General :: Front End Start-up

Jun 17, 2013

I have just delivered my front end to the user. I have incorpoated a splash screen which uses the timer event and then a sign-in form opens. Trouble is, when the user opens the FE it just sits there on the splash screen. The Access security won't let the above process run because it stops all VBA until the user shift-starts and clicks the 'allow' button. After that it all works fine until I deliver an updated version and it all starts again. All using A2010. what I need to do to avoid the user having to shift-start?

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General :: Start Of Day And End Of Day Process

May 3, 2014

In my database i need two process in the database one is SOD(Start of Day) and the 2nd one is EOD (End Of Day). The purpose of these process to run multiple hidden queries in back-end. In both processes there are several queries to run. How i can built this but this is necessary for database. another thing these process execute only once a day. after login i want to run a form that will check that SOD is performed or not if not then SOD (Run SOD) Screen will appear if SOD not perform yet then system ask for SOD Process to run otherwise disable my dashboard items. and 2ndly if EOD not performed last day then system will run normally and not ask for SOD process.

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General :: Start Batch File As Administrator

Dec 15, 2014

I'm running into the issue where some of my batch files don't run correctly when the Access Application runs them.

Batch File:

FOR %%F IN ("*.prp") DO IF %%~zF EQU 0 DEL "%%F"
FOR %%F IN ("*.drv") DO IF %%~zF EQU 0 DEL "%%F"
start "" "%~dp0Start.bat"

I believe that this is because the For loops above are deleting files and don't have permissions to do it when ran from the application.

How I can modify this VBA to launch as Administrator?

VBA Snippet:

Shell parent_path & "Copy_" & Get2000Or2100 & ".bat"

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General :: Application Was Unable To Start Correctly

Oct 31, 2013

The application was unable to start correctly (0x00007b)not sure it's an Access issue exclusively. What fix to apply (is it a Registry entry that's corrupted perhaps?).

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General :: Multiple Users With Only One Front End

Aug 12, 2013

Currently the system where I work is set up so that everyone has their own front end on the local network. I would like to change this because updating all of them takes a lot of time for me and skill level for users is too low for me to trust them with updating it on there own.

My question is this:

If I were to create a shortcut on everyone's desktop that linked to one front end would this be wise? I can't seem to get a straight answer from anywhere on the internet. I know most places say that it is better to have the actual front end on the staffs computer but that would make my job of keeping the database updated even worse because staff have multiple computers and this isn't my full time job.

If this is okay practice how many users would this be able to sustain? Currently we only have 6 users on the database with there own front end and it works great. I am planning on adding around 10 more users in the future but if needed they could have there own database as they are separate programs.

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General :: Can't Update Front End To ACCDB

Mar 3, 2013

I am in the process of updating a database to 2010 (.accdb) and cannot get past a problem. We are using Access 2010.

I updated the back end data to .accdb with no problem. I can't link the front end to that data without updating the front end to .accdb as well. There are no tables in the front end.

I try to update the front end to /accdb and I get the error message 'You are trying to convert an encoded database. Decode the database, then try again.'

How do I decode the database? I tried setting a password and then unsetting it, but that made no difference. I have not previously encoded the database.

can't finish the update to .accdb data. The alternative is to stay with 2003 MDB data. Is that a bad thing?

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General :: Sharing Front End Database

Dec 3, 2013

What is the best solution for sharing a front end DB as me having the BE installed at my pc, giving all user the FE and then refreshing table link with BE installed at pc but the problem is that the shared FE becoming slow any option ? as only 5 users using this at a time.

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General :: Move Table To Front End?

Apr 7, 2015

I'm trying to move a couple tables into the Front End of an Access 2010 database because the drop downs take awhile to load. We have horrible servers at work.

I can get some of them to convert to local table but naturally the ones I really need won't. The only table I want to remain in my backend is "project log data final". I don't even get an error message it just doesn't do it. Why would it not let me convert some to a local table. Does it have anything to do with relationships?

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General :: Database SystemBack End And Front End

Jan 14, 2013

I have a database system into the back end and front end and then created the accde file with the front end file to give this to users on their computer. The back end being placed on a server with a path of type servernamefolder..I have used the Linked Table Manager to point to the tables server name folderfilename.accdb

but in doing this I get a message Windows cannot access this to do Network Rights on the server that I don't have permission to access the server and folder.

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General :: Many Front Ends And Only One Backend

May 7, 2013

I have (on a company network) a FrontEnd .accde and a backend .accdb - currently ~ 10 users (some over wifi - slow!)The FrontEnd is becoming a rather large file ~ 10 MB and is also becoming slower.I am looking to separate this in to 3 FrontEnd files as to simplify and to lessen the file sizes etc.

My question is - are there any issues around a 3 x FrontEnd databases all connecting to 1 x backend database holding all the tables - over a network?

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General :: Customize Front End View

Dec 30, 2012

I just split my DB into a front end and a back end. I only want the users to have access to 2 forms in the DB because the form already has buttons that link to all other forms and reports needed. How do I customize the front end view so that they only see these 2 forms?

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General :: How To Start Text File On Remote Computer

May 19, 2014

how to start text file on remote computer and to be seen on remote computer , not on mine...

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General :: How To Pull Maximum And Minimum Start And End Date

Jan 11, 2013

I would like to know if it is possible to pull the max and min start date and end date. Basically i have an option where by the user selects the desired date range that they would like.

Now I would like to know how to get the earliest and latest date range should they not select a date range. My date range is being displayed at the top of my report.

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General :: 2 Front Ends And One Table Structure

Sep 10, 2013

I have recently asked about being able to use my table system online. i have just thought. what about creating a front end that works online. still have the front end on the desktop and the table system on the desktop but have both of them connecting to the one table system.

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General :: Run Access Front End As Public Service?

May 7, 2013

Simply put, I have a front end that does a bunch of file moving and if it encounters an error and stops processing (which is intentional) I am the only that can login to the machine and fix it.

Is there any way to run it that would allow others to login on their own user profile, solution the problem, and start the processing again or am I stuck to a "per profile" instance?

I can't just let others login as me

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General :: How To Link One Front End With Many Back Ends

Mar 8, 2013

i have one front end access database and want to connect with more than one back end at time but both back ends have same table names

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General :: When Converting Front End To MDE Access Hangs

May 4, 2013

When converting the Front End of my database to an MDE, Access just hangs and says (Not Responding). I've left it our an hour and there's no sign of stirring.The Back End converts in just a second or so.

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General :: Cannot Open Front End Access File

Jun 28, 2012

I was successfully using a front end and back end setup for the past two years. Today I needed to push through some changes and "deactivate" the previous back end database and setup a new back end database. The new back end database has been sent; however the front end is not recognizing the back end database anymore. I need to re-link the existing front end to the back end database - I cannot import the front end into a "fresh" file because I put a password on the VBA Editor.

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General :: Accessing Data Tables In DB With Front End

Sep 7, 2012

I work in an office with Office2000. One branch of our non-profit organisation had a volunteer design a database in Access to track the usage of rented storage bins.The database works great for its intended purpose, however the volunteer is not available and the front-end is so locked down that I can't get into the table structure to run some usage queries I need for my own job, which is Resource Development (donations).

I don't know what to say to give more info, because the computer is a stand-alone in a different department detached from the network, so I have to physically go to the other end of the building & work in it, I can't get screencaps etc easily, and most of the menus have been disabled so it doesn't even give me the info about the version of Access etc.

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General :: Multiple Users On Front End Database

Oct 22, 2012

I've prepared a front end database with forms that allow data to be keyed into linked tables to my main databse.

However, currently the front end database only allows 1 user to do it at 1 time and when another user tries to open the file, an error "The Database Has Been Placed in a State by User on Machine That Prevents It From Being Opened or Locked'

Is there anyway to allow multiple users to use the front end database at the same time?

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General :: No Start Or End Time In Linked Table Using Outlook Calendar

Aug 5, 2015

I created a call logging/work tracking type Database using SharePoint 2007 lists for the backend and Access 2013 front end for about 60 users and it has been running smoothly for around two years .

We use a shared outlook calendar and I want to be able to pull meetings & appointment information into the database from the calendar so I can assign the meetings out to specific people and keep of a record that they where given the request to attend. I was able to use the import outlook folder to create a linked table and it has lots of great information from the calendar apart from the two most important things you need in a calendar Start_time & End_Time . Is there something I'm missing in regards to these two fields? I assume I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what, nor did I have much luck with the Search function on here or google.

This is the list of field names it does import(everything apart from the meeting time and is it a recurring appointment)
Message To Me
Message CC to Me
Sender Name
Message Size
Subject Prefix
Has Attachments
Normalized Subject
Object Type
Content Unread

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General :: Calculating Number Of Weeks Between Start And Finish Date

Jun 9, 2015

I am calculating number of weeks between start and finish date. Some of the users have questioned the validity of calculation as they are not too sure if this is being calculated as Monday to Friday week or does it work by calculating 7 days. If the latter is true, then I should see a decimal value. I am using date diff formula.

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General :: Start Up / Doesn't Show Minimize And Maximize Button

Sep 1, 2012

I created autoexec macrro. But when i open the form as a dialog box it doesn't show minimize and maximize button.. it only shows close button so what should i do..Also i want to create the log in form as well..So here is what i want

1) when i open the database it shows me log in box and if i put right password and username

- if i put wrong password it should keep promoting me until i put right login details and this login shouldn't be displaying the close button otherwise users can easily access through database.

2) the navigation form should be pop up.

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General :: How To Save Sharepoint ACCDB To Standalone Front-end

Feb 11, 2015

I have a sharepoint database accdw which works well as I can update something and sync it to the server, and another user with the same database can receive the changes just by syncing.

However, I want to share a version of this database with a different start up form, some restricted forms etc. If I make a copy of the accdb it creates and make changes to that, it still synchronises those changes and they affect my own version.

What is the correct way to create a different database version from my accdw?

All I want to do is take the accdb it creates, change the startup form and give it to somebody to use.

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General :: Front End - Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Oct 17, 2014

I have distributed my front end on the shared drive for users to copy to their desktops.

In one form I have a formula in the query that show's the word 'Gap' if any of the 15 questions on the form is equal to 'fail'. It runs on current when the user is in a record it shows the word 'Gap' at the top header part of the form.

When the user opens the form they get an error message pop up that says "The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events."

Once they click 'ok' they are able to work in the form until they attempt to filter records by their name it pops up again.

I've tested on my end and no errors or issues come up.

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General :: Added Table To Back End Not Linking Up To Front End

Jun 22, 2012

I did a search in here as well as Google to figure out why when I relinked the front end to the back end after adding 2 tables to the back end that the tables did NOT show up on the front end. Only the original tables that I began with.From what I have read there are different ways to do it. One suggestion on here was to create the table on the front end and export it to the back end. I guess I will have to do this going forward.

But my question is, after searching pages upon pages with no luck, since I already have the tables in the back end how do I tell the front end to find them and link them?

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