General :: Complex Spreadsheet With Unique User View?
Dec 19, 2014
The spreadsheet I've attached contains a ton of calculated cells and linked data. The people who created and utilize it aren't necessarily interested in changing the way they use it or populate it each quarter. That being said, my task is to somehow create a way that it can be sent to/seen by each person differently. First I'll point out that the 3 columns that are blank normally contain names, I deleted them for obvious reasons. The first of those columns, B, contains unique names for each agent in the firm, these people need to ONLY see their own data. The second column of names are basically managers, they need to see the records for each agent that falls under them. The 3rd column of names is irrelevant for these purposes.
Now if all this data were in access, and everyone had access to it I could easily just make records visible or invisible based on user name and I wouldn't be here right now. But they can't and that's not an option. I honestly don't know if this should be done solely in Excel, in Access or a bit of both. Currently this spreadsheet gets emailed to each manager and they have to review the data with each agent.
The first tab, worksheet, is basically instructions. It would be nice if those were images on the page and then all of the data were below that so that the agents could see them together and understand it better. As I'm sure you'll see it's a pretty complicated system so they have a hard time understanding it.
Note: There are actually about 3,000 records, I've deleted most of them for size purposes.
I got a form called "Make quote". In this form a user can select a product from a line of fields. This "line" contains: article code, product, price and quantity the customer requests.
Each single quote can contain a very different amount of products. Some quotes just have 1 product, other quotes have 25 products.
I'm looking for a way to let the user add as many "lines" as necessary for the quote. BUT I don't want him to need to go into design view.
I'm thinking of maybe adding a button to the form which does this, but I'm not sure how.
I am trying to limit what a user can see when accessing a database in access. I am only testing with this in access before taking it to SQL server. I have 3 databases and I combined the data into one set of tables and now what i am trying to do is a certain user can only view data from a particular database.
I have a table with the users id and password, as well as an ID number from each database that I am trying to tie to the users.
for example one user can view and add/edit data in databases 1 and 3 but not 2. while there might be a user that can view and add/edit on 1 and 2 but not 3.
i am currently developing a database what i need to do is to restrict user to view selected record and change them. i have build a login form in which i have two areas as a user name in combobox and a password text box. i have another form in which i have a combo box named area what i need to do is to limit the area combo based on the selection of the user login form previously. for example if a user select LAS VEGAS in user combo and enters its password after clicking the button login the another form appears in which thier respective stores and sales are saved, their is a combo box named area in which i want to limit it by LAS VEGAS i mean it would only show LAS VEGAS in drop down based on the previous selection in login form.
I have a user that uploads a spreadsheet weekly. I want to assign a unique id to each record that is the current date plus the start and end date for the data they are loading which would be the week prior plus a counter.
For example: Data from the week of 5/4-5/10 is loaded on 5/12.
Record one would be 050414-051014-1 Record two would be 050414-051014-2 Record three would be 050414-051014-3
and so on. How do I accomplish this in my table design? They will be deleting the prior week data and pasting the new data so the table design will not change.
I have another question and hope you can help with.
On my form which gets informaiton from a query, I have among other fields an Account field. I have a query, Details, that provides details on the account field, the fields of the query include Account, invoices #s, invoice amounts e.t.c.
I would like to create a button on the form that would 1) take the account # showing on the current form and run the details query based on that account # 2) display the results of the query in a spreadsheet.
Is it possible to create a split form with spreadsheet view on top and when you click on any field in that line it shows a regular form with field information below?
We have a spreadsheet in Excel that I need to recreate in Access rather than link to it (not an option). I would like to create it column by column but can't even get past column 1! We have two age fields; 1) current age and 2) "show till" age. I need the datasheet to autofill column 1 beginning with the current age through the "show till" age then stop.
Column 2 begins with the current year and autofills through the "show till" age then stop.In Excel it's just a matter of adding 1 to the previous cell to create the next age or year.
I am trying to create a unique reference number that includes the default autonumber and another count based on what the user selects from a dropdown (B).
For example, the reference might look something like these examples:
I will eventually create a unique reference by combining all the data (ie: 004-Drink-Latte-1, 010-Drink-Espresso-3) but it will allow me to number each type of drink in ascending order irrespective of the autonumber (which is the primary key.)
I would appreciate any advice on how to approach this! I am baffled!
i just know some query designing and some amount of VBA for making small event procedures.I want to know how we can use VBA when our queries becomes complex to replace the queries and to extend the to use recordsets in a VBA function.
The front end of the database has a form for each table. Once you create an Audit in table 1 you can create multiple Processes underneath this one audit. Underneath a process you can create multiple Risks...... hence a hierarchy.
I am trying to append data to table 4 - controls. I have copied the format exactly into excel. I have also prepopulated the Audit, Process and Risk data in the required tables.
The reason I want this functionality is to enable team members to populate control information (oftentimes up to 25) in excel and then upload them easily into the database.
The macro I have created will work when created a new table. but when I point it at the existing table 4 - Controls I get the Key value violation error.
- tbl_company (containing company info) - tbl_employee (containing employees info) - tbl_cim (containing working contracts info, related with both tbl_company and tbl_empployee)
In the tbl_cim i have starting date of the contract, working time per day (in hors, according to the contract), ending date of the contract, etc.
I need: - once a month i have to generate a "excel-like" sheet containing employees (rows) on a selected company, days of the month (1-31) i choose (columns) and hors worked on each day (according to the working_time from tbl_cim). The working hours i have to be able to modify. - the days before start date of the contract have to be empty; the days after end date, also. - the saturdays and sundays have to be marked ina different color (cell background).
I ask: - what tables i have to create additionally? - how can i create a form for this infos? - is there a way to do this with less vba as possible?
In my country, Romania, this type of "spreadsheet" is called a "pontaj" and companies have to do it every month. I would like to step from Excel to Access with it.
I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .
All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.
I am having a problem with the code in the Close event on a report when asking the user if they want to view additional reports after closing the current report in preview. Report Closes after the Yes/No answer is selected. If yes selected it does nothing. If No is selected it does nothing, This code works fine in a data entry form after changing the close and open commands. Using Access 2010
Code Using Now.
Private Sub Report_Close() Dim IntAnswer As Integer IntAnswer = MsgBox("Would you like to View/Print additional Reports?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Yes") If IntAnswer = vbYes Then
Need to get these into Access from an excel spreadsheet (located on sharepoint). I'm using the spreadsheet fields to create the table fields in Access.
I used a macro to record the date and time the current record was modified and show that information on a form - the information on how I did that is here:
That works wonderfully, however I would like to add to this the user that modified the record.
Is there a macro code for this??
I tried setting the Item to read [UserModified] and the Expression to be User() however that did not work.
I have an Access crosstab query that I have exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have the spreadsheet formatted using conditional formatting and I'd rather not have to reset it every morning. It's a single spreadsheet (the columns/rows will not deviate greatly day to day) and should be very simple, but I'm not getting it for some reason.
So if I have "Test.accdb" and it contains "qryX" as my crosstab and "Sheet1.xls" is my formatted Excel spreadsheet, how do I code for the latest "QryX" to go in and replace the old "QryX" data in "Sheet1.xls" ?
I am trying to build a query using two tables. One is a table called sanctuary lakes cleaning data. The other one is called Faulire data. In cleaining table there are four years of cleaning records for each pit. I want to find the performance of these cleaned pits using failure table. Each failure date should have only one correspoding cleaning date. I wrote the following query. This query works. But it gives duplicate data. Some of the records will show two cleaning dates for a failure.
My query is like this.
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], Min([Failure data table].Failure_date) AS MinOfFailure_date, [Failure data table].[Failure SR no] FROM [Failure data table] LEFT JOIN [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data] ON [Failure data table].Pit = [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT GROUP BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT, [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaned Year], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[Cleaning Date], [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].[SR NO], [Failure data table].[Failure Year], [Failure data table].[Failure SR no] HAVING (((Min([Failure data table].Failure_date))>Min([Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data]![Cleaning Date]))) ORDER BY [Sanctuary Lakes cleaning data].PIT;
My results are as follows: PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no 1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984 1-08 2007/08 16-Oct-07 213458 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589 1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984 1-08 2009/10 19-May-10 313497 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589 1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984 1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589 1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
I want the following results.
PIT Cleaned Year Cleaning Date SR NO Failure Year Failure_date Failure SR no 1-08 2010/11 22-Feb-11 379081 2011/12 13-Aug-11 414984 1-08 2011/12 17-Apr-12 458430 2011/12 25-Jun-12 478589
I have created a front end and put into production for my users but I want to reduce the amount of menu bar options they see so someone cant click on a button wondering what it does and mess something up. What is the best way to reduce the amount of options a user sees on the menu bars when they open the front end of the db?
I got a large transaction file with deplicated records!! For unit price checking, I need to copy the last 10 unique records to another file with the same criteria but price is not the same as the current checking record.
For instance, I got 5000 records with around 400 records unit price is not the same as history. For each checking, I needed to copy the same criteria historical records to a tempory file and then delete corresponding duplicated records first, following by another deleting action only to keep the last 10 records according to date field.
I'm looking into create a small unique identifier to put on top of each invoice generated by the database. (.MDB A2010)where '000' its just 3 zeros added for extra badassery, '1' is the actual ID from the database table and -2014 its the current year when the record was added...So maybe I have info from 2 fields (ID, YEAR)... but How do I add the ceros to the ID field... so its 0001 not 1 or 0135 not 135... ???.
I am in the process of creating a DB for customer names, job numbers and document numbers, but have run into a problem right from the start.We are using a naming convention of the first 3 letters of the customer name, and 3 numbers after that. Eg. Customer names Allstar, Allpro would be All001 and All002 respectively.
The job numbers would then be sequential numbers, for each customer. So the first job for Allstar would be All001-001 and so on.How do I get Access to check/create the customer ID's? And then how do I get Access to check for the next job number for each customer?I was able to do this in Excel with the following;
=LEFT(B12,3)&COUNTIF($B$3:B12,LEFT(B12,3)&"*") in one cell =IF(B12="","",LEFT(D12,3)&TEXT(RIGHT(D12,1),"00")) in another to add the preceding zero's. Obviosuly , Excel is not the best way of tracking customers, jobs, documents etc.
Here's my dilemma: I have a table that keeps track of job postings and how many people applied for each posting. So, for instance, I can have 20 people apply for a job posting say....on July 18. On another column I have the shift name for that posting such as DAY Shift. So, I have 20 people that have applied for the Day Shift on July 18.
What I'd like my combobox to show me in just one instance of July 18 in column 1 and one instance of Day Shift in column two. I have tried using the wizard and then going to the properties of the combobox and attempted to edit the SQL statement to use the DISTINCT value to no avail.