 users. Each one with a unique user ID & password (Using a security file ".mdw") Users log into a front end on a network environment. Now...My question...Is 30 to large of a user base for Access in a network environment??

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General :: Multiple Users On Access Sheet Simultaneously

Jun 25, 2013

I recently made a database that we will use to allocate appointments between a team of up to 30 in 2 different sites. I have tested it with 10 people in the same site using it and have had no issues so far.

One of our managers wants to know whether it is likely to cause issues with network usage/congestion. When we introduce it to the other site. I told her it is unlikely, but went to our IT department for their opinion. I got a reply simply stating that Access is not intended for this sort of task, and is only designed to have a couple of people using it at a time.

I'd like a second opinion, because I don't think that answer is even close to correct. I'll describe briefly how it works and what our set up is.

The database has 2 tables, one that stores the details of the clients we call (7 fields), and another that logs each contact attempt (6 field) and ensures no 2 users get the same entry. I have split the database, with the backend saved on one of our networked drives, and the frontend will be distributed in an email. (at present it is just an unsplit database stored on a network drive, but I don't think this will work well when 2 different sites are using it).

I think data throughput will be minimal, but I don't know how I'd go about checking that. Would you expect any issues with this being used by 30 people simultaneously?

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General :: Update Access From Excel

Jul 2, 2013

From Excel 2007 to Access 2007 I want to keep my Access database sync with my Excel SpreadSheet. I not to often change Excel but when I do Access will be updated.

Error #: -2147217887
"Field cannot be updated."

My connection string works fine and recordset is up and running!In my Excel file:


For k = 1 To Sheets("2013").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 4
If rs!Index <> k Or rs!total <> Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 5).Value Then
rs!Index = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 1).Value
rs!DatePaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 2).Value
rs!WhatPaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 3).Value


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General :: Update Fields With That Are Blank From CSV To Access DB

Dec 15, 2012

I have a Database with 2 new fields

DB = ResolvedDateReport
Linked Tables to CSv File = tbl_ResolvedDateReport
CSV files holds the two new fields called.
Owner and Owner Name

What do I need to do to if the fields are blank to uplaod the data into the DB.

Have tried multi times and have failed.

Incident ID+ is the primary key field.

Here is my attempt for one field !!

UPDATE ResolvedDateReport RIGHT JOIN tbl_ResolvedDateReport ON ResolvedDateReport.[Incident ID+] = tbl_ResolvedDateReport.[Incident ID+] SET tbl_ResolvedDateReport.Owner = [ResolvedDateReport].[Owner];

Then I can update my pivot tables from Access to show the new fields with data.

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Update Users Problem!

Jan 23, 2007


Can someone explain me how to execute an update through vb, like this one:

strSql = "Update Organization Set Scanner_Other1=NULL where Org_Name = '" & Me.Org_Name & "'"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

without seeing this message each time I close the form:

thanks in advance

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General :: Update Excel / Access Table Via Email

Jun 10, 2012

I would like to use the "Collect and update via email" function within MS Access 2010 which sends out and collects emails. I know how to use this function, but what I would like to do is something slightly different. Instead of emailing out a data entry "form" that has the employee/team member enter information for data collection purposes about their project, status, start date, end date, priority, tasks, etc. Instead, I would like send an Excel/Access table with all of the current project information displayed in the email data collection form and then have the employee reply to the email and overtype edits to displayed information and then have those changes automatically entered into my table. For example, one project table can have up to 50 rows and then column headers such as project status, start date, end date, priority, task description, etc.

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General :: Access Update SQL Run Time Error 3075

Aug 16, 2012

What's wrong with my zSQL string? I am working on it for 2 days and got no where. I want to put a IF statement

(=IF('Report - key'!$B$7="ALL","ALL",'2012 data'!B2))

to a ACCESS Text field using SQL Update. Here is my code:

Dim zSQL As String
Dim zmsg As String
Dim DQ As String

DQ = """"

zSQL = "UPDATE Supplier_Meeting_Planning SET [ID3] = ' " & "=IF(" & "'" & "Report - key" & "'" & "!$B$7=" & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & DQ & "ALL" & DQ & "," & "'" & "2012 data" & "'" & "!B2)"
Debug.Print zSQL

It is very painful to put ' and " in the string.

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General :: Access 2013 / Error - Not Enough Memory To Update The Display

Dec 16, 2014

I am regularly getting the error "There is not enough free memory to update your display, close unneeded programs and try again"

Access 2013 on a windows 7 machine with 4 processors and 24GB total RAM.

Today I have 14 GB free memory (unbelievable! my first laptop had 136 MB total memory!) when I got this error (Access using 38MB) which makes me believe its not a system memory issue but to do with how much (or quickly) memory is allocated to Access.

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General :: Update Preformatted Excel Spreadsheet With Access 2010 Query?

Jun 10, 2013

I have an Access crosstab query that I have exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have the spreadsheet formatted using conditional formatting and I'd rather not have to reset it every morning. It's a single spreadsheet (the columns/rows will not deviate greatly day to day) and should be very simple, but I'm not getting it for some reason.

So if I have "Test.accdb" and it contains "qryX" as my crosstab and "Sheet1.xls" is my formatted Excel spreadsheet, how do I code for the latest "QryX" to go in and replace the old "QryX" data in "Sheet1.xls" ?

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General :: MS Access Code To Update (add / Subtract) Value (quantity) On Table / Form

May 15, 2015

I have a 'tblStock' with fields 'ProductID', 'InitialStock', 'Buy', 'Sell' and 'UpdatedStock'. I also have a form 'StockUpdate' add values and also add new records to 'tblStock' .

If I have value [100] for IntialStock quantity, Buy [0] and sell [10], UpdatedStock will be [90] (that's done and fine!).

The problem is, I would like to make the UpdatedStock value [90] to be the NEW InitialStock, so that any BUY or SELL will keep updating the UpdatedStock and making it the NEW InitialStock for the next transactions and so on....

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Deploying DB To Users! (mde, Self Installation, Update User Version)

Feb 8, 2006

I have a db with more than 100 forms, reports - objects. My backend tables are linked sybase tables. What is the best way to hand this over to the users?

1. I want to create a mde version (which is not working, here's my problem :mad: Failure In Creating MDE File (
2. I want a way to send this application to the user, in order that is installs on their desktop or a location i specify on the user's drive. I have no clue how to accomplish this, but i know that when i download some applications they do end up on my desktop :rolleyes: , so they must have done it somehow. Please help?
3. I want to have a master mdb hidden on the network somewhere, and when i make changes to that (e.g. my form or reports). And the next time the user goes into the version installed on their drive, it checks for the last version of the front end, and if that's not it, it erases the old one they have and installs my new version for them automatically. I know this can be done. Can you help me?

I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me please in any way. Advice, links, tutorial, whatever. Many blessings will come to you!

Ghudson! Before you attack me, i've done a search on the forum and though i've seen some posts, i can't seem to find one best for my means :) Thanks!

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Updating An Already Installed Db

Oct 8, 2005


I have a database that has been in use for sometime but it needs some amendments.

I have burnt the db to cd and plan to make the updates and then take it back and import the tables from the one in use to the newly updated database.

I remember trying this before and it wouldn't let me import the tables as it said they had relationships.

Surely there is an easy way to do this? I don't have to delete the relationships, import the tables and then re-do the relationships?

Many thanks,

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Provider Not Installed

Mar 14, 2006


I have developed a MS Access tool to be used in multiuser environ. In some computers, the tool is working while in some, there is an error message-"Provider not found. May not installed properly". Is it problem with the script or is it that the provider was not installed with MS Office. I have used ADODB connection.

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