General :: Export Specifications For Fixed Width Text File

Oct 15, 2014

I am trying to export a table (and possibly later a query) into a fixed width text file and I am not finding where to set the specifications. When I select Text File in the export tab, I only get the check box about Export datq with formatting and layout. Is that basically it? I do have the table set up with the correct widths for the fields.

An additional question:

This is a large table with 99 fields for a total width of 804 characters. Is there any limit for the six of a record for such an export?

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Export Table To Fixed Width Text File

Oct 4, 2006

I am trying to export a text file to be imported in to excel but whenever I export as fixed width all by number columns get cut to 2 decimal places, does anybody know how to get around this?


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Modules & VBA :: Click Button Setup - Run A Query And Then Export As Fixed Width TXT File

Oct 15, 2014

Basically im trying to setup a click button that will export my query as a text file ( the text file will then be fixed width and i have already setup the specifications for this).

I think i get how to complete the export part as below

OutFilePath = "file location i want the data to be exported to"

DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, "Welcome output query Export Specification", WelcomeOutput, OutFilePath, True

I just dont know how to run the query and link it to the export.

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Exporting From Access 2007 As Fixed Width Text File

Apr 23, 2008


I am trying to export a query from an Access 2007 database into a fixed width text file, to import into a statistical program. The query is a simple select query from one table, selecting 5 columns. I am using a specification to set the width of each of the fields (image attached). The problem is with the first field in the table which is a long integer field. I want to set it as a fixed width of 4 characters, but every time it exports it sets the width as 11 characters. I have tried exporting from the original table, changing the data type but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Export .csv With Fixed Width Fields

Nov 10, 2004

Hello all,

I'm trying to export a table to .csv file, but I want fields with null values to be padded with spaces. ie. if the field length is 50, but there is a null value, I want all 50 spaces.

Anybody know if this is possible?



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Export Fixed-width With Line Feed Only

Nov 9, 2006

Hey guys,

I searched the forums and couldnt find anything that directly related to my issue. What I am trying to do is export a fixed-width text file, but the issue is that the file has to be line feed only. By default Acces creates CR/LF and the client's import specification only allows for Line feed.

I am currently using a macro, with export specification, to create the file. Due to time constraints and other obligations, I am really trying to avoid VBA programming.

Thanks in advance,

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Exporting To A Fixed Width Txt File - How Do I Right Justify Fields?

Sep 1, 2004

I have a spec set up that controls the settings for an export file. the table and the form are set up with fields that are right justified. When the data is entered into the table from the form, it shows in the table as right justified. When I run a query and then try to export the results, I use the spec I set up to deliver the txt file in a fixed width ASCII txt file. The data shows in the txt file as left justified. - I need it to be right justified.


$ amount- in the table, the dollar amount is 11 char long and is right justified do it looks like this: |-------7.50| I need those spaces (-) in the export file yet when I export it, it is left. The wizard shows a preview, yet there is no way to make it right.

Can I add blank spaces in the database or space fill the 7 preceding Char in the field with some sort of invisible char or zeros?

Any help would be great - thanks

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Export The Export/import Specifications For Text Files

May 10, 2007

Does anyone knows how can I export the export/import specifications (which file/directory) and how can I import/export the specifications between different versions of Access. Thanks!

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Using Convert Text To Column Function In Access That Separates At Fixed Width?

Mar 25, 2013

Is there a way to use a convert use a "text to column" function in access that separates at a fixed width?I have an access table (that I can't change) that includes the data and time in the same column and I want to separate the two (date and time) in a query. I can't use the "Left" function because my date isn't a consistent 10 characters.

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File Export Auto Cell Width?

Jun 26, 2014

I have the following code to export a query into a excel file:

Dim outputFileName As String
outputFileName = "C:AccountSpreadsheet est.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Q_Search_Invoices", outputFileName, True
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.Workbooks.Open "C:AccountSpreadsheet est.xls", True, False
Set xlApp = Nothing

This works almost exactly how I want it to work.

The only thing wrong is that the columns are all the same width and they are all to narrow.

Is there a way to make the columns automatically become the width of the longest text within them (exactly what happens when you double click on the side of a squashed column in excel)?

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General :: Export Individual Record To Its Own Text File

Sep 19, 2012

I am working on a website which has over 1000 pages that has the same code, but only a link that is different on each page. So, I thought that I will create a database and work my way from there. I was able to work the code and combine everything. Now would it be possible to export individual record from a query to a file with .html extension? If not, .txt will work as well. However, I want to have another field that would have the file names and the file is saved under that name.The query name is "Code Query" and the field name is "Final Code".

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General :: Export Query Or Report To A Delimited Text File

Aug 29, 2012

A little background. I need to export the results of a query I use to build a report. For Print Master software I need the "Field Names" in the text file as well as the data for a Mail Merge in Print Master (PM).

"The field name information in the file you have specified is missing or not correctly formatted. The first line of the file must contain the database field names. Make sure the "Export Field Names" (or similar) option is selected in the program from which you are exporting data."

Trouble is, when trying to export the report or query, Access has no "Export Field Names" option. It works if I first export to Excel and then from Excel to "txt" then to Printmaster. I would like to eliminate the Excel step. Therefore, how do or can I get Access Export to transfer the "Field Names" along with the field data?

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Reports :: Importing A File And Fixed Text?

Jul 30, 2013

1. how do i import a word document as a template to ms access Report file i did Ctrl + A to select all copy then paste it pasted it well u can say good but when u preview its not an actual page size its much smaller and theres no way to re-size it is there a way to copy or import it perfectly to the report file in access?

and the second question

2. in a form where you choose source code (i think) i merged in 1 table the FirstName and LastName i remember doing something like

[FirstName] & " & [LastName]

now when i preview the report after selecting my data from combo box it prints fine i mean merges the FirstName and LastName to 1 box but its not a fixed position i mean i placed the text box above the line "Fullname:_______"

but when i preview it depending on the lenght of the table it moves too left or too right and i cant control it is there a way to fix its position? because if the name is too short or too long the text just dances and i changing the position of the textbox doesnt

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting To Fixed Width Right Align?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table I need to export most fields are left align but there are two that are right align, I have tried to use the Space Function but it does not work well, I have also tried using the Rset in a vba module and thought it was working but now it is not.

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Export Specifications

Sep 27, 2005

This may be a real dumb question but is there any way to view/edit an existing export specification for the transfer text macro? I'm reviewing someone else's database and can't figure out how to view it.

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General :: Text Box On Report To Autofill Using Fixed Text From A Label On Different Form

Jun 23, 2015

I am using Access 2007 and 2010. I would like a text box (or label) on a report to autofil using fixed text from a label on a different (closed) form.

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Tables :: Export Table With Specifications

May 22, 2015

I created a table with an older version of MS Access which was replaced with Access 2010. I was able to export the table simply by selecting specifications that I created.

How do I export with these same specifications in Access 2010 ?

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File Specifications And Datastructure

Dec 9, 2007


Someone asked me to create a databasestructure and denote the corresponding file specifications so that the file can be exported to another program. I actually have to confess that I do not have any idea what is asked from me. I guess I have to design a database with tables linked by relationships to create the databasestructure. But can anybody tell me what is meant by a file specification? The only thing which I can image what is meant are te data types (numbers, text and so on)...but I guess that is not correct...

Can anybody help me please?

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Export Access To Text File

May 4, 2007

Hi All,
I need to export an access table to text file automatically. It would be helpful if this could be done by some commands or a batch file etc..

I have 60 access tables. I need to export the data to one single text file (if not possible I dont have problem in exporting to 60 different text files).

This needs to be done daily. So I need a faster way. I cannot use any softwares since I dont have any budget for that. But If there is any source codes I could Look at it would be more helpful.

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Export Text File From Access

Nov 9, 2004

I am trying to export a text file from access. I know how to do it using the export wizard and it pretty much works with my VB code except 1 thing. I need the header column exported as well. There is a check box to include that in your export while using the wizard. When I save the specs and do it using the VB code everything works except it does not include the header row which I need. Is there a way to include this row without having to go through the wizard?

Here is my current code that works(except the header).
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Amazon Spec", _
"Amazon SQL Export Query", "C:Documents and SettingspctesterMy DocumentsAmazonMorningside.txt"

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Queries :: Export To Text File

Mar 22, 2013

I have 30+ queries (or table columns) I wish to export to txtfile files that I need to be able to replace each time the table and / or queries are updated.

This is the code I've used but when I run the macro the error message is that the FreeFile is not a valid outside procedure. The code debugs without issues up to but not including the macro.

Option Compare Database
Dim fFile As Long
Dim strFile As String
Dim strString As String
Dim Rs As Recordset
Dim RsSql As String


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Export Each Record To Separate Text File

Jun 30, 2005

I would like to export each record of an access table to a separate text file and use one field of each record as the source for the file name of each exported text file.
Does anyone know a way of dong this?

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Export NULL Spaces To Text File?

Nov 10, 2004

Hi members,
I have two empty columns in my access database whose total width is supposed to be 385 chars (255+130). I am trying to find a way to be able to export this blank field with a total of 385 blank spaces onto an ASCII text file.
A sample row looks like this:
L ***** 385spaces needed here ***** 888888 EXAMPLE DEALER NAME 1234 EXAMPLE LANE EXAMPLE ADDRESS LINE 2 EXAMPLE CITY CA88888 80088812348008881234FORD JOE DEALER NAME 8008881234

After the first letter L in position 1, I need to have 385 blank spaces and then at 387th place I have some other data to follow.
I tried a lot to use the export wizard, but it doesn't help. Is there a way to do this?
I would really appreciate any help.

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Export Single Field To Text File

Apr 29, 2005

Anyone have any idea how i would be able to export a single cells content (from a query) into a txt document without headers or extras?

What I'm essentially trying to do is view the cells content (which is in html) in a web-browser..

Any Ideas? Suggestions?


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Help With Export Picture On Report To Text File

Jun 21, 2005

Hi I created an access with a picture I copied from the internet. When I run the report in Access, I can see the picture but when I export the report to a text file, the picture is lost. Is there anyway I can have the picture everytime I export the report to word format ?

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Queries :: Export To Text File Format?

Oct 13, 2014

I currently have a query pulling data from a database - I need to now export the data to a text file to import it into a different database. I need the format to be like below. Wondering how I can tell the query to go to the second line and then the third line like below.


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