General :: Geometric Mean - Summing Entire Field

Sep 1, 2013

Here is a link that explains a little bit about it: [URL] .....

However, I'm having a problem with summing an entire field. Access does not have a DProduct() function, so it makes the math of "taking the Nth root of a product of 'X' numbers" kind of impossible without writing a custom function.

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General :: Search Bar That Scans Entire Database

Nov 4, 2012

I wonder if by any chance it is possible to create a search bar that scans the entire database- or lemme say the fields i assigned to such search bar- that can be put in the switchboard or so.

According to my level of understanding of access, this should be a query.

However, is it possible to make it appear like a search bar that could be placed where I want it; in this case in the switchboard??

Does it require a certain code or something?

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Modules & VBA :: Summing Multiple Queries And Summing Time

Oct 4, 2013

I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;

1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings

These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).

I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).

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Select Entire Field Automatically

Mar 14, 2006

I want to have the entire field in a textbox selected, automatically, everytime the control is entered--- so the user can just begin typing and automatically type over the existing data in the textbox.

How do I do this?

I thought it would be as simple as adding something like the following to the textbox's on_enter event:

Sendkeys "doubleclick"

The textbox will always contain just a single "word", so this idea should work....but I can't find anything like a "doubleclick" that can be used with SendKeys.

THanks for any ideas.

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General :: Summing Over A Date Range

Nov 15, 2012

I am trying to create an access database to allocate people to projects and show the total time spent on projects. As peoples time can be allocated to different projects I want to add up the proportions of their times per day and show the results in a graph.The data I am entering is the date they start working on a project (Start date), the date they stop (End date) and their time allocation (e.g. 50%). How can I use this data to sum for date ranges?

I have attached an example database showing the problem. In the report the graph shows the type of thing I want for the output, clearly showing the total time spent on a project is more than 100% on one day and less on another day. Do you know how I can do this?

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General :: Hyperlink Location - Hide Entire Path In Backend And Show Only Name Of File

Sep 26, 2013

I have a field named Location of type Hyperlink. I have copied the respective filepaths in those location column.The location filed looks like


If the user clicks on this link then the respective file should be open..I don't want the front end users to see the entire path. So, I would like to have the names as 1234.pdf in the location column instead of M:New1234.pdf. Is it possible to hide the entire path in the backend and show only the name of the file. so that if users click on 1234.pdf then the file needs to open.

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Not Getting Entire Data From Memo Field On Query

Aug 24, 2005

Hi all,

I had table with following data


f1 f2 f3
1 10 aa......
1 11 aaa...
2 10 bb...
2 11 bb.......

f3 is memo field

I had to retrieve data by grouping records based on f1 value
so i gave groupby in totals section to f3 field also.

I am getting the values correctly, but memo field is truncating.
Its only displaying first half arround 236 charecters only.

If i query directly without performing any group by
then i am getting entire data for the memo field.

please any one give the solution.

waiting for your help.


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Viewing Entire Contents Of A Text Field

Oct 25, 2004

I am trying to view the contents of a text field in a form. The field can only be a limited size in the form, but I want to store a lot of text in the field and have it visible without having to enter the field and use the arrow keys to view the contents. Is it possible to programme a function that shows the contents of a field when I roll the mouse over it or something like that? The "Control Tip Text" is the principal of what I am trying to do except this gives a fixed value. When used in web page development I think this function is refered to as "Alt tag"

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General :: Summing Total Values By Each Change In Date

Apr 14, 2014

Running Access 2010. I have a large data set here is sample:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/15/2014 5
1 1/8/2014 3
1 1/10/2014 4

Is there any way to sum the total values for each change in date while keeping chronological order? To get access to produce something like this:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/8/2014 10
1 1/10/2014 14
1 1/15/2014 19

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Summing One Field Value To Another

Aug 6, 2012

I have 2 field in a table - CourseMarks and ExamMarks. I am making a query to sum these two values. My code entered through the expression builder is Total: [CourseMarks]+[ExamMarks].

When the query is run there are no results if both fields have a score, but If there is a score in the CourseMarks field and none in the ExamMarks field the CourseMark is returned.All the field value data types are interger.

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Reports :: Show Entire List Of Multi-value Field In Report?

Mar 9, 2013

I know that multivalue fields are not the best to use, but I have a simple database that they work fine in. My question is this: Is there a way to show the entire list of choices in the multivalue field on a report? Not just the ones selected, but all of them, whether checked or not? The multivalue field has a list of names and the user selects each name if they repond to a incident (fire, car accident, etc.). My report would show the entire list and count number of responses by each name during a date range. I want to show all of them on the report, with those not selected showing "0".

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Summing A Calculated Field

Jan 17, 2005


I want to sum a calculated field on one of my forms. The field is calculated by multiplying the cost of a good by its quantity. So far I have been unable to sum it. Does anyone know how I can do this?

Here is a link to what the field is related to just so you people know what I am talking about: Project ( ...basically I have fixed all the problems mention in that thread. All that remains is this field. I will attach my project in case that helps. (the calculated field is in the Treatment Form) Thanks in advance :)

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Summing Records Where Field Is Between

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to create a sum of a field called ec2mo where mopp is between 0 and 2 and then another sum when mopp is between 2 and 4, etc... I've tried a number of different things, but it doesn't seem to work - instead i get a single value for each field (i'm assuming because there are different values for mopp and many other fields)... I've attached the db with just that table.
Thanks very much for your help!
P.S. I'm not really at all good with using SQL so anything that can be done in a regular query would be most helpful!

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Summing One Field For Default Value Of Another

Nov 23, 2006

I have two Numeric fields in my Table, MCRefill and MCTot.
Actually MCtot is the sum of all MCRefill for a given Cust_ID

I have the following expression in the Default value of MCtot in my form showing both the fields

DSum("[MCRef]","Miracle_Cloth_Main","[Cust_ID]='" & [Cust_ID] & "'")

Somehow it doesn't up in the record when you load the Last record for a Cust_ID

Can someone please help ?

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Queries :: Summing A Field In A Sub-database?

Mar 27, 2013

I have a table called Products which has a field called "Product ID" and a few others. I have another table called "Sales", which has a field called "Sales Date".

There will be different dates where the products are sold. Here's my problem: I'm trying to make a query to find out which products make the most sales. However, doing so will also display the products separately by their sales dates. So for example, it'll show...

Product #10 / Jan 1, 2013 / 100 Sales
Product #10 / Jan 14, 2013 / 21 Sales
Product #10 / Feb 11, 2013 / 44 Sales
Product #11 / Jan 5, 2013 / 201 Sales
Product #11 / Mar 13, 2013 / 444 Sales

I'd like the products to be together so product #10 would give 165 sales for example. In the Query, Product ID from both tables are connected.

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Reports :: Null Date Field - Make Entire Entry Not Visible On Report

Dec 16, 2013

I am building a report that has a header with several details followed by a detail section.

What I need to do is make the entire entry not visible on the report if one of the dates is null.

So it looks like this

last first title id memb # date a date b
1. smith , john fng 8521 2356224
5/12/2012 6/20/2013
10/2/2013 (is null)

2. neckbone, jim dude 2548 85858412
6/20/2013 5/5/2014
8/5/2013 2/31/2013

On the report i want the 1st entry (smith john) not to be visible due to the null (B) Date.... but i want it to be visible once the date is entered...

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Modules & VBA :: Store Entire Query (single Field) In Array And Check Its Values

Mar 12, 2014

Basically, what's the best practice or how do we store a query's value into an array then checking what the max or min value is and how to check if let's say "4" is in the array?

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Reports :: Summing Calculated Field In A Report?

Jul 17, 2015

I have a report that has four fields: Item, Qty, Price and TotalPrice for each line in the detail section. Total Price is calculated by multiplying Qty x Price. The text box name that holds the Total Price for each line is txt_TotalPrice. I want to have a Grand Total in the report footer. I placed a text box in the footer with the following expression: =sum([txt_TotalPrice]). When I run the report Access prompts me for the parameter value of txt_TotalPrice. I've been trying to solve this for quite a while now - but I'm totally baffled.

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Backing Up Entire Database

Sep 12, 2005

Hi :rolleyes:
I would like when I click a button for the system to automatically create a copy of the whole database and place it into a separate folder. How would I do this??? :confused:


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JET Transfers Entire Table?

Oct 8, 2007

I read somewhere that the main difference between JET AND SQL server is that a query rn through JET transfers the whole table across the network to the client machine and then processes it. Whereas, SQL server just transfers the particular record, say if you use a stored procedure.
Is this actually true?
What about if it's usng a SQL back end?
Any links on this subject?

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##### Errors Across An Entire Record

Nov 24, 2004

We have a database that was being used by two different people to edit the same record at the same time. They both got error messages and now there is one record on the table that is now filled with ######. The table will no longer allow any queries to be ran against it. We figured that that table is somehow corrupt. We tried to compact and repair and that didn't work. It won't allow us to copy nor export any data from it. Are there anythoughts as to what we can do?

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Save Entire Record At Once

Jan 24, 2006

Hi Guys

I have a main table, which I then query specifying 'XXX' in multiple fields to bring back no records. Then I set up a form based on that query so I always have a blank form to enter details to the table.

Access is saving the record every time I amend a field. I'm now stipulating that many of the fields must have data in and am repeatedly getting the 'field name must not be zero' error message even when I'm nowhere near that field.

I need to disable autosave and then put the docmd.acsave etc once all fields are complete.

Any ideas how best to do this?

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Excluding An Entire Table?

Oct 9, 2006

I have one table that will consists of about 1,000 rows. I have another table that consists of product codes that we want to exclude from the report. I know how to include the two tables by joining, but I want to EXCLUDE the 2nd table of product codes. Basically, if any of the product codes listed on table 2 are on table 1, I don't want them to appear. So how can I do an exclude function in a query?

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How To Search Entire Database

Aug 8, 2014

Is there a way to search an entire database? Almost like a Google search where a user could put in a few key words and it would retrieve all records no matter which fields the key words appeared in?

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Import Records But Not Entire Table

Dec 23, 2004

Is there a way to import the records from another database table? I have an inventory database, blank, only the backend data is there. So everyone goes out on their own and gets inventory. At the end of the day, I would like to get flie 1, file 2, file 3, and only open file one, and only import the record from the other two inventory tables.

All these files will be exactly the same(Tables, queries,forms, everything). The only thing that will be different will be the data in the inventory table. Thanks for you help!

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