General :: Dynamic Unbound Form Content Based On Database Entries

Jul 26, 2012

What I am wanting is to be able to build dynamic form content/elements based on entries on a table. This is for a gym membership system. What this form is going to be used for is to allow the front desk to scan a membership card which then performs a search on the database. Part of this search is going to be on a table that contains various add-on classes, tanning sessions, etc that a member can add beyond their base membership.

On the left side of the form, I will display a picture of the member and their name. What I am wanting to do on the right side of the form is to build a dynamic list of the add-on perks they are enrolled in.

I know I could hard program elements on the form to be visible or invisible, but that would be static and leave gaps when I have to turn things off b/c that member isn't enrolled in that class, etc.

Is this even possible with Access and VBA? I know I could do this sort of thing with a webpage using PHP, PERL or whatever. I don't know the limits of Access Forms and VBA.

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Create Field Content Based On The Content Of Others?

Apr 16, 2007

Can I create contents of one field based on the contents of others?

I have a database of pc systems which we've tested and was wanting to generate a single text line to identify the individual pc

The single filed would contain data from the following fields
Job Number
CPU Type
CPU Speed
HDD size

So the new field would contain "Job345-P3-1000-256-20"

Can this be done?

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Send A Content Of Unbound Field In A Form To A Field In The Table

Feb 26, 2006

in my form I created an unbound field with a requested combination, now how can I put those in a table field.
in other words, how can I send the content of a form's unbound field to a field in the table?

your help is very appreciated.


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Forms :: Unbound Form To Make Inventory Entries?

Oct 10, 2014

I'm trying to use an unbound form to enter single inventory items to my database. As part of the function of this form, I'd like to check new items against the current inventory, and perform the function you can see in the error handling code(Which works fine). Currently, when I try to run this I get an error on the syntax of the 'FROM' clause.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub btnCommit_Click()
'On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim SQL As String
SQL = " INSERT INTO [InventoryDetail]" & _


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Forms :: How To Limit A Field Content Based On The Content Of Another Field

Nov 25, 2013

As I began thinking about the data that I need to include in one of my reports I relized that I need to gather some extra data.Each design change has a lifecycle with 7 basic states from not started through to closed. States 4, 5, and 6 have two posible sub-states that I need to capture and report. It is almost like having options.

My data entry form already records the 7 basic states. What I would like to do is have another field that records the sub-states if the design change is in one of those three states.

Will a ComboBox do this?

Do I need a test routine for the After Update event in the first text box? Something that will check for states 1 - 3 and 7 move on to the next field and if states 4 -6 require users to enter the sub-state.

Would a nested if-then-else routine do the job?

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General :: Auto Generate Entries Based On Date Range

May 16, 2013

I am looking to have entries made to the table based on a date range. I have a database of events and most repeat daily, weekly, etc. When I enter them into Access, they go in as a single entry with a start and end date. But I need to have them as individual entries for each day so that rather than one entry of 5 days, I need to create 5 entries of one day each.

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General :: Creating Entries In A Table Based On Multivalue Lookup

Aug 3, 2014

I am designing a database for a quarry for maintenance of their machines. I have a table that has a full list of all the parts on the machines, and a multiple value lookup field that says what machines said parts are used on. I am trying to have these values translate to another table, so I can then insert a field to say how many of each part are used on the respective machine, to display on an information form for each machine.

I would also like this table to update if the relevant information is updated, for example if a new machine is input, then have the table update to reflect what parts are used on it (an After Update function?) I have made a query that gives me the read out I want (attached) but just cannot figure out how to get that into a table so I can add the extra information.

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General :: Create Chart Based On Unbound Textbox

Mar 5, 2014

I try to develop an access 2010 Forms that contains 1 or 2 charts. So my problem is, in my form I have 1 combobox and 5 unbound textbox. Inside Event OnChange combobox, there is function DCount that will setup value to the 5 unbound textbox. Until this point, the 5 unbound textbox is have its value.

Now I would like to create a chart that value are based on the 5 unbound text. How can i accomplish this ? i see in many articles, a chart row source is link to a cross tab query.

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General :: Multiple Entries To One Database Field?

Aug 8, 2013

Basically, I'm compiling a table of funding sources and whilst all the fields are relatively straight forward, how best to approach the matter of where the funding is available. For example, Funding A is available in America only, Funding B is available in America, Canada and Europe and Funding C is available Internationally etc (a huge number of possible options and infinite different combinations). How's best for me to lay this out because there will be hundreds of funding sources all with different availability criteria? If the field name is 'Countries funding is available', can a data type input be multiple entries?

Ultimately I'll want to be able to query show all funding sources available internationally or show those available to America and Canada only etc...and when I query on another field or show all, I'll want to see where each of the funding sources are available, listed out .

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General :: Correlating Similar Entries For Database

May 17, 2013

I run a database for defect detail, tracking, and resolution. Often times we have the same type of defect occur multiple times before the problem is resolved. Currently the process is that every time a defect occurs, it gets entered into the database, and whenever it gets solved, those who have solved it have to go to the database and mark it as complete.

However, since every time a problem occurs, a record is created, the people who mark issues as complete have to go through and find all similar records of problems which are basically the same problem and mark those as complete as well.

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Queries :: Dynamic Query Based On A Form (ComboBox)

Jan 22, 2014

We have a ComboBox on a form with the months: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We have fields in a budget table named: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We want to create a query that pulls the correct field based on the value in the combo box.

This is what I have that doesn't work:

MyField: [Query1].[SumOf] & Forms![Main Menu]![test]

How to do this?

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Forms :: Coloring Form Field Based On Another Field Content

Jun 4, 2013

I am making a very simple 'registration' database for a children's event in a couple of weeks.I the table/form there is a checkbox field called 'consent' which, if checked, indicates that a child can leave the event without parental consent.

There is a report printed on each child (a registration page which the leaders get a copy of). I would like on this report a 'red box' to appear if the child cannot leave without permission (i.e. the consent box is not checked). I would also like this 'red box' to appear on the form. I had thought of doing it this way - but I'm not sure if it's the best, or if it's possible:

Have a field in my table called 'consentindicator'. When the 'consent' box is checked, there is a period ('.') placed into the 'consentindicator' field. It is set to turn red when a period is present. That way, when the consent box is checked, a get a red 'box'.

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Deleting Records Based On A Field Content?

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all!

I'm rapidly beginning to get a little confused... I'm trying to mass-delete records based on the content of a field.

I want to run either a query or a button on a form (or anything, for that matter) that will delete any records when there is an X in the N_Disp field.

Any ideas?



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Forms :: Way To Limit The Number Of Entries A User Can Make To A Form Based On A Value

Jan 20, 2015

My problem is the following: when I receive say 5 computers in a purchase form, I want to register the serial number of each of them in another form, bound to another table.If I receive 2 units in the purchase form, my user should only be able to input 2 records in the serial form (a continuous form), if we receive 3, then only 3 records,I cannot quite figure out how to build this second (serial number registration form), so that it refuses input after the correct number has been reached.

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Modules & VBA :: Autonumber Based On A Table Content With A Prefix

Oct 15, 2014

I have a module which generates an autonumber based on a table content (Tbl:Numbervalues) and a prefix (prefix held in Tbl: TextValues)

the module itself works fine and after every getprefix & getnextnumber it updates the number within numbervalues table to the next unique figure.

However what i want it to do is within my database i want to loop through all the records and update a column based on the getprefix() & getnextnumber()

so at the moment lets say column A has values of SHA000001 (in all 100 records) i want it to loop through those 100 records and update to be SHA(from the prefix table) and 000001 all the way to 000100.

Public Function GetPrefix() As String
On Error GoTo GetPrefix_ErrorHandler
GetPrefix = DLookup("Value", "TextValues", "Description = ""InvoicePrefix""")
If Len(GetPrefix) <> 2 Then
msgbox "The Invoice Prefix Value in the Text Values Table is not 2 characters long!", vbCritical, "Critical Warning"
End If

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Open Report With Subreport Based On Unbound Form

Apr 14, 2015

I am trying to open a report (rptGMX-IRG) that includes a sub-report (srptRG) based on criteria that is set with two unbound fields on a form (frmGMXbook). This form has two dropdown boxes (cboGMX_No & cboMachSize) and a command button. The first dropdown box includes data located in the main form and the second dropdown includes data that is part of the sub-report.

I can get the report to open properly when I enter data into both fields on frmGMXbook.

However, the problem I am having is the inability to have one or both fields be "Like '*'" and show all associated records.

Here is the code I have on the command button.

Private Sub GMX_Preview_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.cboGMX_No) Then
strCriteria = "[cboGMX_No] Like '*'"
strCriteria = "[GMX_No] ='" & Me.cboGMX_No.Value & "'"

[Code] ....

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Making A Dynamic Report From My Dynamic Form

Jun 30, 2006

I have a form that shows a list of all of my records in my database. I want to be able to click a button called "Report" and have that print a report that has all the records I have filtered on my form. I have a report in the format that i want it in, however, currently it prints every record and not just what is shown on my form. (The form is dynamic and I want the Report to be dynamically based on the form) HELP PLEASE!

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General :: Add Return Between Entries In Form Field That Allows Multiple Values

Apr 5, 2013

I have a subformClientOffers on my frmAllProperties. On the subformClientOffers is a field called Outside Agents. This field allows for multiple values to be selected.

The subfrmClientOffers is in datasheet view.

While the field Outside Agents DOES allow me to select more than one, they post in the field one after another:

Ken Shaw, John Doe, Jane Doe, Harlan Bestlyn

Therefore, the datasheet view of the subformClientOffers causes the field Outside Agents to get very long, much too long to view without scrolling. My client wishes for everything on the frmAllProperties to be viewable without scrolling.

Is there anyway, to cause the field Outside Agents to place a return between each selected name (sort of a wrap text kind of thing)?

One thing I might mention is that the field is a drop down field from tblOutsideAgents. The table itself has First Name and Last Name, but I concatenated that into Fullname on the form, so that when the user opens the drop down they see the entire name. I don't know if that would have any effect on making the 'return' thing work or not.

I can't use this field as a subdatasheet because I already have one subdatasheet attached to the subform to show multiple notes on each Client Offer.

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General :: Updating Records From Unbound Form

Jul 24, 2012

i have developed an access database and working on interface through forms & reports .i needed that a user must have to click save button to update the data and i have found that without an unbound control its hard to achieve functionality .so i want to know step by step how to update records using unbound controls and a save button .

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General :: Load Folder Content Into Attachments

Feb 25, 2015

Simple vba code that allows me to import all the content in a specific folder into an Access attachments field? I have search but all I am seeing is code to import outlook attachments.

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General :: Content Of Variable Crashes VBA Code

Jun 16, 2015

I have a form I use to create photo captions. The form has a field where users can edit a pre-generated caption and a field that stores their updates as a final caption in the field "selected_caption".. On my form is a button that runs the code below to check and see if a field ("updated") has been marked true, then copies the content of caption field into the selected_caption field. It works fine 90 percent of the time but for some reason this caption:

LA 109535, LA109535 partial site overview showing blowout with PL's 01- 04. Crew person is excavating a shovel test probe. Photo direction facing southwest. (Roll 31066, Frame 4958)

Results in a missing operator error. I thought it was like a special character thing, so I removed the "'" and the "-". Same error.

Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim upcap As String
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

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General :: Accessing Disc Drive (Folder Content)

Jul 30, 2015

I need a facility in the access VBA coding to check if a directory exist.

It does exist, I need to open it and check for a specific file.

Or if the directory (folder) exist, to determine or display folders within.

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General :: Unbound Main Form - Manage Items In A List Box

Feb 20, 2014

I have a list box on an unbound main form, which contains a rowsource consisting of files in a certain folder. The listbox is unbound

when I change an item in a subform, the listbox should update to show different items from the same folder.

Now it is updating correctly, so the rowsource appears to be correct, , but then the listbox behaves strangely - with the first item being sort of permanently selected - or at any rate - strange selection behaviour

out of interest, changed it to a combo box and it works correctly. so there must be some difference between the two?

After investigation, it might be this : [URL] ....

The appearance is similar to what is described in the thread.

although I have played with the strings to get them shorter without getting it work correctly. very strange

if I run the code to update the listbox from the subform, either directly, or by running as sub IN the main form, it produces this strange behaviour. If I run exactly the same code directly IN the main form, it seems to work properly.

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General :: Use Unbound Controls On Form And Populate With Pure VBA Recordsets

May 16, 2013

What really is the best way, programming-wise and user experience-wise when presenting records in a form:

1) Use the form with sub-forms to show records. Add new records via a popup form and use recordsets in VBA to allow validating.

2) Use unbound controls on a form and populate with pure VBA recordsets. For data with more than one row use list boxes. A popup form used for adding new or editing etc using VBA.

3) Another I haven't thought of; new or a combination of above?

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Modules & VBA :: Matching Content To Other Content?

Feb 4, 2015

how many elements matching to my primary elements from any records of my query and count match, if some element doesn't match then I need to add it to my primary elements, then at the end (rst.eof) count how many primary elements I have.


id colours
1 blue;red
2 purple;blue;green
3 red;violet;purple;blue

dim matching_elements as long
dim primary_elements as string
dim TheNumberOfPrimaryElements as long

First of all, if I open recordset primary_elements is empty so I need to assign a value form first record.

primary_elements = rst!colours (so primary_elements = blue;red)

Now I can start comparing my primary_elements with second record:

matching_elements= 1
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green

comparing my primary_elements with third record:

matching_elements= 3
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green;violet

It's my last record so I need to count primary_elements

TheNumberOfPrimaryElements = 5

I need "matching_elements" to count other function in my application.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Unbound Form On Front End Of Database To Populate Backend Tables

Apr 12, 2015

Is there any particular reason I would choose to use

DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into...


CurrentDb.Execute "insert into.... ??

I am using an unbound form on the front end of my database to populate the backend tables (multiple tables). Some forms only have a few fields, while other forms have about 15 fields with 3-4 tables updating.

I am okay using the DoCmn.RunSQL , but I keeping reading on the forum that others chose CurrentDB.Execute and it has me thinking.

My database is stored on a network drive with only on front end.

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