General :: Drop Down Not Showing All Options

Jun 16, 2015

I have a drop down list to select a committee, but my list is only showing half of the list. There's no scroll bar, and when I try typing in one of the others, it tells me it's not on the list and asks if I would like to edit the list. When I select edit the list, it shows all of them.

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Want To Add Additional Drop Down Options

Nov 7, 2014

i want to add list of 2015 courses and have a seperate tab for 2015 courses(just like 2012,2013,2014).All the courses are setup as queries, which is why i can not seem to add to them.If you go in 2014, 2013 tab you will see list of coures for those years, i just want exactly same thing for 2015. All the courses are same, juwst their name is slightly diff.

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Tables :: Retiring Table / Drop-List Options

Mar 28, 2013

I have a sizable list of GIS polygon shapes(~9000 data points), collected over 15 years, that I am trying to shrink down to unique ID's. Each years data has a unique label, but for many of the polygons the shape does not change from year to year, so I want to assign a unique ID that encompasses all of the years that shape existed. Some examples:

1950- Parcel A - 2 acre star same
1951- Parcel K - 2 acre star same
1952- Parcel L - 2 acre star same
1953- Parcel F - 2 acre star same

1954- Parcel J - 3 acre box same
1955- Parcel Z - 3 acre box same

Ok, simple enough. I created a unique polygon ID in a separate table, and set the first 4 records to some value, let's say AAAA. The latter 2 records I called something else, BBBB let's say. These values are used in a combobox so my data entry stooges can easily assign each duplicated polygon the same ID, so a quick query will show that polygon XXXX is comprised of so many years worth of the same value, just with a different label. Now my question...

In the above example, after 1953 the 2 acre star polygon never exists again, so I want to 'retire' that option from the combobox so it cannot be chosen in error. As it stands now, if I were to enter the following date point 1956- Parcel N - 3 acre box

I can still choose AAAA or BBBB as the unique polygon ID to equate it to. Is there some way (maybe a boolean option) to disable just a specific combobox value so it cannot be entered in new records, but STILL shows up in old records, a.k.a. is not deleted?

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Forms :: How To Change Drop Down Box Options In Form Without Affecting Table

Jun 20, 2014

I'm a new user of Access and I'm required to input a survey into access. The data collected is being analyzed afterwards and therefore there cannot be any alpha content in the original table so I assigned multiple choice options numbers to correspond to the answers. In form view however I need the drop down boxes to spell out the answers, not just the numbers so the interviewer can read them out, I've seen this done on other similar surveys..I also tried going into form view and editing the drop down choices but that changes the table values.

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General :: Any Way That Access Could Create A Drop Down Box Within A Drop Down Box?

Jul 24, 2012

Is there anyway that access could create a drop down box within a drop down box? For instance, when a selection is made in a drop down box, it opens another drop down box with choices.And is it possible to link an inserted image from a form to open in MSPaint that when it opens, the image is already there?

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Split Database Not Showing Updated Drop Down List Entries

Jun 4, 2014

I have a database that is split - one central PC holds the back end, and then there are multiple end users with a copy each of the front end.We have updated a drop down menu on a field in the back end to add some new entries, but this is not showing up on the front end copies.Is there an easy way of updating the front end to show the changes?

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Need Help - Creating A "shopping List" From Drop Down Options

Apr 7, 2005

Greetings to all !
Please help if you can.

I am trying to create a form that will allow me to populate a list.
For instance, I could have a drop down box with grocery shopping items in, then by selecting an item and then pressing a button, it would add it to a list I could see on my form. Then I would select another item and add that to my list. Therefore I would be creating a "shopping list" that I could see on my form, from a drop down box on my form.

Please help a foolish old Access user

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General :: Drop Down Box Which Effects Another Drop Down Box?

Jun 18, 2013

I have a drop box that has four selections from a table (NORTH, EAST,SOUTH or WEST) I also have a another table that has two fields which is a NAME of a person and either NORTH, EAST,SOUTH,WEST depending on the persons name. What I need to happen (within a form) is that when I select NORTH from a drop down box, I can then select names in another drop down box that correspond to NORTH only. Then only names from the South list if I select SOUTH etc

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General :: Multivalued Lookup - Add Value Options?

Jan 31, 2015

How I can create a Multivalued Lookup however with an add values option?

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General :: XLS Links And Selecting Options

Jun 9, 2012

I want to use information supplied to me by suppliers as spreadsheets to create a database that i can navigate through by selecting from drop down options.

Imagine a product being broken down by its features, such as a washing machine.

Here is a list of what i would need to sort on,

Colour...and so on

So, if a customer asked "what 8kg 1200rpm washing machines do you supply for under £300 and in black" i would like to able to find all that info by drilling down a few selections.

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General :: File / Options Not Opening Box?

May 8, 2015

Windows 8.1, Access 2013, Microsoft Office 2007 , Access 2007 uninstalled When I try to open Options from File, I get the Windows Installer box open up, Preparing to install.......wait while windows configures Microsoft Office professional 2007. File Options was working before!

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General :: Search Options On A Form

May 18, 2013

Id like to create a search field on a form, with a similar function to the standard Access 'find and replace' function. Only id like it to be alot more simple than the Access find and replace form.What i have is a Asset DB for the IT assets in the company i work for. We have a lot of phones, printers, computers and about 120 Laptops. The laptops are quite often reconfigured and given to new users, so the laptop details dont change but the user and software config does. I need to keep track of what software is installed where, for licensing reasons.

What i have is a simple form with the laptop name, serial number, operating system, software, location etc etc. What i would like to be able to do is, type a laptop name into a Txt field, hit a search button, then have the fields of the form populated with the laptops current config and then be able to edit the details from inside the form. ive tried using a combo box but i have more than 20 fields that need filling, so anybody whos used the 'me.txtboxname.value = me.combobox.column (1)' may know that you can only use 20 columns.

The default Access 'Find and Replace' system works fine but i dont want users to have to use it. I also dont want them to have to navigate through records using record selectors.

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General :: Spell Check Options For Runtime

Apr 1, 2015

I have a Access 2010 database running in runtime. What options do I have for spell check? I can bind to a 2010 Word spell check (if it is installed), but could I do a late bind to utilise any other office spell check? Tried to use a .net spell checker dll and get access to call out the text and get returned the errors? Not sure what options I have really...

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General :: How To Make Combo Boxes Only Show Selected Options

Jul 6, 2013

What I am trying to do is create a master table which references the every other table.But the primary key references another primary key.I can get the combo box to display all the options, buy shows options already selected for other other words...

I have 4 reference IDs from table A.
(ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4)

Master_Table has a combobox to select between the IDs.
if record 1 has ID_1
Record 2's combobox will show all 4 IDs
If I only have 1 ID that can be put into record 4, it's combobox still
displays all 4 IDs.

What I want is: If ID3 is selected for record 1, it wont be displayed in the comboboxes for the other records.

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General :: Parking Slot Warehouse Database - Altering Available Options In Combo Box

Mar 1, 2014

I am new to MS Access. So I am making a database for an automobile warehouse. When a new car arrives at the warehouse, it is allocated a specific parking slot (using a combo box available on the 'New Arriving Car' form).

However, once a specific slot has been allotted, the end-user should not be able to allot the same parking slot to other arriving cars, until the original car has left the warehouse so that the parking slot becomes available once again. Currently, the parking slot combo box shows all parking slots whereas it is supposed to display only unoccupied parking slots. How can I enforce this? (Note that there is a separate form called 'Exiting Car', which is filled when a car is leaving the warehouse).

Fyi, each car is referred to by a unique 17 digit code - so this is the primary key. Also, there are 120 parking slots available in all, with the slot identifiers ranging from A1, A2...A12 to J1, J2..J12 (10 x 12 = 120).

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General :: Organizing A Drop Down A To Z

May 11, 2015

I have a query that organizes a drop down A-Z. I am looking for a way to organize it A-Z AND Smallest to Largest.

SELECT tblPartNum.PartNumberID, PartNum & ' - ' & PartDesc AS Expr, tblPartNum.Deleted FROM tblPartNum WHERE (((tblPartNum.Deleted)=False)) ORDER BY PartNum & ' - ' & PartDesc;

I need it to sort it out like this

4 digit #'s Ascending
5 digit #'s Ascending
6 digit #'s Ascending
So the list would look like this

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General :: Drag And Drop Between Databases

Sep 10, 2012

I've been developing several databases. Some elements that were experimental are now going "live". My development environment is Access 2010 on Windows 7 Pro. The "live" environment is also Access 2010 but running on Windows Vista SP2.

In development, I can drag tables, queries, etc. from one database to another by dropping them in the navigation column. When I try that on the "live" environment, it doesn't seem to work.

Is this a knownh difference between Windows 7 and Vista? Is this some sort of "trusted database" issue?

It is lots easier to drag and drop than using the Import External Data process so I'd like it to work.

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General :: Country Drop-down List?

Dec 13, 2012

I have a form (Create Guest). Employees can add guests and fill in the details. There is a label Country that Employees can fill in manually.

The problem now is that this is very fault sensitive (people type: "The Netherlands", "Holland" or "Netherlands" for example while this is one country).

How do I create a country drop-down list so that employees won't have to type the country in manually. I don't think adding all the countries in the world in my table is a good solution.

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General :: Progress Bar Not Showing Up

Aug 19, 2013

I am unable to print the progress bar of the syscmd, I have tried checning the progressbar too under the startup.When I put a debug point, it goes to that area and loops through it, by printing it in the immediate window, debug.print.

I have even put a msgbox, to see whether it is popping up, yes it does.I have tried Application.syscmd and syscmd, here I am gonna paste the coding.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub ProgressMeterModule()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


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General :: Drop Down List With New Entry Item

Aug 7, 2012

Drop down list equipped with new item input provided. My application now use a drop down list to access/display a form with certain item selected, but I want to entry new item using drop down list which equipped with "entry new item" then I hope the form can be accessed belongs to new item.

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General :: Drop Down Menus - Linked List

Jan 31, 2014

I have a number of drop down menus to select Building Name, Building Number and then Equipment Name and Equipment Number. I want the list to be linked so that when you select the building name the building number is picked up. Also I want the Equipment List's with to change so that once the building has been selected only the equipment available in that building is available to be selected. Is there a way I can do this?

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General :: Showing Blank For 0 Text Value

Jan 13, 2014

I have a report that is based on a query I have made. It currently shows the values as kept in the table. It is for a MAR sheet. Here is how it looks...

Breakfast 0
Lunch 0
Teatime 2
Bedtime 1

I want it to show blank for each 0 that is shown. I have tried an Iif statement to do this but it doesn't seem to work.

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General :: Showing Pivot Chart Value As 100%

Feb 19, 2014

I am completely new to Pivot Tables/Charts?

Basically i have two totals:

Value 1 which is the number of working Employees
and Value 2 which is the total number of Employees

Both are subject to change but my main problem is that Value 2 (Total of Employees) i want to display as 100% in a chart and Value 1 is the percentage of employees utilized.

I have the calculation working fine (Value 1/Value 2).

But if for example i have 35 employees as Value 2, how do i make that show as 100% in the chart?

I get things like 35 or 3500%?

I have played about endlessly changing values etc but just cant get it.

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General :: Importing Data From Excel With Drop-down List

May 15, 2013

I have a Access DB created. I have a field, which is a dropdown list. The users can go in to a form and manually create a record into the table etc.

However, i've some data that I'd like to import into the DB.

This data is in Excel.

When i import the data, everything is fine but the column that has the information for the dropdown field does not import.

so to clarifiy, the field in the DB is a dropdown list.

the field in the Excel data is just a plain text entry.

is there somehow i can import this data?

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General :: Lookup Wizard - Two Fields In Drop Down List?

Oct 14, 2014

I've managed to use the lookup wizard to show me two fields in the drop down list, first name and last name, but when i select a record I can only see the first name in the cell, not both.

Is there a way to display them both together?

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General :: How To Filter Subform By Drop Down In Main Form

Mar 19, 2014

I am self thought and fairly new to access (quite fun )

It is a simple setup: I have a main form called "customer_information_display_form" within that form is a sub-form called "customer_information_form" in addition there is one combo box drop down menu

I would like to filter the information presented in the sub-form by company name located in the drop down menu.

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