I am using a combo box to filter a 2nd form upon clicking a button. I posted on this topic the other month and was given some code that works. I am attempting to tweak it for another part of my database.I am receiving a Run-time error "3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I have at present 2 combo box's that filter, now....... the 1st combo box is a drop down value list that will filter the OPOwner (persons name) for example there are 3000 records and 5 OPOwners, I can for now filter my name in cboOPOwner combo box.
The 2nd box (drop down list) is Status which would be "New";"Open";Pipeline";"Lead" ect...
If I filter my name it brings up all records related to my name and the when I want to filter status it will bring up all records relating to say 'Pipeline' however it will bring everyone's ;Pipeline and not just mine.
What I want is to filter my name in the OPOwner combo box and once all records are filtered in my name then in the status combo box filter what ever I want to look at. example what I want to filter - 'Filter Neil' then 'Filter Pipeline, or filter Lead or New'.
This is the code I have in both combo's....
Private Sub cboOPOwner_AfterUpdate() If Nz(Me.cboOPOwner.Text) = "" Then Me.Form.Filter = "" Me.FilterOn = False ElseIf Me.cboOPOwner.ListIndex <> -1 Then Me.Form.Filter = "[OPOwner] = '" & _ Replace(Me.cboOPOwner.Text, "'", "''") & "'" Me.FilterOn = True
Im using ms access 2010 and this program compatible with previously ms access.the error show is type mismatch (error 13) on
Set rbs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name" _ & " FROM MSysObjects WHERE MSysObjects.Type= 1 And MSysObjects.Flags=0" _ & " and MSysObjects.Name='" & n_tb & "'")
I'm creating an item look-up form with 2 criteria that I wan't to auto-filter as the user types. I'm placing my code in the Change event of the textbox, and only calling the .text for the current textbox (.value or no property at all for the other). The filter works smoothly and as intended until it returns no results in my table, and then it pops me with the error. I've tried forcing focus to the textbox in different places throughout the code, but to no avail. If I use the .value or no property for the current textbox, I'm not getting the CURRENT text, but the old text before it was changed, so the filter doesn't work properly.
Private Sub txtVendor_Change() Me.FilterOn = True Me.Filter = _ "((strSearchVendor Like '*" & Me.txtVendor.Text & "*' AND strSearchItem LIKE '*" & Me.txtPartNum & "*'))" Me.txtVendor.SelStart = Len(Me.txtVendor.Text) End Sub
It usually pops the error on the last line "Len(Me.txtVendor.Text)", but I've had it do it on the Me.Filter line as well (only when debugging and messing with next statement placement).
I have a table with the following 5 fields. (Service Type), (Valve Name),(Size),(Rating),(Description).
I want to do two thing:
First: I want to select the required information from the first 4 fields using combo boxes and get the last field (description) based on the selected 4 fields. In other words, i want the record to be filtered using first 4 fields to give me the last field info.
Second: I want to store the filtered record (all 5 fields) in another table.
I just recently started programming in MS Access. I have some forms with lots of combo boxes. I do not want users to type anything in the boxes, but to only select stuff that is contained in the drop down menus.I found this useful code and I am using it in my combo boxes on the key down event to do what I want.
Private Sub cmb_a_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0 End Sub
Private Sub cmb_b_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0 End Sub
Private Sub cmb_c_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0 End Sub
The issue is because I have so many combo boxes, is there a better way to rewrite the code so I don't have to repeat the same code in 20 places?
I am trying to populate a list box with an event after update in a combo box. I can get the formula to work using 2 criteria, the problem is i nee to add a third criteria. When I try to add it I get the run-time 13 error.
Here is the code I am trying to use:
Private Sub cboStatusRFQ_AfterUpdate() Me.cboSupplier.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact] " & _ "FROM Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool " & _ "WHERE consolidated_master_req_pool.Complete = FALSE AND [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Supplier] = '" & Nz(cboStatusRFQ.Value) & "'" And "[cosolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "[SUPPLIER_RFQ FOLLOW-UP]" & "'" & _ "ORDER BY [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact];" Me.cboSupplier = Null End Sub
Private Sub NextApplication_Click() On Error GoTo Err_NextApplication_Click DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit_NextApplication_Click: Exit Sub
Err_NextApplication_Click: If Err.Number = 2105 Then MsgBox "Cannot navigate to the next record. This is the last record." Else MsgBox Err.Description End If
Resume Exit_NextApplication_Click
End Sub
but even when this error occurs nothing is being properly handled the way i specified - any ideas ?
I found some code that lets me Filter a Report from a Popup Form. It uses 6 combo boxes with each box filtering my VehicleRecords table to the record I am looking for. The code for this can be found here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q208529 I modified just a few lines so that it would point to my VehicleRecords table.
When I enter information into any one of the combo boxes I get a Run Time Error 13 - Type Mismatch, and then I am pointed to this section of code.
Basically what I am looking for is a way to set the criteria of a specific field in a query from VBA.
The reason why: I have one very large query that includes lots of fields from many tables. I want to make a "search form" that sets one or multiple fields to have criteria to narrow it down. You could select the field, say, serial number, from a drop down on the form, then enter a serial number and click a button that would refresh the form, showing the new query output. Then you change from "serial number" to "location" in the dropdown, and type in a location, and it would remove the criteria from the serial number field and add one to the location field. When you click the button it will refresh and show the new query output (all the items in the specified location).
Basically I am trying to create one form to search the output of a query in multiple ways. I would like to keep it to one form and not have to make multiple versions of the query with different criteria.
I have seen a few articles here and there on using a combo box to filter records in a sub-form and to filter records in another combo box, but I am not getting anywhere. I hope someone can belp
Exercise 1
For this exercise, I have the following tables:
tblClients containing client names tblProjects containing some project details
I want to set up a simple form, so that the user can select a client name from a combo box on the main form which filters the project detail records in the Projects sub-form. Once the user enters project details, I want this info as well as the selected ClientID to be fed back to tblProjects.
Exercise 2
I have the following tables:
tblProjects as above tblWorkstream containiig names of workstreams and some other details.
Every project has one or more workstreams
I have a form where users will enter hours worked on each workstream. They will first select Project from a combo box on the main form. This should then filter records to be displayed in the Workstream Combo box, before they can then enter hours.
Please let me know if you need me to explain any part of this better.
Thanks in advance.
ps. I am a novice, so I'm hoping to do the above using default MS stuff, not with complex programming!!!
I have a form that has numerous fields, there is one field that is called the "Relationship Code" it gives any customers who have a certain relationship a 3 digit number. I would like a command button that you can press that will take the current record shown and filter their relationship code, to only show those records who have the same code. I know this can be done by going to the field>right clicking>and saying Equals " ". But I want a button with code that will do this automatically.
I'm having a little difficulty setting up a combo box to filter another combo box. I've actually got one working but the second one is giving me all sorts of errors. On the attached database, there's a form called frmAddNewRecord. At the top of the form there's a combo box which allows you to select a name and another combo box beside it which acts as a filter so only names from a certain section are shown (working fine).
The subform which is attached to this form and contains the training details, has another combo box which allows you to select a job...I've tried to add a combo box beside this to filter it but I can't get it to work.
I can't get this working. The code was posted by someone else. Anybody that can help, thanks so much. ........................ I have a table name main1. I have a form name main2. (input box and command button)
..........................I placed the code into my command button......
Private Sub Command2_Click() Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") stSql = "SELECT * FROM main1 " 'I have the password stored in this table!
rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset
If Not (rs.EOF) Then If rs![PASSWORD] = Form_main2.Text1.Value Then 'Text1 is my unbound box for the user to enter the password! DoCmd.OpenForm "intro" DoCmd.OpenForm "main2" DoCmd.Close Else MsgBox "You have entered the wrong Password!" End If End If End Sub
Hi, I get this error when trying to rung a piece of code: The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.
I have the EXACT same code working on other forms using different fields and I just can't figure out why this particular one isn't working, it's driving me nuts! My code is this: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strReason As String
strReason2 = Nz(Ref3Poor_Reason, " ")
Select Case strReason3 Case "Not Known", "Unwilling to Give" Poor1NavRef3.Visible = False Poor2NavRef3.Visible = True
Case Else Poor2NavRef3.Visible = False Poor1NavRef3.Visible = True
End Select
Dim Ref3PoorCheck As Boolean Ref3PoorCheck = Ref3Poor_Reference
Select Case Ref3PoorCheck
Case "True" Ref3Poor_Reason.Visible = True
Case "False" Ref3Poor_Reason.Visible = False
End Select
End Sub
Can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong please? Thanks, Dan
I have created forms for inputting into my database.
First of all a form opens with a choice of opening up another form displaying certain tables to input into.
On the startup form there is also a text box for the user to type in text and then using a command button filter the next form with what they have typed in.
Firstly when they dont enter anything into the text box but still press the command button this error box appears "Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression '[Last Name]='." Then it just has an ok box
How do i get it come up with the message "Please enter a Last Name before clicking run" And then an OK
Secondly, once someone has entered the last name in the text box, pressed the command button, and the filtered form has opened and displayed the results, and then they close the results form and return to the original startup form. The text they entered in the text box is still there. Is there anyway of clearing it each time when they close the filtered form.
I am working on an ADP ( first time working with this ). I have a form that is based on a parametized query.
The record source for the form is the parametized query which works fine the first time it is brought up. When the user wants to change the client number, a button "change client" is clicked and the event that gets triggered is openform=("edit client")...... Well, instead of being prompted, I get the error "The ApplyFilter action contiains a filter name that cannot be applied".... When I do a right -click on that same button, and "remove filter "I can get my prompt, but I dont want to keep doing that. I am not sure how to remove the filter from this button. I am not sure what the error message is telling me. Thanks for your help.
Hello All I have an issue I am trying to resolve and I need some help.
I have a database that I just created in access and pulled in data from an old Approach database.
When I try to do a filter on Form it gives me an error and closes out. I sent the error report to Microsoft and they said to intall the updates. I did that and restarted and still I have the issue of not being able to filter on the form. I have other forms in this database and I can do it on them, but not on the main form.
I have the code below which is giving me grief as I have copied it from a previous usage and it worked fine. I have tried it in a beforeupdate and now as a seperate button on the form and it gives me the same error message; I have tried to put a save command in to save the record without any luck
the code is
If DCount("[Batch]", "tbl_Data_Wine_Batch", "[Batch]=" & Me.Batch) > 0 Then Cancel = True End If
The error message is Run time error 2001 you cancelled the previous operation.
The problem comes up in the dcount expression.
Any help would be great as it is an important part of the project and we can move on once we have overcome this
I have created command buttons to enter event registration information after biographical information has been completed. When I click on the button I get the following error message:
"Microsoft Office Access cannot find the field '|' referred to in your expression."
This is the On Click code that I have in there. Can anyone spot the error of my ways?
Private Sub RegisterButton_Click() On Error GoTo Err_RegisterButton_Click If IsNull(Me![AttendeeID]) Then MsgBox "Enter attendee information before registering for an event." Else DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.OpenForm "Registration", , , "[Registration]![RegistrationID]=Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].form![RegistrationID]" End If
Exit_RegisterButton_Click: Exit Sub
Err_RegisterButton_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_RegisterButton_Click End Sub