General :: Cross Join To Create Ledger Type Query From 4 Tables

Apr 2, 2013

I have 4 queries in which data needs to be connected from the date and shown as a single date showing each sections entry in a row and a cumulative total is maintained as the balance .

See the attached image ...

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Tables :: Cross Join TABLE - All Combinations

Sep 5, 2014

I am trying to create a cross join or Cartesian product TABLE, not a query.

I am creating a training database. For each and employee and each training event, I want to know - is this event required, who approved it, and when was it completed. The table I envision looks like this:

1 1 Y WPD 9/5/14
1 2 N

I currently have 39 employees and 473 events - 39*473 = 18447 records

I was able to make a cross join query and use make table, but whenever I add a new employee or event, if I update the make table query I will lose all my existing data.

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Create A JOIN Of Different Tables Called Join A Variable And List

Nov 16, 2013

And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.

SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN

Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Cross Tab Query With SQL

Feb 27, 2014

I try to create a cross tab query via SQL.Somehow the below code return me a Run-Time Error '3000'.

Sub TEST2()
Dim strSQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


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Reports :: Can Create A Report A Little Like Cross Tab Query But Without Adding Anything Up?

Mar 6, 2015

I want to present some data in what seems to me like it would be a very natural and normal format, however have so far been unable to figure out how to do it.I record attendance data for a children's after school club in a table as follows (simplified):

AttendanceID - autonumber
AttendeeName - text
AttendanceDate - date
Attended - True / False

The data looks like this in the table. I would like to be able to easily see who attended on which days, so I would like to therefore see the data laid out like this:

The Crosstab query looks almost like it would do what I wanted, however it seems to insist on adding something up, rather than just showing me the value true or false.

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Correct Join Type And Query Statement

Feb 7, 2006

I've been struggling with this for awhile now. I've been trying to research a solution but I'm not even sure what to search for.I have the following table structure:tblContactsContact_ID (PK)First_NameLast_NametblBidPackBid_Pack_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_DescriptiontblDistributionListList_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_ID (FK) (1-M)Contact_ID (FK) (1-M)What I would like to do is create a query to display all of the contacts from tblContacts that are not associated with a certain Bid_Pack_ID. My end goal is to create a form where I enter Distribution List Information. I want a listbox on the left with all of the contacts from tblContacts and a listbox on the right with contacts that have been selected for a particular Bid_Pack. When the user double clicks an item on the left it should show up on the right and be removed from the left. I'm looking for the same functionality as when you use the design wizard and you choose fields to include/exclude.For example, let's say I want to add contacts for distribution list "A". My thought is the box on the left would show all the contacts from tblContacts that aren't selected for distribution list "A" and the box on the right would show all of the contacts that are part of distribution list "A". As you double click an entry it would perform the appropriate record creation/deletion and each box would be required.So back to my original question, what is the correct method (relationship, join, querydef) to select all of the contacts from tblContacts that haven't been assocatied with a particular bid pack?Thanks for any help you can provide. Even a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

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General :: Personal Expense Ledger - Adding Values In A Listbox

Mar 5, 2013

I am working on a personal expense ledger. On a particular field that is labeled [expense/income], and a field labeled [amount]. the [expense/income]field is a listbox field "with expense and income as the values. Here is what i want to do. when i select income from the listbox i want it to sum the total in the amount] field, and if i select expense i want it to subtract the total in the [amount] field. i hope i explain it correctly.

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Query Using Joins To Disply All Records From Both Sides Of Join Type

Apr 14, 2008

I have a list of PC SN#s in tbl1;
I have a list of other PC SN#s in tbl2
I want to display ALL records of tbl1, AND ALL records of tbl2, matching up the SN#s (where there is a match) - but I want to display all records whether they match or not.

How can I accomplish this?

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General :: Create A Field Lookup With Value That Specify In A Form That TYPE In

Jul 17, 2013

I wanted to create a field lookup with values that I specify, not on the table sheet, but on the form. User can click on a text box or combo box and can select a list of value that I specify, not values that are listed on a table but ones that I type in, in the form.

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General :: Program That Can Be Used To Create EXE Type File For Application?

Dec 12, 2012

I have been reading a lot about Access Runtime and the problems that occur when a runtime application is installed on a machine that already has a full version of Access. Any program that can be used to create an .EXE type file for an access application that will eliminate all of these problems? The cost of the compiler program is not a major concern if it works!!!

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General :: Cross Tab Query To Display Data By Rows And Columns

Jul 10, 2013

I have a cross tab query that displays data by customer (rows) and MONTHS (columns).

However I need the columns to be the 12 months of the year 1 to 12.

However, if the selected data for a particular customer does not have any records in a month then I get an error in the report as the cross tab query only selects the months with data.

How do I get the report to show 0 or a blank in these columns

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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Join Properties Cause Type Mismatch

May 29, 2007

Okay, I apologize, I'm not extremely Access knowledgeable so bear with me.

I have an Access database I created which I thought was working okay, then I realized it was missing one vendor because we haven't started writing checks to that vendor yet and probably won't for a while.

I am using a make-table-query to create a table that combines data from two linked tables. The two linked tables have a matching field (VendorID) one linked table is "History" and the other table is "Master" (these tables are SQL data from MS Great Plains if you need to know that).

Now my problem ... not every VendorID in Master table is present in History table.

I first created the join statement to say use all records in History and only those records in Master that match. This works without any error statements, however, I discovered there is a significant field of detail that is being omitted because a VendorID is in Master, but since no checks or invoices have been created for that VendorID it does not exist in the History table yet.

I decided to change the join properties to say "include all records in Master and only those records in History that agree". When I try to run the query I receive the error message "data type mismatch". I feel certain it is because several of the fields have no information to draw from on the vendors that don't exist in the History table.

What I need the query to do is go ahead and use the information from the Master table and when there is no matching VendorID in the History table use a zero for those fields.

I used to program and know a little C+. I understand "if" statements and feel like a sql if statement could work around this (for example, if History.VendorID does not exist zero, else History.[fieldname], but I don't know how to go about doing it. Any help for a novice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Type Mismatch In JOIN Expression

Aug 15, 2005

I don't quite understand this error message, and therefore cannot begin to fix it. One of my forms will not open except in design view because of a "Type Mismatch in JOIN expression" error. Can someone please tell me where to look to fix it? Thanks.

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Join Two Tables In A Query

Feb 13, 2005

I would like to join two tables with one query. Here is the twist though.
The first table would have a set of value like so:


the second table would have values as such


by just setting up the relationship to show all values from the sirt table and only those from the second table that match I get a list of values that will not work for me. What I would like to reflect
in the query is all the values from the first table and if there is for instance no value of 500 in the second table I would like to return 1000. For instance there is a zero in each table so that would be output twice. There is however no value of 50 in the second table so the query would read 50 and null or blank when I would like it to read 50 and 1000 (The next value higher).

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Relationship JOIN TYPE Dialog Window

Jan 28, 2006

I have created two table in my database listed below

EmployeeID{Primary Key, Auto Number}

EmployeeID {Foreign Primary Key}
Organization {Primary Key}

I am creating a one to many relationship with the tblEmployee EmployeeID and tblWorkHistory EmployeeID
because one Employee can have many past jobs

where I run in a cloud is that in access under the edit relationship dialog window it has an button called JOIN TYPE when I click on that button it open the Join Properties dialog window and presents me with three options

1. Only include rows where the joined fields from both tables are equal

2. Include all recoreds from the 'tblEmployee' and only those records from 'tblWorkHistory' where the joined fields are equal

3. Include all records from 'tblWorkHistory' and only those records from 'tblEmployee' where the joined fields are equal

Can someone explain what access is trying to ask me as it pertains to my example. I am new to access to a basic answer would help me with future relationship issues and a better understand of the concept


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Change Data Type/ Join Mismatch

Apr 30, 2006

Looks like mismatched join types has caused others plenty of headaches in the past!!
I am trying to create a query that connects 2 separate areas of our factory.
The first table (Table 1) has a field called prod_code which is a text field and this code (5 digit number) describes a manufactured product.
The next table (Table 2) also has a field called prod_code which is also a text field, is a different 5 digit number, and describes the same product but after packaging.
There is a 3rd table which I want to use to link both of these tables, but in table 3:
table 1. prod_code = table 3.item_code, and is a long integer. and table 2.prod_code = table3.item_code_prnt, also a long integer.
I need to be able to use table 3 to correlate data from tables 1 and 2.
I suspect I need to use Clng or similar but am unsure how to apply it.
Have been trying to construct an expression but continually get error (bracketing error, join mismatch etc, etc)
Any clues?

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Query - JOIN Multiple Tables

Jun 11, 2006

Hello All;

Could someone please assist me on this?

The following is the Tables:

ContentTypes ---> Site Content Directory
Cats ---> Categories
Sierra ---> Store Content for Sierra
BrushStrokes ---> Store Content for BS

I have "tried" to create a QUERY for the 4 Tables
(The code that I have, originally came with 3-Table Query connection
I have added in the 4th Table "BrushStrokes")

This is the Query that I created. Before the code, a little insite

At first there was: RIGHT & LEFT JOIN's, But I would receive this:
Error 3258
After not really finding any good examples of how to create the
2- Queries and have then work together as one.
I decided to try something else, which was to create all [INNER JOIN]'s
Which got rid of the Error, and the code still will not work in my site.
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in JOIN operation.

So, here is the code, please let me know what is wrong with it?
And if possible, a good example of creating the [2 - Queries] that work as one.

Thank you all
-----------------------SQL QUERY------------------
SELECT Cats.CatID, Sierra.CatID, BrushStrokes.CatID, Sierra.ContentID, BrushStrokes.BSContentID, Sierra.Product_Title, BrushStrokes.BSProduct_Name, Cats.CatDescription, Cats.CatTypeId, Sierra.Product_Th_Image, BrushStrokes.BSThumbnail, Sierra.Our_Price, BrushStrokes.BSPrice, Sierra.Retail_Price, BrushStrokes.BSRetail, Sierra.Aff_Name, BrushStrokes.Aff_Name, Sierra.Brand_Name, BrushStrokes.BSArtistName, Sierra.YAvailable, BrushStrokes.BSStatus, Sierra.Percent_Savings, Sierra.Unique_Product_ID, BrushStrokes.BSProductID, Sierra.Main_Cat, BrushStrokes.BSCol_Cat, ContentTypes.ContentType, Sierra.Product_Description, BrushStrokes.BSDescription
FROM ((ContentTypes INNER JOIN Sierra ON ContentTypes.ContentTypeID = Sierra.ContentTypeID) INNER JOIN BrushStrokes ON ContentTypes.ContentTypeID = BrushStrokes.ContentTypeID) INNER JOIN Cats ON (BrushStrokes.CatID = Cats.CatID) AND (Sierra.CatID = Cats.CatID)
WHERE (((Sierra.Display)=1) AND ((BrushStrokes.Display)=1));
-----------------------------END SQL QUERY------------------

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How To Right Outer Join Several Tables In A Query?

Aug 23, 2006


Thanks for all help so far, this forum is great ;)

I have 3 tables: Order, Product and Names.

I want to list All orders, no matter if they hold a key to a product or not, and no matter if this product has been given a name (in the table name) or not.

To make it even more complicated, the customer can give upp to 16 namesuggestions, they are all numbered from 1-16. But If they are given a namesuggestion, i only want to present the first one (nr 1).

Relations: 1 order -> 0 or 1 product.
1 order -> 0 or up to 16 names, of which i only want to display nr 1.

Any suggestions?
I am thinking of preparing the data in a temporary table, but would be glad if i did not need to do so....

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How To Join Tables With Similar Values In Query

Apr 5, 2006

Can someone please help with the following:

I am trying to join two tables in a query. One of the tables has only the fullname while another has only the surname (this table is imported from an external database). I need to be able to match the two tables up. Can anyone please suggest how to do this or even if this is possible.


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Queries :: Join Data Of Two Tables Using Query

May 3, 2015

I have two tables with name of accone and the second with the name of acctwo. These two tables are same according to number of columns and also same according to data types and also same according to the column names just the data are difference and also one column (attribute) with the name of ID is same in both tables. Their is a primary key relationship (one-to-one) between these two IDs. I need a query that can combine the data of both of them and can be updated using query. I mean that data of first table and second table must become under one same column not two columns one for first table and second one for second tabel.

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Queries :: Creating A Query With Self Join Tables

Feb 11, 2014

I have a table called MiscORders where all the orders are tracked. There is an ID, order number , other fields and ParentorderID fields in it. Whenever an order is modified they create a new order with ordernumber and have the previous order number as the parent. The next time it is amended or closed another order is created with the parent order attached. Here is some sample data

Order ID OrderNum Parent order id
1 MISC 2013-10
2 MISC 2013-10A MISC 2013-10
3 MISC 2013-10B MISC 2013-10

Now I am creating a query that shows the lifecycle of the order

MISC 2013-10 Issue and deadline date MISC 2013-10A issue and deadline date MISC 2013-10B issue and deadline date.I tried to create a query using self joins to the same table. SQL is attached

WHERE (((MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*A' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*B' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*C' And (MISCORDER.OrderNum) Not Like '*D') AND ((MISCORDER_1.OrderNum) Not Like '*B'));

How can I put a condition on the table to show only records with order num ending with A. It is not working if i use it in the where condition..

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General :: Variation On A Cross Tab Table?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a table similar to the following


FieldMinibus / FieldDate / FieldCount
A 10/4/2013 1
A 11/4/2013 1
A 12/4/2013 1
B 01/5/2013 1
B 02/5/2013 1
C 01/8/2013 1

I can do a pivot on it no problem to get for instant the first and last dates for each minibus I am however wanting to produce a cross tab from the above that produces a format similar to the following

RowMinibus / Listed Dates
A 10/4/2013 / 11/4/2013 / 12/4/2013
B 01/5/2013 / 02/5/2013
C 01/8/2013

I'm basically only wanting two columns in the related cross tab query result and the "value" within the cross tab needs to be a list of concatenated dates.

I can get all the dates to appear for an individual bus but they are spread across independent columns which results is not concise enough for my objective.

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Query Multiple Tables Using INNER JOIN And Multivalue Fields

Jan 28, 2013

Here is my current table structure (I have omitted some fields from this example and have given some sample data in italics to make the table structure more clear.


ID (autonumber) 3
EmployeeName John
EmployeePhone 555999555
EmployeeLocation New York


ClientID (autonumber) 1 , 2 , 3
ClientName ABC Company , XYZ Company, PQR Company

LocationID 1 , 2
Location New York , Chicago

tblEmployeeClients (junction table)
fkeyID 3
EmployeeClients (multivalued number) 1,2

The junction table tblEmployeeClients only stores ID of the Employee and in the second column (which is a multi-valued field), the ID of each of the clients the employee Supports.

I am trying to generate a report that lists say, EmployeeName alongside the clients supported by the Employee (listing the client location is not required, however, it would be good to know how to do that as well).

The report (for the example above), should look like this:

Name Clients Supported
John ABC Company, PQR Company

Currently, I am able to get :

John 1, 2 i.e the client ID for the clients that the employee supports instead of the corresponding company names.

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Using Dlookup To Cross Reference Between Two Tables

Aug 13, 2012

I'm new to access and need to modify an existing database to get a report I want to create. I'm an Excel user and could accomplish what I want to do in seconds using Excel's Lookup functions, so I'm trying to do the same with Access Dlookup.

I have two tables in my database that tracks components in a hardware product. The first table is just a list of hardware units shipped. The second table is a list of various components (and versions thereof) used in each unit. The two tables are linked by a UNIT_ID field. I need to create a report showing each unit and what the various versions of the components are. My difficulty is that the component table is does not have a dedicated field for each component and each unit can be comprised of a different quantity of components. So the tables look something like this:

ID Customer
1 Joe
2 Bob
3 Bill

ID Component Revision
1 Main Board A
1 Blue Board B
2 Main Board B
2 Blue Board B
3 Main Board A
3 Red Board C

I want to produce a report that looks like
ID Customer Main Board Blue Board Red Board
1 Joe A B --
2 Bob B B --
3 Bill A -- C

I setup queries to get revisions of each Board and am trying to compile into the full report, but can't figure it out. Right now I'm trying to use Dlookup to lookup data from one of the queries and insert into a larger table. I can lookup a single value fine, but can't figure out how to get Dlookup to give me the Blue Board & Red Board values for each of the system ID numbers in a master query (which would be a snap in Excel).

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General :: How To Create A Series Of Different Tables And Reports

Aug 3, 2012

I currently have 3 spreadsheets with simliar information. How can I take a database and export only select fields to make either a report or table? Here is the example with types of info i will be using:

100 communities and all their roads. Each of these communities are in a borough, which is then in a region.

Then we have a mileage for each road. Where I have difficulty is that we have another set of data that would be fine if we could just include into this which is all of those roads but additionally they have:

Surface type/condition
Traffic count

Some roads have two classifications.. each of those having a mileage. I would really like to see all of this data in a database that spits out the needed tables and totals.

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