General :: Drop Down Menus - Linked List

Jan 31, 2014

I have a number of drop down menus to select Building Name, Building Number and then Equipment Name and Equipment Number. I want the list to be linked so that when you select the building name the building number is picked up. Also I want the Equipment List's with to change so that once the building has been selected only the equipment available in that building is available to be selected. Is there a way I can do this?

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Forms :: Drop Down List Linked To Table - Names Not Appearing Alphabetically

Sep 14, 2014

I have drop down list linked to table included "agent names" , the names appeared normally in the form but not Alphabetic (A-Z) although the table was alphabetic .

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Drop Down Menus

Oct 11, 2006

I can't figure out how to create drop menus in design view in a table. I put the option in the toolbar but its gray so I can't use the option. I have followed the wizard and its not working so I am doing something wrong!!

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Dependent Drop-down Menus Not Working

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,

This is my first time posting at Access World Forums and I hope you can help me out.

I think this is a fairly simple problem but due to my lack of experience (this is actually my first time using Access) I am unable to figure out what is wrong.

I have a entry form for a series of problems that needs to be documented on the plant floor.

The issue is in the 'Manual_Entry_Rewinder_Detail' form where I have two drop-downs -one for the category of which the problem lies and another drop-down for the actual problem itself. I have made (or tried to at least) make the problem drop-down dependent to the category drop-down. The purpose is to list only the relevant problems after the category is selected.
I have made a category ID of which I labelled for each problem. This of course corresponds correctly to the actual (an existing) category ID. Please take a look at the two tables: "Problem" and "Category" for details.

I followed this tutorial .
I even downloaded and inspected their sample database with no idea on what is wrong with my own.

Please help!

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Build Multiple Drop-down Menus

Aug 9, 2007

I've tried to build a second Drop menu, copying the code from the first. When i run it im getting an error 91 (i didnt understand much of what google said on it) the code is as follows:

I tried changing it to btnInput1, but that hasnt helped :( the menu gets built, but the button does not.

Sub BuildAdminMenu()
Dim mnuInput As CommandBarPopup
Dim btnInput As CommandBarButton
Dim btnInput1 As CommandBarButton

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&Options (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openForm"
btnInput.Caption = "New PR/IEWO"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openSearch"
btnInput.Caption = "Search Entries"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&AdminOptions (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"
Set mnuInput = Nothing

Set btnInput1 = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput1.FaceId = 2761
btnInput1.OnAction = "openAddUser"
btnInput1.Caption = "Add User"
btnInput1.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

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General :: Country Drop-down List?

Dec 13, 2012

I have a form (Create Guest). Employees can add guests and fill in the details. There is a label Country that Employees can fill in manually.

The problem now is that this is very fault sensitive (people type: "The Netherlands", "Holland" or "Netherlands" for example while this is one country).

How do I create a country drop-down list so that employees won't have to type the country in manually. I don't think adding all the countries in the world in my table is a good solution.

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General :: Drop Down List With New Entry Item

Aug 7, 2012

Drop down list equipped with new item input provided. My application now use a drop down list to access/display a form with certain item selected, but I want to entry new item using drop down list which equipped with "entry new item" then I hope the form can be accessed belongs to new item.

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Forms :: How To Auto Populate Fields After Using 3 Drop Down Menus

Jul 24, 2014

I have made a database. I have gotten to the point where I use a form to get the information. I am trying to get the information to auto populate fields after using 3 drop menus. They are department name, shop and shift. All of the information comes out of tbl department name, tbl shop and tbl shift.

I also have a table with department name, shop, shift, line, employee total, shift leader total, ratio of shift leaders per line and total employees off. I am trying to figure out once use the 3 drop down how can I Auto populate the remaining fields. Also I am trying to figure out where and how to put in the code.

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General :: Importing Data From Excel With Drop-down List

May 15, 2013

I have a Access DB created. I have a field, which is a dropdown list. The users can go in to a form and manually create a record into the table etc.

However, i've some data that I'd like to import into the DB.

This data is in Excel.

When i import the data, everything is fine but the column that has the information for the dropdown field does not import.

so to clarifiy, the field in the DB is a dropdown list.

the field in the Excel data is just a plain text entry.

is there somehow i can import this data?

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General :: Lookup Wizard - Two Fields In Drop Down List?

Oct 14, 2014

I've managed to use the lookup wizard to show me two fields in the drop down list, first name and last name, but when i select a record I can only see the first name in the cell, not both.

Is there a way to display them both together?

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Why (allow Value List Edits) Button Disappear When (allow Full Menus) Disabled

Mar 28, 2012

why "allow value list edits" button disappear when "allow full menus" disabled?

Is there a way to show "allow value list edits" button when "allow full menus" disabled?

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General :: Any Way That Access Could Create A Drop Down Box Within A Drop Down Box?

Jul 24, 2012

Is there anyway that access could create a drop down box within a drop down box? For instance, when a selection is made in a drop down box, it opens another drop down box with choices.And is it possible to link an inserted image from a form to open in MSPaint that when it opens, the image is already there?

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Drop Down Boxes In Form Linked?

Jan 28, 2005

I have a form ive created as part of my database used for data input.

Someone opens the form , enters their project number, and then enters what country it is in, what region it is in, and what sub region it is in. They are all dropdown menus with the information coming from a table via a lookup wizard.

What i want is when someone choses england in the country field, i want the region field to only displays the regions in england, and then in the sub region field i want only the sub regions that are in the regions displayed in the drop down list.

Anyone know how i can achieve this please?

I have attached a copy of the forms and tables

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Forms :: 3 Linked Drop Down Boxes

Aug 13, 2013

Is there a way in which i can link three drop down boxes together?

I'll create an example of what I mean...

I'll attach a Excel file which contains two identical filters, one of them where the filter is turned on.

If I select the "Serviced" filter, I am left with three options for "Make" and two options for "color".
If I select the "color" as "White" I am left with just one "Make" - "MG".

I understand that some sort of "hierarchy" needs to be in place so I will Make it so that "Serviced" Must be entered first, then "Color" then "Make" so that if you select a different "Service", the "Color" and "Make" will repopulate with the appropriate values.

This is certainly possible with a REDICULOUS amount of coding that would map each value to its corresponding values however is this possible some other (easier) way?

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General :: Drop Down Box Which Effects Another Drop Down Box?

Jun 18, 2013

I have a drop box that has four selections from a table (NORTH, EAST,SOUTH or WEST) I also have a another table that has two fields which is a NAME of a person and either NORTH, EAST,SOUTH,WEST depending on the persons name. What I need to happen (within a form) is that when I select NORTH from a drop down box, I can then select names in another drop down box that correspond to NORTH only. Then only names from the South list if I select SOUTH etc

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General :: Making File And Home Menus Inaccessible

Feb 10, 2014

I am in Microsoft 2013 and using an .accde file. The problem is that the File menu and Home ribbon are still accessible, and the File menu can be used to change settings that will let the user get into the linked tables (on SQL Server).

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General :: Create MDE With All Menus And Shift Key Access Disabled

Jul 18, 2014

How I can create an MDE with all options disabled including shift key bypass.

I want to remove all options in Tools>Startup except for the status bar.

I have tried using this code but am not getting anywhere with it

CurrentDb.Properties("AllowByPassKey") = 0

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General :: Bypass Shift Key To Disable Ribbon And All Menus At Startup

May 4, 2014

I am able to bypass the shift key so I can disable ribbon and all menus at startup.

But the issue I have is anytime someone makes a copy of the database or it is their first time opening it they get prompted with the security warning:

"Security Warning - some active content has been disabled, click here to enable"

and it gives them complete access to see the back end of the database because while that warning message is popped up ... before they click "enable" they can go do anything in the database including see tables, data, and vba.

Once they click "enable content" that first time the bypass takes effect and the ribbon and all menus disappear, but if they dont click it they can navigate all around the db

how can i stop that?

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How Do I Add A Drop Down List?

Dec 18, 2007

I am creating a table in Access 2003, and I need to add a drop down list to one of my columns. See the attached picture - I need to add a drop down list to the "Division" column that will allow the user to select from one of 5 choices. How do I do this?

I'm an Access beginner, BTW. :)

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Drop Down List Value Help

Mar 18, 2008

Hello all!

I have a drop down menu that pulls values from a table. When clicked that value pops up in a total field. Currently I only allow 1 value to be selected. When the user (me at this point) chooses another value, the value is added to the total instead of updating with the new value. So the every time it is clicked it just goes up and up. So I decided to add a loop. However it seems my look is not having an affect but obviously it is being read since the first part is being processed. I thought I would post it to gather thoughts... Thank you!

Quote: Private Sub lstbagels_Click() Dim newcharge1 As Currency Dim newcharge2 As Currency Dim oldcharge As Currency If oldcharge = 0 Then newcharge1 = Me.lstbagels.Column(2, Me.lstbagels.ListIndex) Me.txttotal.Value = Me.txttotal.Value + newcharge1 oldcharge = newcharge1 Else newcharge2 = Me.lstbagels.Column(2, Me.lstbagels.ListIndex) Me.txttotal.Value = Me.txttotal.Value - oldcharge + newcharge2 oldcharge = newcharge2 End If End Sub

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Drop Down List

Feb 12, 2007

I have one more question:

I have a ComboBox in a form that is looking at a field in a Table. When I select one of the items from the drop down it finds the record and shows all the fields in the form...

Everything works great, but

THere are quite a few records in the database, maybe 1000. If I use the scroll on the drop down and drag it to its bottom and let go, its not actually at the bottom. I have to do this repeatably in order to get to the full set of records.

Is there and easier way to do this?
I have run into this on other occasions with smaller number of records as well.

Would this run faster if I grabed this list from a query instead? And then set the form record to the value of the drop down (runngin the query)

Thanks in advance...

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Drop Down List In A Query

May 25, 2006


Ok, let me preface this with I'm a newbie at Access, and I'm currently using Access 2003. I'm just hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Right now I have multiple tables with set data in them that doesn't change linked to another table where I have a drop down menu (combo box I think it's called in Access) to easily select the given data from. I want to have a drop down box (combo box) to have a set of given variables I have in a table to put in the search criteria. That way a user doesn't have to type the exact criteria into a query. That way I can easily put in the variables I want to search from in the query with less chance of an error. I'm hoping this is possible.

Ideally if I could get help in how to make a form that would allow me to have the set of columns from the corresponding tables with combo boxes to select from and then be able to have a "subimt" button and have it organize the selected results into that form as well.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

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How To Add A Drop Down List To A Query

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all,

I'd like to modify a query of mine a little ...

Currenlty, when I click on my query and have it begin ... I have it set up where I then enter three seperate pieces of distinct data so that the exact information I'm in need of, which is stored in 2 seperate tables, can then be pulled together and displayed into one final combined table ...

I'd like to modify this beginning point where ... once I click on the query to begin, I can then just choose from a Drop Down list which has all the various rows of information displayed via these 3 unique indentifiers ... I then just scroll through and pick what I need and it then populates the final combined table as before ...

How do I add the drop down effect at the start of the query?


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Search By Drop Down List

Mar 18, 2008

Hi Everyone

I'm not too sure if this request is a query issue or not so please excuse if this is posted in the wrong section.

I am creating a database that picks up the start and finish time of each employee and displays the total hours worked by day and week.

I would like to be able to search by employee name from a drop down list but I am a unsure how to do this.

Can anyone assist?

Many thanks :)

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Drop Down List Of Years

Oct 11, 2005

Hi folks,

I want to populate a drop down combo box with a list of 10 years (current year +/- five years). I can enter them as a Value list but I don't want to have to update the list every year. Neither do I want to allocate a table to maintain a list.

Any ideas as to how I can auto populate the combo with a 10 yr span (5 previous and 5 next) and default to current year?



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Customer Drop Down List

Mar 21, 2006

Hey guys, I have a question that I am hoping you can point me in the right direction on. Before I ask it, I am new to access. I have been looking at templates and reading and things on how to build a database. I have my tables setup, relationships I think are right and my form created. One of the things I am having trouble with is creating a drop down list to be able to pick a customer name for. I setup the combo box and have a customerID as the control source in the properties. I have the Row Source Type as table/query and the Row Source query setup so it takes the info from the customer table.


field: customer.* name
table: customer customer

I think I am doing this the same way the templates have the properties but for some reason it won't allow me to pick from the list. It keeps saying "control can't be edited. It's bound to unknown field 'CustomerID'".

I attached my database. I hope it is clear enough that you might see what I have done wrong. Thanks in advance.

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