General :: Change Switchboard Items For Different Users

Oct 8, 2014

I have two versions of the switchboard items table. (A2003 switchboard). I have a login form, and I want to be able to change the switchboard items for different users

so I have code that does this

close the switchboard,
copy the new switchboard items table
reopen the switchboard

And every time, it says it cannot copy the table because the switchboard items table is in use. The code in the switchboard opens recordsets, and I have quadruple checked that they are closing correctly, after use. The switchboard itself is bound to the switchboard items table

I have just tried something different which is to manually close the switchboard - and then I CAN copy the tables.

Might the code be atomic in some way. The switchboard does not release the locks until the code completes?

I thought about it, and got round it now, by just copying the data from the new table to the master table, rather than trying to copy tables, but I am still curious.

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General :: Error Reading Switchboard Items Table

Jun 26, 2013

I have two options on the main switchboard page and when I click on the second option it goes to a secondary page that gives me 3 options with the third option being to return to the main screen. When I select that option it does go back to the main screen but then on the main screen it shows the return to main screen option as well and when I select it.... it says " There was an error reading the switchboard items table." But I want the main screen to only show the original two options only.

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General :: How To Change Path For Switchboard

Apr 3, 2013

I have copied our company access database onto my lap top and linked the front end to the back end. My problem now is that when I open the switchboard it is looking for the data and tables on the G drive, this was where it was on our server. How do you change the path for the switchboard.?

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General :: V2010 / Change Database For Multiple Users?

Mar 18, 2013

How do I change the database for multiple users?

There is no "advanced" option in the options tab.

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General :: Batch File To Allow Users To Copy Latest Version Of Front End Whenever Change Made

Aug 7, 2014

I have been trying to set up a batch file to allow users to copy the latest version of the front end whenever a change is made. The following is the code that I am trying to get to work properly. The first part works fine, the old front end is copied to a folder on the user's desktop as a backup. But I cannot get the copy of the server - the "P" drive, to overwrite the current copy on the user's desktop. Actually I cannot get the code to copy the new front end from the server and install it on the user's desktop. I think the path is correct for I seem to be able to run the new front end from the server.

When I look for the location on my computer, the server locations is listed as:

General (Servernamefiles) (P: ) (there is no space after the P: it seems to result in a smiley face when I type it and try to post it).

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%
rem echo %TODAY%

[Code] .....

This code works so I thought that the path was correct
rem this works
rem start the new DB front end
Start P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb

But this code does not.
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

Neither does this:
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ ServerNamefilesP:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEn dDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

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Switchboard Items..need More Than 8

Aug 17, 2005

How can I increase the number of items on a Switchboard?

When I change the code, "conNumButtons = 8" to 20, an errors says only 8 items are allowed on a switchboard page.

When I select debug, the VB opens and the following line is highlighted yellow: "Me("Option" & intOption).Visible = False"

Do I need to change this line, or delete? to accommodate more items on a switchboard page, or am I stuck with only 8 items?


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Switchboard (Disable Items)

Jul 18, 2005

Hi Folks,

I have created a switchboard that has 8 more sub switchboards. They have got items from 1 to 8. My database is setup with users and their authorised access levels. Admin has level 1, Manager level 2, Users Level3. Now what i want is that when admin logs in all the items in the switchboard must be available, but when a Manager with leve 2 or a user with level 3 logs in to the database then certain items on a specific Switchboard must be diabled For example lets say Sub Switchboard No 3 and its item number 4 (SwitchboardID = 3 and Item Number 4) should be disabled. I tried searching it on the Forum but no use. All i request you is to help me in this issue.

Warm Regards


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Switchboard Items Playing Dead

Oct 2, 2004

Hi - would like some help.

I have a switchboard on which I have items which when clicked should bring up forms or other switchboards but do nothing. They just play dead. They did work in the past (i.e in the last hour) but don't anymore. I haven't edited anything on the switchboards or the forms beng called so am a touch puzzled

Any Ideas or answers much appreciated



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User Security Access 2013 For Switchboard Items

Aug 3, 2015

I have user security level setup with username and password.I have set forms and tables etc to security levels.what i am having trouble with is setting user security levels to command buttons on the switchboard.Example if you sign in Mary Jones and you click on the command button (open Tom Smith switchboard) button on the main switchboard and your not tom smith you get a message access denied.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "you cant open this form"


it is a switchboard page. and putting CoCmd.OpenSwitchboardPage that does not work either..when you look at the event on click of the command button a macro opens up but I dont see how you can edit it.

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How To Get Switchboard To Show Users When Data Was Last Updated

Jun 13, 2014

I maintain a shared database that I would like other users to be able to see when the data was last updated when they open it so that they can see how up to date the information is from the switchboard.

Currently I am doing this manually by updating the date in a label on the switchboard header, but ideally I would like to add a final action to my update macro (that imports new data into the database) that would automatically do this for me on completion if possible.

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General :: How To Manage Items In Set And Individual Items

Jul 31, 2013

I just want to know how to manage items in set and individual item. Suppose my product list are

individual items = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
and 5 pc set = A,B,C,D,F
and 3 pc set = G,H,K

How should I design the table. Previously I designed the table for individual items and whenever orders for set is placed user had to enter individual items with quantity.

E.g. order is for 5 pc set = 3000


Now I need to just say 5 pc set and it should be automatically populated. And also if order have combination of individual and set items.

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Switchboard Front Page - Users Able To Access Forms For Data Input

Dec 8, 2011

I have created a switchboard 'front page' through which I hope for users to access the forms for inputting data.

Within this front page I have an 'enter' button - successfully created - everything.

However, I am unclear as to how you activate this, or any other button. I have linked it to the appropriate form and stated the action I want it to undertake, but nothing is happening.

What further instructions do I need to provide ...and where?!

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How Do I Change The Sub Switchboard Headers

Mar 27, 2007


I have a switchboard that points to other switchboards (sub switchboards so to speak). I'm looking to change header title depending on what I group on that switchboard. However, when if I change one of them I change them all. Example: The main switchboard has a header of "switchboard". I have a sub switchboard that I would like to name "Report Switchboard". If I do that it changes all of them, not just the one that I want. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.



In looking through the forums for this answer I found this awesome thread about to jazz up a database. Thanks to any of you that put suggestions on there.

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Switchboard Button Name Wont Change

Aug 31, 2005

hello, I have a main switchboard that has a button which opens another switchboard, the button is labelled (has the caption) “Reports” but the trouble is when this other switchboard opens the button on here also has the name “reports” but I want it to be named: “open employee report” and if I change the name of the button on the other switchboard it changes it on both switchboards :mad: , anyone know of a way around this?

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Forms :: Change Items In A Combo Box Based On A Field

May 29, 2014

So I have a combobox that pulls values from a table. I am being requested to do an update to the database which means that I have to filter some values on that combobox based on a field on a previous form.For example:The main form is called "frmcontacts" and has a table field called "txttypeofcustomer" which can have two values: "customer" or "dealer".

The form that contains the combobox is called "frmnewissue" the combobox is called "cmbissuetype". "frmNewIssue" is opened through a button on "frmContacts". This combobox pulls the values from a table "tblissuetype". The values in that combobox are then: "Repair" "Return" "Question" "Replace".

If the value on txtTypeofCustomer is "Dealer" then all the values for the combobox remain visible. If the value of txtTypeOfCustomer is "Customer" then "Replace" cannot be visible or has to be greyed out.

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Global Change For End Users

Jun 20, 2006

All my users have a shortcut on there computer to the database.

What I like to do is create a new shortcut.

But I don't want to go to each users desk and change the old one to to new one.

There should be someway that you can do a global change.

Anybody have an idea how this can be done?

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Security - Admins Change Another Users Password

Dec 9, 2005

I have a Db that is secured with a workgroup.
If a user puts a password in for themselves, is there any way an Admins person can see it, or change it?

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Forms :: Change Backcolor Of A Field On Current Record Displayed In Multiple Items Form

Apr 8, 2013

I wish to change the backcolor of a field on a current record being dispalyed in a 'multiple items' form. However when using me.A.backcolor = makes refrence to all fields called A on the 'multiple items' form and therefore all fields change colour not just the current record.

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General :: Use Hyperlink Command In Switchboard Database

Apr 17, 2015

I have a number of databases in my system and I created a database that only has a switchboard form in it. This switchboard form has links to all of the various databases I have created and opens their default input form. This works fine but now I wish to place a button on the switchboard to run a report that is located in one of the databases.

I tried to use the hyperlink command in the switchboard database but that will not show me the information in the other databases only the switchboard database. I assume I have to link the databases and create a connection to the other database and its report.

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General :: Created A Switchboard With Multiple Buttons

Jul 24, 2012

I've created a switchboard with multiple buttons. I need to have one of the buttons "upon click" to open up a picture or video.

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General :: Edit Items In Listbox?

Aug 19, 2013

I have a listbox control on my form which works in conjunction with my search field on the first form. I can add new items with FRM_ItemsAdd. I can delete records by pressing the delete button.

However now I want the ability to Edit items in the list. How can I tell access I want to edit a record?

Attached is my access db.

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General :: Count Line Items

Mar 12, 2015

I have a query that I would like to put a count into but I don't know how

1. count how many line items there are in the query
2 count how many line items there are where the "days late" are

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General :: Selection Of More Items In More Than One Table

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating a database for my job. I have 4 tables with information. When I need to deliver some items i must know which items to take, They are in those 4 tables.

I want to make it that i can click a menu on my switchboard that i see a report with all the information with a clickbox behind it. If i select this box and click a button generate it creates a report with all the items i've selected with the select box.

So in short:

1.) How do I create a table with all the items from the other tables that are automatic updated when insert a items in one of those 4 tables.

2.) How do I create a report where i can select some items that are generating a report with the selected items.

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General :: Creating A Database For Manufacturing Items?

Jun 8, 2012

Im looking at creating an MS Access database for manufacturing items. Ill need to be able to create default items to be made and also use this to assign members of a team a list of items to make for a current day of the week which i can then input back into the database to keep it up to date with what they have made, have they kept to targets etc....

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General :: Finding Average Amount Of Items

Feb 18, 2013

I work in the Insurance Industry and I am having a hard time trying to find the formula for finding the answer to the below issue I am having.

In a table I have 4 columns:

1st: Total # of Claims (Claim Count)
2nd: Total # of Items (Item Count)
3rd: Item % of Claim Count
4th: Average # of Items per Claim (This is the number which I am trying to get)

Is there a formula which could give me the "Average # of Items per Claim"?

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General :: Count Number Of Line Items For Material

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that could have duplicate material descriptions , is it possible to have on that form a field that counts the number of line items for that material and when the material changes the new number will appear .

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