General :: Database Splitting Error

Dec 19, 2013

I split a database (without first making a copy of it) on my local machine and put the front end on a shared network drive. now no one can open any of the forms since the back end is on my machine.

is there a way to undo this or to split the database on the network drive so that users can get in?

i want to avoid having to redo the database from the ground up.

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General :: Error When Splitting Access Database

Feb 15, 2013

I have created a db for a nonprofit counseling org. I had created the first half, mostly administrative tasks, called Phase1, and put the BE on a network drive and the FE on multiple users. Now in developing the clinical portion, Phase2, I linked to four of the tables in Phase1 BE file.

Now I tried to split Phase2 the same way as Phase1 and got an error "Subscript out of Range". I think because of already having some external links in it. I checked for the file and Access actually created the BE file for the new phase2, all of the tables are in it minus the four I was linking to. But, access didn't create a FE file. The original still has all of the objects, tables and forms etc. My question is; can I link to the tables in the new BE file even though those tables still exist in the original file?

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Error When Splitting Database?

Sep 29, 2011

I've recently downloaded the Goods template database from Microsoft [URL]. It's basically a inventory, invoice, purchase order system and is enough to fulfill my office needs. However, I seem to be running into an issue when I'm trying to split the database using the built in tool.

The "the database cannot be opened because vba project contained in it cannot be read..." error pops up when I click on "Access Database" button in an attempt to split the database. I also tried to do it manually, but noticed that none of the queries and most of the forms don't show up on the list when I'm trying to import queries, forms, etc.

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General :: Splitting Database In 3

Sep 2, 2012

I have a database (already splitted in FE/BE) which Clients use on site.Part of the service we offer is Outsourcing: We do all the capturing and when they login on their side, it downloads the latest BE file for them to use "Read-Only".

However we added a new module in which half of the data on a particular table needs to be completed by the Client.So we need for the table to be splitted in such a way that they can capture their info on the form and when we log in on our side, it has to download the data they entered in the same way as when they login and download the data we captured.

Was thinking about adding a 3rd database file to the mix with just one table and in some way link that table to the existing table for the new module. But the intermediate link I created is not updateble.

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General :: Error With Accde Database

Dec 23, 2013

I have a working database which runs fine in accdb mode. But when i compile it and run the accde file I get the error "The expression you entered has a function name that XXDB nameXX cant' find."The problem is that the autoexec macro cannot find the VBA public function that is called with runcode command.

The accde file is running in the same folder as the accdb. It is a split database, I am only working on the Front End..I have tried, amongst others:

- Creating a new vba module and copying all the functions across

- Renaming the target function

- I reckoned there was a corruption somewhere, so I created a blank database and imported all the form/code/etc across from the broken version, which imported fine. The accdb ran but the compiled version failed again

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Splitting A Database

Aug 11, 2005

I am trying to split my database but when i run the database splitter it comes up with the following error messages:

Subscript out of range


Invalid procedure call or arguement

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing these or how to fix it?


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Database Splitting

Sep 10, 2005

How can I change the location of the back end part, at the moment the front end is looking for the back end at a different location


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Splitting A Database

Aug 21, 2006


I have been searching for more info on this and found out quite a lot about it; however, I am still wondering how to connect the front ends that will be in different machines to the back end that resides on server.

I know that when you split a database, the wizard asks where to save the first front end. But how about if you have many?

Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Splitting The Database

Mar 14, 2007

i thank all for helping with the issue of mulitple users. after i did the splitthe database using the wizard. i noticed the tables lookes diiferent. but how do i put the front ends for users in their document since am on a thin client enviromemt. or
how do i transfer the front from the end. do i have to write codes??

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Splitting A Database

Jun 21, 2007

Hi. I would like to split my database which is used by various people on a shared drive.

Is it possible to specify a relative path to the linked tables in the back end?

Otherwise, if people access the shared drive via different drive letters, it fails.

Also, I like to keep a copy of the database myself. With absolute paths to the back end tables, I can't simply copy both sections from one place to another - as the links fail.


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Splitting A Database

Apr 1, 2005

I recently decided to split my database into a front end/back end environment. What I noticed though was a huge slow down in performance. One subform in particular takes 5-8 seconds to load, as opposed to less than a second before the split.

I know that splitting the database comes highly recommended in this forum, but the slowness is unacceptable. I especially want to split the database so I can execute changes quicker.

By the way, I have read several threads that recommend turning off the name autocorrect feature. I did this in the front and back end but did not notice a diference. I also compact/repair the database regularly.

The other thing I tried was creating an MDE file, as I was told they run quicker. Unfortunately, I am told by Access that it cannot be created. I believe from what I have read that I have too many forms that have attached modules.

For now, I am going to merge the database back into one file. But if anyone could offer some advise, I would like to pursue a split again.

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General :: Database Opening With Out Of Memory Error

Nov 14, 2014

In the database that I use at work sometimes when we OPEN it we get an immediate error saying out of memory, therefore we close it and reopen and all is good.

This is a problem when the average user logs on as they don't close it, they just continue on and then start experiencing issues.

I thought that the memory was supposed to clear when you close the database.

We run the debugger and no errors are ever found, we also run the compact and repair.

This can happen 1 in 10 or maybe 20 times when we open the database.

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General :: Database Startup Error On Only One Computer

Jul 10, 2013

"The key or key combination ^{Break} in FunctionKey_SubForm has invalid syntax or is not allowed"
- -
The "FunctionKey_SubForm" is a macro in this database.

It only does it on my computer when I opens this specific database.

This database works fine (copied it elsewhere) on everyone elses computer and also when I use it one another computer, whether the database is on the server or on the C: drive.

Since it works fine on all other computers, it's a setting in Access which is throwing up the error (even if it is " invalid syntax or is not allowed"), not the database.

Database works fine after I click through it but it's irritating and I don't recall changing anything.

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Is There Anyway To Reverse Splitting A Database?

Sep 14, 2005

I split a database and created a backend but now I dont need it and I accidentally deleted the backend while I was updating the file folder and it was on the network so it's gone for good.

Is there a way to reverse splitting a database so it no longer requires the back end?

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Reasons For Splitting A Database

Sep 1, 2007

I have a split database - frontend and back end sitting on a server. If there are only going to be absolute maximum 4 people using this database at a time - is there any good reason for it to remain split.

The reason I ask is that a few people may want to "take it home" to work on it and being non-computer savvy people have a lot of trouble re the concept of linking the front end to the back end.

How do you unsplit a database?

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General :: Upsizing Access Database To SQL Server Error

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to upsize the access database to sql server ,i have an odbc connection and when I try to move the tables,all the data is moving except one table "tblproductinfo" . I have attached the table data and error.

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General :: No Permission To Open Database Object Error

Jan 20, 2015

I have a 2003 .mdb file and the associated Workgroup Information File which normally resides on a network in a folder V:V-Base-DatabaseDATA. I have the Workgroup Information File.

The database is unsupported and we need to migrate the data to a new web based database.

When I try to open the database with the shift key down I get the following message :

You do not have the necessary permission to use the V:V-Base-DatabaseDATAV-Basebe.mdb object.

What is the best way to access the data and do I need to do this on the server instead of a local drive off site?

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General :: ADODB - Unrecognized Database Format Error

Jun 9, 2014

I am getting the error " Unrecognized Database Format Error.

Sub ShowUserConnected()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long
cn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"

[Code] ....

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If Splitting A Database Isn't Possible? (And Some Other Basic Questions).

Jan 21, 2007


I have spent the last couple of hours looking through the forums but have managed to get myself really confused. Lots of questions, sorry - if anyone can point me in the right direction with one or two of them, I would be hugely grateful!

I have a database in a shared folder on the network at work. It is due to start being used by users other than myself in future weeks, and I see here that it's sensible to split things into a FE and a BE.

1. My initial problem is that I have a nagging memory of being told that we're not supposed to save anything on the individual computers hard drives. Can a split leave both the BE and the various copies of the FE on the shared drive, or does this negate the reasons for splitting in the first place?

2. Additionally, with little space left on the shared drive itself, it's possible we'll not have the room to put 10+ copies of the FE on it anyway. If I just split the database into the BE and ONE copy of the FE which everyone accesses, will the BE at least be made more secure by the split, even if the FE is still vulnerable, and performance isn't improved?

3. If no sort of split is possible, are there any alternatives to splitting?

Lastly, some questions for if we ARE able to split and put the FE on each computer:

(I would be keeping the BE and the "master" version of the FE on the shared drive. All tables in the BE and queries, reports and forms for the "user interface" in the FE. Hopefully this is roughly what I'm supposed to do).

4. With a split database, what happens with compacting? Presumably the BE of the database can be compacted as normal, but what happens with all the versions of the FE? Does each user have to be responsible for compacting them individually? Does an FE even need compacting if the design is unchanged?

5. Does splitting affect what happens if two people either open or amend a record at the same time, or is that still just governed by the record locks setting in Tools (which would need to be set before splitting presumably)?

6. If the design of the FE changes (but none of the underlying tables, queries etc. are touched), do I just give each user a copy of the new version, or does something more complicated have to happen (ie. does the whole splitting process have to take place again)? What about if new tables are added to the BE, or if existing tables / queries are amended? Can I just issue amended versions of the FE that interacts with the new tables as needed?

7. I have drop down lists and combo boxs in the forms in the FE that use tables to populate them. Will it cause problems that these tables are in the BE - such as impractical amounts of time before combo boxs show their options? (The table has to be in the BE (I think?) because the user updates the content of these tables / combo boxs through one of the other forms in the FE)

Many, many, many thanks if anyone can help me out with any of these.

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Splitting Database And Use Runtime For Accessibility

Nov 24, 2014

I'm in the middle of developing a database for our engineering group to track projects. I've got a question:

I'm using Runtime because none of our group has MS Access loaded on their system. So, I'm providing a link to the participant to download the free Runtime Software and providing a Shortcut to the database in the shared area.

My question is, when I split the database and provide the users with the front end do they still require runtime? Do I still provide them the link to download the free Runtime software and if so, do I save both the back and front end with the .accdr extension? I'm assuming that since they will have the front end on their systems individually they will no longer require the Shortcut.

The way the system is currently, it seems that only one user is permitted in the database at a time as it is locked out. I would like for more than one user to be able to access the database at a time. I've set the Default Open Mode to Shared so I'm not sure why it gets locked down when a user is accessing it.

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General :: Error Using Access 2010 Contacts Database Template

Jun 13, 2014

I used the Contacts Database Template to import a comma delimited txt file of contacts data. The template included a number of tables, queries, forms & reports which I did not require. I deleted them leaving only a Table entitled 'Addressbk'. I added an Entry Form using the standard access tools and this works fine with the table. However, on running the access database I get the following error message; 'The form named "Main" is mis-spelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist. My only form is labelled 'Entry Form', so it would appear that one of the forms I deleted must have been named 'Main'. If one ignores the error message the database & entry form function perfectly.

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General :: Exporting Queries - Database Is Read Only Error Message?

Apr 16, 2013

I routinely export queries etc from my development database to the 'live' master database used by users. Every so often I get the error message 'The database Mydatabase.accdb is read only'. Then I can't export anything to it. I don't know why it should suddenly become read only. How do I make the database changeable, and not read only?

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General :: Handling Error Database Engine Cannot Find Record

Jul 8, 2013

how to deal with errors specifically with error "The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find a record in table".Database which I'm creating have table Products, which contains information about products. Most important information in this table is if product is VATable or not. I decided to define product names in invoice table that database can recognize products and calculate VAT in invoices if product is VATable. Problem starts if you have new product. When I add new product in invoice it counts VAT but when i go to next record I receive message mentioned above. It doesn't allows me to go to next record or save record.

I was wondering is it possible to make it that access allows to fill invoice, informs about new products only when i have finished adding all products in invoice and than gives opportunity to add them to product list?

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After Database Splitting, Is It Possible Zo Send A Tabel Into Backend.

Oct 6, 2004

Hallo everybody
I have an Access databse in which I have devided the tables into backend and frontend by using the Database Splitter wizard.
Then if I create any tables in the frontend Access file then thease tables are visible only in the front end of this system , not from other systems if I put the back end in network.
its ok for some tables , but now I have a table which I have to put in the shared backend , but if I cerate in the front end it is visible only in front end and if I create in backend it is visible only in backend.
how to send a table in the front end to backend after database splitting is over, so that I can access this table from other systems.
if it is possible please help me.
Thank you.

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Forms :: Refresh Data When Splitting Database

Apr 7, 2013

In the database I have a main form with subform "frmitinerer" . Using a button on the main form open form "frmrelation." After entering the new daily haul and closing forms refresh the data in the subform "frmitinerer."Code on the button is on click event

Docmd.openform "frmrelation" acnormal

All work nice, but when I splitting the database refresh subform not working.

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Splitting Database - Index Or Primary Key Cannot Contain A Null Value

Mar 6, 2014

I've inherited a rather messy database which and I need to split it in order for us all to be able to enter data at the same time without problems however I get the following message..Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value..It happens at the table that contains the majority of the data (typical) but I cannot understand what could be causing it. I've check Null Primary Key field and removed all of the "required" statuses out of the fields but still no luck.

I tested on a backup database from a couple of days ago and it worked. Only difference is I've added a few bits and bobs since then and 1 field in the table it's stalling on but this field doesn't contain any null values either and I've tried deleting that field in my test database but made no difference.

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