General :: Grand Totals On A Single View

Feb 16, 2014

Is it possible to set up a view within an access app to show a number of different "grand totals", related to one or more tables. For example, I'd like to display the total value of all orders, the total number of orders and the total number of items ordered, on a single view. In this case, all the information comes from one table - Orders, which contains fields - Total Cost and Quantity. I've tried to create a Summary view, but that requires me to use the "Group By" function, which I don't want here, so I tried to do it with queries, but it seems to involve multiple queries, which then means multiple views.

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Totals Query/sums/grand Totals

Sep 4, 2007

Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!

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Queries :: Removing Grand Totals From Query Pivot Table

Jun 17, 2013

To keep it short and sweet, my query set up is: Employee, Team Name, and then I have the same field in the column as I do in the data and it presents pass/fail data. I have the data shown as a percent of the row so that there is a success rate shown but I want to remove the grand totals from the rows because it is obviously going to be 100% every time and it's unnecessary.

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Queries :: Using Query To Place Single Grand Total On Row Based On Particular Criteria?

Dec 7, 2014

I have a very simple query on an accounts form to show a running transaction history.

Identifying from the TransactionID (shown for display purposes only - normally hidden) three or four postings make up one transaction.

Using TransactionID 10 as an example, I'd like to have a sum of total [Credit]-[Debit] and have the query display on one line (either at the top of £1,429, or at the bottom of £16,995) to identify this is in fact one transaction, having three posts.

Transaction 9 will have obviously have one total, as this is a single post.

11 the same as 10, by having one total Transaction Value either at the top of the row or bottom.

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General :: How To Get Single Table Entry View For % Allocation Of Items

Dec 28, 2014

How could I create a single table (matrix) type input view to allocate bank transactions to categories, noting one transaction can be allocated multiple categories with an associated percentage? What approach should I use in Access to get this? So say I have the following tables:

* Transactions
* Business Category
* Transaction-Business-Allocation (which includes)
- Transaction ID
- Business Category ID
- Percent Allocation

But in terms of the means of reviewing bank account items and allocating I really want a view like this (see attached image)The specific business category could be either selected specifically, or all included.

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Summing Totals In A Form - ? Table View

May 1, 2005

Would someone be kind enough to look at the following two attached mini databases. I have this recurring problem when I set things up that I cannot get some figures to appear in the table - only on the form.

In Example 1 I am trying to get the Total Score to show up.

In Example 2 I am trying to get the corresponding score to the description to show up.

I think it is something to do with me referencing the field not the look-up table but I really don't know any more.


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Totals Row Not Working In Access 2013 Datasheet View

Jul 5, 2013

I have been unable to get the Totals row in Access 2013 to calculate any values in Datasheet view. I can bring up the Totals Row to select a function

But when I click Sum (or Count or Minimum, etc), nothing happens:

It is a 100% local table, not SQL, not linked. The problem has been noted on two separate machines using Windows 7 x64 and Microsoft Access 2013.

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Filtering The Last Record Of Many From Many People Using Totals In Query Design View

Jul 1, 2005

I have made a couple of posts about this and had no response as yet. Maybe i didn't explain it well.

I have a form that logs emails. The emails are either "to" or "from" a person. I want to have two queries that pick out either to or from. Now each person i know sends me several emails over time obviously but i am only concerned with their last email or MY last email to THEM because that determines if i should email them back or if i am waiting for them to contact me. At the moment i am having problems filtering out the last record for each person which determines whether i need to email them or they need to email me. I also use the record to log when the last mobile text was sent, phone call etc so it is not just emails. The following is what my formsfields look like

Communication type
TO or From
Day (automatically taken from the date)

I cannot for the life of me get the filter to work properly. Currently i am either getting more than one record for each person or the results are jumbled up. I really need a better understanding of how to use the totals thingy in the querys design view. I'd really appreciate some help on this. Thanks....Ross
:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Opening Single Records From Datasheet View

Apr 15, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view that has a user directory with a list of each person. On each row you can click to open another form that contains the users details using the below VBA:

DoCmd.OpenForm "User Details", , , "[ID] = " & Me.ID

But once you open to that specific record, no other records are available to navigate to.

I want to be able to stay on that detail form that was opened and go to another record.

How do I continue to pull up that specific user in my detail form, but also load the others so I can navigate to them from the detail form without having to go back out to the datasheet form?

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Queries :: Single Page View - Record Count Summary

Jul 30, 2014

I am basically looking for a way to display the total number of records for a selected number of tables and queries in my database on one screen or on one single page view. The problem with using reports or forms is that they tend to bind you to a single table as a record source. This summary would require multiple tables and queries. The summary data would look something like this with a total coming from a Count() or count type function:

# of records: 3000
# of records to insert: 500
# of records to delete: 400
# of records to update: 2100
# of records changing location: 100

and so on. One from each table or query.

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Forms :: Click On ID In Subform Datasheet To Open Single Form View

Apr 3, 2014

I have a Project form, which holds StockArtProduction_Subform in datasheet view. I need for them to be able to click on the ID in the StockArtProduction_Subform datasheet and it open a single view form (StockArtProduction) with the correlating ID.

Ideally, it would also work for new entries in the StockArtProduction_Subform, but the StockArtProduction form would have to "auto populate" (did I use it right?) with the ID of the currently open Project form.

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General :: Adding Two Totals Together?

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to add two columns with multiple records in them together using VBA.

I have one column named "Quantity" and that has 5 records going down

Column1(Row1) = 2
Column1(Row2) = 3
Column1(Row3) = 1
Column1(Row4) = 2
Column1(Row5) = 2

I have another column name "Quantity2" and that has another 5 records going down

Column2(Row1) = 1
Column2(Row2) = 4
Column2(Row3) = 2
Column2(Row4) = 2
Column2(Row5) = 2

I need a code to simply add them all together together using VBA and put the value back in a text box.

So the Value in the text box would be = 21

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General :: Get Totals From Column Containing Duplicates

Aug 5, 2015

I have a table that has a column of Equipment Numbers (e.g. CN330) and another column with corresponding costs. The Equipment Numbers are not unique. A number may appear many times in the column and the cost may be different each time. (The source data for this is an Excel spreadsheet provided by another department).

I need the totals for each unique Equipment Number but not in a "messy" format like subtotals. I need to use it as a lookup for another part of my database so want just two columns; unique Equipment Numbers in the first column and the total cost for each in the next column.

I have the unique Equipment Numbers in the first column of a new table but cant figure out how to get the total costs.

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General :: Subtracting Totals In A Business Database?

Jan 18, 2014

I have set up this database here for my new sole trader business. In it I enter data of my purchases and my gross sales. I have generated 2 queries both based on the same tables. 1 calculates the purchases and the other the sales.

I want to be able to subtract the purchases from the sales so that I can see my profit at any point in time.

The complication is brought on I think from the fact that I am using one table for both Purchasing and Sales. However, I use a filtering method to separate the two.

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Forms :: Grand Total Of Subform Datasheet

May 6, 2014

After having no luck with the standard datasheet E-Totals, i'm now trying to have a textbox on the main form that totals a subforms column called lineTotal.Line Total is a calculated query field that works out the Qty*cost.So say if they put in 5 lines on the subform, the textbox field will sum all of there linetotal and shows a rolling grand total.

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Queries :: How To Sort Records By Grand Total Descending

Aug 9, 2013

I've recently been building a database on Access to replace the rather clunky and slow one we currently use here (built in Excel).Generally, I've been making it up as I go along which has worked quite well for me so far. However, I've encountered pivot tables. Normally, it shouldn't be a problem; the tables themselves are easy enough to understand. However, I've found that the tables aren't nearly as flexible as I would have liked. At least, not in a way directly apparent to myself.

(After trying, and failing, to include links to Imgur with details on my issue, I have included a .zip file with both images I was going to show)Generally, in Excel, the table works everything out for us, then we sort by largest to smallest and work out the totals for the last 7 days and the last 7-14 days (the week before last). After that, the last formula works out a percentage (loss or gain). [excel.png]

In the access table, though, I can't find a way to make this happen. There's no readily apparent button to add a new calculation field. I've tried using the create calculated total button, but that seems intent on making a separate total for each day on the table, which I don't want. [access.png]

Also, I can't figure out how to sort the records by grand total descending. I would have thought right clicking the grand total and clicking sort descending would have done it, but apparently that would be far too easy. I feel that it's prudent to mention that I'm not all that experienced with Access. I completed MOS and ECDL courses when I was in primary school, but it's been a really long time since that and all of the Office applications have changed rather dramatically.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Some Results In Subreport But Keep Grand Total Of Report Itself

Oct 25, 2013

How to display only the first few records in a subreport but keep the grand total of the report itself. When I limit results in query; it gives me the records but only totals for that set. I thought about putting code in the on format in detail section like:

If me.control.value >10 then
me.control.visible =false

but doesn't work.

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Reports :: Access 2007 / Grand Total Field Outside Of Column Grouping?

Sep 19, 2013

I have a report (Access 2007) with multiple totals and subtotals. However, one field, whenever I click "show Grand Total," always shows up all akimbo (out of line with the other grand totals), unbound and without the nifty little blue "grand total bar" above it.

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General :: Obtain Totals From Two Columns In List Box Into Text Boxes On Main Form

Oct 27, 2012

I am trying to obtain totals from two columns in the list box into text boxes on the main form, but my third argument is not working as expected.The source of one of the tex boxes is:


I want to sum only amounts of the records that equal or belong to a selected programme (ProgrammeID) in the bigger list box above.

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General :: Exporting Every Single Record From Table To PDF?

Oct 13, 2014

I need to export/print every single record from table as a pdf file (one record one pdf file). how to do this.

I'm working on Access 2000.

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General :: Exporting A Single Record To PDF And Excel File

Feb 27, 2013

I am trying to Export a single record from my customer table and using below codes -

Private Sub lblPDF_Click()
Dim myPath As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim theFileName As String
stDocName = "rptCustomerMaster" (is my Report File name)
>>>DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "CustId = " & Nz(Me.CustID, 0)
myPath = "C:..."
theFileName = "CustID " & CustID & ".pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, theFileName, True
End Sub

Having errors on the highlighted code, how to resolve it, or is there any support available to export record into PDF file?

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General :: Forms And Reports Using Data From A Single Table

Aug 15, 2014

I have a small database I am building to log and record Calibration Details Of thermometers etc. I have several table that are related, no probs so far.

However I am struggling with forms and reports that use data from the asset table more than once. IE. I have a calibration unit (this is an asset as this also needs calibrated ) that I use to test the thermometers (These Are Assets) but this is also in the same asset table as the thermometers. I need to reference the Calibration unit and the thermometer or whatever item I am testing on the same form or report. I seem to have got round the form problem but i am stuck on the report as access keeps linking to only one item, how do I make it link to 2 items on the same table on the one report.

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General :: Enter Single Variable As Criteria For A Query?

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database structure with a series of queries which are all inter-linked.

I want my database to be user friendly, what is the cleanest way to be able to enter a single variable eg as a criteria for a query - say the date, rather than having to change it in a series of queries manually, can I call it from somewhere?

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General :: Create A Table With Single Text Field

Jul 8, 2014

Encountered this bug in Access 2010:

1) Create a table with a single text field
2) Enter some text values, including one which begins either "aa", "AA" or "Aa" (but not "aA"!)
3) Sort the field, and note where it puts the string(s) created in (2)

For me, they appear at the wrong end of the sorted list! I have tested this in Access 2007 and 2010 and it only happens in 2010. I'm using 32 bit Access on 64 bit Win 7 Pro.

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General :: Merging Data From Multiple Tables Into Single Column

Sep 10, 2012

I've created a access database containing multiple tables, theres one main table that will contain all the data compiled.

I then have other tables that contain some matching data but with an additonal column filled in,

I want to be able to pull the data from these other tables into the main table and compile it including merging some data into a single feild.

Effectively this is what the inputs will be:


Table 1
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0008
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0008
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0008


Table 2
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0167
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0167
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0167


Table 3
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0188
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0188
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0188

Then the main table i want to compile the data like this:

Table 4
Ident Number Solution TRN
T0941A1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188
T0941B1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188
T0941C1 SLN019149 EFE0008,TRN0167,EFE0188

i want it to show as 1 line item and compile the TRN numbers into a single feild per row rather than having duplicates.

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General :: Phone Book - Making Every Single Entry Field On Its Own Table

Oct 17, 2013

I thought that a phone book might be a good thing to begin with...

Should I be making every single entry field on it's own table and then pulling them from there into one form or....?

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