General :: Cannot Get Report Header To Print On All Pages

Aug 17, 2012

While I have worked with computer all my life I am new to Access. I managed to create my database and the report I wanted to generate. However; I cannot get the Report Header to print on all pages. It only prints on the first page.

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Header Section Of Main Report And Detail (subreports) Are Between 2 Pages??

Dec 30, 2004

I have a main report with 2 subreports. My main report has a header section, the 2 subreports are in the detail section of my main report. How can i prevent my report from splitting up my header and my subreports. (Header section of my main report is a company and the subreports are the detail of the company.. i don't want my compnay name on the bottom of a page and then the detail on the next page.. it does this sometimes. thanks!

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Reports :: Getting Report To Print / Create PDF Of All 3 Pages

Mar 10, 2015

I'm working with getting a 3 page report to print/create PDF of the 3 pages. Right now I have the formatting set up for the 3 pages but each is an individual report.Is there a way to combine the reports into a single report? I've been messing around with subreports but can't get it to display correctly.

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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Can Documenter Print Table Definitions On Continuous Pages?

Apr 24, 2015

I have several tables and the default layout is one table per page. In some cases, there are a couple of fields...a waste of paper. Can this be changed?

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General :: Printing Report From Print Preview With Ribbon

Jul 3, 2014

I have report that i have in preview. In that report i have ribbon that has buttons close and print. Close works fine, with print it goes ok but when "printer selection" comes, i try to change printer it informs that not enough memory. All this code that is in ribbon buttons is in VBA.

What could be the reason for memory stuff or how could this be made that this inform wouldn't come.

Code below:
Sub EnnakkoMyButtonCallbackOnAction(control As IRibbonControl)
Select Case control.ID
Case "MyBtn1"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Tuotanto Ennakko", acViewPreview

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Printing Rights To Users - Print Blank Pages

Feb 10, 2014

I've been asked to make sure only certain users in my database are able to print anything (i.e. Administrators). Is there any option/property to do this?

I have already built in User Access controls using the ctl.Tag property. The only way I can think off the top of my head is when a 'general user' uses it, to ensure that every control is displayed 'on screen only'. This of course doesn't stop them printing - just makes them print blank pages!

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General :: Button To Print A Report Based On Text Box Values On Form

Jul 11, 2015

Im using a button to print a report based on a text box values on the form.the code for which is below


Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET BookedOut = True WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels", acViewNormal
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 1
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Labels", acSaveNo
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

The problem that I am getting is not only is the label printing but so is the form.

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General :: Results Of DLookup Not Showing In Report View But Are Visible In Print Preview

Jun 25, 2013

I have a report with quite a few subreports in it. There are a number of calculated fields on the form, most of which use Dlookup to retrieve at least one of the figures required for the calculation. The Dlookup runs fine and the report opens but the calculated fields are devoid of data in Report view. When I switch to Print Preview view the fields are now populated. Below are two variations of the DLookup syntax I have used to try and alleviate this issue.

=DLookUp("[8]","qry_MonthlyTotalsByYearFirstAid","[ActivityType] = 'First Aid Injury (FAC) Reported in Safeguard'")/[sub_AllHours].[Report].[8]

=DLookUp("[8]","qry_MonthlyTotalsByYearFirstAid","[ActivityType] = 'First Aid Injury (FAC) Reported in Safeguard'")/[Reports]![rpt_AllFigures]![sub_AllHours]![8]

Note that the field [8] specified here is simply a month number and forms a column in the crosstab query for the corresponding query name.

I would add the query referred to in the DLookup to the source query for the report but the source report's data is derived from a Crosstab query, which only accepts one data field (Access terms this as the value field.

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I Want To Print A Report And Programmatically Set The Printer Name And 'Print To File

Jul 16, 2007

How can I print a report and at the same time programatically set the printer name and 'Print to File' option and set the path of this option?

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Empty Pages On Report

May 9, 2005

Hello visitors,

I have a report base on a select query but in the report i get the following:

page 1 = record 1
page 2, page 3, page 4 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 5 = record 2
page 6, page 7, page 8 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 9 = record 3
So there are three empty pages between every two pages(records).

I have checked in the settings of the report and all properties but cannot find the solution.

Can any one help me to solve this ?
Thanks in advance

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Report Header

Apr 11, 2005

On a report, I have it grouped by last name. Right now, because of a large number of information in the detailed section, the last name doesn't continue on the next page. How do I make it so the last name shows up on the next page if the detailed section continues on the next page?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


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Report Header

Jul 25, 2006

How can I get the Report to display the Date Criteria (Start and End Date) that I select when I run it?


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Report Header

May 15, 2007

How can I make the Criteria entered when running a report print on the report?

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Change Of Orientation Within A Report Pages.

Nov 3, 2006


Is there any way to change orientation of report in report footer? I mean, I want to produce report header, detail etc in landscape and after detail I have given page break, at last page only report footer should be in portrait.


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Printing Multiple Pages On A Report

Feb 11, 2008

With Access XP, I have a simple two page report (with a subreport included). When I go to print it, it prints out about 32 copies.

Of course, in the Windows print que, it is set to one copy.

There has to be some setting in the report causing this.


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Reports :: How To Set Number Of Pages Within Report

Jul 10, 2013

I have already created a summary report that is one page long, however, every time I view my report in report view, export to PDF or print, the report has duplicate copies! Not blank pages. Just duplicate copies of my one page. The report is generating hundreds (about 700) of the same exact page. How do I force my report to have just one page.

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Report - Breaking After Header

Apr 26, 2007

I have a report - I have a agent header and code header.

It should look like this:

Jeff Moenning Agent Header
1-Active Code Header
Report Details

For some reason the first page just has Jeff Moenning and nothing else - after that the pages are correct. They are breaking when the agent changes and also when the codes change within the agents.

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Report Header Sum Problem

Jun 1, 2007

Developing a DB to track purchase orders. Each order can contain one or more items.

Table Design/Relationship:
I have two tables 1) Order and 2) OrderDetails in a one to many relationship. The Order Table contains general order info and has a field "GrandTotal" which is the sum of all the item prices in the order. The OrderDetails Table has a record for each item in each order.

I have a report that joins the two tables and displays the current months orders and the contents of each order. The report is grouped by order number and displayed in the group footer is the GrandTotal field. The order contents (the items making up the order) is in the details section. In the report header i want to display the the total of all the orders. In a text box i placed =Sum([GrandTotal]) but the grandtotal of each item gets multiplied by the number of items in the order. For example, if there is one order with a GrandTotal of $2 and in that order there are two items, Sum([GrantTotal]) returns $4 instead of $2.

Does anyone know how I can display the sum of all the order's GrandTotals in the report header?

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Reports :: Split Report Into Pages By A Group

Sep 19, 2013

I have a report that has a number of grouping levels.I would like the highest grouping level to determine a new page.

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Date Format In Report Header

Mar 15, 2008

I have a report that gets it's from / to dates from a dialog form that is open. This is working fine but I would like the date format in the report header to be 10 Mar 08 at the moment it is displayed at 10/3/08 how do I format this?

I have a unbound text box in the header with the following set as its control source =Forms!frmDialogEmpl!RepStartDate & " to " & Forms!frmDialogEmpl!RepEndDate


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Report Problems:name Missing From Header

Jun 20, 2007

I have a report that has a header,detail. The header is grouped on last name. Whenever I have names that are the same, two Smiths in a row, for example, I only get the first one. THen, I seem to only get partial information in my detail section. I've fooled around with the grouping properties , but I only make it worse. How do I make the second "Smith" appear? This must've been happening before, but I didn't notice it. Thanks so much.

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Reports :: Using Image In Header In A Report?

Sep 6, 2014

I want to use a image in Header in a report. Even if I use a small image (gif), it produce a huge mdb file. Haw can I reduce it?

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Reports :: Disappearing Sub-report Header

Dec 9, 2013

I cant get the report the way i want it anyway but basically i have a subreport header embedded in the Page Header of my report.I can see it in Report view but not in Print preview and it does not print of course!?

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Access Report Header And Sorting

Aug 18, 2015

I am working on a access report for financial analysis.I created a form with a drop down list to select cost center from tables, so the report will only show the data from the selected cost center. My questions are:

1. I want the chosen cost center automatically shown at the Header of the report, as selected from the form;

2. The data was grouped in a particular sequence, such as: Revenue, Compensation, MM&S and Other Expense, not simply ascending or descending

3. There are some category data I do not want to show, for example, other expense, how can I hide it?

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Filling In Report Header With A Form Value

Jun 15, 2013

I currently have a form that will simply display the values from a query, which was called by a form. What I want is for the header (a text box) in the report to have the value that the user selects from the form that calls the report. Also, when the form calls the report, it only prints it off. I would like to know how the form can just display the report instead.

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