General :: Counting Invoices Per Month?

Mar 21, 2013

I have a table which has sentdate invoices and paiddat invoices. i want to be able to get a monthly count for the amount of invoices sent and paid to compare on a graph. e.g jan 2011 = 5 feb 2011 = 6 ect

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Help!! I Need To Reset My Counting By Month...

Jan 7, 2005

I have this BIG Problem:

I have a form where i use 9 text fields named “Pallet” bound to 9 different tables (each table belongs to each terminal user, I create these tables due I have to perform differents actions and reports by person) i get the max value of each table by model and by user using the DMax function, the key point is to get the Max Value of this 9 fields just like this:

Field (Pallet)#1:108 Field (Pallet)#5:136 Field (Pallet)#9:159
Field (Pallet)#2:109 Field (Pallet)#6:138
Field (Pallet)#3:115 Field (Pallet)#7:132
Field (Pallet)#4:125 Field (Pallet)#8:138

Max Pallet: 159 I got this value creating the follow function...

Public Function fMax(ParamArray Variables())
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To UBound(Variables)
If Variables(i) > Nz(fMax) Then
fMax = Variables(i)
End If
Next i
End Function

Based on this i open a controlled field in my form and wrote this function:

= fmax ([Pallet#1]; [Pallet#2]; [Pallet#3]; ...[Pallet#9] )

The BIG QUESTION is how can i reset to zero the criteria in my Dmax function to get the max value of each table??? Due each month the counting needs to be reset to zero because the issue is to get every month the production quantity of cell phones pallets produced, and if I let this function alone, it will give me the max pallet number regardless the month the key is to get the max value according the month…

I try this function but doesn't work:

=DMáx("[Escaneo_Gabriela]![Tarima]","[ Escaneo_Gabriela]"," [Escaneo_Gabriela]![Modelo] = 'G1500S' And Month([Escaneo_Gabriela]![Fecha])=Month(Date()) And Year([Escaneo_Gabriela]![Fecha])=Year(Date())")

I was thinking in open a field in each table named "Month" and create a function or module to give me the value only of the current month based on this field, but i'm not quite sure about the sintax, PLEASE HELP ME>>>!!!!!!!

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Counting Open Events By Month

Jan 11, 2007

I have a table, part of which includes a [start date] and [end date]. I need to be able to plot a graph that will show, for each month, how many projects were still open. they will at the start of the month have a [start date] but no [end date]. I have created another table that holds the date for the first of every month in the range that I am intrested in. I suspect I need to use a subquery in here somewehre but cant get my brain around it :(

Many thanks


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Counting Month Fields For The Current Year?

Nov 4, 2007


This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads.

Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you.

Heres a link to the database below

Total count is easy: =Count(tblMain!ID1)

What I want to do is count the amount of records for each individual month of the current year so I don't have to change the year date everytime a new year comes round. As soon as the next year comes around they all reset to 0.

The clever way would be to count the records for the current month -1 current month -2 etc and automatically update the month labels but I think that would be getting a bit comlicated.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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General :: Counting Yes / No Boxes In A Row

May 14, 2013

So I'm fairly new to access as I've only spent one semester working with it. I have a project (work related, not school) that I can't seem to get a handle on.

I have a database with several yes/no fields (y/n)

name | y/n 1 | y/n 2 | y/n 3 | y/n 4 | etc

Is it possible to count how many occurrences of yes appear in each row in the table, and do that for every row? The object is to have a "grading system" if the person has like 4/5 then they are an A while another who has 2/5 is a D.

If this can be done then I can use this to come up with a way to deal with some of the other fields I want to tally and grade.

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General :: Summarizing Or Counting Results

Aug 21, 2014

I have a results database that collates information that is collected monthly over numerous locations. It's a temperature result. What I want to be able to do is count the excursions. So temperatures greater than 30 for instance is a fail....29 and below is a pass. I have 14 results per location. How I can summarize this?

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General :: Calculated Field - Counting Days

Oct 16, 2013

I am looking to do a calculated field. Not sure what is the best way to do this, but I would like to have a dates in a table with all of our employees that has what date they started with the company. From that I want to know not how many days they have been with the company, but just the years.

So if I have been with the company 364 days, it should only show up as 0, and if I have been with the company for 365, it will read 1. I would like this to be in a query somehow. We use the number of years they have been with the company for their pay, and need it to be years, and not days.

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General :: Counting Group Records On Form

Jun 18, 2012

I'm having a problem trying to have my query place the group record count on my form. The scenario is this: I have the query name (SPED Main Query Count) group the School Name field and then count the school name which in turn gives me a count of each school. but for some reason the field in the table name School Cnt will not build a relationship with the Countofschool Name in the query in my relationship.

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General :: Counting In Access On A Make Table Query

Apr 25, 2013

counting in access on a make table query.I work for a recruitment company, and have a table for the vacancies we raise. I then have a table linking to this where you can record the candidates submitted for each role. The 'CVSubmitted' and '1stInterview' are a check box yes/no. I now want to run a query where I have a sum of the total number of CV's and 1st Interviews for each role.

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General :: How To Calculate Next Month

Aug 27, 2013

I have an birthday report for the current month (august) and would like to make a button on the report that can calculate next month (september) and shows birthdays for that month. how to calculate next month?

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General :: Group Records By Month

Aug 3, 2012

I would just like to know if it is possible to group Months together: this is what i have did so far :

SELECT Count(Source.ID) AS CountOfID, Clusters.Cluster_Desc, Department.Dept_Desc, DatePart('m',Source.Day_Month_Year) AS [Month], Source.Original_Source, Source.Headline, Source.Issue, Source.Analysis, Source.Action
FROM Source INNER JOIN (Department INNER JOIN (Clusters INNER JOIN Cluster_Dept ON Clusters.Cluster_ID = Cluster_Dept.Cluster_ID) ON Department.Dept_ID = Cluster_Dept.Dept_ID) ON Source.ID = Cluster_Dept.ID
GROUP BY Clusters.Cluster_Desc, Department.Dept_Desc, Source.Original_Source, Source.Headline, Source.Issue, Source.Analysis, Source.Action, Source.Day_Month_Year;

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General :: Search Records By Month And Year?

Dec 6, 2012

how to search records by month and year.

example i will have form that contain combobox that will list Jan-Dec.

and also unbound box for user to enter the year.

then, it will have search button. after the user click search button, it will show report of the selected month and year.

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General :: DSum For Current Month Sales

May 28, 2014

I'm using the following expression to find the sum of the current month sales.

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=Month (now())")

However, it returns no result. The above expression is located on the control source of an ab textbox. Moreover, it works well when i try the following expression

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=[ORDDate]")

It returns the sum of all sales.

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General :: Automatically Send Emails At The Beginning Of Every Month

Oct 25, 2013

I would like to send an email from Gmail server automatically at the end of every month. I'm currently sending email on button click. But is it possible to do this without user intervention.

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General :: Query For Daily As Well As Cumulative Production For Month

Jan 28, 2013

I have a production application in which i have a table named daily_production with fields as ( prod_id, date, productname, qty ). Now I want a daily production query as

date : xx-xx-xxxx
productname | qty | monthlysum(for thsi product) | daily average |

I want this on a single query so that i can make a report out of this .

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General :: Carry Out Certain Action Every Time On Certain Date Of Every Month

Apr 28, 2013

What code should I use for the system to carry out a certain action every time it is a certain date of every month. eg if the date is 5th, the system should invoice all tenants with rent of the value of the house they live in. I am unable to work with the date changes.

Every time we get to a new month, I want the rent system to update the rent balance value.

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General :: End Of Month Report - One Record Per Date Limitation

Aug 20, 2014

I have a form that supervisors use to input employee accountability for each day. Once supervisor completes the input, a command button is selected and records are appended to an archive table and then deleted from the "live" table. End of the month, reports pull from the archive table to tally absences.

The problem: when a supervisor submits the daily status report but resubmits the report do to an input error I now have two records for the one reported date.

How do I pull the end of month report without including an earlier record for a duplicate date? Is it possible to have access overwrite any records previously submitted for that day?

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Recurring Invoices

Mar 4, 2008


Thank you for your time.
I want to set up an automated recurring monthly invoice for clients in my database.

I know this is possible but I am having trouble finding the solution and in fact having problems how to search for a solution.

On the 1st of every month I would like to have a query run that inserts a new row into my invoice table for all current clients invoicing them for that month.

Please please help. Invoicing one at a time using a form is taking far too long each month.

Thank you.

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Combo Box And Invoices

Sep 21, 2005

I have a table called vendors in that table is Company Name,
address, city, state and zip. I also created a form called vendors same information. On the form i have a combo box called bill to party which selects the name that will print on the invoice.

Ex Company Name ABC
Address What Ever
City State Zip

Billed to party (here is the combo box on the form)

However when i select the bill to party on the form from the combo box it is only showing the name of the billed party on the invoice and not the address city and state.

I dont want to create extra text boxes on the form so when i chose the bill to name on the form will fill in the text boxes I dont want to do this. All i want is to select the bill to party from the drop down menu and when i view the invoice it will automatically show up on the invoice.

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Numbering Invoices

Jul 11, 2006

I have a report that produces invoices and gets its data from a multi-table based query. The query has multiple lines for each customer and the report groups and totals them. How can I have the invoices numbered sequentially? Any help please?

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General :: Create List Of Month / Year Between Data Range

Aug 19, 2013

I have a list of customers with multiple rent start and end dates. I need to create a query where each customer will have a record for every month/year between their respective rent start and end dates. I generally use macros but can't figure out a way to do it without VBA. My field names are Rent StDt and Rent EndDt. My query name is QCalcREndDt. I use version 2010.

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General :: Create Invoice Per Month Of Multiple Orders Per Customer?

Mar 19, 2013

My current database creates an invoice per order. Until now that worked wonderful. Now i want to create an invoice per month per customer with multiple orders on the same database. So i will have to create a new table/query on the existing order table.

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Newbie Inputing

Aug 2, 2005

What Im trying to do is make invoices that I have in to data base...
reason for it is to keep a close watch on the price fluctuation since the stuff we get are from different country. We don't really need it but this is my own little project just for myself...I have all the tables made and form ready but I have couple of problems.

1. How do I calculate and save it in the table? I Know this violates 3rd normalization but I need to do this since the price will change almost every week. basic calculation which is total price / quantity.

2. How do I get the previous record on the form automatically? lets say that the date I put in is July,4,2005. How do I get this to show up in form for the new data input? and keep that date until it is updated using form.

3. Since I'll be getting same stuff lots of times, and since they all have item number, How do I get it to auto fill? lets say that I input a item number and rest of the form automatically fills in the rest of the values...and updates are saved to the table and next time I input the same item number updated data will automatically fill in the rest.

Thanks in advance. This is my first post so, please go easy on me...:)
I also search the forum but couldn't find anything that I understood...
Is this a project too advanced for newbies? As I have stated earlier, I have everything layout but I'm just trying to make it easier inputing new data.
and all the codes that are here, I'm lead to believe they are Visual Basic.
and good book for newbies on VB?

Thanks. and sorry for the long post...

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Picking Orders For Invoices

Oct 31, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm sort of new to Access, but over the past few months I've been able to develop an inventory database for my work which turned out quite nicely and does everything I need it to, except for one thing.

I want to also create invoices for my customers, and after looking at examples I understand that most people link the "order" with the invoice, so that there is one invoice per order. However, I need the ability to combine many orders into one invoice. That's where I'm stuck.

I don't know how to arrange my relationships and forms so that I can "pick" the orders I want on my invoice, and not at the time of the Order, but at some point after. Basically my orders will be established, but their allocation to invoices won't, until I come along and put them into their rightful bill.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm pretty stumped.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Cash Sales Vs Invoices

Mar 25, 2007

I'm creating a database where I have a customers and invoices table, obviously there is a relationship between the two tables using a customerID field where I have referential integrity enabled. However not all invoices require a customer account as some are cash sales where no customer details are required.

I'm unsure of the correct procedure, all I can think of is to create a separate table for cash sales??

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Show Me The Last 4 Invoices For Every Customer

Aug 5, 2005

I have a table with every invoice I have raised to my customers on it (160,000 records so far). Every record identifies the customer and the date of the invoice. I would like a query that returns details of the last 4 invoices raised to each customer based on the date of the invoice. So, if I have 100 customers I would expect 400 records returned. I have spent ages searching and reading the forums re this and have seen several post that I "think" are similar, but I think I'm too daft to understand the solutions put forward. I "think" this involves a module to count but as I have never written a module in my life am a bit confused. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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