General :: Error Reading Switchboard Items Table

Jun 26, 2013

I have two options on the main switchboard page and when I click on the second option it goes to a secondary page that gives me 3 options with the third option being to return to the main screen. When I select that option it does go back to the main screen but then on the main screen it shows the return to main screen option as well and when I select it.... it says " There was an error reading the switchboard items table." But I want the main screen to only show the original two options only.

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General :: Change Switchboard Items For Different Users

Oct 8, 2014

I have two versions of the switchboard items table. (A2003 switchboard). I have a login form, and I want to be able to change the switchboard items for different users

so I have code that does this

close the switchboard,
copy the new switchboard items table
reopen the switchboard

And every time, it says it cannot copy the table because the switchboard items table is in use. The code in the switchboard opens recordsets, and I have quadruple checked that they are closing correctly, after use. The switchboard itself is bound to the switchboard items table

I have just tried something different which is to manually close the switchboard - and then I CAN copy the tables.

Might the code be atomic in some way. The switchboard does not release the locks until the code completes?

I thought about it, and got round it now, by just copying the data from the new table to the master table, rather than trying to copy tables, but I am still curious.

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General :: Meter Reading Table - Calculation Based On Previous Record

Aug 2, 2013

I have a table full of meter readings. I want to have a field called consumption which looks at the reading just entered for that month and then subtracts the previous months reading for that meter which leaves the consumption.

Can I get a formula that can work this out automatically?

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Switchboard Items..need More Than 8

Aug 17, 2005

How can I increase the number of items on a Switchboard?

When I change the code, "conNumButtons = 8" to 20, an errors says only 8 items are allowed on a switchboard page.

When I select debug, the VB opens and the following line is highlighted yellow: "Me("Option" & intOption).Visible = False"

Do I need to change this line, or delete? to accommodate more items on a switchboard page, or am I stuck with only 8 items?


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Switchboard (Disable Items)

Jul 18, 2005

Hi Folks,

I have created a switchboard that has 8 more sub switchboards. They have got items from 1 to 8. My database is setup with users and their authorised access levels. Admin has level 1, Manager level 2, Users Level3. Now what i want is that when admin logs in all the items in the switchboard must be available, but when a Manager with leve 2 or a user with level 3 logs in to the database then certain items on a specific Switchboard must be diabled For example lets say Sub Switchboard No 3 and its item number 4 (SwitchboardID = 3 and Item Number 4) should be disabled. I tried searching it on the Forum but no use. All i request you is to help me in this issue.

Warm Regards


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Switchboard Items Playing Dead

Oct 2, 2004

Hi - would like some help.

I have a switchboard on which I have items which when clicked should bring up forms or other switchboards but do nothing. They just play dead. They did work in the past (i.e in the last hour) but don't anymore. I haven't edited anything on the switchboards or the forms beng called so am a touch puzzled

Any Ideas or answers much appreciated



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User Security Access 2013 For Switchboard Items

Aug 3, 2015

I have user security level setup with username and password.I have set forms and tables etc to security levels.what i am having trouble with is setting user security levels to command buttons on the switchboard.Example if you sign in Mary Jones and you click on the command button (open Tom Smith switchboard) button on the main switchboard and your not tom smith you get a message access denied.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "you cant open this form"


it is a switchboard page. and putting CoCmd.OpenSwitchboardPage that does not work either..when you look at the event on click of the command button a macro opens up but I dont see how you can edit it.

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General :: Selection Of More Items In More Than One Table

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating a database for my job. I have 4 tables with information. When I need to deliver some items i must know which items to take, They are in those 4 tables.

I want to make it that i can click a menu on my switchboard that i see a report with all the information with a clickbox behind it. If i select this box and click a button generate it creates a report with all the items i've selected with the select box.

So in short:

1.) How do I create a table with all the items from the other tables that are automatic updated when insert a items in one of those 4 tables.

2.) How do I create a report where i can select some items that are generating a report with the selected items.

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General :: Web App Displaying Fields From Another Table In Related Items

Jul 30, 2015

I have two tables to track our engineer visits, one tracks the visit as a whole and the other tracks the individual instruments the engineer worked on during that visit. This way I can track visits to customer sites separately to the visits made to an individual instrument.

Right now, I create a visit and then add Visit Lines (containing the details of the instrument visited). These instruments, or 'Visit Lines', are being displayed in the Visits Table via a related items box. Visit lines are associated with Instruments in the Instrument Table via a serial number lookup. All this works great...

However, I want to display both the serial number and the instrument description in the related items control in the Visits Table. Since the Visit Lines table only has the instrument ID lookup and not the instrument description I can't display it in the control.

I need to either:

a) Create an instrument description in the Visit Lines table as a lookup and have this automatically pull in the description based on the serial number the user selects.... which I can't figure out how to do - it's just an autocomplete.

b) Create an instrument description in Visit Lines and have a macro grab the corresponding description from the Instruments table based on the serial number input - but just for this record...

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General :: Display Headers Over Grouped Items In Table

Dec 14, 2012

I have a table of items for our companies quotes. When we go to print out our quotes to send to the customers, the salespeople would like most of the items to be grouped under certain "headers" for the systems they are part of.


Autopilot System
Part #1 Qty 2
Part #2 Qty 1

PA/GA System
Part #4 Qty 4
Part #5 Qty 1

My 'Items' table currently has these fields:

System_ID (FK for 'Systems' table)


'Systems' table has these:


I have a query using a RIGHT JOIN and a GROUP BY to tie everything together, I'm just not certain how to go about displaying the information the way I did above.

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General :: Subtract ListBox Items In Field Of A Table?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a form with a textbox, listbox and a button.

my textbox is based on one of my tables, and when I enter a value (which is saved in my table) in my textbox and press enter, certain values in my table goes to my listbox, and my listbox will just additem whenever I do same thing in my textbox all overagain.

how can I subtract listbox.column(1) items in my table field "Item_Quantity" where my Listbox.column(0) is equal to my table field "Item_Description".

My Listbox column count property = 4
Row source type = value list

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General :: How To Manage Items In Set And Individual Items

Jul 31, 2013

I just want to know how to manage items in set and individual item. Suppose my product list are

individual items = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
and 5 pc set = A,B,C,D,F
and 3 pc set = G,H,K

How should I design the table. Previously I designed the table for individual items and whenever orders for set is placed user had to enter individual items with quantity.

E.g. order is for 5 pc set = 3000


Now I need to just say 5 pc set and it should be automatically populated. And also if order have combination of individual and set items.

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General :: How To Get Single Table Entry View For % Allocation Of Items

Dec 28, 2014

How could I create a single table (matrix) type input view to allocate bank transactions to categories, noting one transaction can be allocated multiple categories with an associated percentage? What approach should I use in Access to get this? So say I have the following tables:

* Transactions
* Business Category
* Transaction-Business-Allocation (which includes)
- Transaction ID
- Business Category ID
- Percent Allocation

But in terms of the means of reviewing bank account items and allocating I really want a view like this (see attached image)The specific business category could be either selected specifically, or all included.

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General :: Reading DB File Information?

Sep 29, 2013

I see a lot of requests for this operation, but apparently .DB files are so general that sometimes it's impossible? Any all-encompassing program that can read files like this? I believe they come in different formats and are produced by a variety of different programs. The only thing I ever see though are files with [.db] as the extension.

If I open the one I have with notepad on a windows machine I see some of the info but some of it is not there and is garbled.


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General :: MS Access Reading Data From ODBC Connection

Feb 10, 2015

I am in need of consultation for MS Access reading data from ODBC connection. I have SQL Server that has all the data for the project financials etc.

I need a database that will read only certain data from the tables, for example, I don't need to import all 500,000 lines from SQL through ODBC connection, I just want to bring certain data for a list of projects whichever are opened and load only that data in MS Access so the group then can add additional details for that project in a shared MS Access.

Right now, all I can do is connect to that database through ODBC and brings all the data which I don't need all as it increases the size of the database, but just a criteria to specify which data to bring, if that's possible to do.

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General :: Triggering And Reading Multiple Barcode Readers

Nov 25, 2014

I will have a PC and a number of scanners in a production line. I will need at least 15-20 scanners and would like to plan for more if needed. When an operator clicks on a button I would like to have each of the scanners triggered and return the value. They can be done in turn or all at once (preferred for speed). I need to know which value came from each scanner. I would then compare the barcode read at each station versus what is supposed to be at that station and either pass or fail.

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General :: Calculated Fields - Reading And Modifying Records

Aug 2, 2012

I am new to Access and this is likely a very elementary question. I recently created a database to track status of projects including progress and funding. The table contains several fields that record various aspects of funding. These fields are added (very simply) and create a calculated field that is a summation of those fields. The table currently contains approx 60 records. The calculated field functions for 2 or 3 records and will not calculate further. I have tried this in a form as well as a query. The form will change the same number, 2 or 3 records. When the query is run the result shows only the 2 or 3 records. What I am doing that is only reading and modifying those records?

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General :: Users And Permissions Missing Reading MDB File In A2010

Nov 22, 2013

I have been using a A2003 file through A2007 to be able to use user security.We are now in A2010 and the users and permissions component is not showing in the Administrator area as it did in A2007, although the security is still functioning. How do I get access to Users and Permissions in A2010?

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General :: Reading Multi-line Column Values Into Array?

Aug 19, 2013

I am working on setting up a Document Control System and have a table, called List_of_SOP where I have, amongst others, the following fields:

- Document Title
- Document Number (unique identifier)
- Responsible
- DL (where this is a multiline lookup column where one ticks the names of the people to whom this document needs to be distributed)

I want to be able to fill an array with the checked values of the DL field, given a particular Document Number. So far, the code is somewhat on these lines:

Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs3 As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String


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Reading A Table From Within Another Database

May 19, 2005

I'm fairly new to access (now using for work purposes) and i've become a bit stumped...

I have a database set up and running fine, however I want to be able to generate a form in one database from a table within another. Is this possible?

Thanks for your input, It will all be apreaciated.


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Yet Another Error- Switchboard

Jan 30, 2006


I had a switchboard in my db, but I deleted it both in the form and table are because I kept on getting an error that the switchboard name as changed or something like that.

But when I open my db now, I get this error:

The form name "Switchboard is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist". What do I do to not get this message, I already deleted the switchboard e.t.c. and I don't think I changed my form name at all...

Thanks for your help!

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Need Help With A Switchboard Error

Sep 11, 2006

We use a switchboard on our Access Database and just recently when we go into any option on our Switchboard it will not let us edit the data. It gives this error " This Recordset is not Updateable."

So next I tried to go in to the Switchboard Manger to take a look but it will not let me in. Instead it gives me this ugly message "ActiveX Components Can't Create Object"

Has anyone ever seen this before or have any ideas on how I can fix it? Thanks

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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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Review - Table Design - Meter Reading / Adjustments

Aug 3, 2005

I am working on a database to keep track of meter readings from several meters. Am at the table design stage and have come up with two seperate table designs but am wondering what would be best.

Each individual 'Meter' tracks more than one 'Fuel'. All of the regular meter readings should occur on the last day of the the month. The difference between the current month's reading and the reading from the previous month is the usage for the current month.

Though rare, there are occasions when there could be adjustments to the meter. A meter may be reset to 0 or to any other number due to a number of issues (replacement, maintenance).

The usage for a Meter-Fuel combination calculated by the current meter reading & previuos meter reading is assigned to current readings' date, As readings should onlt be taken at the end of the month, all other readings should be adjustments ONLY!

Here is my one version;

MeterID (PK)


MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

MeterAdjustmentID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

My other idea was to incorporate meter adjustments into tblMeterReadings and not have a sepereate table for meter adjustments

MeterReadingID (PK)
MeterID (FK)
FuelID (FK)

The I would create a multi-field index of dbMeterReading, MeterID, FuelID, blnAdjustment.

So data with an adjustment may look like this

dtMeterReading, MeterID, FuelID, dblMeterReading, blnAdjustment
01/31/2005, 1, 1, 900, False
02/15/2005, 1, 1, 1000, False
02/15/2005, 1, 1, 0, True
02/31/2005, 1, 1, 100 , False

I think that the second version is the way to go, since I would still have to create a query to join data from both the reading and adjustment tables in the first design that would look like the data above.

Here what I consider to be the drawbacks to either table structure

Version 1
The first version requires more complicated queries to calculate the difference between meter readings.

Version 2
The second version will require some coding/querying to make sure that there are always two adjustment records for one date and determining which is the pre-adjustment and post-adjustment meter reading since it may not be true that the meter is reset to zero; it may even be set at number higher than the pre-adjectment reading.

Any thoughts on which design is better? Or any problems I could run into later with designing forms/queries/reports that perhaps I have not thought through?


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Modules & VBA :: Reading Table Of Information Recordset From XLSX File

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to use a Connection to an xlsx spredsheet to read in a table of information (the data is not a table, just laid out in a table, see attached, the one I am trying to load is xlsx not xls but I cannot for some reson upload the xlsx one on here)

I have the following declared:

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

my connection string is:

strConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & cstrFolder &
Chr(92) & tempSymbol & ".xlsx;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES';"

I open the connection which works fine:

Code : cn.Open strConnectionString

Now here I hit the problem, I have the following SQL string:

Code : strSelect = "SELECT * from [table$]"

The spreadsheet contains just 1 tab, named table so I think I am referring to the data correctly in my SQL string?

When I open the recordet for variable rs using:

Code : rs.Open strSelect, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

I get the error dialogue box:

The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'table$'. make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.....

I did a Debug.print to check the strConnectionString was correct and the Source is exactly correct and refers to the name of the file I am trying to access exactly.

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General :: How To Change Path For Switchboard

Apr 3, 2013

I have copied our company access database onto my lap top and linked the front end to the back end. My problem now is that when I open the switchboard it is looking for the data and tables on the G drive, this was where it was on our server. How do you change the path for the switchboard.?

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