General :: Change Formatting Of Number Columns?

Nov 21, 2014

Is there a way to change the formatting of a numbers column to the formatting :

1 = 0001

11 = 0011

111 = 0111

1111 = 1111

But that would have to apply to this also

1 - 2 = 0001 - 0002

11 - 22 = 0011 - 0022

111 - 222 = 0111 - 0222

1111 - 2222 = 1111 - 2222

If that makes sense ....

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Reports :: Change Number Of Columns In A Report

Oct 24, 2013

I have a report that constists of 4 subreports.I need the first two subreports to render in a two-column format and the 3. and 4. in a single column format.Unfortunatelly I cannot it work as I need to.I have read, that setting the main report in a single-column format and the subreports in a two-column format with "first across then down" setting (Or something like that) is and option.

Unfortunately this option does not fit my requirements.Is there a possibility to set the number of columns through VBA and change it across the different parts of the report?

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General :: Formatting Columns To Not Round Dollar Amounts

Mar 7, 2013

I've run into a situation with our Access Database where sometimes when we import information into it from an Excel sheet the dollar amounts get rounded out. For example, the amount of $726.68 shows as that in the database but when you click on the field/cell it's in it shows as $726.6799. It doesn't do this for every field which is weird. The data from the excel sheet is not roudned out either, it shows the amount as $726.68 so it appears to be something funny going on with Access. Under the formatting area, the data type is set as currency and format is currency.

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General :: Auto Number PK Change Starting Number?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a table with an auto number PK. This table will contain orders. I'd like to use the PK from this table as the Invoice number on the invoice. I'd like to have it start at a number other than "1" just because it looks better on an invoice. I don't know how to do this. I looked at the table design to see if there were options available to me there but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? (I do not know how to use code.)

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General :: Conditional Formatting - Change Backcolor Of Process If Status Field Contains Certain Text

Jan 8, 2014

I have a subform with two fields [status] and [process], i am trying to get the backcolor of procces to change to red if the status field contains the text "expired".

I have tried vba. plced on the after update

if me.status = "expired" then
me.process.backcolor = vbred
else me.process backcolor = vbwhite
end if

Changes the color of the field [process] but also all process field colors to red even if the status field does not contain "expired".

I think conditional formatting is the way to go but i think i need an expression to complete this.

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General :: Change Auto Number

Jan 27, 2015

before ACCESS Excel was used to create orders etc,we are up to order number 16223 now I have access and the auto number will start at can I get the auto number to start at 16223.

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Forms :: Formatting List Box Columns

Aug 13, 2013

I have a table of data (codes & amounts) which I want to display on a form via a list box (purely for information purposes; the list box will be locked / disabled). Basically, the list box will mimic a pivot table as it would appear in Excel, albeit without any of the filtering functionality.Codes can appear multiple times in the source table, each with a different value assigned to it.

The list box should have 3 columns :the unique code strings
the number of instances of that code string (i.e. Count)
the total value assigned to that code string (i.e. Sum)
In descending order based on the number of instances of each code

I have the following query set up to pull the data :


SELECT tblData.Code AS Expr1, Count(*) AS CodeCount, Sum(tmp.Amount) AS CodeSum
FROM (SELECT Code, Amount FROM tblData) AS tmp
GROUP BY tblData.Code

I want the 3rd column of the listbox (the summed value) to appear as a formatted $ amount rather than a raw floating point. So "$10,000" rather than "10000.00". And, if at all possible, right aligned.But I have no way of formatting the columns of the list box (that I am aware of) either through the listbox properties directly or by VBA indirectly.Is there another way I can do this, either by applying the formatting to the query itself or any other trick to somehow apply the formatting as I need it?

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Conditional Formatting WITH Hide Columns Combination

Feb 22, 2005

Hi All

Has anyone experienced this:

I have a datasheet as a sub-form on a main form. Because the main form is accessed from 2 different forms in the system (let's call them A and B), I hide a column on the datasheet that is not relevant when the access is from Form B. This was working fine.

Until I added a new field to the datasheet/subform with some conditional formatting (background colour change dependent on field content). Now the hide column function causes an error which locks the database. I removed the conditional formatting and the hide column functions works fine. Please note the column being hidden and the column with the conditional formatting are not the same column.

Seems the combination of hide column AND conditional formatting in the same datasheet is the problem.

Any ideas?


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Queries :: Formatting Columns In A Query With Totals

Oct 2, 2013

The data within my tables is formatted correctly and when I run a standard query on the data, it comes through the query with the same formatting. However, when I run a query that needs to total the values (whether it's sum or average) the values lose any formatting (and by total I mean the one in design view, not in datasheet view).

I then need to manually format each columns "Format" and "Decimal Places" properties to what I want. I have quite a few queries with quite a few columns, so this is very time consuming. Is there a way to do this faster without VBA? In Excel I can simply highlight multiple columns and format all of them or apply a format painter. I don't see any similar functionality in Access 2010.

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Queries :: Crosstab Query - Formatting User Defined Columns

Jul 24, 2013

I am making a classic sales over time crosstab query.

Rows: Customers
Columns: Sale months

Sales date is defined by the ETD of the order.

However, with the simple Format([ETD],"yyyy-mm") I get regular months, but I need to adjust the months to be between the 21st and 20th rather than 1st to 31st(30th).

August would be 7/21/2013 to 8/20/2013
September 8/21/2013 to 9/20/2013

Is it possible to format the columns this way?

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Formatting Change Month From # To Mmm

Aug 31, 2005

The months in my query are recorded as numbers 1 for January, 2 for February, etc. I was wondering how I could format in a query or report the months so that they automatically format themselves into text.

Thank you

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Forms :: Change Color With Conditional Formatting

Oct 18, 2013

I have a subform that is purely to display information (no edits will be made on it). The subform has a special color on it (company color) that I can not deviate from. My problem is the first record in the subform (displayed as a continuous form) gets the focus. The font is white and standard access has a white background. My end goal would be to elimnate the focus for any record in the subform (if it is possible). I know that I could change the color with conditional formatting but the colors in conditional formatting do not match the company color.

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Number Formatting

Jun 28, 2007

I'm having an issue with the way my number fields are displayed on my form.

I want the number to be dislayed with 2 decimal places. I have formatted the numbers so that they are 'fixed' and specified 2 in the decimal places property but my numbers are rounding themselves down.

eg. I type 1.25 but it comes up as 1.00

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Number Formatting

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to calculate the square footage on a form. The formula I have is


For example:

W = 6.375
H = 11.5

Square footage should be 0.509115

However I am getting 632.500000

The width (W) and height (H) are formatted as double. So is the square footage. Is this not correct?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting - Change Back Color Of Fields

Aug 1, 2013

I have a form in datasheet with the fields "Date In" and "Date out" among other.

I want to be able to Change the backcolour of the "Date In" to red, yellow, or green depending on the length of time elapsed between current date and date in. This works fine on the conditional formatting, but now I only want to apply this formatting IF the "Date Out" is empty.

Access 2007.

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Problem With Number Formatting

Jul 10, 2005


I have a problem with a table that has number formats setup as usual - #,##0.00;(#,##0.00) and formatted to 2dp. However when inputting say 1.58 into the table it will round to 2.00 and does not show any decimals except as .00. When I remove the number formatting and set the decimal place to Auto, or 1 the same occurs but no decimal places are showing.

Can anybody explain why this is happening? I have tried searching through the properties, etc. to no avail.

Thanks very much for your help,


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Number Formatting In Queries

Dec 1, 2005


Im trying to combine 2 fields below into one column.

ID - 001 (This is formatted in table using 000)

Sometext - "BLAH"

In the query I have written this ...

Newfield: [Sometext] & [ID]

But when I preview the query the data displays as "BLAH1" and not "BLAH001"

what should i do to correct this formatting issue?

many thanks!

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Forms :: Quick Style And Change Shape Formatting Buttons Grayed Out

Oct 17, 2014

The Quick Style and Change Shape formatting command buttons greyed out. What setting do I need to change to make them available?

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Reports :: Change Text Formatting Of Control In Report Based On Boolean

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to change the text formatting (color, italics, bold etc) of the contents of a control based on a boolean value in the underlying datasource of the report.

For instance, I have a report that generates a "Proforma Invoice" i would like to ability italicize the prices of certain items based based on a boolean value (EstimatedPrice) in the underlying datasource.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Formatting Of Unbound Text Field On Continuous Form

Apr 16, 2015

I have a continuous form with a text field that says "Select". There are two other fields, one of which is Brand. When the Brand Combo box has nothing in it I want the text box to appear (instructing the user to select a Brand) But once the user selects a Brand and goes to the next records, I would like the "Select" in only that record to become not visible. I tried conditional formatting but can't apply that to an unbound control ( or at least it is grayed out when I select the text box) and any other possible solutions I have found changes all of the selects - not only the one in the changed record.

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Formatting The Day Of The Month As An Ordinal Number

Feb 9, 2006

Is there a way to format the day of the month as an ordinal number? For example instead of formatting the day as January 1, I would like to format the day as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. day of the month. I need to do this in order to match the format of a contract that we want to use as a mail merge.

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Telephone Number - Formatting Issue

Mar 10, 2005

I am trying to get a "formatted phone" number to appear on a "make table" query. I have revised the input mask properties to format the field to parantheses around the area code and a dash after the first three digits. The query works fine as long as I run a "Select Query" but when I change the query to a "Make Table" query, the new table does not come across with the telephone number in the correct ( )xxx-xxxx format! Using the Input Mask wizard, I've tried both options of storing the data and still get the same results. I do NOT want to have to go into this new table each time and reformat the telephone number as I'm sending the table directly to a switchboard in a different database. Any ideas on how to keep the formatted phone number intact?

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Modules & VBA :: Change Data In Rows To Columns

Apr 7, 2015

I am trying to change the data in my rows to columns...I have data as per the attached picture in columns B-I...I would like the rows to be pasted to columns as per columns row 1 ends up as the first lost of data in M-Q and row 2 ends up as the second lot of data.There are numerous rows in my actual file.

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How To Easily And Quickly Change Width Of Columns

Jul 1, 2014

I have a file with 45 columns and I need to be able to make 40 columns quickly dis-appear and re-appear. When I search for responses to similar questions I get references to "Horizontal scroll bar and List Box control" which I do not know how to find and/or use.

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Tables :: Number Formatting - Comma For Thousands

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to make sure that my double will have a comma for thousands, but will also be able to display more than 2 decimal places (probably 4).

I am struggling with what format to use - if the number doesn't have any decimal places, the point is still put in.

23.2 = 23.2
64587.255 = 64,587.255
5000 = 5,000.

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Formatting A Number Field For Datasheet View

Feb 8, 2012

How do I make a number display as "001" and not "1" in datasheet view? The field type is number not text.

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