General :: Export Multiple Tables To XML But Excluding Linking Fields

Feb 4, 2015

I've been using a series of 5 tables to export an XML file using Access's native XML export. In order to keep the XML intact, there are relationships setup to link each sets of elements together via an ID number(link) field in each table.

Access does a great job at exporting, but then we need to rely on another program to delete these link fields that links the tables together so our XML validates. Additionally, we use this program to reorganize some of the XML, as one of our tables puts itself at the end of the XML element and not in the middle where it should be. This is not a problem when I'm dealing with a few hundred records, as the 3rd part program does the trick. The problem is when I have enough data to generate a 30+MB file that my other program chokes on when trying to manipulate the XML.

So my question can I export these 5 tables to XML while omitting the linking member fields and organizing it how it should be? I have examples of code below. How Access Exports it


[Code] .....

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General :: Linking Fields In Tables

Aug 23, 2013

Im in the process of developing my first database for my bonsai (small trees) collection. So far, ive developed a table of each of the trees I have, with fields such as Species, Where Bought, Cost etc and ultimately a link to a recent photograph (my next challenge). Ill be adding to this as my collection grows (in number and size). To avoid information duplication I have a separate table of care instructions for each species of tree with type, position they favour (eg Hardy/Delicate), watering requirements, wiring advice etc.

I now want to have a field in each of the records in the first table to its particular species care instructions as simple as that, or so I thought. ie for each different pine I want a link to the care guide for pines, and only pines. And preferably in a table format.

I need a one (second table) to many (first table) relationship and have linked them appropriately through primary field (species) and foreign field (care details). I have tried various Controls in the Design View but cannot get the field to show just one care record (ie the one for that particular species of tree). I realize this is possible, as its a common feature of a good database, and have found it being used in the various templates available - but not how they were created. The best Ive got to is using a Combo Box but this shows all of the care details records and in a column view.

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General :: 3 Different Tables - Export To Multiple Tabs In Excel

Jun 30, 2015

I have information held in 3 different tables and I would like to extract this information to three different tabs in a singe Excel workbook - preferably in one step.

My access knowledge is fairly basic but I have been looking online and I can only find out how to do it using a VBA script - which is quite terrifying! Is there a simple way to do this?

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General :: Export Multiple Tables To One Excel Worksheet

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access and Excel 2007. This Db is for a mental health practice to track and store the paper questionnaires that the patients fill out. The data then needs to be exported to Excel so that it can be imported into a proprietary software that analyzes the data and recommends treatment plans. (It does NOT play nice with Access, forget it.) There are many forms and all of them are fine and export to separate worksheets no problems.

Now for the problem child: One form has 493 fields. Obviously I could fit that into two tables, but it seemed cleaner to use a main form and main table with the patient information (ID_Number, Name, Date, etc.), then tabbed subforms and separate tables for each “section” of the questionnaire (School, Work, Home, etc. There are 11 tables/forms in all.) These tables are all related by the ID_Number. The problem is the export. I need all 493 fields to write to one worksheet in order. This would of course involve removing the ID_Number field from all the tables except the main one. A query obviously can’t handle that many fields. VBA I can TransferSpreadsheet but then each table goes to a separate worksheet.

I’m thinking maybe calling some SQL code that will drop the unneeded fields and keep appending the data to the worksheet one table at a time? Of course the rows would somehow need to be defined WHERE ID_Number = ID_Number so that the same patients information is all on one row.

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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General :: Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Export Multiple Tables Into Single MS Excel 2010 Workbook

Feb 10, 2015

I'm using the MS Access 2010 ExportwithFormating action to export three tables to a single MS Excel 2010 workbook. The action overwrites the first excel worksheet each time instead of saving all three worksheets in a single excel workbook.

How can I export three tables into a single excel workbook.

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Linking Two Fields From Two Different Tables

Jun 1, 2015

I have two different tables. Table1 contains information such as the name of a patient, which is the primary key, date of birth etc (fields that will not change). Table2, linked by the subject id, contains information about tests that they may have gone through. A form has been made using these two tables, in which table1 is that main form, and table2 is a subform. I want to add a field in table2 called "CurrentAge", which will use the date of birth specified in table1, to calculate their current age, and would like it to be displayed in the subform.

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Tables :: Linking Multiple Individual Folders

Nov 6, 2014

I am using Access 2010 and I am fairly new to it (started using it for work).

I have a table with a bunch of a agreement numbers (134) and I need to link each one to its folder on our company's shared G drive. The agreement numbers all follow the format A12.## (Where ## is the number of the agreement going from 1-134).

So I have the path to get to the location of all the agreement files, and I know there has to be a faster way than to edit each individual hyperlink, I myself just don't know how to do it.

Also the files on the shared drive start with the A12.## but then also continue with the name of the agreement. I was thinking that somehow for each record you could apply all at once the same path to the agreements and then for each individual record get it to search for its closest matching agreement number?

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Forms :: Linking Multiple Tables To A Form?

Aug 26, 2014

problem is that i have 2 tables - Consolidated Orders, Customers.

Customers has 2 fields with a record inside one field with the clients name , but it also has an address in another field in the same table which i want to link to the name of the client because in my invoice i show the companies name and to the left of it i show their address.

i wish to link the two fields together so that when the name shows up, the address of the client will be to the left side .

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Linking Columns To ID Number In Multiple Tables

Nov 8, 2012

I am working with a large database of 8,000+ entries. We have five tables in this database, but mainly use three of them. The main table is "OAKE Main Table" which is basically a list of all members our organization has had. Each member has accounting data linked to their member ID number which has been generated by ACCESS, and can be accessed or edited by clicking on a sub table next to each member. The accounting data that has been manually entered in the OAKE Main Table can be found in the Accounting table.

Here's my issue. I need to be able to extract a list of transactions from this accounting table since January 1st. I can do this no problem, but all I get is the member ID and the accounting data. How do I get ACCESS to include the member ID's first and last name? or maybe even the first, last name, address, city, state, zip, etc so that I can get a list of people who have made donations, for example?

I'm assuming this will have something to do with the relationships we have set up in our table. Here's a picture of it. I have no clue how to make this work.

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General :: Linking Front End With Multiple Back Ends

Sep 30, 2014

My question encompasses a front end connected to multiple back ends. It is probably a mundane point, but reading a few articles didn't seem to touch on it.

By this, let me toss out that I am thinking of the personnel where I work when I say 95% have a hard time using email and MS Word, let alone mundane functions like find a file, etc. As such, I have to make my front-ends extremely user friendly.

With that in mind, when developers have multiple back ends, what are thoughts about the best way to relink when required? Even when there are 'more sophisticated' users? Security not an issue or is an issue (inasmuch as can be handled in access)?

Ex: Large corporation with a multitude of user ability. Large database with say 3 different back ends.

I was thinking about keeping a front-end table with each table name and UNC path, hard coding paths to corresponding table names, etc.

Personally I don't have a need for multiple back-ends, but the question came up while reading.

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Tables :: Linking Date Fields In A Query?

Nov 27, 2013

I'm having difficulty linking these two tables' date fields in the query qryDivVolShiftCount - what I'm doing wrong?

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Tables :: Lookups - Linking Two Fields In A Table

Jan 7, 2013

I am trying to link two fields in a table here is an example ....

Field A
Values stored could be....


Field B
Needs to lookup listi n Field A
and get correct UDC1, UDC2 etc...

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General :: Linking Access Forms And Fields To Word?

Nov 3, 2013

I am trying to take the data that is put into a form or report and export it to a certain document in word.

The user will be filling out a Reciept. On the form there will be a to and from box for them to fill out, along with many other options. Once the user enters in all the data required I want them to be able to click a button and it generate onto the attached file, in its perspective fields. Is there a way to match the documents to correspond to my program?

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Tables :: How To Export Multiple Value Field To Excel

Nov 2, 2012

I'm learning Access by myself and i have some problem with exporting a multiple value field to an excel.

I have a field name "Users" in a table wherein this field is a multiple value field and looku up the value from the other table. When I export the table to excel, the data in the multiple value field does not export properly and it just shows some symbol in the excel.

Is there something wrong with my field?

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Forms :: Multiple Records - Export Specific Fields Depending On Entry

Jun 2, 2013

I am in the of designing an access 2010 database for data entry. Is it possible to create a button on a form in which a prompt asks a user for which records to export. Then depending on the entry export specific fields (First Name, Last Name, DOB) to a specific excel 2010 workbook (setup) and worksheet (template)?

For example, if the user entry is 1, only record 1: First Name, Last Name, DOB is exported to the setup.xlsx (more specifically the template worksheet of the setup.xlsx). However if 2,3,4 are entered then records,2,3,4: First Name, Last Name, DOB are exported to the setup.xlsx (more specifically the template worksheet of the setup.xlsx).

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Tables :: Possible To Export Memo Fields To Excel Via VBA?

Sep 4, 2014

I'm trying to export my table using the following code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "incidents", "c:Incidents.xls", True

But unfortunatly I get truncated errors upon export via the vba above. is it not possible to export memo fields to excel via vba?

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Tables :: Export Data To CSV Without Blank Fields

May 19, 2015

I have to import a table into a government database. I've got the data lined up in a table and exported to csv. The problem is that the government database doesn't allow empty fields, or the commas created by empty fields. The empty fields are create by criteria that changes with each employee. Is there a way to get rid of them without manually deleting them? I would imagine there is but can't find anything about it or maybe I don't see the forest for the trees? Sample csv below with surplus commas.

3010,702073771620150200000000000001,3015,IT3(a),3020,A,3025,2015,,,3030,Sabelo,3040,Nkosinathi ,3050,NE,3060,6012125391085,3070,,3075,,3080,19601212,3100,0000000000,3263,55103,3264,ZAR,3125,,3136,0437343012,3138,,3147,
Farm 1317,3149,Vincent,3150,5275,3160,1,3170,20140801,3180,20140925,3200,52.0000,3210,7.0000,3214,PO Box 13092,3216,Vincent,3217,5217,3218,,3247,N,3249,X,3253,,3254,,3262,,3240,0,,,,,,,,,,,

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General :: Linking SQL Server Tables

Aug 28, 2012

I want to work on SQL Server tables located at my work place at home using Access. My question is; is it possible to link SQL Server tables on a server to my lap top computer using "Remote Desktop" or will I need to install Access onto the server and if tables can be linked using Remote Desktop how do I link them? I am using Access 2010 and have Windows 7 professional installed on my lap top.

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General :: Why Tables Are Not Linking Correctly

Jan 4, 2013

Why is it when I click on the TblCarerdetails and try to open a record with the plus sign I am present with the following error message Enter Parameter value CarerID///The frmCarerRota seems to be working ok, the relationships seem to be ok i.e TblCarers can have many rotas i.e. a different TblRota each week (1 - M)

TblClients can have different TblRotas each week (1 - M).why the tables are not linking correctly, if I click on the TblCarer plus sign.I should see the Rota details and a plus sign. If click on the plus sign, I should see the clients details.Therefore I am assuming that my relationships are not correct, I think I need to add an association table, but where and what fields do I need to add/create.

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Tables :: Linking Fields Between Two Tables

May 23, 2013

I have two tables called Hardware and Desk. They both have two fields called ChangeID and Priority.

What I would like to do is set it so that if we change the Priority in a record existing/created in 'Hardware', the Priority of the related record in 'Desk', also changes.

How can I achieve this?

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Tables :: Export To CSV Blank Fields With Text Qualifier?

Jul 15, 2014

I have two tables identical with all text fields within the same database. One table I export as a csv, delimited with commas separating my fields and quotation text qualifiers. Where the fields are blank there are text qualifiers as well ("" - begining and ending quotations). This is what I need. The second table is exporting as a csv, delimited, commas separating the fields with text qualifier as ""- begining and ending quotations, EXCEPT the blank fields are not putting the text qualifier, and I need it.

First Table: *What I need*
"142358", "PK", "15132678", "", "123.45"

Second Table: *What I need to fix and do NOT want*
"142358", "PK", "15132678", ,"123.45"

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General :: Linking Tables Without Duplicating Data?

Dec 12, 2012

I have two tables that I'm struggling with how to relate to each other. One is tblHardware which contains all the items that we sell. There are no duplicates in this table. The only columns are a part #, description, long description, and cost.

Then I have another table with is tblPackages. These are the packages we sell which pull from tblHardware. This one just has an autonumber, description, and image (image I'll add later and not worried about now).

What I'm struggling with is how to tie these two together because one Package will contain multiple items from Hardware however there are multiple Packages that have the same Hardware items (17" monitor for example).

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Modules & VBA :: SQL - Select Multiple Fields From Multiple Unrelated Tables

Oct 28, 2013

A small issue I was wondering of for a few day . Is it possible in SQL query to SELECT multiple fields from multiple tables ? Example for the question is


dim my_var as String
my_var = "SELECT Emp_FName , Emp_LName , Emp_Adress " _
& " FROM Table1 " _
& " AND Emp_Date_Of_Payment , Emp_Sum_Of_Payment " _
& "FROM Table2 " _
& " WHERE Emp_ID = 3 "

Is this code actually valid in SQL gramatics , and is it usable if passed to a Recordset variable ( rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(my_var) ) ? Just FYI - The two tables are not related and I want to keep them that way (If possible relate their records just via SQL/Vba )

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Multiple Fields Of Multiple Tables To One Table Query Or Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have 10 tables, 30+ fields on each table (every table has the same 'account number' field). I only need from 5 - 20 fields from each table. How do I get the certain fields from each table and put them in a table, query or report?

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