General :: Field To Be Set As Hyperlinked In A Table

Feb 18, 2013

My client wants the email field in a table to automatically open his gmail account and post the email address in the To: field, so he wants the field to be set as hyperlinked.

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General :: Possible To Email Hyperlinked Document?

Oct 16, 2013

I have a contacts database for an accountant with hyperlinks to numerous documents all set up and they work correctly - open the application and show document.

What I would really like to do is from within Access using VBA send an email to the client enclosing the hyperlinked document ( not the hyperlink itself which would not be available to the client).

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Is It Hyperlinked Or Not Hyperlinked ?

Dec 8, 2004

Does anybody know how to check a column of 1,800 File No. that they are assumably hyperlinked to *.pdf scanned data files to see which is actually hyperlinked which is not. Sometimes when I double click on the hyperlinked file number I get an error "unable to open file ....". There must be a way to check the whole column at once rather than check each file individually.

File No. (hyperlinked)



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Hyperlinked PDF Package Hangs Computer

Jan 14, 2008

I have hyperlinks from within Access forms that link to Adobe PDF documents; these are the new PDF Package documents created with Acrobat 8 - and give the message "Multiple files are bound together in this PDF Package."

The problem I am having is that when ever I click on the hyperlink the computer hangs (from the task manager, I believe that it is Acrobat Reader that is hanging). This problem only occurs with multi-file PDF packages and does not occur with regular PDF's. It also only occur with MS Access, as linking to theses files from MS Word encounters no problems.

Is anyone aware of a fix for this?

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Forms :: Displaying A Hyperlinked Image

Dec 5, 2013

I have a database which creates hyperlinks to a network folder full of images (too many to attach to the database) but I can't figure out an easy way to show those images in forms and reports. I think I'm 90% there, looking online I figured out that if i create a text field (not a hyperlink) in the original table and copy over the hyperlink text, I can use this as the control source of an image control (with the picture type set to 'linked').

That works fine, but I would still have to manually copy over the URL every time I link to a new picture - so is there a way i can get this to feed through automatically?I've tried a couple of ways already (calculated fields, 'set value' macros) but the problem is anytime I try to get clever, Access doubles the link address, making it utterly useless as a control source.

So for example, i ran a macro to set the text field value to equal the hyperlink value of c:mydocspicture.jpg,
and the result looked like this c:mydocspicture.jpg#c:mydocspicture.jpg#Or maybe there are functions similar to excel (like 'left' and 'len') which i can use to extract the right part of the hyperlink.

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Open Hyperlinked Word Documents As Read Only

Mar 22, 2014

I have a database with hyperlinks to open word documents on my network. If someone else has that word document open it will ask me if I want to notify or open in read only. However since upgrading to Access 2013, (from Access 2003), this sometimes freezes the database.

I am wandering is there a way to tell Access (or Word) to open the document in read only if there is someone using it already?

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General :: Autopopulation Of Field In Table Based On Entry In Second Field

Jul 22, 2014

Please see attachments. (384.0 KB) (58.8 KB)

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General :: Update A Field In One Table From Another Table Via Forms

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to update one table's field, via a Form, with certain data from another existing table in my DB when I enter key data in this first form. Example:

Table Equipment ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LIcPlate, etc.

Table Fuel ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc.

Form for Fuel has Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc. BTW, it will take Year, Make and Model to fully qualify the search/lookup as there may be more than one occurrence of a Year and Make in the Equipment table, so Model is necessary to fully qualify. . Yes, something like VIN would be a simpler lookup but remembering a VIN is much harder than entering a Year, Make and Model.

In a Form over Table Fuel, I want to have the LicPlate field (possibly other fields as well) automatically updated from Equipment Table when I enter the Year, Make and Model in that form.

I'm assuming the solution involves creating VB code, of some such, via an Event (AfterUpdate) or some such built through the LicPlate field in the Fuel form. A mass Update via SQL is not appropriate.

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General :: How To Use A Previous Value Of A Field In A Table

Apr 22, 2014

I have a simple Table with the following structure:


How can I retrieve the previous value of the field [Available] and to set this value for the new [Current_Level] ???

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General :: Autofill Field In Table

Mar 17, 2014

I have 2 tables: A and B with field names:
ID, Title, Link

and one table C with:
ID, Title

The Link in each table "points" on another table.A points on B that points on C.(When you fill in column Link in table A or B, a Lookup table is used so that I can select one of the titles in the linked table).I want to add a new field name called Position in table A and B. The Position is supposed to describe the cells place in the tree.

Example: if A with ID 1 points on B with ID 2, and B with ID 2 points on C with ID 3 then in A Position data field it would say: "3.2.1".I would like it to autofill Position when I add a new title.

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General :: Update Table Field

Jan 13, 2014

I have a simple MyAddress Project. It consists of one main table, a couple of queries, some forms and reports. Most fields in the table are typical text fields. The project allows me to select records from the table and print labels for those selected records. One field is a "yes/no" field. If the field value is true, the label prints; otherwise it does not. I have a form which allows me to scan the list of records and mark those I wish to print. So far so good. I am trying to add two buttons to the form to enable me to 1. Clear All and 2. Check All. I am trying to use an UPDATE statement to activate when I click the appropriate button. However, when I execute, I get the error message "Compile error: Sub or Function not defined".

The name of the table is tblMyAddresses.The firld I am trying to UPDATE is PrtLbl.The update value will be true or false depending on the button clicked. Since I want to change the values in all records, there is no WHERE required. The code I am trying is as follows:

Option Compare Database
Public Sub CheckAll_Click()
Update tblmyaddresses
Set PrtLbl = False
End Sub

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General :: Default Value Of Field Not Translating To Table

Mar 10, 2015

My DB has one main table where all the records are stored, and one form with multiple tabs allowing for data entry and editing. There are two distinct "Data Types" I have in the tables, so on the two distinct form tabs, I created a text box with a default value for each one (if it's a Type A record, then the box has a default value of "Type A" and the same rules for Type B).

Here's the problem. It doesn't matter if I include the default value in the Form Properties Default Value field or if I do in VBA (using this method), when a new record is entered into the table, it makes them all default Type B records.

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General :: Hide Row In Table If Field Is Blank

May 7, 2015

I have run into some problems though. I have one main table where all the details of users are imported, I have created several queries for different types of courses users sign up for. I would like that when I select a query it only shows the users who signed up for certain course.So basically what I would like to do is if a field is empty or null to hide the whole row.

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General :: Append Table Vba Need Field Names

Nov 27, 2012

I should change the Fields(1) and Fields(2) to the actual fields names.

field 1 should be EmployeeListID
field 2 should be ItemsID

PHP Code:

Dim rs As dao.RecordsetDim db As dao.DatabaseSet db = CurrentDbSet rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblEmployeeItems", 
dbOpenDynaset)rs.AddNewrs.Fields(1) = Me.[lstAvailableEmployees]rs.Fields(2) = Me.
[lstAvailableItems]rs.Updaters.Closedb.CloseSet rs = NothingSet db = Nothing 

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General :: Search A Table Using Part Of A Field

Jul 24, 2014

We have a form with a field Drawing No from the Table Job Register

I want to be able to take the first part of the drawing number and display all matching items from the quote details table.

Aesthetics I can sort later.

I've created a query Item History.

My intention is to have a command button on the form Job Register that runs the query qryQuoteHistory displaying matching results.

My issues are as follows:
drawing numbers are sporadic in length and information ie:
a2-19520 rev a
1128215 issue d

Retrospectively I would have had issue or revision number in a separate field, or better yet have a products table and link the info there. Unfortunately this isn't the case.

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General :: Populate Calculated Field Into Table

Aug 6, 2013

I need to populate a table with Grid reference values consisting of 6 figure integers, eastings and northings.

I am receiving/downloading the Grid Refs in a UK Grid Tile format, with 3, 4 or 5 figures preceded by letters.

E.g. SK 456 849, SP 6789 4356.

I have used some query functions and written a bit of VBA behind a form to convert the received coordinates into the full coords I want. The coordinates are now in unbound controls on a form, and I want to pass these back to a table so I can use the data for display purposes.

Ideally I want to link to the table from a GIS and autoupdate without having to open the database (my imported data is linked in to feed the database automatically).

I have done some searching and not found a method to pass the values into a table - What is my best way of doing this automatically?

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General :: Extract Part Of A Field From A Table

May 13, 2015

I want to take the first 15 characters from a field in my table and place those 15 characters into a new field in the same table , assuming i can do this with a query.

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General :: Lookup Into A Table - Populate Same Field

May 28, 2014

I have a table holding a list of post codes, and their servicing depot EG -

ID Postcode Depot
1 AB10 Edinburgh
2 AB11 Edinburgh

Then a form, which has a field for depot ( Fld_Depot )

What i would like is, when the user clicks on the field, a msg box prompts, asking for them to input a postcode

Once the postcode is entered, it populates that field with the relevant depot from the table....

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General :: Paste MS Word Table Into A Field In Access?

Aug 14, 2012

I'm not sure where this question belongs but I need to give users the ability to create a small table in MSWord or another program, and then paste the table into a data field. An image of the table would be fine. But it needs to be user friendly.

If that's not possible they could just create a Rich Text document with text formatted in a table form with out gridlines. I would need about a 2000 character limit. Not sure if this is reasonable or not??

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General :: Phone Number Changing By Itself In Table Field

Aug 14, 2013

In Access 2002, I have a Phone Number field (Text) that is meant to store (obviously enough) phone numbers. However, when I enter 2009 as the last four digits (ex. (555)-555-2009) the number is changed to (555)-555-2010. This also occurs if I enter the number directly into the table (which doesn't have an input mask). I have tested it in a new form (even without input mask), and a new table, which both result in the exact same thing.

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General :: Subtract ListBox Items In Field Of A Table?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a form with a textbox, listbox and a button.

my textbox is based on one of my tables, and when I enter a value (which is saved in my table) in my textbox and press enter, certain values in my table goes to my listbox, and my listbox will just additem whenever I do same thing in my textbox all overagain.

how can I subtract listbox.column(1) items in my table field "Item_Quantity" where my Listbox.column(0) is equal to my table field "Item_Description".

My Listbox column count property = 4
Row source type = value list

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General :: Create A Table With Single Text Field

Jul 8, 2014

Encountered this bug in Access 2010:

1) Create a table with a single text field
2) Enter some text values, including one which begins either "aa", "AA" or "Aa" (but not "aA"!)
3) Sort the field, and note where it puts the string(s) created in (2)

For me, they appear at the wrong end of the sorted list! I have tested this in Access 2007 and 2010 and it only happens in 2010. I'm using 32 bit Access on 64 bit Win 7 Pro.

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General :: Changing Data Type Of Calculated Field In Table

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to change the data type of a field in a table from calculated to something else. It gives me the error "this data type cannot be changed once the field has been saved"

Is there any work around to this?

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General :: UPDATE Field In Table Based On DISTINCT Values

Mar 12, 2013

Below is a sample of the table with the data. I manually added the 1 and 0 to the hc_Year field. However, I would like to create an Update query that will add a 1 to the hc_Year if its the first instance of PIDM & regsYear and add a 0 to the records that are not the first instance.

PIDM | regsYear | hc_Year
52 | 2009 | 1
52 | 2010 | 1
201 | 2007 | 1
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2008 | 1

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General :: Automatically Update Field Based On Entry In Another Table

Jan 14, 2013

I have two tables, one called 'Company' and one called 'Person'. Both tables have several fields, but they both have the same primary key, i.e. 'Naam'.

When I type in a name in the 'Person' table, I'd like the 'Company' table to automatically display the name too. So for example if I type in 'John Doe' in the person table, I want to be able to switch to the 'Company' table and have the same name displayed there, automatically.

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General :: Auto Populate A Table Field From Combo Selection

Jan 17, 2013

I have a Table (tblFPAData) that is being populated with entries from a form I created. There are several fields but if I can get an answer for one relationship then I can repeat it for the others.

In tblFPAData there are the fields MaterialNo and Description.

I am creating another table called tblSchedule and using a form to enter the information. I need the user to select the MaterialNo from a combo (cmbMaterialNo) and the then table auto populates the Description from tblFPAData.

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