General :: Copy Saved Imports From One Database To Another

Apr 2, 2013

I pasted the tables, modules, macros, etc. from one database to another and the only thing left is the Saved Import. How can I get that into another database? It is quite a large import, otherwise i would just recreate it.

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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General :: Copy Database With No Records

Aug 6, 2013

I'd like to be able to show recruiters the database as an example of my work (to get an interview, etc.). Of course, I can't just show them a copy of the database with all of the private information on it, so I'd like to be able to show them a copy of the database with no records. Is there a way to export/copy it so I can do this in Access 2007?

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General :: Copy New MDB File Over Existing Database

Feb 28, 2014

How can I overwrite the existing Access database with another Access database without the need for the end user to get involved in the process.

I want the code to copy a new mdb file over the database I am using (!) and then automatically start the new mdb file...

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General :: Access Automatically Saving A Copy Of The Database

Nov 6, 2013

I have created an MS Access 2007 for a user. When the user uses the database, it automatically saves a copy of the database. Why is this happening? I did create for the database to compact/repair each time to user closes the database. ... However, when I open/close the database, there are not new copies of the database.

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General :: Access 2010 Split Database Hyperlinks Not Working / When Copy Of Front End Moved

Jul 14, 2014

I have built an Access 2010 split database on my computer and it functions as built. My next step was to copy it to the server at work and test it. I discovered the tables had to be re-linked and so did that. As I have read in the Access World Forums in order to function as a multi-user database a copy of the front end must be placed on the individual workstation with the back end residing on the server, however the hyperlinks in the back end will not function when the copy on the workstation is run. I simply get an unable to open "filename" error pop-up. I can run the server copy and everything functions as built. I know that the hyperlinks require all the files to be in the same folder (relative vs. absolute), but if the back end contains all the hyperlinks why does the location of the front end seem to affect the operation of the back end?

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General :: View Saved Import?

May 21, 2013

Is there any way to view a Saved Import to see what it is doing?

I just inherited a database from someone that has several saved imports. I need to be able to see where the data is coming from and where it is going to so that I can recreate it using VBA.

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General :: Record Is Saved Without Navigating

Sep 19, 2013

When using Access 2007, I have a new record button, but that record is only written to the db once you navigate away from it. How do I write immediately to the DB, so that record is saved without navigating away from it. I believe I can use ADO or DAO but I'm having difficulties.

Private Sub Command71_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MaxValue = DMax("[Record Num]", "Joblog")
Text64.Value = MaxValue + 1

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Computed Values Are Not Saved In Database Table

Jul 26, 2005

Hi Experts,

I am beginner to Ms-access database. I want save value of A(5) - B(3) into C but, when i check the field C, i find 0 instead 2. Please advice me what i need to do to achive the exact value in field C.


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General :: State Of A Record Where Changes Made But Not Saved

Dec 8, 2012

i want to have a button where the operator can cancel when on a current record. i want an if. if form has changes made but not saved then undo else close.

is the record state 'dirty'?

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Reports :: How To Print Images Saved In Database Records

Apr 14, 2014

I have created a database which has 2 images for record embedded, the method I have use for this is to link the address were the image is in order to avoid that the database gets slow, the images are displayed on the form but I cant find the way how to embed such images in a report neither how to print them with a button used for such purpose.

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General :: Viewing Data In Report Before Saved To Table?

Sep 20, 2012

need information in form to write to report before accepted and saved to separate table, so operators can read it. background:manifest information entered into form in receiving office, analysis ran in lab and then entered into form. When analysis is approved, Operators unload material then truck checks out in receiving office. Need to see analysis before it is written from load_temp table to Load table.

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General :: Access 2003 Saved As 2000 Format On Windows 7

Aug 22, 2013

I have written a database in Access 2003, saved as an Access 2000 format. This runs fine on Windows XP workstations. When I install the same system on a Windows 7 system, my login screen launches, the user is able to enter in their name and password. Then nothing happens. What is supposed to happen is a form opens up after the password is entered that applies security written in code based on the user.

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General :: Get Latest Record Added Of Item - Check Period Between Now And Date Saved

Sep 28, 2014

In my Access app I need to get the latest record added of an item from a MS Sql table and check the period between now and the date saved in the record.

So my guess is:
Select TOP 1 * from tbl_StockItems
Where StockId = Loc_StockId

I then need to check the days between tbl_StockItems.LastStockDate and Today.

How would I write an Access VBA query to give me the amount of days and put that number into a variable.

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General :: Make A Copy Of BE File Rather Than To Make A Copy Via Code

Nov 26, 2012

Would it be ok just to make a copy of the BE file (every so often) rather than to make a copy via code?The user can then just paste over the original if it becomes corrupt.

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Bulk Imports

Jan 10, 2007

though my actual application contains 6 tables, I will give an example with 2 to simplify my question:

Say I have a simple DB with a Company table and an Employee table....the only attributes are CompanyID (autonumber/PK) and CompanyName for the Company table and EmployeeID (autonumber/PK) and EmployeeName for the Employee table.

Now I have an excel spreadsheet with Company Names and Employee Names on a worksheet. How can I import these to both tables and keep the relationship of who works where? Keep in mind that I have 6 tables in my actual DB.

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Updating Tables With Imports

Jul 17, 2005

Hi Im quite new to access, but Ive got a little database running thats contains balances of customers account over 30 days 60 days etc and logs querys on there accounts, Im given a spreadsheet each week which shows that the customer may have paid something to their account so I need to import these new balances into the table and update the record. Can anyone give me any pointers as how Id achieve this, as append query or import dont seem to fit what I need.

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Conversion Errors Table For Imports

Jan 30, 2006

In previous versions of access when importing data from text files a conversion error table was created.
In access 2003 this facility no longer appears. It tells me there are import errors, imports the acceptable records but then no errors table.
Am I being stupid, have I got something turned off. Many thanks for any support anyone can provide.

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Modules & VBA :: Error - Type Mismatch On Imports?

Mar 17, 2014

common error in VBA imports. It has happened with spreadsheets and text files I have users importing. An error message pops up "Type Mismatch." But the import appears to work correctly. So I added code that On Error, if error Like "*Type mismatch*" continue to next step. Now the user gets a longer error message: "The expression On Click entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Type mismatch." Again, the import still works, but this message is annoying! The even stranger thing is that I do not get this error message on my machine. Just the other users.

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Access Imports Blank Validation Cells From Excel

Jul 13, 2007


I have an Excel file that I use to enter data. About half the columns are validation cells to minimize human error. The validation cells are in rows 2-200. I then import the data into Access.

The problem is that, even if I only enter or select data in one row, Access imports all 200 rows that contain validation cells. I only want the rows in which I've actually entered/selected data to be imported.

I've searched this forum, but may not be using the correct search criteria.
I've also searched Google for "Access Imports Blank Validation Cells from Excel" and other variations of the same words, and switched empty for "blank".

Can someone recommend a thread or on-line article that will give me an idea how to work around this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

PS. Sorry, I wasn't sure under which category to post this.
Again, thanks for your time.

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Large Data Imports Expanding File Size

Dec 7, 2007

Morning all,

I'm having a problem with mdb file size. I'm importing a large amount of data from a number of tab delimited text files via a simple transfertext function. The process goes: empty the tables in the database, then import the data into the tables.

All this works fine, but the file size rockets to over 1.5Gb. When I then compact and repair, it goes down to 420Mb. I'm not deleting and recreating the tables, and at no point is there 1.5Gb worth of real data, so what's causing this?

N.B. I realise I can call compact and repair following the import, but this is going to take too long as they are user-initiated imports.

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Database Copy

Jul 23, 2004

I need a clean copy of my database that includes everything except the data. I want to keep the keys and relationships etc. How do I do this? I am using Access 2003 Projects and SQL Server.

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Database Copy Oddity

Sep 15, 2006

Alright...Our database was benchmarked by several other units. They're completely separate, i.e. independant data collection, no shared networks, different bosses.

At any rate, I made some changes to the db and created a "utility update (" db for these other units to use to automatically get these updates. Before sending all of this out, I received copies of these other databases to make sure that everything works properly.

Well, everything works fine except for one db. I thought originally that they must've changed something in the db, so I made a copy of ours and imported their data and got the same error as in theirs. So...obviously, I thought there must be some problem in their data. I ran through it and double-checked the verification VBA in the form used to enter the data and there's no noticeable difference in the data and the VBA/form are identical.

This might tie into my previous post ( because there's something goofy in Access that I can't quite pin-point. As far as I know, there's no difference between any of the databases except for the data itself. Can the data be corrupted if it looks normal in the table? Would corrupt data cause an error in a query/report? (I've never run into corruption in a db before.)

Sometimes I don't like Access so much.:p

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Copy / Duplicate Database

Mar 11, 2015

I am new at Access. I have an excisting database but i would look to copy/duplicate it from on computer to another. Because i would like to start experimenting in the excisting database, but without changing things in the real one. How would you duplicate it, because if i just 'copy' it. I have to change some pathways, but i don't know how.

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Copy Query, Report, Etc. To Another Database

Aug 4, 2005

Is is possible to copy queries, reports, modules, etc. from one database to another, and if so, how? I have some queries and reports in an inventory database I'd like to copy and use in another database without having to set them up or re-code them again.


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Access Creating A Copy Of The Database

Dec 7, 2007

I have MSAccess 2003 running on WindowsXP. I have multiple users sharing a single database. When more than one user opens the same database, a copy of the database is being created?? I don't know if this is a standard trait of Acccess or something else. Any explinations would be helpfull.


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