General :: Create A Field Lookup With Value That Specify In A Form That TYPE In

Jul 17, 2013

I wanted to create a field lookup with values that I specify, not on the table sheet, but on the form. User can click on a text box or combo box and can select a list of value that I specify, not values that are listed on a table but ones that I type in, in the form.

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General :: Lookup Data Type In Access 2013 Web App?

Jan 2, 2014

I want to create a Web App in Access 2013 that contains a table of client names, addresses etc, and a second table that contains order details, including client name. It would be nice to ensure that as someone adds a new order they are give a drop down menu containing existing client names, and I can see how you can do this for a brand new table using the lookup data type. But I already have an Excel spread sheet containing client names. If I import this into my Access web app to create the client table, and import the existing orders to create the order table, I then try and change the data type of the client name (in the order table) from short text to lookup, it won't let me!! (If I create an empty client table from scratch, it lets me define the company name as a lookup data type - but I can't then import from Excel into this empty table)

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General :: Program That Can Be Used To Create EXE Type File For Application?

Dec 12, 2012

I have been reading a lot about Access Runtime and the problems that occur when a runtime application is installed on a machine that already has a full version of Access. Any program that can be used to create an .EXE type file for an access application that will eliminate all of these problems? The cost of the compiler program is not a major concern if it works!!!

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General :: Cross Join To Create Ledger Type Query From 4 Tables

Apr 2, 2013

I have 4 queries in which data needs to be connected from the date and shown as a single date showing each sections entry in a row and a cumulative total is maintained as the balance .

See the attached image ...

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General :: Lookup Into A Table - Populate Same Field

May 28, 2014

I have a table holding a list of post codes, and their servicing depot EG -

ID Postcode Depot
1 AB10 Edinburgh
2 AB11 Edinburgh

Then a form, which has a field for depot ( Fld_Depot )

What i would like is, when the user clicks on the field, a msg box prompts, asking for them to input a postcode

Once the postcode is entered, it populates that field with the relevant depot from the table....

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General :: Cannot Change Field Data Type In Database

Mar 18, 2014

In my database i have a field for Tonnage (quantity) ...

I need for example to input 38.60 or 37.89 so my values must have 2 decimal places, ive searched and found changing my field type to double or decimal should solve the 'numbers rounding up/down' but access will not let me change the data type?

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General :: Cannot Change Data Type Of Calculated Field

Aug 23, 2012

I got Gross Income Query. But I have employees that have overtime rate as well

So I have to calculate using overtime Payment And Gross Income Separately

So I make query and in query . I write this equation

Ovetime Pay: IIf([Total Hours Worked]>[Normal Hours/week],([Total Hours Worked]-[Normal Hours/week])*[Overtime Payrate],"0")

I successfully calculate it ...

BUT IT JUST GIVE ME THE VALUE LIKE A NUMBER SUCH AS e.g. 50 ,150 but instead of that i want currency data type of that calculate field for e.g. 50 become "$ 50".

Okay so in able to do that i go to properties Sheet of the field of the query and change Format to Currency ..BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE !!!


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General :: Use Lookup Field As Control In QBF As Opposed To Text Box?

Aug 9, 2013

Is there any way to use a lookup field as the control in a QBF as opposed to a text box?

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General :: Changing Data Type Of Calculated Field In Table

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to change the data type of a field in a table from calculated to something else. It gives me the error "this data type cannot be changed once the field has been saved"

Is there any work around to this?

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General :: Lookup Field - Adding Another Column To Enter Data

Aug 2, 2013

I have got a a form storing all employee's information and on that form I have a lookup field which looks up all the records in the "Qualification table" and the user can select multple qualifications. What I want to add to the lookup field is a data box so you can select a qualification and then enter the date that it expires (different for expiry date for each employee) How do I do this?

I have added the date field to the qualification table but when I create the lookup field on the form it shows the qualifications and a blank column next to it which data can't be enteed into.

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Tables :: Lookup Field Using Another Multi Value Lookup Field As Data Source

Nov 23, 2012

how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).

I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")

So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.

I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)

The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:


I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?

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General :: Lookup Combobox - Field Show Number Instead Of Text In Listbox

Jul 7, 2014

I have a field in a table where it is a lookup is a combo box. So this makes the data type of the field a number when in reality it is a text. When I have this field show in a list box it shows the number instead of the text.

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Data Type With Lookup Wizard

Nov 1, 2004

Heres something I dont understand about the lookup wizard:

Ive done a lookup wizard on one of my fields, so that now the user gets a drop down list of options to choose from:


Ive also set "Limit to list" to yes, so that these are the only options the user can enter.

However, it will still let me change and play around with the data type settings under the general tab. I dont understand why it lets me do this. I can set the lookup to the above list, and then specify a date type of type "date", and it will allow me to do it.

Why is this the case? Which datatype should I set it to, if I have a list of values like the one above?

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General :: Make A Msg Box In A Form Where Values Are Lookup From A Table?

Jan 11, 2014

i am working on a school database, in data base i have create two tables tblAccounts and tblTransaction and a form frmTransaction .

tblAccounts contain two fields
and frmTransaction contain
transaction type

in form when i enter a glcode, lookup field match the code from tblaccounts and shows the description in form against gl code.But i am facing a problem when i enter a wrong gl code my form accept it and move to the next field and when i leave blank field of glcode same problem that i am facing, i want that , when i enter a wrong glcode in a form amsgbox will apear that asking for correct glcode.

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Fields In Table Created With Relationship / Lookup Data Type

Jul 17, 2014

I created a table in MS Access using a Lookup & Relationship data-type. This means that my record cells call upon a particular table for values. It creates a LIST of values for that cell.When I query a particular value in this table I get every possible combination of the value. My query and code are below:


SELECT MainT.Content.Value, MainT.Source, MainT.[Entities Impacted].Value, MainT.Update,
MainT.[Divisions Impacted].Value, MainT.Announced, MainT.Effective, MainT.Stakeholders.Value,
MainT.[Ref#ID], MainT.[Issuing Agencies].Value
WHERE (((MainT.Content.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![ContentCB] & "*" Or (MainT.Content.Value) Is Null)

[Code] .....

This means that if I query STATES: "California", I'll get back every possible combination that exists with the name California in that particular field.The issue with this is that I'll get MULTIPLE primary key values rather than just 1. So, if one record, under STATES has California in it, but the other fields in that record have the Lookup & Relationship data-type, then every possible combination of that record will query instead of the multiple field-values form that you'll see in the table I am querying.

notice that my primary key (REF#ID) is repeated numerous times! This obviously causes problems with generating records and forms concerning information for 1 particular primary key. Is there a way around this problem other than specifying search criteria down as much as possible?! Perhaps there is some SQL code.

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General :: Cannot Create A New Record In A Field

Feb 9, 2013

i am trying to have a continuous form where i have a combo filter to filter the records. i would like to be able to add records on this form but i keep getting an error

Field cannot be updated

runtime error 3348 cannot add record(s); join key of table 'tblOrdersItems' not in record set.

the table system for the relevant tables is a one to many.(parent / Child).it seems to work beautifully. i have the unique id fields of both tables in the form. i have the foreign key of the parent that is bound to the child form.

when i create a new record the error message appears. when i click end. i can see that the id fields have been populated and they look as they should. i cant seem to grasp what join key is not present. open frmDiaryNoneItems. there is a combo box in the header that you will need to toggle to show some records. try and create a new record and you will grasp what i mean.

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General :: Multi Lookup List - Using A Form As Input For Query

Sep 29, 2014

I am having trouble using a form as input for a query. The form uses multi select list boxes, with then intention being that if I select multiple fields then only records which include those fields will show (not only fields that contain those and no others).

I also have successfully worked up some keyword searches that I would like to have run on the same query. So say I want to search for two values in my list box, and it also needs to include keyword X... how would I run these all together, or is it possible?The form is "EVR Search Form"..The query is "EVR Query - Trending Filters" and I've also made a copy to test on, "Copy EVR Query - Trending Filters"

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Using Currency-type Value Form Field

Feb 21, 2006

I have a field which is formatted as currency. When a button is clicked, it shows the value of the field. Because it is a currency field, if you enter "10", it is immedatly changed to "£10.00", although when i use txtAmount.Value, it gives me the "10" value. This is especally a problem if pennies are used - if someone enters "15.10", the .Value reterned is "15.1", which makes it seem like "15.01" has been entered. How can I get the currency-type value form the field?Thanks for any help.

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Queries :: Form Field Lookup

Jun 18, 2013

I have a form with a combo box that contains a list of Employee Names which are contained in an Employee table (column 1).Just below it I have a textbox titled Employee Number. This field should remain blank until an Employee name is chosen from the combo box at which time it should populate with the corresponding Employee number which is column 2 of the Employee table.

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General :: Create A Table With Single Text Field

Jul 8, 2014

Encountered this bug in Access 2010:

1) Create a table with a single text field
2) Enter some text values, including one which begins either "aa", "AA" or "Aa" (but not "aA"!)
3) Sort the field, and note where it puts the string(s) created in (2)

For me, they appear at the wrong end of the sorted list! I have tested this in Access 2007 and 2010 and it only happens in 2010. I'm using 32 bit Access on 64 bit Win 7 Pro.

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General :: How To Create Printed Label With Concatenated Field

Feb 25, 2013

I am attempting to create a printed label with a concatenated field. I want the field to abbreviate several shapes and colors but i will just start with the shape.


This is what my basic statement says. I am attempting to nest other options inside of this.

=IIf([Shape]="round","RD",IIF([Shape]="oval", "OV", IIF([Shape]="triangle", "TR", "TH")))

Is this the correct syntax? I can not seem to get it to work.

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General :: Click On List Lookup Employee / Select ID And Then Form Will Fill In Rest

Nov 6, 2012

I have a form, "Update Employee Information" that allows me to navigate through records and change data like name, adress, etc. I would like to know how to create list (or autofill) so that it won't take long before finding an employee.For example: I have a Employee ID and would like to search on that so the form can fill in the rest of my information. I have thought of two methods that I like:

(1) Click on a list "Lookup Employee", select ID and then the form will fill in the rest

(2) Without clicking a link, typing in the ID in the form and the rest of the data gets filled in.

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Memo Data Type Field On A Form

Jan 25, 2006

Hi all,

I have a question about an Access form that I am creating. I have a "Due Notes" field, which has Memo data type and I create a form "Estimates" using a text box with the control source is that "Due Notes" field to enter notes when needed.

Although I have the vertical scroll bar for that text box (due to other controls, I can not size the text box too big), does anybody know how to display that text box in form "Estimates" with the data of the last text within the size of the box without scrolling down so I can start typing for the next entry? Do I make sense to you?

Please help and let me know if you know HOW. Thanks so much in advance.

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General :: Create A Spec File Or Set Field Data Types

Jan 26, 2014

Looking for a way to use transfertext to make a table and create a spec file from csv files I am importing. I want all fields in the table to be shorttext.

Otherwise I need another way to bring the files into a table.

I have a generic spec to use that brings in any data as text.

Created the spec from a delimited file with 255 text fields... Field001, Field002, etc.

However the field names need to be changed. My field names are in the first row of a table. I will need to read each fields data in the first row and rename the field.

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General :: Checkboxes - Create Text Field On A Report That Show All Yes Answers

Apr 8, 2013

I have multiple fields in a table that are set up as Yes/No and display as checkboxes on a form. Now I need to create a text field on a report that showes all the Yes answers. The text field needs to figure out if it's a Yes answer, then display the field name, if there is more than one yes answer in the fields it is looking at, it should separate each with a "," . This is a large text field, that could show as many as 10 Yes answers.

What is the best way to go about doing this? I use Access 2010

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General :: 2 Fields From Separate Tables Needed To Create Calculated Field?

Aug 19, 2013

The interface being used is a main form with various tabs and a subform on each of these tabs.

There is one field ('max power density') in my database that is calculated using 'Max Rated Power' and 'Cylinder Capacity' however these are in different tables and subforms. The 'max power density' and 'max rated power' are in table and subform 1 but 'cylinder capacity' is in table and subform 2. Is it possible to keep them in separate tables/subforms and still calculate the field?

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