General :: Connect Date Range With Other Criteria In SQL

Nov 2, 2012

I have the following function which works well except when I want to run a search using date range and any other criteria on another text/listbox or combo box.

This is work i get in the immediate window (Where Status, TypeID, PurposeID are the other criterias used with the date range.):

WHERE ([Incident_Date] Between #02/06/2012# AND #02/06/2012#)[Status] LIKE '*Active*' AND [TypeID] Like '*1*' AND [PurposeID] Like '*2*'

And the Build Function is as follows:

Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant
Dim varWhere As Variant
Dim strField As String 'for the date field
varWhere = Null ' Main filter

[Code] .....

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Date Range Criteria...

Aug 22, 2005

I am wanting to use a query to find dates within a range, like a quarter. Within the criteria I put "[Enter Date:]". I ran the query and tried the "Between..And.." operator and even "<=9/1/05 and >=12/31/05". All I get is an error message saying incorrect syntax or structure. Any questions on how I could set this up so I could perform this search, that would be great.

Thanks. :confused:

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Query Criteria - Date Range

Apr 18, 2007


I want to set up a simple query criteria where it searches based upon a column called Date.

So I want a criteria that says when you run the query ...

Between which date range? And which date?

Now I know I need to use Between and And within the Citeria, however I would be grateful for someone to show me the exact wording for the criteria.

Thanks and kind regards.

Phil Drury.

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Problem Setting A Date Range On My Query Criteria

Jul 21, 2006

I have this criteria which should collect a date range (cboDate and cboDate2), it works well in collecting the date range if i put separate days (like 6/17/2006 and 7/18/2006, it'll collect the data matching those dates), but if i put the same day, say i want to get all the data for 6/17/2006. And cboDate and cboDate2 are both 6/17/2006. With this code, nothing comes up. Can you help me?

([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or
[tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or
[tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)

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Queries :: Group Results By Criteria Date Range

Sep 23, 2014

Below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve with a parameter query.

The source table for the query contains two fields:

Reading_Date (short date) and Use_value (integer)

The parameter query sums Use_value between two dates for various date ranges specified as 'or' criteria. SQL as follows:

SELECT Sum(Table1.Use_Value) AS SumOfUse_Value
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2013# And #1/5/2013#)) OR (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2014# And #1/5/2014#));

This produces a single sum total, but I'd like the query to give a total per criteria date range. In other words to group results by criteria. As date ranges may span year change, grouping by year is not possible.

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Reports :: Selection Criteria - Date Range To Be Queried

Sep 18, 2014

I have a report based on a query that returns all info from the query which is fine, I now need to amend this so that individual users can specify the date range to be queried and the person for whom the results are required (one of the query strings)...

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To Excel And Delete Data From A Range On Specific Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to connect to excel from Access database. Once I make the connection I want to delete data from a range on a specific sheet. There are 4 columns on the spreadsheet but i wouldn't know how many rows. So for example, A150... but I may not know what the last row is. How would I be able to delete data from a range of columns to the last row?

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Queries :: Criteria To Pick Range Of Date Dependent On Variable?

May 8, 2013

I am trying to write a query from a main table which will show records which have a date of less than or equal to a Variable (tempvar), however the variable (selected from a form) may be left blank in which case all records should be shown.

I have successfully used the following but the records returned are only the specific date choosen not that date and all prior

Like Nz(([TempVars]![tvcldate]),"*")

So I have tried the following but it doesn't work.

Like Nz(<=([TempVars]![tvcldate]),"*")

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Query Not Returning Records When Criteria Set To Is Not Null Or Date Range

Feb 20, 2013

I have what I think is a simple query returning the names of students that have been dismissed since September 2012 using a "WithdrawnDate" field. The query pulls a lot of information from other related tables (about 6 different ones), and has two expressions.

When the criteria is set to either "Is Not Null" or a date range (which is all I need), it does not return the complete set of records based on the data that fits the criteria in the main table?

Could there be some sort of join preventing all records from being returned?

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General :: Summing Over A Date Range

Nov 15, 2012

I am trying to create an access database to allocate people to projects and show the total time spent on projects. As peoples time can be allocated to different projects I want to add up the proportions of their times per day and show the results in a graph.The data I am entering is the date they start working on a project (Start date), the date they stop (End date) and their time allocation (e.g. 50%). How can I use this data to sum for date ranges?

I have attached an example database showing the problem. In the report the graph shows the type of thing I want for the output, clearly showing the total time spent on a project is more than 100% on one day and less on another day. Do you know how I can do this?

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General :: How To Calculate A Date Range In A Query

Jul 25, 2012

I am trying to write a function in an access 2007 query that will calculate the date range for each of my records based on the month-ending date and the In-transit days assigned to each record (excluding any weekend days) (i.e. if the in-transit days number is 5 & the month ending date is 5/26/12 then my date range would be 5/22/12-5/25/12). I want the funtion to calculate the range, I cannot use parameters as each record will have a different range based on it's in-transit days .

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General :: Delete Specific Range Of Date Record

Jun 26, 2014

I want to make a delete query, which delete record between certain dates, I want access to ask user to specify range of date before executing the query.

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General :: Sum Values From Date Range From Specific Record

Mar 11, 2013

I'm working on a loan database for my personal use and obviously I'm new to access

See attachment ...

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General :: Update Field Based On Date Range

Sep 7, 2012

I have 2 tables like this



Is their a way to update the TotalBatches in TableA with the sum of NumBatches from tableB that have the same BatchType and falls between the FromDate and ToDate of TableA?

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Connect Criteria In Query With Textbox In Form?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a query, one of fields have a criteria. On other hand i have a form. User entry a value in textbox an click on a button then query run. criteria is value in textbox. What i must write in criteria?

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General :: Auto Generate Entries Based On Date Range

May 16, 2013

I am looking to have entries made to the table based on a date range. I have a database of events and most repeat daily, weekly, etc. When I enter them into Access, they go in as a single entry with a start and end date. But I need to have them as individual entries for each day so that rather than one entry of 5 days, I need to create 5 entries of one day each.

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General :: Timesheet Manager - Report Based On Date Range Given By User

Jul 7, 2014

I have the following project that works as a timesheet manager:

Users enter in a form the employee name/date/hours worked/role/overtime (yes or no)/rate... on a daily basis. At the end of every week, they must create a report depending on the dates given in a query.

I have only one table (tbl_EmployeeHours) and a query to calculate the number of hours between two dates.

At the moment a report gives me all the information above (employee name/date hours worked etc..) but what I am trying to is a bit different.

I need Access to create a report (based on a date range given by the user) that would give me: per unique name, the number of normal hours worked in total, next column, the number of hours worked as overtime (rate 1.5), then, the number of hours worked as overtime (rate 2).

This means there are 3 different totals. For example, in the date range given, someone might appear twice but in the report he will appear only once with 3 different totals...

My guess:

I would say I need to create a different query for the 3 different totals (normal hours, overtime 1.5 and overtime 2). For each query you would need to ask the user to input the date range (which would not be so user-friendly I agree...). Then, I am not sure how access would create that list of names and combine the 3 different results from the queries...?

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General :: Sync Tables When Connect To LAN

Nov 24, 2012

I want to make a database on my company server. There will be two tables. "Customers", and "Visit to customers".

There are 5 sales managers in my company and i want them to collect information about customers on the field.

My question is:

How to sync Customers and Visit tables from laptops with Customers and Visit tables on the server?

Can i do it over internet or i can make a button that will sync tables when sales managers come to the office and connect to lan?

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General :: DLookup With Date Criteria

Jun 29, 2012

I'm having trouble with DLookup() using dates as part of a multiple criteria. I'm using the following;

If IsNull(DLookup("ExchRate", "TBL_DDPExchRates", "CurID = " & Me.Combo4 & " AND ExchDate = #" & Me.ShipOBDate & "#")) And Me.Combo4 <> 2 Then

It seems that if ShipOBDate is any date between the first and tenth of the month the DLookup fails to locate the appropriate record. I can't understand why as ShipOBDate and ExchDate are both formatted as Short Date and ExchDate is being populated via an OpenArgs which is derived form the field ShipOBDate..Is the fact the the date is getting converted from a date to string and back to a date some how upsetting things

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General :: Delete Query With Date Criteria

Nov 23, 2014

I have 2tables,table1 id,name, table2 id,name,date.

How can i write a delete query that will delete everything in table2,if the data date is today?

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General :: Access Code To Connect To Excel And Iterate Through Rows And Columns

Sep 28, 2013

I am just starting out learning how to connect Access to Excel. From an Access form, I need to connect to an Excel spreadsheet, and loop through every row/column to look for data that matches a database field data, then populates the associated cell data. I don't want to import the spreadsheet since the user who created it is using it manually, and I am attempting to automate the task. This is probably the most elementary code, but I would like to start out with the best way to do this. What I am finding is code that appears to be much more complicated than I need, for more complicated situations.

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Queries :: Date / Time Query - Return All Records Of Specified Date Or Date Range

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.

I have tried

Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]


Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"

Neither of which work ....

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General :: MS Query Criteria With Two Fields If Either Contain A January Date

Jun 16, 2015

Basically, I have a table showing our clients and when their next service dates are:

I need the query to show NEXT SERVICE DUE dates in January, AND/OR if NEXT LOLER has any January dates.

These should show as either or both fields have January dates:

Next Service Due: February
Next LOLER: January

Next Service Due: January
Next LOLER: December

Next Service Due: January
Next LOLER: January

I managed to do the NEXT SERVICE DUE with January dates, but not both

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General :: Downloading Excel Data From Site And Connect It To Access - Time Format Changed

Dec 18, 2013

I 'm downloading the excel data from the site and connecting it to access.

In excel the particular column (Time Taken) is in the format of "00:12:26".

After connecting it to access and appending it to the table, the format changed to "12:12:26", the first two digits changed to "12" and the remaining are as it is how it looks like in the excel. I need to change it to format what it looks like in the excel.

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Queries :: General Date Field Criteria - Limit Results To Only Specific Month

Apr 16, 2015

I basically have General Date field (e.g. 10/1/2014 6:34:11 PM) and I want to limit the results to only a specific month and only to show reuslts after 6PM. I tried everything and still stuck.

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Print Date Range On A Report Based On A Non-date Field

Aug 7, 2005

Is there a way to show the earliest and latest dates of a report generated by a non-date field?

E.g. I generate a report based on Food, and it'll list the days that this food is associated with. Is there a way to show the first and last day that appears in this report (i.e. the range of dates that the report shows based on the food selected)

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