General :: Delete Query From Continuous Form

Nov 9, 2012

I have a continuous form with a button(delete). on click event I want to delete a record on another table. I though about doing this via a delete query. The sql is below:

PHP Code:

DELETE tblClientCourse.OrdersItemsID, tblClientCourse.ClientCourseIDFROM tblClientCourseWHERE (((tblClientCourse.OrdersItemsID)=[Forms]![frmDeparturesPaymentScreen-ItemListSubform]![OrdersItemsID])); 

The only thing that is exactly the same between both records is the OrdersItemsID.

i thought that it was simple. when i run the query it would delete the record but it doesn't.

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Delete Record On Continuous Form

Mar 2, 2006

I need to have a button on my continuous form that deletes the corresponding record... I used the wizard to create the button, but it doesn't seem to work...

Any Ideas?

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Delete Command Button - Continuous Form

Oct 23, 2006

Good Evening,
I wonder if anyone could help me please.........
I have found Ghudsons attached ‘Browsing2’ example to be of enormous
benefit/use to me when I have been creating various Databases, however I was wondering whether Ghudson or any other kind person(s) would either show or point me in the right direction as to how to create a ‘Delete’ facility which is very similar to the ‘Open’ command button on the continuous form.

I have attempted to adapt the enclosed 'coding' to see if it will come up with the result that I want, but unfortunately I cannot!

Attachment kind courtesy of Ghudson

Your help or assistance in this matter would be very welcome...........

Best Regards


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General :: Continuous Form With Textbox Record?

May 15, 2014

I'm building a database to control projects of new products for a company, the flow is easy:

-Step 1: Record the general information in a main table (db_master_info) (i.e. project name, description, date of launch, etc.)
- Step 2: Record the product codes in a detail table (db_units) (i.e. product codes and quantities)
-Step 3: Record monthly information like, production and sales forecast in the detail table (db_units)
-Step 4: Build a monthly stock equation(production minus sales forecast) and record a comment, in a comment table (db_comments), about the results.

The steps 1,2,3 and 4 I did successfully!

The step 5, I'm unable to think outside of the box!

I drew a sketch (form_stock and comments.jpg attached) that might be a possible solution...

Use a continuous subform with a unbound textbox with VBA to load record and edit/update???

How do I do this?

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General :: Sum (column) In Footer On Continuous Form Not Updating?

May 19, 2014

My form is setup with Continuous view, with data feeding from a table. The structure is straighforward (excel style). AgentID, workHrs, holidayPaid, holidayUnpaid, sickHrs etc. The structure is not normalized, and I know the risk. This is basically only for human interpretation, not really a structure that will cause instability or patched up working of the DB.

I have the continuous form view, so it can be viewed in one single display, I have placed a Totals at the footer, which is populated by nothing but a simple = Sum(columnName). This works great in most of the computers, except one. My boss's computer. Which is where it actually needs to work. I am baffled, because I have tested it on almost every single computer in my office, everyone's work. Just his computer is playing up. I am unable to pin point the problem. The status bar keeps going "Calculating..." but even after giving it a solid 5 minute it does not seem to work !

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General :: Auto Numbering Records In Continuous Form

Oct 15, 2012

If I want to arrange records sequentially in a report I would do the following:

From the Toolbox (Access 1 - 2003) or the Controls group of the Design ribbon (Access 2007 and later), add a text box for displaying the number.

Select the text box, and in the Properties Window, set these properties:

Control Source =1 Running Sum Over Group...

How can I sequentially arrange records on a continuous form?

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General :: Continuous Form - Data Entry With Compulsion

Apr 10, 2014

I have to design a table i know its piece of cake.

Here i want user to continous form which wil be once in a month

needed is


User will enter the line with values and the period with valid dates.

Since its a continuous form i need user to fill all the details compulsory, as user cannot close the form without it.

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General :: Delete Table From Combo Box On A Form

Mar 13, 2013

I am trying to delete the data in a table by selecting the table I want to delete the table in from a combo box on a form. This is what I am using :

Dim strFileName As Variant
strFileName = File_imported
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable = strFileName

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General :: Delete Query With Date Criteria

Nov 23, 2014

I have 2tables,table1 id,name, table2 id,name,date.

How can i write a delete query that will delete everything in table2,if the data date is today?

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Query

Apr 5, 2014

I have the following code that is intended to use the three fields obtained from a record on a continuous form and display the details of the record on a single form. I have not used the findfirst method because I am having enormous problems with it. Instead I am defining a query based on the recordsource of the continuous form. This sql query gives one record as result and that record is to be used as recordsource by the single form.

Public Sub SboxSelectForm(ForName, ParName, QryName)
On Error GoTo NotFound
Debug.Print "SelectForm ForName="; ForName; " ParName="; ParName; " QryName="; QryName
Dim ResultQy As String, F As Form, P As Form
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim Prsc As DAO.Recordset, Frsc As DAO.Recordset


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Forms :: Run Query From Continuous Form That References Table

Jan 31, 2014

I have a table called Tbl_Query_List that houses the query names that I want to be displayed on a continuos form. I want the user to select the query by highlighting it in the continious form and then having a command button at the bottom of the form.

I have everything setup including the command button. Assuming that on the EVENTS tab I set the OnClick to [Event Procedure] but when I click on the ellipsis what do I type to make it run the highlighted query?

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Forms :: Listboxes With Separate Query In Continuous Form?

Dec 2, 2013

What i wish to do: list activities in a continuous form, and in one column display for each row a listbox which rowsource query is based on another column value from the same row.

I have to admit that the best thing for me would be to be able to create through vba a continuous form... is that possible?

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A Continuous Form And Continuous Subform, Possible?

Aug 9, 2005

What I am trying to do is put a subform within a subform. The trouble is I want both forms to be continuous forms.

when I put the subform within a subform, access comes up with the following message:

************************************************** ********************
A form with a subform object cannot have its DefaultView set to Continuous forms.

You tried to add a subform to a form in design view.
MSAcess will reset the property to Single Form.
************************************************** *********************

which it does my higher level form becomes a form only showing single records at a time whilst the subform is a continuous form.

does anyone know of a way around this?

what about Access2003 does it allow this?

help much appreciated.

Steve Ferry

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Queries :: Open A Query Based On Two Or More Fields Of A Continuous Form

Nov 22, 2013

I have a subform which is a continuous form displaying a single combobox of trade names so there may be up to 4 or 5.i want to click on a button on the main form which will open a form based on a query that will display all personnel matching all or 1 of the trades in the subform?

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Access 2010 - Delete Form Command Button With A Password To Confirm Delete

May 6, 2014

All I am trying to do is insert to have a form with a "Delete Record" button on it. The problem is I don't want anyone to be able to delete a record, I would like someone to have to insert a password to confirm the delete.

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Delete Query On A Form

Mar 20, 2005

HI there,
can anyone tell me hy I can't access/view a delete query when using the the wizard while putting a command button on a form?
The delete query is working fine i application mode.
thaks in advnace

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Delete Query On A Form

Apr 26, 2005

Hi, I have a form to which I update the information and hit a command button. Now this data has to be transfered to another form and get deleted from the original form. To acheive this I used Append and Delete Query(Both working). I have no problems assigning Append Query to a command, but I couldnt assign a delete query to a command button. I cannot see Delete query while trying to assign using a command button wizard. I even tried with an Build event while designing but its of no use. Can anyone help me with this issue????

Thanks in Advance

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Running A Delete Query From A Form

Jan 19, 2007

I have code in my form using Do.Cmd:

stDocName = "QueryName"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

which is code created using the Access Wizard.

I have another delete query that I wish to run from the form but when I edit the QueryName to be the name of the query it doesn't run and if I use the wizard to select the query from the list the delete queries do not appear. The query runs fine when executed separately - i.e. not from the form.

Is there an alternate syntax to the above to run delete queries or something that I need to change in the delete query itself so that it can be run from my form?

All help welcome

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Query Lets Me Delete But Doesn't Actually Delete...

Apr 2, 2007

I have a query based on two tables, joined on one field (this field is the primary key in Table A. Table B doesn't have a primary key). When working inside this query, it gives me the option to delete records. However, when I try, the row disappears from the query but then if I save and close and either re-open table A or the resulting query, that record is back. It doesn't actually delete. If I go to table A directly and delete it, it's gone for good.

How can I make it so that when I delete the record inside the query it actually deletes? And if that's not an option, can I make it so that it doesn't seem like I can delete records inside the query so that people don't make the mistake?

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General :: Loop - From One Continuous Subform To Another

May 21, 2014

I have attached an image of what i am trying to achieve so here goes:

I need to add data from one subform to another - problem is they are both continuous forms and both subforms.

The part in green is where it needs to go, and the white is where the data is held. The links have already been created, i just need to get the info from subform 1 to subform 2.

I have attached code but it only moves line selected / first line.

Dim dst As DAO.Recordset
Set dst = Me.frmAS9102_Material_LINK.Form.RecordsetClone
With dst
Do While Not .EOF

[Code] .....

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How To Delete Record Using Delete Query

May 19, 2011

I have two simple tables. I want to delete the records from Table1 that are on Table2. I've created a select query that gives me what I want but when I change to a delete query, I get this message: "Unable to delete from specified tables"

I think my problem has something to do with security but I can't figure out what to change.

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General :: Add / Delete Item From Listbox?

Sep 30, 2012

I have two list boxes on a form. The first listbox contains CATEGORIES and the second contains ITEMS that belong to respective categories. So, when i click a category the next listbox displays the items that belong to that particular category.

I need to know how to add new items to a selected category and also delete items from a selected category. If no category is selected or item already exixts, item should not add.

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General :: Delete File From FTP Server

Nov 2, 2014

I need deleting a file from a ftp server. I have the code for uploading but I can't seem to figure out how to delete a file. This is the FTP module I'm using


Public Sub UploadFileToFTPServer()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim abytData() As Long
Dim lngBytesWritten As Long

[Code] ....

And this is the code for uploading i use in the form when i click a button

Dim objFTP As FTP
Const conTARGET = "ftpserver"
Set objFTP = New FTP
With objFTP

[Code] ....

All that works like a charm.

Code to delete a file from the ftp server, i'm kind of stuck.

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General :: Cannot Delete Records Added Through The Subform

Feb 19, 2013

I have 2 sub-forms attached to a main form. Each of these forms are based on different tables. Whenever I input the record, it goes into respective tables. However when I try to delete the record, it only deletes the record from the main form. I tried cascade delete. However, since referential integrity has to be established, I cannot add the record to my subform because there has to be a corresponding record in the parent table for me to add the record in the subform.

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General :: Delete Employee From DB However Keep Referenced Records

Aug 18, 2014

I have a main table which records employee,date,record employee is related to tble employee. i want to be able to delete an employee however keep the referenced records with the name, date, record, is this possible?

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General :: Delete Button - Forms And Tables

Sep 12, 2012

I have a form, with tab control which includes fields from two tables. When I delete a record on a form it deletes fine.When I go into the tables the record is still there in the one side of the relationship but has been deleted in the table of the many side.

I've read that a simple delete button on a form will only delete records in the many side of a relationship from a table.How do I get a delete button that deletes the record from both the one and many tables.

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