General :: External Access To Application

Apr 8, 2015

I found the way to make my app absolutely (???) secure. But there is one problem I can't find a solution: how to prevent anyone to sneak in my app?Of course it is possible to hide the VBA but I found nothing about the Access objects.

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Determining Actual Running Time Of External Application In Access

May 3, 2014

I want to run an external application (a batch file) ... and want to run it by clicking on a command button on a form. That part is all fine, using the Shell command. I can determine the start time of the application (also fine with now() function) .. but want to find out how long the external application ran and log that "run time" into my database.

The part I don't know about is the .. really the ending time. How do I determine how long the application really ran for / ended ? I imagine I can use datepart to determine the difference in the start and end times. Or would I use a timer control. (but I cannot find the timer control in Access 2010).

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General :: External Form That Interfaces With Access

Jan 15, 2014

I'm looking for a form system that will interface with Access.

At present, we collect information from clients and store it in an Access 2003 database. I have designed my form as an Excel spreadsheet. I use Excel as we are missing the reference files that will enable Access to work with Word and some other programs. The Excel form is emailed to the client, who fills it in & emails it back to us.

To restrict entry of certain fields to a list of values, I use lists in the Excel Workbook, which emulate the lookup tables in Access. I am expecting to add more values to the lookup tables, which would mean that I have to constantly update the lists on the Excel spreadsheet, with the lists eventually becoming quite large.

I have written an import program in Access which imports the Excel worksheet/s into the relevant Access tables. This all works, except the entire process is very manual.

What I would like is to use an external form program that would do the following:

1. Allow me to design something that looks nicer than a spreadsheet
2. Can be updated with my lookup tables so I don't have to manually edit the lists (as in Excel)
3. Can be imported into Access (export to an xls or csv file would be ok if not into Access)
4. Is portable, self-contained & can be emailed to the client so doesn't require them to log into any of our systems, including our web site. The user can fill it out with the data being validated at the same time & then return it to us.

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General :: Deploying Access Application

Jul 22, 2012

i have an access application with a navigation form to browse through different forms & reports.i want to know how can i use it over my lan network as an intranet website ?can i convert it simply to html interface or what ? i know about access runtime but if i want to deploy it into intranet ( i.e. browsing through web browser ) what r the different methods?

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General :: Hide External Data And Database Tools Tabs From Access?

Jan 17, 2015

i want to hide external data and databasetools tabs from my access program.

how i do it ?

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General :: Cannot Use ODBC To Import From / Export To / Or Link To External Microsoft Access

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to create an ODBC link to a copy of the Northwind data base.I am running Win7 on a 64 bit operating system but am keeping office running as 32 bit for Access, Excel , Visio etc due to the fact that I have a lot of old apps tied to them.

When I attempted initially to create a new system DSN ODBC connection it only allowed me to use SQL drivers. (No plurry good) So after some searching I found out that I could use a file in C:WindowsSysWOW64 called "odbcad32.exe" which has allowed me to view /use the total list of drivers to import data.So I can set up a DNS ODBC named Northwind1 and I can access the database without problems using Excel.However if I try to use the same ODBC link in Access to connect to Northwind1 I get the following error message:"You cannot use ODBC to import from export to, or link an external ?Microsoft Access or ISAM database table to your database".

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General :: Access Database To Application (EXE File) To CD?

Nov 24, 2012

Okay so I created a database inventory. I know I can turn it into a "application" making it a EXE file. I was wondering after that being done could I burn that into a CD? So it would boot from the CD. Pretty make it work like a program application as in word, excel, etc..

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General :: How To Create Web Application Using Access 2003

May 16, 2013

how to create web application using ms access. my requirement is i have an inhouse developed retail invoice application ( ms access 2003) which i need to move to web based.

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General :: Convert Web Access File To A Desktop Application?

Oct 21, 2013

How can I convert a web Access file to desktop aplication? I've created it from a model from, but I need create code in vba and it don't permit.

The use of file is only in desktop.

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General :: Create A Front End Application For Access Database

Apr 10, 2013

I was looking to see if there was an easy way to create a user front end desktop application for a small access database.I have three users on different computers i would like them to input or amend data within one table of the access database.

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General :: Unlocking Access Application Form View

Jul 7, 2012

I do not know Microsoft Access that well when it comes to development.

A colleague and myself have inherited a project that requires us to research an application developed in Access.

We both have worked at SQL Server Administrators. All we have been provided is an .mdb.

The .mdb opens right up into the form view if you will.

When working with Access many years ago I know there are other views to Access when it comes to design, tables and relationships.

Does the .mdb need to be unlocked or opened in another way?

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General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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General :: Distributing MS Access Database File With Creating Application Shortcut

Nov 4, 2014

I read in the book (Access 2013 inside out), one of the way to distributing access database is creating an application shortcut.

Now i have an Access 2013 file on my computer (with office 2013 and windows 7) other users have office 2007 and windows (XP) on their computers. now i want to give a copy of this file to other users without save as that to 2007.

I would like to know how i can do that with creating an application shortcut , if it is possible because in the book I could not find the way if there is?

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Opening Access Application Like Desk Application Done With Java Or Vb

Jan 5, 2014

it is possible to Open access application like desk application done with java or vb, or install access application as exe or similar methods. My requirements is to giving a access application to customer with data base for printing an invoice. when he running the aplication he can see access open and tables, queries forms left hand. how to hide these thing ?

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Is It Possible To Integrate MS Access Application To A Web Application??!!

Jun 11, 2007

We have an extensive reporting application in Access and would like it to be available through a web application. I've went down the road of migrating this application to SQL to use SQL Reporting Services; this is a good tool but I am wondering if MS Access has an easier solution for me other than migration to SQL.

I'm looking for a solution that will make these reports available over the web for many users. Price tag is a consideration...need to know if there is any.

Please help...thanks in advance for any thoughts!!!!

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General :: Change Link From One External Database To Another?

Feb 26, 2013

I've got an Access 2010 application that currently links to a SQL Server 2000 database. I need to change the link to a SQL Server 2008 database on a different server. Where do I go to change the link? When I click on External Data, ODBC Database, I only get an option to import source data. I don't want to import any data. I just want the application to link to a different external database. If I go ahead and click OK, I choose my ODBC connection and log in to the 2008 database. Now I've got a list of "import objects" to choose from. I choose one table (just for testing; I actually want to link with all tables), it says it imported successfully, but when I view the data in that table from Access, it's the same old 2000 database data.

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General :: Importing Text File To Get External Data

May 16, 2013

Here is the import statement I'm using:

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "IT315 Import Specification_txt", _
"IT315", "D:4533 Hires Rehire Status ChangeIT315.txt"

I can manually transfer the data ie thru File --> Get External Data etc but I can't seem to get the above statement to work --- with the same specification!!

The details are in the attached doc file.

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General :: Files Can't Be Uploaded To External Host Server

Apr 1, 2014

We have an Access frontend with a Sql back end on an external server in the cloud.One of the things I need to do is allow people to attach files/documents to a record. I have set this up okay with the document being copied and saved to a new location and the path string being associated with the record. This will only work for people in my office though. I need to enable people in other cities to be able to upload or view these documents. Each office has their own server.

My IT department said they had created a VPN for this. They gave me a web URL which enables me to log in to QNAP. From there I can click to open the 'file station' and use the 'folder window' that appears within the browser to click through to the relevant folder - and there are buttons for uploading and downloading documents.

I could try writing some code that will automate all these steps - maybe. I'd rather not, but I can't see any alternative. It looks like a real pain to go through the HTML elements (and I think there may be errors coming up about certificates)

The files can't be uploaded to the external host server the back-end is on incase any of the documents are confidential. They don't want it saved anywhere other than on their own servers.

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General :: Import Excel Spreadsheet From External Source

Aug 19, 2013

I'm in the process of importing an excel spread sheet from an external source (SharePoint).

I have the link for the file and have edited it from the Https:// to projectspace. intranet.sharpoint etc etc.

The problem I'm having is before importing the data into a new table in my current db I get an error

"The File "projectspace.intranetetc etc" does not exist.

I am using IE8 and the version of Access is 2007.

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General :: Wrapping Up Application

Nov 14, 2013

I want to wrap up an Access 2013 desktop app so that the user only sees the splash screen. I can get rid of the Navigation pane, but not the Ribbon or the Quick Access toolbar. At this stage I do not want to split the db or prepare it for distribution. I don't really want to generate a custom ribbon, as I shall need the standard one for development.I'm sure this used to be easy back when I last used Access (97), but cannot believe that I cannot find it anywhere in 2013.

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General :: Parameter Box Pops Up On Application Quit

Jul 17, 2013

When my database application is closed a parameter box pops up asking for parameter from text16 but only if the Navigation Pane is hidden.

Some information:

The application starts with a login screen that has a hidden text box (text16) that allows me to limit what users can access throughout the database by setting it as the query criteria.

If a form is open that is gathering its data from one of these querys and you try to close the application the parameter box opens which is simply annoying for my users who do not know about access.

The interesting thing about this is that if I unhide the Navigation Pane and close the application with one of these forms open it closes fine with no parameter box pop up.

The goal is to have the Navigation Pane hidden and the parameter box not pop up.

Added information if the navigation pane is hidden I can use a command button with a macro that closes all open forms then quits application and this does not cause the parameter box to pop up.

So another fix for my problem would be to disable the "X" close button at the top right of the application.

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General :: Application Was Unable To Start Correctly

Oct 31, 2013

The application was unable to start correctly (0x00007b)not sure it's an Access issue exclusively. What fix to apply (is it a Registry entry that's corrupted perhaps?).

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Hyperlinking To External Files From Access

Oct 29, 2006

hey all,
I would very much appreciate any help or ideas on how to do this as I am stumped.
I need to develop an access database to track documents but also link to them.
I’ll explain what it needs to do;

Every day there is a numbered (and titled) Word format document that is sent.
Most, but not all of the time an accompanying excel file is also sent. The excel file is used for updates to the word document of the same name.
Lets say the word document is titled DW101.1.doc and the Excel file is called DE101.1.xls
The first would signify it is a Word document by D (being short for Document) and W for Word.
The 2nd would be D for document and E for Excel, and then a number which is 101.1.

They are saved in a folder on the hard drive.
Each time these documents are recd then the Access Database is opened and info about those documents is entered. The document name, date, subject, number etc.
There will also be 3-4 fields that are also filled out with terms from the content of the document that could be searched by those 3-4 fields.
So as each document is recd, it’s opened and ‘scanned’ for relevant terms and or content.
That content is what will be filled in the search fields and then the subject will be the ‘main’ searchable item.

All this so far I can do with no problem.
It’s this part that’s making me crazy.
What I would really like to do is when the document(s) come in and are saved in the folder, from access you can open a dialog box, browse to that folder, and click in the file to associate it with the entry you are making for it in the database.
That way when a search is done with terms or words or subjects that match that document it will bring up the results of the search as a hyperlink that will open that document.

The people that will be using this are not very computer literate to say the least.
I could create a link to the document but I would have to be in design mode and it won’t show up as a record in a table.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated……………..


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General :: Lock Down Application By Saving As ACCDE File

Sep 29, 2012

Trying to lock down an application by saving as ACCDE file. Saves OK but when you load application none of the controls work. I.e. button clicks do not launch "Open Form" or " Print Report" commands.But in ACCDB format application works flawlessly.

When I tried on a different machine I get an error message that says too many Table IDs. Odd since I only have 3 forms, 3 tables and 3 reports. Lots of DoCmd's and switching between the 3 forms but not sure why this would create "too many Table IDs"?

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General :: Small Application Not Working Since It Was Moved From Its Old Location?

Nov 27, 2012

I do IT support for different companies.

I have had a client moving to a new server a couple of months ago.

They have a small access application that reads csv files and exports them into Sage format that can then be imported into their accounts program - it also reports the total invoiced (whatever is inside the data CSV file) and has a printer friendly report with all the invoices inside said data CSV file.

The issue I have is that since the little app was moved to the new server - it stopped working.

I think somewhere in the code / options there is place to state the working path for the app. I think the app is trying to read the input data file from the old shared folder and thus not working anymore.

I can post the code and a sample CSV file. Specially because I did find a place with the old path and changed it to the new file share and it still didn't work.

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General :: Distributed Application - Variable Screen Sizes?

Mar 26, 2013

Is there a means of making an application grow/shrink to accommodate different screen sizes? eg. not all users of a distributed application will necessarily have the same screen size.

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