General :: Data Collection Using Microsoft Outlook

Jun 5, 2013

I want to use Access to collect data for our research department. I have created a number of forms to assist the department in collecting data. I created a query with all the fields from the relevant tables to be used to collect the data. I used the option Collect and Update data via email to generate the form for collecting the data and emailed the form to myself for testing (gmail account), however, I cannot edit any of the fields.

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General :: Access Data Collection By Email

Jan 29, 2013

Completing the html wizard for Access Data Collection by e-mail is straightforward enough but I need to change the instructions underneath each of the data fields prior to sending out the e-mail, to ensure (so far as possible) that the forms are completed with the correct information - which, regrettably is not always proving to be the case.

I did this some time back with another e-mail ADC form I completed but for the life of me cannot remember how!!

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General :: Data Collection Emails Based On A Form?

Nov 21, 2012

I am trying to send out data collection emails to fill in my records but it will only let me select fields from single access tables, I want to be able to get them to fill out all the fields as entered in my forms, which contain sub-forms and therefore links to multiple tables.

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General :: Microsoft Access Report With Query With Some Data Duplicate

May 5, 2014

so i had created query using query design wizard for which i i needed to enter year of the data everytime the query is being made all my data are correct when just using the query.however when i turning it into report where the query will still be runing and with adding in another field from my original table to get on the montly rearrangement that's where the some record are shown duplicate on the report

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General :: Auto Fill Data From Outlook

Jun 6, 2013

Is there a way to auto populate a table or form in Access from an Outlook email? For instance, if I send a survey via email and the survey is taken and sent back via email is there a way to have that data auto fill into the database or will the info need to be manually data entered?

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Forms :: Easy Way To Use Microsoft Outlook Address Book To Populate A Drop Down Combo Box?

Aug 6, 2014

Is there a quick and easy (or not so easy) way to use Microsoft Outlook Address Book to populate a drop down combo box? I am creating a form that needs to pull in Business Process Owners, all of which would be in our corporate address book.

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Count Of Collection Records And Also Increment Value Of Collection Number

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master/child forms. in master form sale_id,collection notes are placed. and in child form all collection details like collectionnumber,date,etc., child form look like datasheet view.

When i select the record from the list depending on the sale_id all the collection records shown in datasheet view form. If no record is there ok. if more than one records are there in collections of sale_id.i need count of records in collection depending on sale_id and also if i select one row in collection, notes to be shown for that record when i clik on shownotes button.

If more than one record in collection automatically it increment. how many collections for the sale_id. collection number would be increment. How and also show notes depending on collection number and sale_id.

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Data Collection

May 4, 2005

I'm sorry if this isn't the correct forum to be posting in, but I wasn't sure where "I'm very familiar with Access, but I need to do X and I'm not even sure where to begin"-questions go.

I need to create a database that collects monthly metrics for an entire team.
So I setup tables



Month (formatted MMMM YYYY)

I've sat and stared at this for far too long and I'm no closer. Each Metric will be assigned to a Reviewer. They will be responsible for entering the data for each Metric assigned only to them on a monthly basis.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Data Collection Through Email Question

Apr 1, 2008

If I send an HTML message to an individual and they reply back on Monday, can they still reply again on Tuesday to the same message and again on Wednesday, so on and so forth? Will this be adding multiple records to the table?

Also, please consider the same situtation for an InfoPath email. Thanks.


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Access Email Function For Data Collection?

Aug 14, 2012

I have set up an access database and want to collect data using the e-mail feature. I can use the feature but the form it sends to fill out is very basic and not that user friendly. I want to put in directions to the form, is there a way to change the style of the form?

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Send Emails For Data Collection With Attachment

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to send out request-for-quote sheets to vendors and i need to send the image of the product as well. when i send emails for data collection, the attachment is not included. how can i attach images?

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Forms :: Daily Data Collection With Constant Elements

Jan 26, 2014

I have a table that is populated everyday, with following columns:

1. ward (linked to the wards table)
2. date
3. number of patients

We have a total of 18 wards, wherein the daily number of patient in each ward should be recorded. The problem we face is that we find it counter-productive if the data encoder selects a specific ward (dropdown list), then puts the number of patients, and then moves to another field repeating the process. (the date is pre-selected using a combo-box and this will fill the date fields, thus the encoder selects the date only once).

I was wondering if there is a way where we can just automatically show all the wards, so that the data encoder would just proceed on putting the figures.

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Forms :: Data Collection From Survey - Prepopulated Form Fields

Jun 11, 2013

I have a form that collects data from a survey. The survey has been undertaken before and the equipment being surveyed may carry an ID number and I have the original survey data in a table. If the old survey ID is entered into a field it automatically populates several other fields with the original data....neat!

But that data is not necessarily correct and for this survey I am going to great lengths to ensure the data is as "normalized" as possible so the data is prepopulated into a field with validation. Normally when something is entered into these combo fields I validate with a not in list event and ask if the entry should be added. If I prepopulate with a me.xxxxxx = oldsurveydata the entry is accepted without question. Is there some way to fire the not in list event? I've tried me.repaint, requery etc. but no success.

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Creating A Report That Conforms To ASCII Format Of Another Data Collection System

Aug 30, 2004

I have a need to convert the export of an Access report to an ASCII file.

The export needs to have a specific format - described below:

Field Position | Field Length | Field Name | Field format

1-6 | 6 | Member # | text - right justified
7-12 | 6 | Trans Date | YYMMDD
13-15 | 3 | Pay code | Alpha/ NUM - Left
16-26 | 11 | Amount | -9999999.99 (*)
64-71 | 8 | Check # | Right

general comments and questions:

This report needs to interface with some sort of transaction accounting system - No Idea what it is, but this format of the report will interface.

The field positions go from 1 to 73. I need only supply the data above, so the check # is way out of sequence. Do I need to have the space inbetween "Amount" and Check Number in the report? Will a simple text file work with all the fieds together? or will I need the space in there? Is there a way to design a report in an ASCII format in access?

Specific Questions

I think I need to change the format of the amount and date fields. I am currently using the short date format 8/30/04, but need to return the date as YYMMDD - 040830. How can I change this format to reflect the ASCII format. The form is also set with the default "=Date()" so the user doesn't have to enter the date everytime - it can also be edited for older data. I would like the date to appear the way it is on the form 08/30/04 but get entered to the table as 040830. Is there a way to do that?

The amount field is odd - I'll include the exact criteria that is desired:

"All Amount Fields must be right justified and space filled. If the amount is a credit, show the "-" sign at the beginning of the number. Payment should be entered as positive amounts. If zero, assign the fied as 0.00 (space filled)"

Is this just a mask that needs to be added? Currently, The field shows $7.00 when 7 is entered to add cent, you must type in 7.50, tab will put in the "$". I need to get rid of the $ and space fill the field?

Any help would be great

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HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL Statement Expect

Mar 27, 2007

My main experience is with MySQL and PHP so I'm kindof stumbling around in the dark here. Heres my story:

We recieved a new server and migrating from (Windows Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 2000) to (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Access 2003) has been nothing but problems.

I have setup IIS to work with ASP, I've also setup a system DSN. The access file was copied over from the previous server. We're running Access 2003 and now I can't seem to get this ASP script to work.

When I try to upload a file to the script I get this error:

Line: 42
Char: 7
Error: HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT', OR 'UPDATE'.
Code: 0
Url: (URL address blocked: See forum rules)

Here is the part of Connect.asp that errors:

Code:<script LANGUAGE="javascript"><!--var DSNString, TheDF, TheRS;//DSNString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;";//DSNString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pw d=;"DSNString = "DSN=testweb; UID=; PWD=";function public_ConToDB(){ TheDF = DP.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory",this.text1.value);DC.DataSpace=DP;DC.Server = this.text1.value;DC.Connect = DSNString;//DC.Connect="d: hedatadisboweb.udl";}function public_GetRS(SQLCommand){ TheRS = TheDF.Query(DSNString,SQLCommand);DC.SourceRecordset=TheRS;return (TheRS);}function public_GetDC(){ return (DC);}//--></script>

Its included in a file called FileRead.htm here is the part that refers to the error lines:
Code: var TheFile, FileStrm;// Retrieved field namesvar M_ssn, M_inits, M_Lname, M_Fname, M_DSSN, M_ruc, M_paycode;var M_normamt, M_payamt, M_pgrp, M_poe, M_pltcd, Payrollnum, Payrolldate;// var Trash, FieldData, FieldNames;var TrashLineNum = 1;// Create the file Stream Object (ReadOnly)TheFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FileStrm = TheFile.OpenTextFile(FName,1,false);// Setup the Database Connectionvar SQLCommand, TheRS, TheConnection, DSNString, Commands, MyDC;FieldNames = new Array("ssn","inits","lname","fname","dssn","ruc","cco", "payamt","normamt","notsureone","pgrp","poe", "pltcode","recstatus","paychgflg","paystatuscode", "payrollnum","payrolldate");// Connect the the DatabaseDataLib.ConToDB();MyDC = DataLib.GetDC();// Get Payroll NumberPString = prompt("Enter Payroll Number","025");Payrollnum = parseInt(PString,10);// Get Payroll DateDString = prompt("Enter Payroll Date","20000101");Payrolldate = DateLib.FromMil(DString);// Setup the Database Connectionvar NumRecs = 0;//MyTest = DataLib.GetRS("PaydayUpdate1");alert("About to cross into the CurExtract!!!");MyRS = DataLib.GetRS("SELECT * FROM CurExtract");

I set an alert after this line but it doesn't pop up.

ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'll be checking this very frequently.

Joseph Russell

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General :: Microsoft Access Integration With Whatsapp

Oct 28, 2014

I am would like to build a microsoft access database such as complaint monitoring system.. I could integrate microsoft access 2007 with whatsapp? So that I could deliver complaint calls messages from my access 2007 db to whatsapp chat.

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General :: Send Email From Microsoft Access

Jun 18, 2015

Ive recently developed in Emailing from Microsoft Access. When I was researching email methods from Access a thought occurred to me that there should be an A.P.I. that would do this the easy way.All of them did have a web A.P.I. which was all I needed to translate a web request from the other language examples given.

Dim reportName As String
Dim path As String
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oFile As Object
Dim strAttachments As String
Dim strTransPort As String
Dim byteData() As Byte


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General :: Microsoft Access 2010 Not Responding When Trying To Filter Columns

Sep 17, 2014

In Windows 8, when we try to use the filter option in Microsoft Access 2010 using the keyboard option (arrow keys), the application stops responding.

The error occurs only if the rows are more than 300. However, using the mouse pointer works fine to filter content.

This error doesn't occur in Windows XP for the same Access database and for same version of access.

We have also tested using windows 8.1 with access 2010.Same error occurs even for windows 8 pro with access 2010.

The error is shown in the screenshot below.


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General :: Rounding To Two Decimals Via Visual Basic (Microsoft Access)

Jun 12, 2014

In my database (access 2007) I have code similar to this

Dim Ulaz As String, Izlaz As String, UkKol As String, UkFin As String

and at the end of the code I have this

Me.NC = UkFin / UkKol

Me.NC respresents avaerage price.

If for result I have 0.498 value, I would like for that value to be shown as 0.50. In another words, it must be rounded to two places.

How can I do that in VB? That value will be passed to NC field on Form, however..

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General :: Use Outlook In VBA?

Feb 3, 2013

I am using outlook to send/receive mail. That is OK but I want to know that who send me mail(from: name of sender mail).

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General :: Microsoft Access Database Engine Cannot Open Or Write To The File

Jul 2, 2013

I am currently using Access 2010, and have successfully split a database, using the Access wizard.However, whenever a second or third user opens the database - with their front-end database file - they encounter the following message;The Microsoft Access Database engine cannot open or write to the file ". It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

I have researched the internet and see that it has something to do with network permissions. I have worked with my IT department and this appears to be resolved!

Is there a setting I need to check in the front-end and/or back-end copies of the databases?Why is there no file name in the error message?

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General :: Cannot Use ODBC To Import From / Export To / Or Link To External Microsoft Access

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to create an ODBC link to a copy of the Northwind data base.I am running Win7 on a 64 bit operating system but am keeping office running as 32 bit for Access, Excel , Visio etc due to the fact that I have a lot of old apps tied to them.

When I attempted initially to create a new system DSN ODBC connection it only allowed me to use SQL drivers. (No plurry good) So after some searching I found out that I could use a file in C:WindowsSysWOW64 called "odbcad32.exe" which has allowed me to view /use the total list of drivers to import data.So I can set up a DNS ODBC named Northwind1 and I can access the database without problems using Excel.However if I try to use the same ODBC link in Access to connect to Northwind1 I get the following error message:"You cannot use ODBC to import from export to, or link an external ?Microsoft Access or ISAM database table to your database".

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Using Microsoft Access With Oracle Data W/o Password

Dec 15, 2004

Hello to everybody,

I want to access Oracle 8.0 Data (meaning Oracle tables) with Access 2002. My problem is that I do not want to enter the username and password every time I connect to the Access db, as I want to create some queries in Access which I will export to Excel.

I do not think that this is something difficult but I can't seem to find any solution. Is there any proposal?

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Microsoft Access Can't Change The Data Type

Jan 24, 2007

Hi! I have a problem to build Pivot table in Excel 2003.
I’m creating this table base on the “External Data” which is a MS Access 2003 table.
The table has 50 fields and about 500.000 records. (This is the reason, I can’t just export table to Excel and then do pivoting). One of the fields of this table has a “text” type but stored numbers. Excel does not allowed me do Sum or Max function with this field – it needs to have Number data type.
I receiving this table “from outside”, so I can’t get the right data type from the beginning. If I’m trying simply opening the table, before, using as a data source for Pivot Table, in Design mode and just change data type from text to number, I have an error: "Microsoft Access can't change the data type. There isn't enough disk space or memory."
Any advice, how to change Data type in existing table using queries or something else what can help me to solve this problem.

Thank you very much at advance.


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General :: How To Import PST Outlook File

Jan 22, 2013

Is there a way to import a PST outlook file into Access 2010 or 2013. Or is there a Plug-in needed that can do it.

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General :: Outlook Emails Fail To Be Sent

Sep 17, 2013

I have an Access database update process that is run from the Win7 scheduler. I have attempted to instantiate or reference Outlook and send an email indicating the status of the process.

Outlook fails for some reason, but it works fine interactively regardless of whether Outlook is running or not.

I am now thinking of trying SendObject instead.

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