I need to export my reports (invoices) to rtf format or pdf then create seperate emails for each report with email subject title of [Address] [Suburb] [Supervisor]
I also need it to only create them but not send them, as I also need to attach photos and forms prior to sending them.
Is this possible to do in access?
It was so much easier when I could just run the saved export button & drop the 1 file into email.
I have put together some Access 2010 Databases and I am about to embark on another soon. I have been given a request that I can't seem to solve yet so I am goint to ask it here as a good starting point. The goal is to build a database for a magazine. They want to be able to run a report to generate slips for subscribers whose subscriptions have expired. I would like to, if possible, generate reports and send them to the respective clients via email, all with the push of 1 button. I don't want to have to find each subscriber and do one off reports.
I'm working on a project where I must save roughly 1000 individual access reports based on the group to a specific folder in pdf format.
Problem:The code I found on this site works, but not exactly the way I need it to. Using the current code (pasted below) all of the pages of the report are being saved to pdf for each group, instead of just the single page. For example, all 1000 pages of the report are being saved to each pdf file, when I only want the 1 page for each of the groups.
I believe that the problem lies in the filter for the Open Event code, but I don't know how to modifiy it to make it work the way I need.
Option Compare Database Public strRptFilter As String Private Sub Report_Click() Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [SHIP_TO_CODE] FROM [qryWty&PendingData] ORDER BY
I'm running the following code to generate an email from a report.
Function ExportHTML3() Dim strline, strHTML Dim OL As Outlook.Application
But I don't really know much VBA and I found that code on the internet, so I can't figure out how it's doing that and if I can stop it. Or is there another way to get the text from the HTML file into the Email body, which brings the bold formatting with it, like the following.
I know Access can setup an Outlook Task to auto-export query to Excel, but it requires the Outlook to be always open on the user's computer.
Is there an easy way to setup a schedule that can automatically export a query to Excel and this schedule will then auto-email the exported Excel file to an email address every Monday at 5AM for example?
If this can only be done in VBA, any reference I may start with?
I have a query (Access 2007) that contains a field named "email" (which contains email addresses, of course). I want to email everyone in the query and they are all going to receive the same message. My email to them doesn't have to be personalized and I don't need to collect data from the recipients. I don't even need a reply to the email I send.
I have a database that I can use to create a query, grouping companies by city. I then want to send a specific email I have created in outlook to all of the email addresses in the query.I do not need to include names.
hello everyone, I am working on genertating reports in access and I have coworkers in france that do no have access installed on their systems in france. My problem is when i export the reports in access they lose formatting and graphics that they need. Is there a way to export reports in any other format other than what is listed in access, like jpeg,pdf,etc. also is there a way to have it automaticly in an email in louts notes.
I am working on an Access DB and I need to email individual reports to email addresses linked to the corresponding email. I would like these email to be sent though outlook and the attachment to be a PDF.
When exporting a report to Excel my Yes/No fields do not export. The Label nor the field itself exports. I am using the Table to create the report, not a query and sorting data within the report.
Can anyone help?! We are trying to export some reports into a Rich Text format using Access on Office 2003 on a Win XP op system. When doing this on Win 98 the Rich text document was slightly out of line but not too bad. Now we are doing it on XP it is completely out of line and unusable. Does anyone have any suggestions please? Regards Richard
I have a report that has a group sort and page break after each area. What I'd like to do is export each area as it's own individual PDF report (preferably as an automated process).
I have a table with fields of Title, Description, and URL. I have a report with a text box, IsHyperlink set to yes and Control Source set to =[Title] & "#" & [URL] & "#" . When I open the report in report view, it works great - the Title is displayed as a hyperlink and if I click it, I go to the URL. However, if I export the report to rtf or excel, I only get the Title - it is not a hyperlink. How to get the display text (Title) and hyperlink address (URL) from the access report to Word rtf and excel.
I have a report (Access 2007) with subreports that is being exported to pdf. It all works fine on PC except for on a virtualbox and a laptop. When the user exports the report to pdf, it leaves some subreports blank! If the report is opened in the DB it pulls data as it should and all looks fine.
In the report, the missing data is from 4 subreports in the same top section of the report where a 5th subreport also resides. Subreport 5 is displayed OK. There is no dynamic formatting nor filtering in the reports.
These two machines had to have the 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF installed for the PDF export to work at all. Both machines are up-to-date on the latest windows updates. The virtual box runs XP while the laptop runs Windows 7.
This is the strangest error I have ever encountered as it only partially fails and it cannot be replicated on a regular PC.
I have become stuck with an issue which I am sure is entirely my fault. I am trying to create/modify a macro for a field ([cx_ref]) on a report (Upholstery_orders), so that when a particular record is clicked, it uses the data in that specific record and field to open another report (works_orders), based on said data.
So far the only headway I could make was to create a macro that opened an intermediate form with a combo box displaying every record in [cx_ref]. I'm not a huge fan of this method as any user would have to either memorise then type, or scroll down thousands of records in order to locate the correct one, select it and then click a button to open the "works_order" report.
A macro (or code) that could take one from the original report, using the data in the 'clicked' box/field on the form, and open the second report without having the input the data again. Short of being able to do this, any way to simply export the selected field so that it appears on the intermediate form (without the need to select or type it again), be that in the combo box or in a box of its own.
I have a report that is opened via a Form that lets the user choose a date to filter the report. The report opens in Print Preview mode.
What I'm attempting is to give the user an easy way to export the report once they've verified the report is accurate.
One way I've tried to do this was to use the OnClose event to execute a vbYesNo MsgBox giving them the option to export. The problem here is that I can't do the export while the report is closing.
Code: Run-time Error '2585': This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event.
I tried to move my MsgBox to the OnUnload so that could cancel the Unload, but was met with the same results.
Code: Private Sub Report_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Dim Response Response = msgbox("Do you want to save a copy of this log?", vbYesNo, "Export to PDF") If Response = vbYes Then Cancel = True DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptWatchLog", acFormatPDF End If End Sub
Some research indicates perhaps the DoCmd.OutputTo is happening to quickly. Would including some type of pause in the code execution between the Cancel = True and the DoCmd solve my problem? Though frankly, even if it did it doesn't feel very elegant. I also recognize that I'd need to reinitiate the Unload>Deactivate>Close process after the export completed.
I initially began by having an Export Command Button on the form they use the choose a date, but was unable to have the exported report honor the user supplied filter from that form.
Here is the code from that form that is applying the filter:
'Open Watch Log Report with chosen date as filter Private Sub cmdOpen_Click() 'use date even though it's not saved anywhere If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
I have decided to move away from Switchboard in Access 2010, to what I find to be more user-friendly; the Navigation Forms.
However, when I attempt to export any of the data from my navigation forms, the result is a blank Excel sheet. I can easily go into the forms themselves on the left navigation panel and export from there, but when myself or a user attempts to do this from the navigation forms themselves; well, the blank Excel sheet is the result.
How do you create a work-around, so that it is possible to export to Excel from these navigation forms?
I replied to post of Exporting to the same XLS file on 1/4, but didn't receive a reply. I need to export out from one table to Excel grouped by client ID to each worksheet. The Excel report will have approximately 15-20 worksheets. The DoCmd.Output exports each client to their own worksheet. Is it possible for this command to export one report with multiple worksheets (one for each client)? If so, will the DoCmd.Output work and how will the group by client criteria be implemented in the code?
My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.
I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:
Export button from external data ribbon Export from print preview Export via macro Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)
All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...
I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.
Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.
I'm relatively new to Access. I've created a database where we track product information and testing done on the products. I have the Product Code set up as a combo box with five other fields auto populating based on what is entered into the Product Code field. However, when I export the table or form to Excel, the Product Code changes to another number, which I think is an auto number but does not directly relate to the product entered (either one up or down from the product).
When I export a table or query by right-clicking its name > export to text > with formatting and layout > choose encode as Unicode UTF8 it creates a file where all the values are surrounded by boxes, which I guess means its fixed width although it didn't ask me if I wanted the file delimited (example attached)
How can I create a tab delimited text file using UTF8 encoding?