General :: Copyfile Function - File System Object

Sep 2, 2013

I have a problem in the copyfile function. It says "CompileError - Expected =" and I am not sure if I am even setting this correctly. This is my code:

Dim fso As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject(filesystemobject)
fso.copyfile(me.txtPath,me.txtarchivepath & me.txtnewfile)

I think the problem is the "filesystemobject bit in the code ....

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Forms :: Booking System - Time Picker Function?

Dec 2, 2013

Is there some kind of Time picker function , i can see the date picker however i am using a booking system and have a field named 'time of booking' and i need something that can dump the exact system/online time into the field.

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Workgroup File (system.mdw) Problem

Jul 28, 2005

I recently created a workgroup for an access database and it works fine. But I have other versions of that same database (beta copies) for which I didn't create that workgroup file. They have different names than the first DB for which I made the workgroup.
But even when I open those beta copies it still launches the workgroup file (system.mdw) and prompts me to login. What do I need to do to revert these changes and go back to the unsecured version of my database?

Is it as simple as deleting this file?

Thanks in advance,


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Security Hole If System.mdw File Is Used

Oct 5, 2003

I am a newbie and I am having a problem with MS Access 2000 security.

I have created a workgroup information file for a database to secure a database using a user level security. Everything seems to work ok if I use this WIF. But if I join the system.mdw file the database is not secure and opens without prompting for login. Please let me know if there is a method to block the user from using the system.mdw file.

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Compacting And File System Security Problems

Jan 8, 2006


I've done every search I could think of, but haven't come up with a solution.
I'm having a problem with file system security settings of windows 2000.
I have a FE/BE database setup, the BE is stored on a network drive that all users have access to. The FE is stored in the same spot on every workstation (C:dataXXXXXX.mdb). The FEs demonstrate considerable bloat and I understand that the solution is frequent Compact and Repairs.

However, each physical workstation is used by more than one user (different shifts) and the compact process removes the Everyone file system access from the database and replaces it with Administrators, and the current user; thereby preventing anyone other than the compacting individual from accessing the FE on that computer.

Is there a solution??


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Delete User Information In System.mdw File?

Jun 15, 2006

Is it possible to delete user information in workgroup information (System.mdw) file from command line or programmatically?


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Change Output File Name During Send Object Routine

Apr 3, 2007

I have a query that runs based on a parameter a user selects on a form.

I want to dynamically create the sendobject file name based on the parameter the user selects.


My form has a parameter named medicine. When the user checks the checkbox next to medicine it runs a query for records labeled as medicine but sends the e-mail output as the query name. I want something like medicine.txt etcc...



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General :: How To View System Tables

Jan 31, 2013

Access 2010 Where exactly do I find Import Specifications that I have created? How do you View System tables?

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Modules & VBA :: Importing TXT File Run Time Error 424 Object Required

Jun 12, 2015

I am trying to create a txt file to import into our accounting software. I get the file (its blank), but it fails on the WriteLine and i get the run time error. I have a command button on a form that the user will click to export the file.

Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strPath As String
Dim strPathGB As String

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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General :: Extract PID From System Security Tables

Apr 7, 2013

I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.

I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???

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General :: Control System To Put Stock That Come Into Specific Location

Jun 18, 2015

I have created a stock control system where i put stock that come in into a specific location i can put the same item over several locations depending of the size of the location or i can can put more than one product in a location .

The problem im having is when i do a order that say remove half of all the stock in it is split over more than one location i cant seem to get it to remove the stock from the location to show space available.

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General :: Print Barcode To Be Used For Data Input Into Another System

Aug 7, 2014

I'm trying to print a barcode to be used for data input into another system.

The data contains alpha number and some special characters like space, underscore, / and &

I want the form to print the bar code

128 and 3of9 don't handle this data.

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Command Button To View PDF / Excel File Or JPEG From Object Within Database Table

Aug 12, 2013

I have created a database for a church cemetery. It contains the usual names, birthrates deaths, etc.... I have also created a map of the cemetery in PDF format with the lot number highlighted which is assigned to a particular record. I did the same in excel with a layout of the lot and a JPEG picture of the grave marker. In my table I created Three columns - Site Plan, Lot Plan, and Grave marker. I insert the specific site plan, lot plan, and jpeg picture using the "insert object" in the table. On my form after a search, I have created three buttons.. Site Plan, Lot Plan & Grave Marker.

I have looked and experimented trying to assign these command buttons to open these files on the form. I don't have any experience with macros or VB code.

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General :: Work Order System - Empty Records Showing In Table

Apr 3, 2014

I have a work order system that people use but it somewhat randomly puts blank records into my table. I've added a lot of validation checks when submitting, closing and resetting the form and limited the way people can exit out of the form to fight this issue but it still happens.

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General :: How To Update Yes / No Object

Aug 8, 2012

I'm relatively new to access. I probably use about one tenth of one percent of what it has to offer because I have trouble understanding it at this time. I need to know how to update a yes/no object.

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General :: Mail Merge Word File (using Data From Access File)

Mar 11, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please download the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I wish to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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General :: Database Or Object Is Read Only?

Aug 25, 2012

Been using XP all this time, just got a new computer with Windows 7. Still using old Access 2000, not my call to update as this is the decision of the guy who owns the database.

Anyways, I opened Access for the first time, just a blank database so I can set up the user account. When I go to Tools > Security > User and Group Accounts and try to assign a password to Admin, I get the error message that it cannot update because the database is read only.

Where did this come from? I have never seen this message before, and the person who owns the database has a couple computers with Windows 7 that I have set this up on and did not run into this issue.

I realize that there can be some compatibility issues with Windows 7 and Access 2000 but it has worked on other Windows 7 computers, and not using the virtual XP mode.

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General :: Emailing With Send Object

Nov 23, 2012

I am using a command button to email an invoice to a customer using the sendobject function, whilst this almost works correctly it is adding an additional mailto:address along with the correct email address.

Example: CorrectEmailAddress and then#mailto:CorrectEmailAddress

The code I am using is:

On Error Resume Next
Dim Cusemail As String
Cusemail = Nz(DLookup("Email", "invoiceemailQ", "orderID=" & OrderID), "")
If Cusemail = "" Then
MsgBox "No email Address"
Exit Sub


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General :: How To Get Size Of Each Object In Database

Aug 11, 2015

I have adopted someone elses database. It is a front end with about 100 linked tables/forms/reports/modules. The problem is that the database is really large. I would think by looking at the objects that it should be around 5mb tops, however after compacting it is still 63mb.

Is there a way (vba or otherwise) to look at each object and get its size in KB?

Once I can figure out which object is taking up too much space I can work on making them smaller.

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General :: Declare Reference As Object?

Sep 4, 2012

Is it possible to declare a reference as an object, this way we could avoid our issues with broken references? I would just try it, but it seems like there is a quite a lot of testing it would require.

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General :: ACCESS Object References

Mar 3, 2014

I am cleaning up a database that has been around for some time and I wish to be able to check for references within REPORTS/VBA Module code/ Form Designs etc. anywhere there is likely to be a reference to either an Access TABLE or QUERY.... I know there is the 'Object Dependencies' function within Access that will go some way to telling you what relies on what, but this is simply not comprehensive enough in that it doesn't go down to Form design level where further references can hide...

Countless times I have checked and subsequently deleted tables that I considered redundant... only to find later on there was some SQL Source reference to a table or query buried in the design of a form that I had overlooked....

Any way to definitively check and to ensure that all traces of a specific table or query are accounted for...?

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General :: Make Accdr File Out Of Accde File?

Sep 10, 2012

How do I make an accdr file out of an accde file?

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General :: Follow Hyperlink To A File Without Using File Extension?

Sep 6, 2012

Is it possible to follow a hyperlink to a file without using a file extension?

I have links being created based on the name of a file, but because I haven't used a file extension it crashes.

I know I can give the user a choice of what the file extension is and add it to the hyperlink, but it's an extra step, and another place for someone to make a mistake.

I'm potentially using 3 different file types, Word, Excel and PDF's.

The hyperlink works if I just reference a drive/folder, or if I add the file extension.

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