General :: Click On List Lookup Employee / Select ID And Then Form Will Fill In Rest

Nov 6, 2012

I have a form, "Update Employee Information" that allows me to navigate through records and change data like name, adress, etc. I would like to know how to create list (or autofill) so that it won't take long before finding an employee.For example: I have a Employee ID and would like to search on that so the form can fill in the rest of my information. I have thought of two methods that I like:

(1) Click on a list "Lookup Employee", select ID and then the form will fill in the rest

(2) Without clicking a link, typing in the ID in the form and the rest of the data gets filled in.

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Tables :: Select Table Lookup And Auto Fill In Another Field

Apr 10, 2014

i have a user permission table.that consists of PermissionPK, UserFK, CompanyFK. I also want the username to be automatically filled in?So when a user ID is filled in on the table, it also fills in what that UserID's Username should be?As i need both the UserId and Username text for code that looks at the Environ username.

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List Box One Click Select/deselect With Multi Select

Aug 28, 2004

is there any (reasonably simple) way to select or deselect multiple items from the List Box with individual clicks without using Ctrl key. Eg first click on an item would select it leaving all other items as they are, subsequent click on the already selected item would deselect it etc. I hope this is not too confusing and I would appreciate some help.

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General :: Multi Lookup List - Using A Form As Input For Query

Sep 29, 2014

I am having trouble using a form as input for a query. The form uses multi select list boxes, with then intention being that if I select multiple fields then only records which include those fields will show (not only fields that contain those and no others).

I also have successfully worked up some keyword searches that I would like to have run on the same query. So say I want to search for two values in my list box, and it also needs to include keyword X... how would I run these all together, or is it possible?The form is "EVR Search Form"..The query is "EVR Query - Trending Filters" and I've also made a copy to test on, "Copy EVR Query - Trending Filters"

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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General :: Lookup Wizard - Two Fields In Drop Down List?

Oct 14, 2014

I've managed to use the lookup wizard to show me two fields in the drop down list, first name and last name, but when i select a record I can only see the first name in the cell, not both.

Is there a way to display them both together?

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Queries :: Lookup Previous Value For Employee

Aug 9, 2015

I currently have a table where we are logging a task number against a date and time for each employees to track activity.What I am looking to do is in a query have access lookup the previous reference number for the employee before the date/time of the individual record but on the same day

Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Task Ref: 1234
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Task Ref: 3456
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Task Ref: 7891

to show something like
Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Ref:1234 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Ref: 3456 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Ref: 7891 Previous Ref: 3456

Fields are
DTActStart - this is when task started
DTActEnd - this is when activity ended
Task ID - Reference for task (unique field)

I've tried seaching forums (Used DMax and Lookup) but doesnt find the most recent record before the in view record/I'm thinking a query is the best way so that when Print a report of tasks run of tasks will then show

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General :: Lookup List In Table From Query In Split Database

Sep 14, 2012

i have developed an application in access 2010 . and split into front and back end . now i want to add more tables in back end and i need to define lookup list in table definition from the query presently in front end . when i get into lookup list and query builder doesnt show front end content ... how to solve this problem ?

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General :: Lock Picture Of Employee In A Form?

Apr 11, 2013

How can I lock a picture of an employee to his Employee record?

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General :: Missing Data For One User But Not The Rest

Jul 10, 2012

I work in an office where we use the same database in a folder on a shared server. When Mary Jane is signed on to her computer she can't see all of the data for a record but I am able to see all of the data for the same record on my computer. So I had Mary Jane log out of windows on her computer and I logged onto window on her computer. Once I was logged onto windows on Mary Jane's computer, I then opened the database in the same folder on the shared server and I was able to see all of the data for that record.

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General :: Multi Select List Box

Dec 22, 2014

I use access to gather information on testing that is conducted at my company. In the database I designed I set up a multiselect list box for when the people who conducted the test can check off the test equipment that they used. I did this because at anytime any number of different items can be used. Though I don't think we have ever used more then 10 test items. The reason for tracking the items that were used is if they, when out for yearly calibration, come back out of spec we can look at what tests used that equipment. As I further develop my system, I am starting to ask for more information from the requesters. I would like them to be able to check off what individual items are in the item being tested. Creating that list isn't the hard part for me.

My question comes in here. I know that using a multiselect list box is frowned upon as they can be sloppy to deal with when looking to extract data. Being as I am looking to expand my database, I was looking for what to do. I would still like to give the option of a multiselect list box, but should I create more fields and have the items used put into these new fields? Should I do the same for equipment that is used for the testing. If not and the list box is ok, how best to go through all the records to gather what ones used the specified equipment?

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Forms :: Search Form - Select Record And Click To Edit

Aug 9, 2014

I have a form which displays the records from a query (i have included a picture of this form) and allows me to filter them and create a report from the filter.

I'd like to be able to select a record with the record selectors (or preferably without) - and then go onto edit it in a new window and save the edit...

If possible also to select a record with or without record selectors and click a button to delete the record


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General :: How To Order Values In Multi-Select List Box

Jun 4, 2013

Is there a way to order the values in a multi-select list box:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 appears in the listbox as:

1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . Is there a way to have it appear as it does originally?

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General :: How To Multi-select For Cascading List Boxes

Sep 4, 2013

I am making a form at work for a coworker with cascading combo/list boxes where she can select a Customer, then Platform Description, then Period, then Year. I used VBA code for this and it's working perfectly - for single selection. I want to update this so she can select multiple Platform Descriptions and/or Periods and it will give all the applicable info.

I can use or a way to set up a query, etc. so that multi-select will work for me? Unfortunately, just changing the formatting to multiselect makes the listbox just blank white, so I'm assuming it's going to be more complicated.

(Here's the code I currently have for the cascading combo/list boxes, if you need it. SD0039DA_T is the table name where my listboxes are pulling info from.)

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
PlatformDescriptionL.Enabled = False
PeriodL.Enabled = False
YearCB.Enabled = False
End Sub


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Tables :: Auto Fill Part Of Form From Project List Table?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master list of projects, with project reference number, project name, and nature of project.

I have also got a form for individuals to fill in details of project events, with date, time, name, and two or three other fields - also included are project reference and name. I'd like the name field to be auto filled when the user selects the project reference from a combo box; I think? (the list only shows open projects).

I'd did something similar some years ago in Access 2003 (I think) but cannot figure it out in the version I'm currently using 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Click Event To Open A Form And Select Record Corresponding To Value In Unbound Text Box

Oct 29, 2013

I have some code for a button on click event to open a form and select the record which corresponds to a value in an unbound text box. The code is:

Private Sub Command25_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command25_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "frmOpenPatientRecord"

[Code] ....

This works fine when I put in a 10 digit NHS number but opens a blank record when I enter a four digit or six character/digit PatientNumber. Both patient number and NHS number are text fields in the underlying table.

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Duble Click On List Box To Open Form And Subform

Apr 7, 2008

I have the following code attached to a form:
Private Sub Go_To_Project_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Go_To_Project_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Project Main"
stLinkCriteria = "[R&D ID#]=" & Me![lstsearch]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Go_To_Project_Click
End Sub

Private Sub txtsearch_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstsearch.RowSource = "Select [R&D ID#], [SKU#], [Project Name], [Construction level], [Manufacturer], [Hobbico Status], [R&D Work By], [Product Manager], [Desktopper]" & _
"From [Project Main]" & _
"Where [Project Name] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [SKU#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D Work By] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Product Manager] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Desktopper] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D ID#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'"
End Sub

Private Sub Exit_Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Exit_Search_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Exit_Search_Click
End Sub

Basically a text string is entered in the txtbox and a list of matching records shows up in lstsearch box. One selects the desired record in the lstsearch and clicks on the "Go to project" button and the appropriate form (aka "Project main") and subform (aka Project History) open up with the desired record and record history.

What would I need to add to lstsearch so the users can double-click on the record to open it instead of selecting it and clicking on the "Go to project" button?



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General :: Automatically Fill A Table Using A List From Another Table

Jan 30, 2014

I have a table being filled everyday that contains the following:

Ward_ID (linked to the Wards table)

At present, the data encoder manually chooses the ward via drop-down list to identify the ward, and fill the census field. Since we have 20 wards, we find this exercise eating our precious time (since we have tons more of data to enter aside from the census). I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically list all the wards in the table in a specific date, so that the encoder would just proceed in filling the census per ward.

One idea thrown was to design the table like an excel sheet (each ward has its own column). Another idea was to make individual tables per ward and make a default value for the ward_id. However I think these two are not the right directions.

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Rest Of Form Will Not Update.

Oct 3, 2005

Hi all,

I am trying to design a database from scratch that duplicates some of the functionality in this database template from Microsoft:

In the form "Classes Subform" when you click on a Students Name the rest of the form is populated. (

But when I try to duplicate this form functionality in my Database I am not able to get the rest of the form to update. (

From what I can tell both forms use the same type of source query, relationship, etc.

Do you have an idea of what I may be missing?
Thanks Steve

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General :: Auto-fill Within A Form From Other Tables

Jun 25, 2014

I'm stuck on making a form to automatically fill information in the other boxes based on what I typed in a previous box.

In one table, called Project_ID, there are three fields, in which the first, contains the unique key for the product. Example:

ProdID (unique key) | Product Name | Product Use | etc

In the other, I have a table called Shipping Reports, in which it contains the two fields previously stated after another unique key called ShipID

ShipID | Product ID | Product Name | etc

What I am trying to accomplish, is when I go to a form under Shipping Reports, and type in an ID in the field for Product ID, I want it to extract the information for the Product Name under the table Project_ID

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Fill In A Textbox On A Subform On Button Click

May 4, 2014

I have a mainform with a combobox and a button. What i want is when i click on the combobox and then on the button I want that the textbox in the subform automatically fill in.

The mainform name is FrmTakenInvoerenEnToewijzenAanEenMonteur,

The combobox name is Keuzelijst1,

The subform name is SubTakenInvoeren,

And the textbox name is txtOpdrachtnr.

I tried this code in on button click:

Me.SubTakenInvoeren.txtOpdrachtnr = Me.Keuzelijst1

But that doesn't work.

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Forms :: Fill Values From Previous Record On Double Click

Apr 12, 2013

I have a Contacts subform and would like to be able to double click to fill addresses, and details from the previous row...every person in our database even those living at the same address needs thier own record.. and since we only need to fill up to 5 records and review them, double clicking on the first name to fill up the next row with the previous addres phone number ect would be grand.

I am assuming we could fill out the new Full Name and double click on it to get the previous record filled to the new one. Don't really want to work with a query unless needed, but I have a little vba understanding.. how do I code this to make it work?

getPreviousRecord.Phone Number(-1)

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Create Monthly Table Based On Employee List

Dec 26, 2006

Greetings all!!!

I have a database containing a table of employees and their rank. I want to record monthly details regarding these people: hours, performance, etc. Their rank can change dynamically from month to month. They may be a Supervisor for a month, and I want to change this value on a monthly basis. But I want to generate a Table which shows all employees belonging to each of the eight departments, but which has empty fields enabling me to record these monthly values. I then want to be able to pull up that data at any time to see these values for any given month in the past. I also want to add the values of each field and total them for the various departments providing monthly and yearly values on a departmental and organizational (grand total) level.

The employee names and their respective departments rarely change. I don't want to have to select their names (about 125 of them) every month to create a new blank form in which to put the monthly data. I want to have perhaps a button which creates the records and puts the names in for (1) department, (2) year, and (3) month, but that adds the fixed fields ready to put the data in. This data is required every month and the field names will never change. I'm sure the solution is programmatically simple, but I seem to have a mental block over the issue.

I hope that someone casts some light on this.

Do I use a Create Table query? (The data can remain in one table.) I would like to do it programmatically. My VB is pretty good, but, it seems, not good enough.


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Assign Employees To Task Then Remove Employee From List Of Available For Other Tasks

May 6, 2015

I need the ability to assign employees to a different task in each of four different timeslots on a daily basis. What I would like to do is as I assign an employee to a task in timeframe 1, I would like for them to become unavailable to assign to another task in the same timeframe.

For Example: Three employees to assign to three tasks at the 8 AM to 10 AM time slot.


Emp 1, Emp 2, Emp 3
Task 1
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp 2-Task 1

Emp 1, Emp 3
Task 2
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp 3-Task 2

Task 3
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp1-Task 3

It would be nice to set this up in a form where my person doing the scheduling can assign an individual to a task and that individual name disappears from the combo boxes, list boxes, or is "greyed-out" in a listing of employees available for the time period for the remaining assignments.

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General :: Multiple Form Click?

May 13, 2015

How do you enable to click multiple form that are set to pop up , modal and the border style is dialog ... ? the scenario is like this, my main form pops up and when i click a button that shows a different form , i won't be able to click back or do anything on my main form unless i close the new form that was loaded.

1. Main form is loaded
2. i clicked a button on my main form to load a new form
3. The new form is loaded, i can't click back or do anything on my main form unless this new form is closed.

my settins on my form are :
pop up - yes
modal - yes
border style - dialog

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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