General :: Combobox Opens A Different Form

Aug 26, 2013

I have a form with a combobox. From this combobox I would like to trigger the opened of a different form with the name and surname of the patients selected into the combobox.

I used this vba code

Private Sub Find_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "ID Patient"
stLinkCriteria = "[PTS]=" & Me.Identification

[Code] ....

The problem is that when the form Id patient is already opened every thing works fine but when the Id patient form is not opened it looks like if the combobox was not able to trigger the form with the name and surname of the patients!

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General :: Form Always Opens On A New Record

Nov 14, 2013

I have a form that I built with the intention of creating new records. I want to convert it to use with existing records too. I can't seem to get it to look at anything but new records. I imagine it is a property setting and something very minor to a seasoned Access programmer.

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General :: All Objects Toolbar Opens When Hit Print Button On Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects when opening my database for added security. This works.

The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation. This window shows all of my tables, forms, queires..etc.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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Form Opens When Database Opens

Aug 16, 2007

How can I get a form to open when the database opens?

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Opening A Report Instead Opens A Form (which Opens A Report)?

Jun 15, 2005


I've been given an existing database to modify, and I'm struggling somewhat to see how the author has implemented certain functions.

On a main menu form (autoexecs on starting the database), there are various "Search By" option buttons to generate a report, ordered in various ways. The "On Click" field for each of them refers to a macro, called Buttons, and a line in that macro dependant on the type of search (e.g. OnClick = Buttons.byPerson).

The Buttons macro runs an OpenReport command, the report corresponding to the search type (e.g. Buttons.byPerson has an OpenReport command for the "Report by Person" report).

However, when I click the search buttons (or indeed run the corresponding reports) I instead get another form which allows the search criteria to be specified - this then generates the report (I would assume based on the relevant query - e.g. Person Query), but I cannot understand how this works.

Google searches have not helped much as I can't seem to find an adequate search phrase to use, and I've been staring at the thing for some hours now. Any help getting me off in the right direction would be much appreciated!

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General :: Tab Control Auto Opens When Hovering?

Apr 1, 2014

So I ave a tab Control with 5 tabs. When I hover or move across each tab name it auto opens that page, so I don't have to click to open. How do I get the VBA for this?

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General :: Accdb Opens As A Copy Every Time

Jul 28, 2013

I have Win7 Pro 64 bit and Office 2010 32 bit on my desktop machine. I have a laptop with Office 2007 and Win 7 Home Premium, 32 bit. I do NOT have Office 2010 SP1 because I heard there was some conflict between 2010 SP1 and Office 2007. I switch frequently between both (one on the desktop and one on the laptop).

I do not have this issue on the laptop ... they are both Win 7 64 bit, but the laptop has Home Premium and Office 2007 and the desktop has Office 2010 32 bit.

I converted some of my Access databases to the newer accdb from mdb format. The databases work fine on both computers. BUT, if I double click on the file or a shortcut to the file on the Win 7 Pro/2010 machine, a COPY of the file is opened and named "Filename1". If I double click again on the file or a shortcut to the file, then a different copy is opened and named "Filename2" (and this is a copy of the original "Filename", NOT the first copy "Filename1".) Of course, any changes I make to the file are saved in the new file name.

AND, if I double click on a copy, Then a NEW copy is made ..."Filename1" is copied to "Filename11"...The only way to open the original of the file is to select it and choose "open with ..." and Access.This does not happen with mdb files, or any other files that I can find. It also doesn't happen on the Win 7/2007 machine. It happens on every accdb file on the desktop machine, whether its a converted file (from mdb) or a brand new accdb file.I was ticked at my daughter for constantly creating "new" database files called Database, Database1, Database2, etc.! And she was frustrated because her changes were "never" saved ... they were, but not in the file she was clicking on.

Older daughter has a laptop with the same operating system (Win7 Pro, 64 bit) and the same version of Access 2010, 32 bit (installed from the same disk).I copied my file over to her computer and opened from Access, by double clicking in Explorer and by double clicking a short cut and it never duplicated the file. I did a repair of Microsoft Office on my desktop computer, using the install disk and that did not fix the problem. If I go to the Explorer right click on the file and choose "Open With" then, when the file opens, it is NOT duplicated. Or, if I open Access first and then open the file, it is not duplicated. So, maybe a file association problem? I changed the association to Excel.

I've been using this computer and Office 2010 since last July (2012).I discovered this problem in May and did some file checking and found copies of files created in February and forward ...

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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General :: Using A Combobox To Select Records To Edit On A Form?

Aug 21, 2012

I am creating a data base to handle access requests to a building. All has gone well so far and ive built tables, reports, forms and used queries. However now im trying to get abit more clever and ive hit a bump of understanding/apprach.

Whilst a ninja in Excel, im still working out which is the pointy end in Access.

The database holds all details of access requests inc: Company attending, Individual attending, Access Levels and Period of attendance. This is all done with forms for the users and functions beautifully (ish).

I can run reports on this data, based on queries (there is much more included than above but you get the idea) and generate all the reports I need.

What I wanted to do was add, following attendance to the site, the card details of the AC card they were given for the visit.

My intention was to have a form with three variables: a combobox that would let you select the individuals company and two text boxes to select a date range in. Leaving just say three or four people from that company on that day rather than everyone who had ever atteneded to sort through and add the card details.

The combo box comes from another query that gave me individual company names from the main table.

I thought a date query (as in placing a more than <> or less than criteria vs textbox value on form in the query build section) could be added but I hadnt got that far.

It seems what I have done works backwards (oops), I can adjust the query from the form but get every record in the table on the form to click through to add card details, which will be abit rubbish when i have 1000's of requests building up in the history.

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Create Combobox On Form To Enter Record Not On List

Jul 22, 2012

I'm creating a simple database to document our supplier's contact information, addresses etc. However, when I create a combo box on the form and try to enter a record not on the list it gives the message "The Text You Entered Isn't an Item in the List".

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Go To Last Record When Form Opens?

Nov 21, 2006

I would like my form to open and automatically go to the end of the records, so I don't have to navigate to the end before I start entering data.

I have seen a form do this but can't find out how.


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Event From One Form That Opens Another Form: How Do I Open To The Right Record?

Nov 7, 2006

I have code for a button click event. Essentially I have a main table form that I use to enter customer data and info. I also have a button that I use to add that customer to a separate table that I use for special Customers. My code copies all the data I need copied to my other table, so I wont waste space here typing my code that actually copies the data to the new table. What I will list are the two commands I am using after that code, to close the current form (the one with the button) and open the form for entering special customer information (the form to edit data on my other table). It works flawlessly, but when it opens the other form, it opens to the first record. I want to know how to make it open to the record which I was viewing when I clicked the button to copy the data.

DoCmd.OpenForm "Special Customer Data Entry", , , Number = Me.Number
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Customer Data"

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Subform Opens New Form That Gets Its Info From Main Form

Dec 20, 2011

I'm working on a project that has two tables. "Calls" and "Customers". The Customers form has a subform, "Calls Subform" in it. When you click on the (New) Hyperlink a new form opens, "Call Details". I would like to pull information off of the "Customers" Form and insert it into the newly opened "Call Details" form.

Problem #1) Home Phone (named "Phone" and Text223 (named "CID"): are both bound controls so I have to do this in an OpenArgs type process.

Further details:

On "Customers" the following is true:
"25" is the "ID" for that customer on the "customers" table
"Home Phone" is the home phone number on the "Customers" table

On Call Details the following is true:

Home Phone is Bound to a table "Calls" and needs to pull it's data from Customers Form..Text223 is CID and bound to the table "Calls" and needs to pull it's data from "Customers" form.

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Show Only Form When Database Opens

Mar 8, 2005

I am sure this has come up a thousand times and I searched but could find nothing about this. I have a database with one main form and many queries. When the database is opened by users I would like for only the form to show. I do have queries in a dropdown list on the form to run. Basically, I only want the form to show when the database is open but I want to be able to get to the menu's etc when I need to.

Please help.

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Have Controls Null When Form Opens

Dec 14, 2005

What is the best way to have all controls in a subform empty when form opens? The form and subform are bound.

The following:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.textDate = Null
End Sub

Produced error - "cant assign a value to object"

thanks in advance

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Form Opens To Wrong Record

Sep 21, 2006

I have a form based on a query. The query sorts records by ID number. When I open the form, it opens to a record that is not the lowest ID number. It's the same record each time that it opens to, but it's not the correct record There is no filter or sort order on the form, and it seems like starting with record 2 it is sorting correctly. any ideas? thanks.

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Filter A Record When The Form Opens

Jan 30, 2008

This is the first time I've used this forum so, hello everyone

My first question is about filtering a form

When a user is in the menu screen and selects a command button to view details, the next form that loads shows every record within the main table. So the user can use the navigarion buttons to go through each record.

There's search criteria on this form so the user can select which ever record they like.

Because of speed issues, I'd rather the form filtered a record (whichever one) as soon as they pressed the command button.

I've thought about how i'd do this and can't really come up with much; looked at openargs but my VBA isn't that hot yet

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Form Opens A Web Page

Jul 21, 2013

Whenever I open this form I get this message. Form opens a web page.If I open that web page with browser I don't get this message.

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Switchboard Opens Form In Wrong View

Feb 8, 2005

I have designed a form which I want the users to see in Datasheet form.

In the properties, "Default view" is "datasheet" and "Views Allowed" is "datasheet"

When I open it directly, it opens as a datasheet.

But when the Switchboard opens it, it comes up as a Single Form. Infuriating !

What to do ?


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Form Opens To Records Only For Specific User?

Nov 7, 2005

I have a User Main Menu as seen below with the command buttons for New Work Log Entry and Edit Work Log Entry. The New Work Log entry opens a blank Work Log as shown below. The Work Log form's record source is tblWorkLog. The user will fill out all the fields except the End Page and Total Worked Pages. The user will then exit out of the database. When ready to enter the total worked pages the user log back in to the db and will click on the Edit Work Log Entry.

This is supposed to open up the last entry the current user was working on so that he or she can enter the End Page and Total Worked Pages

Currently it is opening up the last entry of the table even if it was a different user's.

How can I change this? I need it where it opens up the last record for that person. There are going to be 50 users so I can't have it open up to the last record of the table.

Any help will be apppreciated.

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Form Opens Locked Up - Filter Issue?

Mar 22, 2006

Help! What seems like a simple problem is driving me crazy.
I have a form (one of 2 that are nearly identical) that appears to be opened “filtered”.

When the form opens, none of the controls react to clicks, it does not allow edits. It has a feel as if a master lock is on the form. Finally, a right click to a shortcut menu saw some progress. If I select “Filter By Form” (the current record fields become blank) and then select “Apply Filter/Sort”, the form becomes “normal”, i.e. all fields and controls behave normally.

I have gone over the code of this form and its near-twin and cannot see any differences relating to this problem.

Assuming there is some type of stealth filter at play, Access Help yielded:
Use this procedure to delete any type of filter, regardless of what method you used to create it.
1. Click in the form, subform, datasheet, or subdatasheet whose filter you want to delete.
2. Switch to the Advanced Filter/Sort window (Advanced Filter/Sort window: A window in which you can create a filter from scratch. You enter criteria expressions in the filter design grid to restrict the records in the open form or datasheet to a subset of records that meet the criteria.).
3. On the Edit menu, click Clear Grid.
4. Click Apply Filter on the toolbar. I can not find the “Advanced Filter/Sort” window they talk about. I am assuming that this is a filter issue.

Does anyone have any insight on why this form opens “locked” and what the related filter issue may be?

I have also tried the VBA code:
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
To no avail.

Any help is certainly appreciated.


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Auto Insert Value To Field When Form Opens

Sep 28, 2006

how can i insert 'thisvalue' into 'thisfield' as soon as the form is opened??

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Modules & VBA :: Record Data When A Form Opens

Feb 11, 2015

I'm trying to add data about a form to a table when the On_Current event fires. The data I want to add is:
windows login username

date and time the On_Current event occurred
name of the form that was opened
that the form was opened
the number of the record (ID) in the table the form is based on

I have the following code

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.NewRecord Then
Call FlimOpen("OR IR No", "OPENED")
Call FlimOpen("OR IR No", "OPENED")

[Code] ....

Excuse the use of 'FlimOpen' but I needed a unique word that I would remember (inspired by FlimFlam the cat on the children's channel CBeebies here in the UK)

I try to compile and I get an error about the wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. However, the event does fire correctly when I open the form or move from one record to another so something's working!

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Access 2007 / Form Not Loading When DB Opens?

Sep 10, 2011

A form that used to automatically open when the db was launched has been deleted. However, the instruction to load the form is still in the db. I would like to remove that instruction, but I can't seem to find where to look for that code. In Access 2007, I went on DB to the Database tool menu, but its not in the switchboard manager.

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Automatically Loading The Form When User Opens The Database

Apr 10, 2006

When the user clicks on the file name, I want the form to load automatically & also at the same time minimize the database window (i.e. the window where all the tables, queries etc are listed). Any suggestions?

Thx in advance,


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