General :: DVD Linked Folder

Jun 19, 2014

I back up our databases every Friday to a Dvd. Can I have a linked folder on our DVD backup in case we would like to look at the last current Mdb



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Import All Excel Workbooks In Folder As Linked Tables

Mar 6, 2014

I have a few dozen Excel workbooks in a folder, and I'd like to import all sheets in each workbook to Access as linked tables. I have the following macro that creates linked tables from every sheet within a specific workbook, but I'd like to apply this to all workbooks in a folder.

Sub ImportAllSheets()
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sht As Excel.WorkSheet
Dim xl As Excel.Application


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General :: Testing Folder For A Value

Aug 1, 2013

This code below works, but alot of what it does is unnecessary. I have a directory structure named 1000-2000, 2001-3000, 3001 - 4000 etc and within that is the individual folders 1000, 1001, 1002 etc

How do I test to search top level folder thats no larger than correctNum to then test the subfolder for correctNum? I've looked at instr and a few other funtions, but can't find a solution. Below is what I have now, it works but I know it searches everything and that's not correct

Dim filesys
Dim Subdir
Dim folder
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oDir
Dim bDir
CorrectNum = Serial.Value

[Code] ....

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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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General :: Automatic Backend Backup To Any Folder

Feb 5, 2014

Code to automatically backup backend to any folder or media in Access 2010?I need codes to be backing up my Back-End automatically. I am using Access 2010 format.

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General :: Open A Specific Windows Folder

Aug 14, 2013

Open a specific Windows Folder.I am using this code to open a specific Windows folder ..... and it works perfect:

As String Dim folder
folder = "c: Documents WORD"
Dim Retval
Retval = Shell ("explorer.exe / e, / root," "" & folder & "" "", 1)

... but also need to open in the specified path, taking the data "UserName" of one field in a table:

TABLE: "Assignments" IDEExp, UserName, Date

So instead of going to the folder = "c:Documents WORD" would go to: c: Documents WORDUserName ". In Windows and subfolders are created with UserName1, 2,3,4, etc.

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General :: Load Folder Content Into Attachments

Feb 25, 2015

Simple vba code that allows me to import all the content in a specific folder into an Access attachments field? I have search but all I am seeing is code to import outlook attachments.

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General :: Accessing Shared Folder In Different Machine

Aug 11, 2015

I am facing a issue in accessing my db file in server. I just splitted my database into front end and back end , placed in a local folder which is shared in network . I opened the files in network from my colleague machine and everything was working fine yesterday .. but right now i am getting error like "the network path is not found " 0X80070035 which tells that check whether the source machines is able to accept file sharing ..I googled and tried 2 solutions Like turning off windows firewall and enabling NetBIOS Over TCP/IP..

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General :: How To Remove Specific Folder Rule

Oct 16, 2012

I have a specific access database that my customer have sent to me and it only works in a specific folder. I want to make it analyzed and worked in other folders but when I click, it turns out with a warning box that I should work with it in that folder.

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General :: Using Access To Manage A Folder In Outlook?

Mar 11, 2014

My manager wants to be able to implement a kind of punch card system for managing staff time. I'm thinking we could make a database that links to a folder in Outlook. Staff will be able to send an email to the inbox saying that they are, for example, going on a break at 10:50, and then another at 11:05 saying they have returned and are back to work.

This would probably add up to around 500 emails per day with the number of staff we have, so I don't want to have to keep all the emails to be able to add up break times etc.

I'll be extracting the timestamps, name, break description etc from the email and storing them in another table. What I would like to know is whether Access would then be able to delete the email from the inbox (or modify it in some way to reflect it has been accounted for), or whether this would have to be a manual task?

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General :: Copy Network Folder To Another Location And Rename It

Jul 17, 2013

I'm looking for copy folder functionality and I can't find anything.

In access 2007 when I push a button on a form, I want to copy a network folder to another location and rename it.

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General :: Accessing Disc Drive (Folder Content)

Jul 30, 2015

I need a facility in the access VBA coding to check if a directory exist.

It does exist, I need to open it and check for a specific file.

Or if the directory (folder) exist, to determine or display folders within.

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General :: Copy A Folder To Location Selected By The User?

Sep 4, 2012

I have a folder with Access files, subfolders, and some .vbs files in it. It requires one person to navigate through a setup process. Once the setup is completed, they need to copy the folder and its contents to a location on a shared drive, which is unknown to me and will be chosen by the user at the site. There could be many sites.

It basically works like this:

Files are downloaded to C:Program Files.

A vbscript is run and extracts a folder directly to the C:Drive and opens it. I'll call it C:Test.

The user manually moves the BE file to a shared drive.

The user opens the FE file and is walked through using the Linked Table Manager.

The user then follows a series of forms to input data.

After this, the FE closes and another DB opens.

The second DB walks them through the Linked Table Manager and closes.

Option #1 At this point I would like to have a script and have it copy that folder, C:Test, and its contents, and have a dialog box open telling the user to paste it in a location where all users have access to.

Option #2 A script that will backup the folder and all its contents to a shared location selected by the user.

Either option will l allow others to navigate to that location, copy the folder, and paste the folder to their C: Drive.

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General :: Save A File To A Specific Folder On Server

Feb 23, 2013

We have a server that we use to run a Microsoft Access application. This application creates folders, subfolders and files on the server.Users are in 4 different offices. Each office has at least 3 computers. Some users also work from home.

Users creates file through word, or scanning a document or by saving an email on their local pc.My problem is that users need to be able to save a file to a specific folder on server.

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General :: Extract Embedded Images From Database And Save In Folder

Nov 21, 2012

Many years ago I created a database that has one embedded image for each project.

I am now redoing this db in 2010 format and I want to extract these images and save them in a folder so I can link them to the new db based on the project ID number

The table is [Project main], the unique project ID is [R&D ID#] and the image file is stored in [Item image] as an OLE object. i would like to save them to C:db images

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General :: Saving Program To Current User Documents Folder?

Aug 31, 2014

I have an access program and i want it to save a copy into a location... ive got it so it can save however - i want it to save to the current users documents folder (win 7)

What file path would i use?

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General :: Block Pathway To Backend Folder But Allow Access Via Frontend Database

Jul 17, 2012

If I have an MS Access frontend that connects to an MS Access backend, is there a way to hide/permission block the pathway to the backend's folder but still allow access via the frontend db?

Right now I can't dedicate a server to a more "secure" form of DB or anything like that so I'm stuck with MS Access for now. I just don't want someone looking at, say, a link table path and then navigating to that folder and getting access to backend information.

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General :: Pull Images From Shared Folder On Network With Links - Email Attachment

Jul 9, 2014

I have a database that pulls images from a shared folder on our network with links. Is it possible to create a button to email the current record on a form and attach the file it references in the link?

The attachment is a pdf signature. I didn't want to include the files in the database for space issues.

I am using Access 2007. We out outlook as our email client.

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General :: Add Records To Many Linked Tables While Seeing Them All

Jan 17, 2013

I'm new to Access2007. I created 5 tables all related to each other in series with one-to-many joins (type 2 and all enforcements on).So an Id in table 1 can show up several times in table 2, and the same is true from tables 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and 4 to 5.I want to enter new records in such way that I can see all tables at once. I tried to do that with a query, but I can only modify records, not add new ones.I have no problem adding records to individual tables but have not figured out how to do it to this All-tables query.

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General :: Ms Access Linked To Oracle

Mar 10, 2014

I have linked ms access to orcale to run a query, the date in orcale is in this format 20140101, i have tried to convert the date in the query like that but it's not working. format(mydate,"yyyy/mm/dd".

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General :: Linked CSV Table For Multiple Users

Jul 6, 2015

I have an Access database which has a linked table to a CSV file.Only one user can use this part of the database that links to the CSV - for other users we get the error 3051 - opened exclusively by another user. How can the csv file be a linked table with multiple users ? The query itself is set to no locks.

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General :: Why Does OpenRecordSet Fail On Linked Table

Jan 16, 2013

I split my database into a FE and BE to simplify the upgrading of the clients copy. I had a chance to implement that change today and except for this error all seems to be well.

The error is "Invalid Operation 3219 " and flags this line of code "Set rsTable = dbsCurent.OpenRecordSet("Import650tbl, dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly) " when the error is triggered. The table Import650tbl is a temporary holding table to which I enter imported records. I then add some supporting information and then the records are added to live data table for further processing. After the data is added to the live table the information in the Import650tbl is deleted by a query to be ready for tomorrows processing.

This error prevents the process from working. I got around the problem by deleting the link to the BE for this table and creating the table in the FE. After that all was well.

Question: Why does the above OpenRecordSet fail on the linked table?

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General :: MSysObjects And / Path To Linked Tables

Dec 11, 2013

Due to software licensing restrictions, my (Access 2007) development pc is NOT (may not be) connected to the network.The user pc's are all connected to the network.The network pc's only gets Access 2007 Runtime.The Front-end accde will be located at C:mydbFE heFE.accde on each user's pc.The Back-end will be located at X:mydbBE heBE.accdb (network share).

Currently (during development) the Front-end and Back-end is at C:mydbDEVFE and C:mydbDEVBE respectively - on my development pc, and the linked tables are pointing to C:mydebDEVBE.Now that I'm ready to distribute the database to the user pc's, I obviously need the Front-end's Linked Tables to point to X:mydbBE heBE.accdb

Where does Access2007 store the path to the Linked-Tables ? Is there a way I can change this path manually before making the accde ?I noticed that the path to the linked tables appear in the (hidden) MSysObjects table, but I do not want to mess with it until I know what the solution is.

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General :: Adding A New Record To Linked Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have several tables that are linked that I need to be able to add to. This is an example of the structure:

Patient Info
FK_Ward - ID of Ward table
FK_Room - ID of Room table
FK_Cond - ID of Condition table




Unfortunately, its not the exact one as I can't post that here! What I am trying to do is to add a new patient record using information from the other tables as guides - e.g. the user selects the name of the Ward but the ID in the Ward table is entered, the User selects the number of the room but again the ID in the Room table is entered, and for the Condition same thing. So I would like to have dropdowns (or ComboBoxes) for each of these and based on the user's selections add a new record to PatientInfo using the ID values as links.

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General :: Drop Down Menus - Linked List

Jan 31, 2014

I have a number of drop down menus to select Building Name, Building Number and then Equipment Name and Equipment Number. I want the list to be linked so that when you select the building name the building number is picked up. Also I want the Equipment List's with to change so that once the building has been selected only the equipment available in that building is available to be selected. Is there a way I can do this?

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