General :: Code To Put Database On / Offline?

Jul 4, 2015

I am looking for some code that I can put into the on click event of a command button to turn my database on and offline

At the moment I use the option through external data tab

I'm happy to have two command button one for on line and one for offline

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General :: Work Offline Feature In Split Database?

Feb 20, 2013

Any way to "work-off-line" in a split database, and then sync the data when one is done working?

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Offline Database Merge

Sep 11, 2005

Hi i have database which is on a network and gets run of the network is there away of autosaving on the clients machine so it update the one on the network when the network comes back online. Is there a install program as its used by 15 people to work at same time but no database server is on the network

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General :: Don't Have Option To Sync Tables After Working Offline

Dec 1, 2013

I am using SharePoint 2010 lists as my tables in my access file.the users sometimes have no access to the sharepoint and I want them to sync their tables to sharepoint later once they do have access to the web.I have no problem doing it on the regular access file, but when I'm using the access runtime, I don't have the option to sync the tables after working offline.

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General :: Opening Access Database In Code As Read Only

Jul 30, 2013

I am trying to open up an Access database as read-only from another running Access database. The code I have to open the database currently reads:

"""C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE"" ""f:commonpattyTraining Database.mdb", 1)

How do I change to read only?

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2007 Store Online Or Offline?

Oct 23, 2007

I found a web site that reports 2007 bugs that says this:
Do not use offline folders to store your databases.

Actually, the full thing says:
Update Sep 14, 2007: There is now a known issue where a database stored in offline folders is lost when compacted. There is also another bug where you lose the objects from the Navigation Pane when you delete an object, if the database is stored in an offline folder. Do not use offline folders to store your databases.

What does this mean? I shoudn't have my database on a server? I should have it on the web? Eh?


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Offline DB Showing Online Results Through Frontpage

Oct 5, 2006

I have googled and search for this subject and am more confused now...

I am running an offline A03 db with XP and have a hosted website. Right now I have a separate db online that is used for the results on the website, and it works correctly. I used frontpage to create the form.

Now with our offline db I would like to enter the information on a form, and have the results show up on our website, to avoid keying the same info multiple times.

The data that shows up on the website will not be edited, but the table offline will have some fields for edit, that will not show up online.

Is there a way to connect an offline table/query to show up as results online? And if so how or examples? Thanks in advance.

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Creating Offline Data Entry Form

Sep 19, 2015

We have a client who is using an Access 2013 DB (Office 2013 Pro Plus) with the Windows 10 operating system. They are working on implementing the infrastructure for using Office 2013 under the Office 365 subscription. The Access DB they are using is setup as 2 .accdb files, one that contains the back end data, and the other the objects for the UI.

They will soon be using MS Surface Pro tablets for their field personnel, and want a form that can be used for data entry while in the field.

We talked about creating a form that could be used offline (basically a new FE and BE) and routine that would do data synchronization back to the network database when submitted by the field personnel.

From online research, it looks like this may be better solved with the use of Office 365, SharePoint, and Access Services. Unfortunately, since they haven't yet migrated to Office 365, we have no way to test it and need to determine if it is a viable option, or if we will need to do the "custom routine" option. Since they are planning to migrate to 365 anyway, if it works, it would obviously be a more cost effective solution for them.

Here are a few questions we have when considering this solution:

1) The Internet is not always available in the field, so the solution must be one that can run offline. Is this possible with 365?
2) They are working to get Sharepoint Services working soon. It looks like we will also need them to implement Access Services. What do SPS and Access Services look like, how do they interact, and what features do they offer and how can we leverage them?
3) What does the web-based Access application look like? What is the path to convert/migrate an Access 2013 DB to a web app? Does all development need to be done (or redone) in a new dev environment for 2013 web apps?
4) The "hydration" of an offline copy of the form is what we would need to distribute to an offline tablet device. What does this involve? Is a small footprint .accdw created? What happens after that when first accessed by the user? Is there a hydrated .accdb for the Front End and/or Back End?
5) If we must hydrate the entire application, we may need to implement security at that time. From our research, it appears that once the Access web app is published to SPS, the objects (lists, etc.) in SPS are lockable at the SPS level, and we may have to use that security layer instead of Access security, correct?

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Run Code On Database Closing

Jan 22, 2007

Where would I access the event properties for when the entire database closes? Something like the On_Close event for a form, but for the whole database.

I want to have Access prompt to back up the database upon exit, so when someone clicks the close button, a dialog box opens and asks "Do you want to back up?" with an Yes or No option. Yes would obviously run the backup code, and No would simply exit.

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Open Database From Code

Dec 16, 2004

is there a possibility to open a compleet other database from you database out?

no matter what the location is (i give the location)

thx in advance

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Executing Code On Database Open?

Apr 10, 2007


I was wandering if it is possible to implicitly execute code upon the opening of a database? If so how do I do this? I have code to convert the page settings of a report from a command click but wanted this to be done automatically...



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Compacting And Repairing A Different Database Using Code

Dec 6, 2007


I am aware that there are a lot of existing threads relating to compacting and repairing but I cant seem to find what I am looking for.
Basically, I developed a complaints database for my employers and it is used by around 45 people at any one time. The database was one of firt I built so it is not the best and is serious bloatware. Our server management team gave me an ear bashing the other day because the BE was 145MB. I did a compact and repair which took it to 45MB. The problem is that I need to do this daily but it involves kicking everyone out of their linked FE so the BE can be compacted/repaired. As an interim measure before I rebuild the whole thing I am going to schedule a database to open that will compact and repair the Complaints Database BE. Can anyone tell me the code to use to compact another database other than the one I am using. I have been looking at the code in other posts but I cant get it to work. The code I was looking at is the DBEngine.CompactDatabase... but I dont understand what comes after this and why??

Thanks people. :-)

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Zip Code / Time Zone Database

Nov 7, 2005

Does anyone have a US zip code - time zone table or tables? I have been unable to find this data online without paying 150.00. I need this for a web application that i am doing.

As always thanks a bunch

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Compacting Database 'breaks' SQL Code

Sep 22, 2005

I had someone write some code to access an Access database. The code works with the database as is, however if I choose to compact & repair the database to minimize its size, the code no longer works. What could be different about the database once it's been minimized using the database utilities?


P.S. Does compacting the database make it more responsive to users on the web that query the database, or doesn't it much matter?

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ASP Code To Connect To A MS Access Database

Apr 17, 2006

Hi there,
Thank you for this great site, and a special thanks to all persons here who are giving a big help to newbees as me.
here is my prob:
I have set up some few ASP pages using dreamweaver 8 in wich I put some forms to collect data from users (actually I'm recruting subjects for a scientific research) and teste them on my local host using IIS server and access 2000 database. all things work correctly. My strconnection in my local machin is as follow:
Code:<%' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"' Type="ADO" ' DesigntimeType="ADO"' HTTP="true"' Catalog=""' Schema=""MM_connsujets_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:InetpubwwwrootSujetsRecdbRecruSujets .mdb; Persist Security Info=False"%>
I have found a site ( wich host free asp pages. I uploaded my pages but the connection to the data base is no longer working. the host site give this sample of code to get to connect to the data base:
Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb);DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/USERNAME/db/yourdatabase.mdb")
I have follwed it and I have changed the username and the database name with mine but I can't figure out what to put to replace the .... after I git error this error when I have tryed to connect:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'oConn'

/kin2006/Connections/connsujets.asp, line 11

I deleted the oconn but it doesn't help I have tryed many other combination without any success.
Any clue!!
thanks in advance

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General :: Code Which Write Changes In Form

Jul 11, 2013

I have form "frmOrders" (Datasheet), columns: "id_order", "nameOfOrder", "worker", "term", "changes"I don't know it's possible or not.

e.g. I have in some record values like this
Id_order - 2
NameOfOrder - folder
Worker - John
term (this field is empty)

some day I will change e.g. nameOfOrder from "folder" to "business card" and term from empty to 2013-07-13. So two records was changed. After changes, record "changes" should has value like this "folder; term" - because I changed these columns.

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General :: Closing PDF Using Access Code?

Jul 15, 2015

How do I close a .pdf file using Access code? There has got to be some simple line of code that will do this.

I know the location of the .pdf. There has to be something like:


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Hide/Unhide Database Window With VBA Code

Oct 6, 2006


I woul like to programatically (with VBA code) hide and unhide the database window.

In Access 97, this can be done with Tools > Startup > Display database window box (check/uncheck).

But I would like my program does that himself : when the user launches the application, the database window should be hidden and when he leaves, the database window should be shown again.


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Preventing Users From Editing Code For A Database

Feb 25, 2014

I have an access database which was created in 2003. I opened a blank database and imported the definition and data in access 2010 and made the file an accde file. Now this file has a lock symbol next to the access symbol. I am also unable to edit the main form.

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Get Table Names From Another Database File VB Code

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find all the table names from another database file using VB code. This is what i have so far:

Function getFileNameOpen(path) As String
Dim f As Object
Dim varFile As Variant
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)

[Code] ....

This function will show a browser window so that the user can select a file, and returns the file path.

Function OpenFile()
Call getFileNameOpen(path)
Dim db As Database
Dim td As TableDef
Database = path

[Code] ....

I have this function. I need to get all the table names from the selected access file into a list so I can do a for loop after.

I can't figure out how to set the CurrentDb() to the path one. This code gives me the table names and some other names of stuff which I don't know what they are. But for the current database not the one in the path.

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General Q - Code And Why It Doesnt Work All Of The Time

Feb 6, 2008

I am wondering why access does not follow its own code all of the time?

For example I have passworded forms following the tutorial on the Microsoft site. It mostly works when the participants fills in the wrong password we will get an error message box and when they cancel the password dialogue box it wont let the person enter the form - but not all the time. Sometimes if you press cancel it still opens the form anyway (without requiring the correct password).

This is similar with the module that I put in to prevent people from using the mousewheel to leave their record etc. Most times it works but sometimes it just isnt called on form load.

There is nothing wrong with any of these codes and when they work they work well but I cant seem to rely on access to do what is supposed to?

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General :: HTML Editor To Format VBA Code

May 10, 2014

I would like it to be formated the same on the web page as it is in the MS Access code module.For Example:


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Minimize the database window and initialize the form.

' Move to the switchboard page that is marked as the default.
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [Argument] = 'Default' "
Me.FilterOn = True


Is there a free online HTML code editor that will do this?

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General :: Missing Zeros At Beginning Of Zip Code

Jul 31, 2013

I have a accdb pointed at Sql Server 2012 via ODBC pushing text from a text box back to a Sql server's column that is a nvarchar(10) to store zip codes.

Edit: I confirmed that the accdb's linked table has a datatype of text for the zip code column.

Oddly, the Access form's textbox is sending back the text, but stripping out the preceeding zero in the zip code - almost like when excel (shudder) strips the preceeding zeros away from SSNs and Zipcodes - treating them like a number - and not text.

How do I stop this?

The form object is a text box, and the sql server backend doesn't mind the preceeding zero. When I manually set the value to = '01111' using sql server management studio, the value is accepted - and then later viewable (with the zero) when using the accdb's form...

This leads me to believe the form is stripping away the zero when inserting the record. The add records button uses the following to insert the records:

Private Sub btnAddDioOffice_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
If ListBoxDios.Value <> "" And txtDioOffName.Value <> "" Then


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General :: Keeping Record Of Voucher Code

Jan 3, 2013

I am currently in the middle of creating a database as a means of keeping records of vouchers codes. When someone uses a voucher, I will then be able to input the name of the customer with the voucher code in the form.

This is meant to do two processes:

1. Keep a record of who has used a voucher
2. Check and validate the voucher code (the codes are kept in a table).

Now, I have created 90% of the db to input the customers details etc BUT...I am struggling for the validation part. Ideally, the db would also remove the said voucher code from the table so the same voucher code can not be used more then once.

I was going to "pre-install" the voucher codes in the db and then print off the vouchers for distribution. But I am basically tying to make the system so that it cannot be abused (for obvious reasons)...

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General :: Run Code In A Field When Enter Key Is Pressed?

Jan 7, 2014

Right now on a form I have code that runs when the used DoubleClick on that field. Users want to have the code run when the EnterKey is pressed as well but when putting the code in the onEnter command line it would run the code when you tab thru the field.

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General :: Code For OnClick Zoom A Image

May 5, 2015

I am new to VBA for access. I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different size. I would like to know if there is a VBA code that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes. I attempted like this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Prova", , , "Campo1=" & Campo1

but don't work

Prova is another form and Campo1 is the field with the picture.

I also need to save about 120,000 images. I wonder if the best solution is to use the attachment for the field type or another. What format should I Whereas in the mask I preview. And if Access internally saves the images or not.

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