General :: Duplicate Declaration In Current Scope?

Jul 6, 2012

I am getting a duplicate declaration in current scope error. How do I fix it.

Sub SetupTargetDate()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim dtTime As Date
Dim dtTemp As Date
If IsNull(Me.Date) Then Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me.Time_Received) Then Exit Sub


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Query Containing Iif Statement - Scope Issue

Feb 15, 2008

I've come across an issue today that I didn't think was possible in Access or it's possible I've not met these conditions before..

A field containing an if statement in a query is brought into another query. The iif statement then appears to be working within the top query as well, when I am just expecting to display the results of the initial query.

I've struggled to describe this clearly, this is my best attempt so far.

For example

I have a query (Q1) returning 3 rows, the first field is a unique field, the second field is an optional field, the third field is an if statement. eg iif [field 2] is null Then "default" Else [field 2]

Output should be 3 rows: Default value = "No response"

Field 1___________Field 2__________Field 3

2_______________________________No response

I am then joining Q1 to a table (T1) with 6 rows and one field, the unique field.

I want all 6 from T1 and matching rows from Q1.

I am expecting to see this result.

T1.Field 1_________Q1.Field 2_______Q1.Field 3

2_______________________________No response

However, I am getting

T1.Field 1_________Q1.Field 2_______Q1.Field 3

2_______________________________No response
3_______________________________No response
5_______________________________No response
6_______________________________No response

You can see that Q1.Field 3 is now returning a default value for the rows that aren't actually in Q1.

The iif statement is working on the larger dataset when I want, expected it to only work within Q1.

Phew, I hope someone can make sense of that and secondly help me out.

Is it supposed to work like this? (I don't think so)
How do I stop it working like this? - I have made the result of Q1 into a table and linked that to T1, giving me the right answer. However, I just can't believe this is correct as it would stop you using a query within a query.

Thanks in Advance.

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Scope & Limitations Of MS Access And SQL Server

Apr 24, 2008

Hello everybody

My office gave me assignment to find out the scope & limitations of the two Microsoft database applications - MS Access and MS SQL Server. After the findings, we have to chose the more appropriate database for our new project, which will have a humble start but may grow big in a year or two.

I will apreciate the info in facts & figures (not only in general).

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Boolean Declaration

Nov 9, 2005


In ADP project I want declare ckeckbox data:

dim strDec as String

strDec = 1 ' if True
strDec = 0 ' if False

How can I show all records:
strDec = ? ' Show all recrords (true and false)


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Modules & VBA :: Variable Declaration Within A Form

Jul 24, 2014

How to declarate variable to working with in a form, subform and subform2


I tried to

Public ...

And always variable working only in Form. I don't want to declarate variable in a separate Module.

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Modules & VBA :: Procedure Declaration Does Not Match Description Of Event Or Procedure

Jul 31, 2014

I have just made a change to one of the forms by adding a button (by copying the only other button on the form) to cancel any changes and close the form. However, as soon as I added it I started getting the error message in the title. Please attachment LA Err1 for the full message. I also changed the caption on the other button on the form from "Close Form" to "Save && Close Form" this button is now giving the same error.

I have Compacted and repaired the DB on several occasions to no avail. I have deleted the procedures from the module and recreated them using the properties window - still get the error. I have deleted the buttons from the form and recreated the both via the object wizard and without it. Nothing I have tried has made any effect.

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General :: Duplicate Back End On Different Server

Feb 22, 2013

We have offices in other states that need to be able to open our data base. Due to the line speed it is extremely slow linking to our backend. Is it possible to have duplicate backends that can be merged, lets say over night or at the push of a button.

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General :: Duplicate Field Message?

Jul 16, 2012

I currently have a field on a form thats indexed (no duplicate values). What I want, is if the user types a existing social in the field, that it lets them know the social is in use and that the record will not save.

I believe this will have to use the before update event for my pSocialSecurity control and that I will need to use the DCount function.

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General :: Duplicate Entries In Combo Box

Apr 21, 2013

I've got a combo box that lists duplicates. I want the dupes removed.

I went to the Query Builder for my Combo Box and set Unique Values from "No" to "Yes" - Saved, then re-opened the form. It still lists dupes.

I went back into Query Builder and unchecked the box for the Patient_ID (Autonumber) field. I saved it, then viewed the Datasheet for the Query, and it correctly lists the data I want WITHOUT dupes.

However, when I go to Form View, the combo box lists several blank entries..

The entries come back when I re-enable the Autonumber field in the Query.

This is what I currently have...

SELECT DISTINCT Patients.FullName FROM Patients ORDER BY Patients.FullName;

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General :: No Current Record Error

Jun 22, 2014

The following code is used in calculating the due date for actions. The due date for each action is calculated from a preceding action date, by adding a defined number of days. The relationship between the actions is defined by assigning the predecessor/preceding action.I am trying to use a nested loop to firstly assign the criteria data agaisnt which the rest of the record set must be checked in order to determine if the criteria data is a predecessor and than to use the predecessor's information to calculate the due date for the record being checked. I keep on getting a no current record error at the .edit inside the nested loop.

'**Calculate action Dates

Public Sub CalculateDates()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim NumOfRec As Long
Dim CritCounter As Long
Dim EvalCounter As Long


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General :: Prevent Duplicate Date In Table

May 14, 2015

I don't want to allow more than one instance of (HolDte) for the same EmployeeID

PHP Code:

 If DLookup("[HolDte]", "tblHour", "[EmployeeID]='" & Me.EmployeeID.Value & "'") <> Me.HolDte.Value Then
    Exit Sub
End If 

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General :: Prevent Duplicate Entries In A Subform

Oct 22, 2014

I have a mainform (F_main) and a subform associated (F_place).

F_place is the form of the table T_place.
T_place is linked to F_main by the field "BizNumber". I also have the field "Place" and of course the "Place ID" (primary key) in T_place.

"Place" in linked to a combobox (in F_place).I want to avoid, at a given "BizNumber", the same "place" to be entered in the F_place.

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General :: Create Duplicate Sets Of Data

Aug 1, 2013

I have the following tables in my Access database.

A < B < C < D

(The "<" represents a one to many relationship.)A given row in table A can have up to 4 children (stages) in table B (stages 1 to 4).The other one to many relationships do not have any limitations as far as the number of children are concerned.All tables have AutoNumber primary keys.When the user clicks a button in a form, I want to:

Copy all data in the current stage (current row) in table B (corresponding to a given parent row in table A), to the next stage in table B.All data in child tables must be included in the copy process.In other words, for a given row in table A, by use of buttons in the forms for each of the stages 1 3, the user shall be able to do the following:

all data for stage 1 are copied to stage 2 (for user modification), then
all data for stage 2 are copied to stage 3 (for user modification), then
all data for stage 3 are copied to stage 4

Is it possible to do this in Access 2010?

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General :: How To Create Relationship With Duplicate Records

Mar 21, 2014

See attached picture where I am stuck at?

I have a table that holds UK Postcodes and a customer table that holds customers.

I am trying to create a relationship between the 2 so when I enter a postcode in the customer table this is then related to the postcode table.

The main problem I have is that there is a lot of duplicate postcodes in postcode table so the primary key is simply a number as you will see in the picture.

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General :: Return Current View Of Report

May 23, 2013

if there is a VBA command that returns the current view of the current active report. I am running code the uses the SetFocus Action, which works fin in Report view, but when I try to go to Print Preview view, Access throws an error stating that the command or action is not available in the current view - and the GetFocus action is the culprit.I can skip the GetFocus action if I know the Report is in Print Preview mode.

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General :: Reset Count If Date Is Not Current

Apr 2, 2013

What i am trying to do here is that if the date is not equal to current date, reset count or something to that effect.

(Select count(*) from [qry_01] where [id_employee] = a.[id_employee] and [datex]+[timex] <= a.[datex]+a.[timex])

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General :: Highlight The Current Record In The Subform?

Sep 23, 2013

I have synchronized a form with a subform with the following code:

Private Sub YourField_DoubleClick() 'this code is behind the subform
Dim rs As Object
Dim strLinkValue As String 'value in link field of the subform
strLinkValue = Me![NameOfLinkFieldOnSubform].Value
Set rs = Forms!YourMainForm.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[NameOfLinkFieldOnMainForm] = '" & strLinkValue & "'"
Forms!YourMainForm.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Every thing works fine but now I would like that the row in subform remains selected in the subform when the user doubkeclicks the record in the subform.Now after doublecliking the subform highlight the first row.

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General :: Shortcut Key To Select Current Record

Jun 2, 2014

I cannot remember (or find) a simple thing like the shortcut key for selecting the current record I am editing.

I have a form (or sub-form, or table even) set as a continuous form. I want to delete a record. I select the "record selector" on the LHS by left clicking on the grey box. I press [Delete]. No problemo.

I do not want my users to see the "record selector" grey box on LHS of my continuous form. I switch off record selectors. Now I am in edit mode, editing data in a field of my record. I decide I want to delete that record by using the [Delete] button. What is the shortcut key for selecting the record so that I can then press [Delete] do this, given that there is no "grey box record selector" to click on?

Same could apply in direct table view. No clicking on grey record selector box allowed.

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General :: How To Set Monthly Depreciation - Calculate Current Value

Jan 19, 2015

Is it possible to set an access database to take a depreciation value of lets say 10.00, and subtract this from the current value every month?

So far my database has a form where you can input the depreciable life, purchase price, current value and total depreciation. However the date and amount of depreciation has to be added manually into a data table for the text boxs to calculate how much it has depreciated and the current value.

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General :: No Current Recordset / Canceled By Associated Object

Feb 6, 2013

My form respectively subform has a couple of problems related to the recordset as it is available in VBA.

The mainform contains material data, the subform contains the components of that material and a quantity, while the components are materials themselves. The subform's control source is an SQL statement created by the query builder.

Everything worked fine before i replaced the material-selecting combobox in the continuous subform by a textbox and a button. That button leads to another (dialog) form with some filtering options, which in turn returns the number of the selected material. This material gets inserted into the textbox. To this point it works fine.

But when i enter a quantity before i selected a Material, i get an error message after selecting the Material: This Action was Cancelled by an Associated Object. This happens while executing the following VBA Code on click of the material selection button (exact position commented in code):

Private Sub cbuSelectComponent_Click()
' Select component
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As Recordset
DoCmd.OpenForm "Material Selector Dialog", , , , , acDialog, "Dialog"
If GLB_selected_mat = -1 Then 'cancel

[Code] ....

I've found the following Microsoft KB Article: [URL] ..... In their example code they use:

' Restore text box value to the original record contents
' in this case, that is NULL

I assume this is the relevant part, but i have no DataControl (what's that?) and neither found an UpdateControls method in the subform object.

The second error, "no current recordset", occures when i edit an existing component line in the subform that has been added right before (also using the same event and code as mentioned above). If i close the form after adding the component and open it again, it's no problem.

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General :: DSum For Current Month Sales

May 28, 2014

I'm using the following expression to find the sum of the current month sales.

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=Month (now())")

However, it returns no result. The above expression is located on the control source of an ab textbox. Moreover, it works well when i try the following expression

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=[ORDDate]")

It returns the sum of all sales.

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General :: Create New Records To A Current Date

Dec 17, 2013

We have a database with PROPERTY_ID and DATE and COSTS

The database is sequential and complete up to some point in time but some records stop short of a current date. (The DATE is represented by months)...

#1 #2
01/31/2013 10/31/2013
02/28/2013 11/30/2013

Some records go thru 2012 and some to current date of NOV 2013.

To normalize the data we need to create blank records for each PROPERTY_ID thru Nov 2013 beginning with the last record for the PROPERTY_ID.

For the example we need to create APRIL thru NOV 2013 for PROPERTY_ID #1

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General :: Remove Rows With One Duplicate Field In A Rank?

Feb 6, 2013

I have a competition ranking contestants. A contestant can compete multiple times, each time with a unique registration number.

I am trying to sort by score to rank the contestants, however the contestants can only receive one rank - their highest score (not a sum of their scores, only one score). ? ?

Registration Name Score
2345 Sally 247
3456 George 230
4672 Sally 255

What I want to see:
4672 Sally 255
3456 George 230

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General :: Cascade Combo Boxes With Duplicate Values

Jan 18, 2013

I'm trying to Identify a particular entry in my table for editing via combo boxes. The same serial number will come in multiple times but a different job number each time it comes in. To identify a record for editing I need the user to identify the serial number in combo1 and then the job # in combo2 (cascaded combo boxes).

The issue I'm running into is that combo1 has dozens of serial number duplicates (combo2 is acting as it should). When I change some settings around I'm able to get combo1 to eliminate duplicates but now combo2 only shows 1 job # when there should be dozens for that serial #. I need all like serial numbers to show their job # in combo2 and I have not had any luck surfing around the net/forums/experimenting.

I'm pretty sure I have to use a Junction Table but I haven't messed with that and I'm not 100% sure that's the best/only way to do it.

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General :: Edit Creates Duplicate Data Entry

Mar 14, 2013

I have a form which saves to a database correctly. It has a key field name called "code".

I can recall the data into a copy of the first form to edit by using the key field "code".

All works well, however, when I click save data from the edit form it does not alter the original data but creates another form but with the same key field called code.

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General :: Copy And Paste Records With Current Date

Sep 24, 2013

I have a database that is tracking donations for my organization. I have some members who donate the same amount every month. Is there away to copy the records and paste them with the current date in the "Date Paid" field, and do this "Update" once a month? As opposed to typing in 200 records each month? I would assume that I would have to run an update query which filters to just the members that pay each month, but the big question is how to copy and paste these records. I am using Access 2010, I have some VB ability, but not an expert by any stretch. My SQL is not strong at all either.

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