General :: Extract Multiple Values From A Cell To A Separate Table?

Aug 18, 2015

I have imported an Excel table with a column which has several values in one cell separated by "". In my case names of institutions afiliated with a patent. Example of the format of a single cell: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (US) RIVE TECHNOLOGY INC (US)

In order to normalize the Access database I would like to extract the institutions to a separate table (institutions) and that the patent is related to both institutions.

I am using Access 2007.

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General :: Put Combobox / Listbox Values In A Separate Table Or Not?

Jan 29, 2015

Whenever I create a combobox, Access asks me if I want to grab the values from another table, or if I just want to manually input the possible values.

My question is: is one of the two solutions "better" than the other?

Let's imagine I am creating a Form where I can create a new Contact, and in a listbox (with multiple selections allowed) I want to list the possible character traits, so I have

- Funny
- Annoying
- Smart
- Interesting
- Good-looking
- ...

I think that if I need to store in the Contact records these possible traits, I will have to create a Many-to-Many relationship (therefor creating a junction table) between Contact and Traits.

On the other hand, could I do everything without grabbing values from an extra table and directly inputting the values in the listbox? How would these elements be stored in the Contact record if I allow multiple values in one single field?

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Tables :: Extract Data From Memo Field And Put Into Separate Fields Of New Table

Jun 15, 2014

I have a notes field in the customer table that is a memo field. An example of one customer's notes field data :

<div>20.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>4.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>18.2.14 ordered 1 carton</div>
<div>30.1.14 ordered 3 cartons SCENTED wipes</div>

[Code] ....

I want to extract the date to append to a date field in a "Calls" table and the comment into a text field in the "Calls" table. Is there a way I can do this via query or code?

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General :: Insert Two Values Into A Cell

Oct 19, 2012

I have a table which holds the status of peoples orders. It holds information on order_id, order_status, order_desc, letter.

A letter is printed for each of the different statuses. However for one status i need two different letters to be printed.

How can i insert two values into the same cell.

So far i have done
insert into order_status (order_id,order_status,
order_desc, letter) values('025', 'Dispatched', 'Black tailored coat ','DPT notification');

This prints the DPT notification fine but i need another letter to print along with this.

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Tables :: Different Numeric Values In One Cell Of Table

Jan 30, 2014

Is there a way to write different numerical values in single cell of table via form.

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Tables :: Way To Separate Data In The Cell Into Separated Cells In A New Record?

Jan 21, 2013

I use a Access database to import data from an email generated from google docs..When the data imports to the table it creates a "Memo Field" with several lines of carriage seperated data containing the Form Field name & answer. (ie: Firstname=John, Surname=smith, etc)Is there any way to seperate this data in the cell into seperated cells in a new record?

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Populating A Table With Value From Cell Above Across Multiple Columns

Sep 15, 2014

Doing Ctrl + ' will put in the value from the cell above it. But I want to do this across 4 columns. On one row, I am selecting across 4 columns and doing Ctrl + ' and only the first cell populates with the value above it.

Is there a way to get the 3 other columns to populate with the value of them (the values are different across all columns).

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General :: Extract Part Of A Field From A Table

May 13, 2015

I want to take the first 15 characters from a field in my table and place those 15 characters into a new field in the same table , assuming i can do this with a query.

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General :: Query To Separate Columns In Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have a table tblItemSold

ItemNum Date Sold
1111 Aug-10-2014 25
1111 Aug-9-2014 24
1111 Aug-8-2014 23
2222 Aug-10-2014 11
2222 Aug-9-2014 12
2222 Aug-8-2014 13
3333 Aug-10-2014 5
3333 Aug-8-2014 3

I want to write a query and transform above into

ItemNum Aug-10-2014 Aug-9-2014 Aug-8-2014
1111 25 24 23
2222 11 12 13
3333 5 3

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General :: Separate Image Per ID On Table / Form

Sep 24, 2014

I have the need to put a separate image per ID on my table/form or a separate link to an image I can put an image on my form but its does not change when I change my clients its the sam e all the time, I have tried linking to an excel book but for some reason it will only show 10 fields, (and it is linked).

I don't mind creating a standard windows folder with my images in but would need to be able to link to each one from my form.

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General :: Simple Audit By Posting Whole Record To Separate Table?

Jul 30, 2014

I need a simple audit capability

I have a table (Called Master Active List)

I have an empty duplicate of it called History of Master Active List. (Identical fields, with the addition of a distinct ID (primary key)

I have a form where the master can be changed (Called customer details)

When any change is made I want to post the whole record to the history table

1 - Am I correct I no longer need a form based one,(office 2013) and can do one on the data table itself?

I want to capture everything, can this be done with a wildcard, or do I need to go line by line?

The master table has a ton of fields.

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Queries :: Find Latest Date In A Table Where Dates Are In 2 Separate Columns And Multiple Rows

May 19, 2015

I am trying to find the latest date in a table where the dates are in 2 separate columns and multiple rows. (there are business reasons why there are 2 dates per row they represent different but comparable activities)

I have a table "Assessment tracker" with the following structure

Name Type
Candidate short text
Unit short text
EV1 Date Date
EV2 Date Date

My Data:

Candidate Unit EV1Date EV2 Date
TH1 10 07/05/2015 25/05/15
TH1 10 07/05/2015 07/06/15

I have a query "Candidate AC Dates" that compares the 2 dates EV1 and EV2 and outputs a 3rd column with the latest date.

PARAMETERS [Candidate Name] Value;
SELECT [Assessment Tracker].Candidate, [Assessment Tracker].Unit, [Assessment Tracker].[EV1 Date], [Assessment Tracker].[EV2 Date], Max(MaxDate([Assessment Tracker]![EV1 Date],[Assessment Tracker]![EV2 Date])) AS Achdate
FROM UnitData INNER JOIN [Assessment Tracker] ON UnitData.Unit = [Assessment Tracker].Unit



CandidateUnitEV1 DateEV2 DateAchdate
TH11007/05/2015 25/05/201525/05/2015
TH11007/05/2015 07/06/201507/06/2015

It does this by using a function shamelessly copied from the web somewhere...

Function Maxdate(ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant)
' Declare the two local variables.
Dim I As Integer
Dim currentVal As Date' Set the variable currentVal equal to the array of values.
currentVal = FieldArray(0)
' Cycle through each value from the row to find the largest.


This is working well (I think)

I then want to find the latest date for the 2 records i.e. the Max value for the Achdate.

SELECT [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate AS Expr1, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit AS Expr2, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) AS MaxOfAchdate
FROM [Candidate AC Dates]
GROUP BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit
ORDER BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) DESC;

But this is returning

Candidate Unit MaxOfAchdate
TH1 1025/05/2015

I expect it to return

Candidate UnitMaxOfAchdate
TH1 10 07/06/2015

It looks to me like MAX is considering only the day value rather than the whole date. I suspect this is because it is considering the results of the function in the first query as a short text rather than a date field. (I've tried to force this through declaring the variables as dates but don't know where else to force this. (I am UK based hence the DD/MM/YYYY format)

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How To Have New Cell With New Values?

Jan 9, 2007

I have "ID" column and I want to create new column called "ID_new" where the value of each record should be "1000" plus the value of "ID".
For example:
First record, has "ID"=1, than I want "ID_new" to become = 1001
Second record, has "ID"=3, than I want "ID_new" to become = 1003

Any tips/hints?

Thank you in advance & best regards

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Extract Unique Values

Feb 17, 2005

I have the following SQL definition:

SELECT DISTINCT tblFile_Management_Received.Claim_Number, tblFile_Management_Received.Date_Checked_In, tblFile_Management_Received.Checked_In_By, tblFile_Management_Received.Copy_or_Original
FROM tblFile_Management_Received;

The results would show as:

ClaimNumber Date Checked In Checked In By Original or Copy
111111111 2/16/2005 8:34:24 AM XXXX Yes
111111111 2/16/2005 1:23:19 PM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 8:34:52 AM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 1:24:49 PM XXXX Yes

I am trying to use "Distinct" to show the following records when the query is ran (the desired results would be each unique claim number based on the earliest check in date):

ClaimNumber Date Checked In Checked In By Original or Copy
111111111 2/16/2005 8:34:24 AM XXXX Yes
222222222 2/16/2005 8:34:52 AM XXXX Yes

Can anyone help me with this??

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: Run To Extract Some Values For Calculations

May 12, 2015

I have a query that I run to extract some values for calculations. Its run on an event based on a dropdown selection. At the moment, I run via:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "CallMidprice"

and then close it. this seems to take more time than is necessary when I only want to refresh the results.Open query without close, switches to the table but doesn't update until I press F5.When I try requery I get an error. "Runtime error '2109': There is no field named 'CallMidprice' in the current record.

Requery without 'Callprice' seems to requery my form.

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General :: Adding Values (Multiple Entries) In One Field

Dec 6, 2012

I have a field named Supplies Expense. As an analyst inputs a business's expenses, it may require multiple entries into this one field. What is the best way to accomplish this?

For example:

Supplies Expense (Field Name) [$0.00]

The analyst has the following data:

2009 Financial Statement
Paper $50
Depreciation Expense N/A
Ink $100

So, going down the list, the analyst goes into access and enters $50 for paper then later needs to enter $100 for ink.

What is the best way to combine these multiple entries into a single Supplies Expense field and allow for a quality check of the individual numbers at the end of the project?

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General :: Multiple Values From Listbox In Textbox On A Report

Jan 17, 2015

Basically what I have is a form where a user has a drop down combo box that he can pick more than one value.

I then want to take what he has inputted e.g. Option1, Option2 and put that on a report in an unbound text box with another field value.

For example
=[Field1] & "/" & Option1/Option2

Those forward slashes are quite important as well, so any solution would need to include those.

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Queries :: Extract PostCode Values From The Field

Feb 4, 2014

I have a table with a string field included for an address.

Some rows have postcodes and some dont

How can I extract the PostCode values from the field?

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General :: Add Return Between Entries In Form Field That Allows Multiple Values

Apr 5, 2013

I have a subformClientOffers on my frmAllProperties. On the subformClientOffers is a field called Outside Agents. This field allows for multiple values to be selected.

The subfrmClientOffers is in datasheet view.

While the field Outside Agents DOES allow me to select more than one, they post in the field one after another:

Ken Shaw, John Doe, Jane Doe, Harlan Bestlyn

Therefore, the datasheet view of the subformClientOffers causes the field Outside Agents to get very long, much too long to view without scrolling. My client wishes for everything on the frmAllProperties to be viewable without scrolling.

Is there anyway, to cause the field Outside Agents to place a return between each selected name (sort of a wrap text kind of thing)?

One thing I might mention is that the field is a drop down field from tblOutsideAgents. The table itself has First Name and Last Name, but I concatenated that into Fullname on the form, so that when the user opens the drop down they see the entire name. I don't know if that would have any effect on making the 'return' thing work or not.

I can't use this field as a subdatasheet because I already have one subdatasheet attached to the subform to show multiple notes on each Client Offer.

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Making A Query That Can Extract 2 Closest Column Values

Dec 20, 2006

Hello I have a query in MSACCESS that looks like this

N| Q | A | B | C | D | E | F |

now my problem is that I want to have a query select the 2 closes values to Q from columns either A B C or D and put them into columns E and F

I am just so stuck here, if anyone can help or give me a steer in a right direction i would greatly appreicate it!

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General :: Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long

[Code] .....

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General :: Form Control To Combine Multiple Field Values Into A Single Text Box?

May 10, 2013

I'm trying to set the control source for a control on my report that describes the number of portions that goes into a box. Sometimes there is a specific number of portions per box and sometimes it's a range. When the number of units is specific, then it is entered into the MasterCaseMinUnits Field. If there is a range of units possible than the min is entered into MasterCaseMinUnits and the max is entered into the MasterCaseMaxUnits.

I want my report to look at the mastercasemaxunits, if it is blank it will only display what is in the MasterCaseMinUnits field. If there is a value in the masterCasemaxUnits field, then it will display the masterCaseMinUnits & " - " & MasterCaseMaxUnits. this is the code I'm Using:


=IIf(Nz([MasterCasemaxUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits])=[MasterCaseMinUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits] & " - " & [MasterCaseMaxUnits])

When I run my report, the control displays: #Type!

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Splitting Text Values From A String Into Separate Field

Jan 25, 2005

I have a table field which long ago was merged from several other fields. When the data was merged into the field it was delimited by "1." then "2." up to "5."
Example: MergedField = "1.Animal 2.Large 3.African 4.Grey 5.Long Nose"

I now want to split it appart in a query where "1.Animal" goes into expression1, "2.Large" goes into expression2, etc.

I need to base the text on where the one number begins and grab everything until the next number in the mergefield is detected.

Can someone show me the syntax for this.


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General :: Summary Form / Home Page - Text Boxes Values From Multiple Queries

Jan 20, 2014

I am currently developing a database to provide a friend with an auction tracking and ordering system.

I will have a number of questions the first is related to the Home Page/Dashboard/Summary form I am creating. I basically have a few sections, one of which is a combo box offering the user to select an auction to view in the summary section. This summary section contains the list of lots but I also hope to to expand on this and create multiple text boxes, each containing the answer to a number of queries (totals etc).

I have written all the queries and can see the results however as the form does not have a record source I would like to know how to make each text box populate with the result of different queries (ideally in vb - I am using ms access 2010)?

I have tried a few things, control source doesn't apply as I have no record source (i guess). I investigated Dlookup/Dcount but am unsure if these apply for the same reason. I understand I am likely to need a recordset etc in vb and have already tried a few things but unfortunately none of them work.

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General :: Arrays Within A Cell

Nov 11, 2013

What's the best way of storing arrays of data within a cell? Or should I be creating fields to the size of the array.The size of the arrays are unknown at the moment.

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Export Multiple Rows Into A Single Cell In Excel?

Sep 18, 2012

I need to export a list of data into a single cell in Excel.

As an example the list looks like this in Access:





and exports into individual cells. I need it to export into one cell and look like this:

450a, 650b, 320c, 4100d

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