General :: Conditional Formatting Of Report Fields

Dec 11, 2012

I am struggling to format a field on a report.

I believe it is because special charachters are in the text string

I want to highlight the field if it contains the following text

Stage 6: Won and Deploy (shipping)

Regretably, I believe Access see this as code.

I suspect I need to encapsulate it some way, but nothing seems to be working

What am I missing?? How can I force Access to see it as a text string??

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Two Fields In Report

Mar 26, 2015

In my Access 2010 report, I am attempting to perform conditional formatting of one field based on the difference between two fields. In particular, one field is "Time Scheduled" and the other field is "Time In". If the "Time In" is equal to or greater than 60 minutes of "Time Scheduled", I would like to format it to be red font. If it is less, I would like to format it to be green I can conditionally format to do this?

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Reports :: Add Conditional Formatting To Several Fields In A Report?

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to add conditional formatting to a several fields in a report. So far i can use the contional formatting to set a field called [colour] to set that field to red and bold. But i believe I need to use an Expression for all fields, so I can make all fields that = red go red. I have used the the expression:

[colour] = "red"

but nothing happens.

Expression Is [Subtotal]+[Freight] > 50

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General :: Time Fields And Conditional Formatting

Feb 6, 2013

I have tried to change the colour of the text in time fields with no a value of 0:00 by using conditional formatting - to no avail.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting On Row Of Fields

Apr 29, 2014

I have a field on a report that I was able to make bold using conditional formatting. I want to make the other fields in the row bold as well if the value of the 1st field equals a set value.

EX: Contractor Bid Amount Sq Footage =[bid amount]/[sq footage] =[bid amount]/[estimate]

I put conditional formatting on the Contractor field

EX: Field Value Is equal to "Estimations"

I was Bid Amount, Sq Footage, =[bid amount]/[sq footage] and =[bid amount]/[estimate] fields to also be bold if the Contractor field is equal to Estimations.

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Date Conditional Formatting For A Report?

Sep 20, 2012

I have set a conditional format for a report...very basic, Now()+7 and set it to format to turn red, but it will not turn red unless I click on it.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Text Box On A Report

Jul 3, 2013

I have a text box on a report from the Control Source CSCS Expiry Date. The format in the table and query and report is Short Date. The Text Format is Plain Text.

I have named the text box txtCSCSExpiryDate. I would like to make the background red when the date is 01/04/2013. I have ensured the text box back style is normal.

I am using expression

And in case it was the Control Source:
[CSCS Expiry Date]=#01/04/2013#

I also tried:
[CSCS Expiry Date]<Date()

I applied the formatting each time, tried closing and re-opening the database. Changed the background format colour to green instead of red and even restarted my computer and it just stays exactly the same.

I've just noticed something else. I have a screen only button on my report header with

DoCmd.OpenReport "All_CSCSExpiry_Rpt" acViewPreview

Which has also stopped working. I get an error:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Employee Details was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Is this linked to my formatting not working?

I've just checked and on my 5 reports all of the print buttons are giving me this error! (I added the button as they are part of a navigation form menu which only shows report view, I am editing in the original report design view though.) They were working yesterday! Is it because I compacted and repaired the database?

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Reports :: Crosstab Report With Conditional Formatting

Feb 22, 2015

I am playing with a report. Crosstab report works, but I would like to print check mark if value is "X". Other values are "A" and "E" and they need to remain as they are.

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General :: Conditional Formatting Duplicates?

Aug 17, 2014

I have a form which will have many duplicate stock numbers in it , field called " stocknumber"

I also have a field called "qty reqd"

I want to apply a conditional format ( green background)to the "qty" field where the stocknumbers are the same

I tried [stocknumber]= [stocknumber] but did not work

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General :: Conditional Formatting Dates

Oct 29, 2013

I am trying to get my expiration date field to highlight a certain color once the date comes closer.I have weapons qualification dates. The user will input the date he/she qualified and then a expiration date (6 months from that day) automatically pops up.

Now what I want to do is once the expiration dates gets closer is change the color. So when it is 90 days from expiration it would highlight yellow, and when its 30 days away it would highlight red. I believe this can all be done through conditional formatting, but for the life of me I cant figure it out!!

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General :: Conditional Formatting One Date Less Than Other

Aug 10, 2015

In column D I have a date (different on each row) and in Column E I have another date (again different dates on different rows)

I need Column D conditional formatted to that

If the date in column D is less than Column E then it turns red.

I tried doing one row and it was giving erroneous formatting

Need a lot of rows done.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting With Like - Colouring Fields Within A Form

Jul 5, 2014

What I am trying to do is create conditional formatting to colour fields within a form.

The conditional formatting option built in allows me to colour based on set values i.e. Value=Design turns green. I need to somehow say if Value contains the word Design turn green. This is because in addition to the word Design there will be a variable description. I tried editing the conditional format created by the wizard to Value="*Design*" but that didn't work.

Now I'm trying to write it in VBA code but am still struggling. Here's what I tried but it doesn't like it:

If InStr([Forms]![Query2]![Activity] Like "*Design")>0 Then
[Forms]![Query2]![Activity].BackColor = vbGreen
End If

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Based On Two Fields - Highlight In Red?

Feb 17, 2015

So i have two fields I need to tie together for conditional formatting

If the "status" field says "RETURN" and its over "30" days then I need to highlight it RED

If the "status" field says "AVAILABLE" and its over "90" days then I need to highlight it RED

Is this possible?

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Forms :: Use Conditional Formatting To Indicate Mismatch Between 2 Of Identical Fields

Nov 4, 2014

I have a form with 2 sub forms which have identical fields from different records. I want to use conditional formatting to indicate a mismatch between 2 of the identical fields. I have been told I should use [NewField] <> [OldField] but I don't know how to complete the syntax. If I call the first sub_form_1 and the second sub_form_2 and the field name is path_length on both, how do I compile the statement?

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General :: Conditional Formatting Percentage Result

Sep 26, 2012

I have a subform based on a query. In that query, I have calculated values for price+tax and another price+discount+tax. Now I have a conditional formatting that if the gross total is not equal to amount due, the amount due box will turn red. However even if they are equal visually, it still turns red. Ex. The gross total is 336.00 and the amount due is 336.00 also, so it should NOT turn red, but it does. When I click on the amount due control, the value turns into 335.999999195337. How do I tell access not to make 336.00 into 335.999999195337.

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General :: Shape Effects And Conditional Formatting

Oct 25, 2013

Having recently upgraded to Access 2013 I've noticed when designing forms or reports the Shape Effect button is greyed out. Also, when I click Conditional Formatting no dialogue box pops up. This is happening on all old Databases and new ones created with 2013. (Windows 7 64 bit)...

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting - Change Back Color Of Fields

Aug 1, 2013

I have a form in datasheet with the fields "Date In" and "Date out" among other.

I want to be able to Change the backcolour of the "Date In" to red, yellow, or green depending on the length of time elapsed between current date and date in. This works fine on the conditional formatting, but now I only want to apply this formatting IF the "Date Out" is empty.

Access 2007.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting On Multiple Fields Based On Two Criteria

Sep 24, 2014

I have a report which I would like to apply conditional formatting on multiple fields. I would like the conditional formatting to be based on two types of criteria

First criteria would be contracts that start with the year 2014. I used the following expression which worked - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Joseph Steinbok" or "Adam Godson")

To this expression I would also like to highlight fields which contracts start with 2014 AND have a particular Director assigned to it. For this I used the following expression - And [DirectorInCharge]="Name"

On their own, both expressions are working but I want to combine them. How do I do this? I've tried the following - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name") but then nothing is highlighted. I also tried InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014") AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name" - in this instance EVERY record was highlighted.

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General :: Conditional Formatting - Print View Not Showing Highlights

Jul 2, 2012

I applied conditional formatting to a subform in a form and it works fine. The screen dispaly is showing the highlights but the print privew does not. It does not matter which printer I select.

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General :: Conditional Formatting - Change Backcolor Of Process If Status Field Contains Certain Text

Jan 8, 2014

I have a subform with two fields [status] and [process], i am trying to get the backcolor of procces to change to red if the status field contains the text "expired".

I have tried vba. plced on the after update

if me.status = "expired" then
me.process.backcolor = vbred
else me.process backcolor = vbwhite
end if

Changes the color of the field [process] but also all process field colors to red even if the status field does not contain "expired".

I think conditional formatting is the way to go but i think i need an expression to complete this.

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Forms :: Default Formatting Option In Conditional Formatting Dialog?

Aug 1, 2014

Need to confirm whether the Default formatting option in the Conditional formatting Dialog won't work in datasheet view of a form. Please note that all conditional criteria are working fine but not the Default Formatting option - only in the Datasheet view (In Single Form view the default formatting is working fine)

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General :: Fields On Form - IF Then Conditional Format

Jan 14, 2014

I have a field on a form OrderDate and a field DOB. I am not sure how to create an expression in conditional formatting that:

=IF([DOB] - [OrderDate] <30), Then background is red

So if the OrderDate is 1/1/2014 and the DOB is 1/15/2014 then the DOB field turns red

If the OrderDate is 1/1/2014 and the DOB is 2/29/2012 then the DOB field does not turn red.

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Conditional Formatting

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've a question and I hope you can help me out.......
I'm trying to use Conditional Formatting Options on a Text box called "Date". I'd like that this box become Red if its value is between value1 from Text box "Start Date" and value2 from Text box "End Date" or Green otherwise (in this way the color change dynamically every time I change the values of Text Boxes "Start Date " and "End Date"). How can I do that? What I need to type in the Conditional Formatting Windows?

Thanks a lot for you help!!!!

Ciao Ciao

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Conditional Formatting

Aug 13, 2007


On my Database I have used Conditional Formattion to change the colour of the qty to highlight when the qty is getting low however its not as good as I would hope as there are different type of definition of quantity (D of Q) e.g. Each (single items such as a screw) and Roll (such as cord and tape)

Conditional formatting doesnt work well because if I have it as less than 10 the qty is in red, its ok for the each items however not the roll as 10 rolls of tape is more than we would need.

I am just wondering if anyone knows what the code would be to change the colour depending on the qty and the D of Q

All i have got so far is:
If me.qty <10 and DofQ = EA then

Now im stuck for the change colour part

Any help would be great

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Conditional Formatting Help

Sep 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

I'm after an easy way on being able to change the colour of a field once it a certain figure is reached

For instance

Standard field colour for anything 1-99
100+ changes to red

Would any be able to help me out please?

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Conditional Formatting

Sep 8, 2005

Does anyone know if there is a way in a report to display an entire row in a different color? I'm running a report based on a query and I need specific information to come up in RED. I read about conditional formatting but you can only apply it to a field in a report, but not to an entire row. Let's say I have a group of managers and I need to know the ones that are making more than $50,000 a year. I don't just want the salary to come in RED, I need the entire row (like name, last name, title, date of hire, salary, etc).
Any ideas?


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