General :: How To Sort Raw Data

Feb 21, 2013

I need to create a absenteeism database for work . I have attached a sample data for you to see how my table is in access.

so the fields that i have are name, team leader, date, code, department, minutes.

from this raw data I need:

1) a high level summary report that groups all ccps by team leader and how many hours the team leader has and each individual ccp.

2) summarize by code the hours each ccp has and also occurence. if the ccp has been sick 3 days in a row then it is considered 1 occurence. if they have been sick multiple days but are not concurrent then each one is an occurence so i need that info categorized by month and tl.

3) a form where the user can pick what codes they want to see from a check box / list box (which one would be better?) and group those codes by ccp and team leader month over month.

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General :: Sort By 2 Columns

Aug 14, 2014

I am trying to sort by 2 columns

1st column by "type"
2cnd column by " stock number"

I have the query set to ascending in both fields but it will only do the type columnexample below shows 5096B00028 not together


requistion items stock number Material type: 5096B000335 9mm x 33.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00028 9mm x 28mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00114 9mm x 114mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Rynite 935 (to dwg 9020) Core 5096B000675 9mm x 67.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00057 9mm x 57mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B000355 9mm x 35.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00028 9mm x 28mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B000335 9mm x 33.5mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core 5096B00049 9mm x 49mm winding core 5mm A/F hex Polypropylene Adstif HA840R Core

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General :: Updating Sort Order Of Records

Nov 10, 2014

I have a table with entries describing a sequence of Tasks (tblTask)

tskID TaskDescription
10 Clean Room
12 Wash Dishes

I have second table called Steps (tblSteps) that is related to tblTask via the field "StepNumber" which is a concatenation of [tskID] & "." & [StepOrder]
So if we look at washing dishes as a task then the steps are as follows:

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink , 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
205 Put in detergent, 3, 12.3
210 Place dishes in sink, 4, 12.4
435 Turn off tap, 5, 12.5

If I decide delete the third step I get the following:-

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink, 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
210 Place dishes in sink, 4, 12.4
435 Turn off tap, 5, 12.5

Is there a simple way renumbering the StepOrder entries when one step is totally removed to give me the following?

StepID, StepDescription, StepOrder, StepNumber
202 Put plug in the sink, 1, 12.1
512 Turn on tap, 2, 12.2
210 Place dishes in sink, 3, 12.3
435 Turn off tap, 4, 12.4

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General :: Sort Order For Topmost One-to-many Relationship

Dec 6, 2013

I am currently studying Robert Jennings book entitled Using Microsoft Access 2007 Special Edition. In reading about specifying of the sort order and top value limits established by inner joins (pg 455), the author makes this statement.Access displays query result sets in the order of the index on the primary key field of the table that represents the one side of the top most one-to-many relationship of query tables.An example of a query with Orders, Order Details, and Products tables displays rows in productID (the primary key field in the Products table) sequence. He says that it does so because the Products table has a one-to-many relationship with the Order Details table and indirectly with the Orders table. I do not understand why the Products one-to-many relationship with the Order Details table is ranked as the top most relationship in that the Orders table also has a one-to-many relationship (OrderID is the primary key field) with the Order Details table and an indirect relationship with the Products table. The Order Details table has two primary keys (ProductID and OrderID). My attempts to change the sequence in which the table relationships were formed as well as the location of the tables in the database had no effect on the result.

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General :: Access 2013 - Sort Database Window By Description?

Oct 10, 2013

Through a set of circumstances, I have had to quickly migrate a long-standing (and business critical) database from Access 2003 to Access 2013, without the sort of prepping and planning that I would normally do in such circumstances.

Most functionality appears to be working ok...

Many of my database objects, especially queries, were given meaningful descriptions.

For example, a number of queries might have been described as "Accounts Data Validation".

When I wanted to run validation of the Accounts data, I would simply sort the database queries window by description, then scroll to the relevant section and run all of the tagged queries in turn.

However, having migrated to Access 2013, although the descriptions are still shown, I can no longer sort by them !

Medium term, I could probably assign different database objects to "Groups", but we are talking hundreds, perhaps even thousands of different objects and that would be a laborious and extremely tedious process.

Any way of sorting the database window by description in Access 2013 ?

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Help - Need A Way To Sort Data Effectively

Aug 15, 2006


I am currently implementing a stock control database in access. I have various forms for entering stock in and taking it out etc. It all works fine except I need a way of sorting my data to produce very specific reports. The company wants reports to be listed in a very specific order. I have many fields with which I have to sort the data so it has proved a very time consuming problem.

I have tried the custom sort order techniques involving the switch function, however due to the large extent of data in use this approach has limited success.

I have also tried merely applying numbers to the front of a stock item to sort it, however this is a very basic approach and means the user has to look at random numbers before actually reading the stock item in reports.

One approach that could work would be to have a sort order as a separate field. But the user would have to then enter a sort order number each time data is entered(?).

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to solve this problem?

Apologies for the length of this post!


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Sort Data In A Combo Box

Mar 1, 2005

I have a combo box based on a table. The table is sorted by the Customer surname field using the Order By property. My Problem is the combo box will still display data in the unsorted order ie in Primary Key order.

Any suggestions on how I can make the Combo Box display dat in ascending order of Customer.

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Sort Data On My Form

Aug 31, 2005

When I open my form the data are sorted through the ID, How can I change that to be sorted through the Year? On my form properties is that the Filter is responsible for sorting?

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Allow User To Sort Data

May 10, 2006

Hello everyone

One of my forms has a load of data displayed in it from a query and I would like to allow the user to sort this data by means of some buttons next to each column heading. For instance clicking 'up' next to first name / last name etc will sort ascending on first name, 'down' will sort descending etc. I tried setting up different queries for each sort and changing the record source of the form in the on click event but then the controls don't seem to know where to populate from!!

Can anyone help with what I should be doing?


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Sort (order) Data On Forms

Apr 12, 2005


This is related to "Old_value, new_value" thread I posted yestarday (Module&VBA).

I have a problem i missed yestarday. The code it's vorking great, but it allways takes the showed new_value and makes it old_value for the new record, and this is a problem, because the showed record is not the last for that customer.
So, I was thinking that if I make a new Autonumber field in my table, I could sort descending the values and this way the input form will allways show me the last entered data for that person.
As I noticed from a long time ago, if I sort a table that allready has a form, the form won't show the records sorted. Why? It's necessary to make the form again? I tried to order the data on the form from Properties window ->Data->Order by, but the ordering is Ascending and I need it Descending!
Can enybody help me?


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Sort & Data Type Mismatch

Dec 20, 2004

Hi. I was doing a simple query that resulted in a "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. Hunting around for the source I realized that when I attempt to sort a column of numerical data a hidden decimal point is inserted and what should be an order of : 45, 10, 9, 2, becomes this order: 9, 45, 2, 10 (i.e., 9, 4.5, 2, 1.0)

Does anyone know what has happened?


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General :: Comment History Field To Appear On A Form - Change Sort Order Of Results

Aug 28, 2013

I have after much stress gotten my comments history field to appear on a form.

The following code gives me what I needed

=ColumnHistory([RecordSource],"LastUpdateBy","[ID]=" & Nz([ID],0))

I have only one simple thing left, that is perplexing to say the least.

Some comment fields will be many short notes, spread over time.

My desire is to change the sort order of the results so the most recent (rather than the initial) comment is at the top.

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Exporting Data With A Custom Sort Order

Jun 7, 2007


I have a Form which contains a datasheet and I have some code which allows users to custom sort this datasheet. Another table based on this datasheet is then exported as a csv file.
However, the data is obviously not exported in the same order as the datasheet and it is quite critical for the application to be a sucess that it is exported in the custom order chosen by the user.

I have done some re-search, searching groups, forums etc and found the solution of having a 'sort column' in the table the datasheet relates to, I can then use this in the query that exports the data. My only problem with this is I had to manually fill in this sort column in the datasheet, once I had decided upon my final sort order. Is there anyway to fill this column automatically based on a row's position in a datasheet?

Many thanks in advance

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User Input Data In Table Using Form - Sort By Month

Mar 28, 2013

I have a table with product numbers and their cost. That table has 3 fields : SKU, Cost, Month. (The cost can change every month, therefore the list is built to have a cost / month)

I want the user to be able to input the data in the table using the form but I would like the form to be sorted Alphanumerically for the SKU numbers and then per month (in their normal order not alphanumerically).

I have a combobox (named month for testing purposes) to force the user to select one of the 12 months and the field type is Text.

Also I am unsure how to "autosort" (or apply a permanent sort) the form whenever it's opened. Will it be applied if I just set the sort and then restrict the user from seeing let's see design mode?

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Forms :: Sort Of Limit On Number Of Columns Contained In Data Source For Such A Box?

Jul 14, 2014

I have a form I created in the past that auto-fills some of its fields based on the user's selection of a record from a combo box linked to another table. The form has been working perfectly however I recently tried to add a couple of more fields to the form that need to be autofilled. I added the new fields to the source table and added columns to the combobox that should allow my VB code to fill those boxes. However only one of the new fields is filling correctly. After trying a few different things I notice that the problem seems to be with whatever data field becomes the 21st column in the combobox. Is there some sort of limit on the number of columns contained in the data source for such a box?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub EmpIDAutofill_Change()
Me.EmployerCatAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(1)
Me.StreetNumAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(2)
Me.JobCityAutofill.Value = Me.EmpIDAutofill.Column(3)


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Forms :: Form That Shows 100 Records At A Time - Filter / Sort Data Source Entirely

Oct 20, 2014

The recordsource is a query with over 6,000 records. The form currently lists the records in datasheet format with header and footer for things like buttons and filtering. The client wants to be able to go from page to page of the souce query, showing 100 records on the form at a time.

But at the same time, they should be able to filter or sort the data source in it's entirety. The person who created the form came up with what seems like an awful solution to the problem. It seems to use a random number generator to determine how many records to portray at a time. I see this in the code as well as in operation, because the number of records on page to page varies. It doesn't even start out at 100! Worse yet, using a sort on the page only sorts the records that are visible.

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Report Sort Different From Query Sort

Mar 3, 2006

i made a report based on a query. when i run the query, my results are sorted by Job Time Ascending, like i want...
when i made my report i chose job id as the main group priority in the wizard..

now in my report it displays the jobs in ID ascending, rather than Job time ascending as my query says..

i dont want to re-do the report it took ages.. how can i fix this?

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Can I Do A Sort Within A Sort On Combo Boxes?

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form in Access 2K that properly displays city, state and zip codes. As I type in each letter of a city's name into the combo box, I get the first city in the sorted list displayed (autofills). That's fine when there is only one zip code for a city, but when I enter "chic" for chicago I still get the first chicago zip code in my table.

It sure would be nice if I could do a "sort within a sort" so that if there were two or more records with the same city name then that whole group would drop down so I could choose one of the other zip codes. If this is doable, kindly point me to an example as I need all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance for any responses.


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Report Sort Is Not The Same As Query Sort...

Jan 9, 2005

I have a query that sorts players batting averages from highest to lowest. When I run the query just by itself it sorts it right however when I open the report based on that query it does not sort in descending order like I asked. What am I missing??

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General :: Updating Table Data With Data From Preceding Entry?

Jan 5, 2013

My question is this: I have a table where I'm entering employees' hours worked. Basically, it's something like this:

ID WorkerNumberDateworkedTimeStartTimeEnded
121/2/201310:00:00 AM3:00:00 PM
221/3/20132:00:00 AM11:00:00 AM
321/4/201312:15:00 AM11:30:00 AM
421/5/201310:25:00 PM11:00:00 AM
531/2/201311:00:00 AM3:30:00 PM
631/3/201312:00:00 PM10:00:00 PM
731/10/20137:00:00 AM4:00:00 PM

I have a query that (easily) determines how many hours an employee has worked on any given day. What I can't figure out at all, is how to write a query that can figure out how much time an employee had off in between shifts.

Thus far I'm able to run a query that separates this main table into individual workers by their id numbers, but can't figure out how to determine time off between shifts - as the last hour worked one day, and the first hour worked the next day are on two different lines (they are two different table entries).

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General :: Keep Old Field Data For Report After Data Updated

Dec 31, 2012

I have a database with a form called "Main" where users input data and then print a report from it. "Main" has fields in it from another form "Members". This data (from "Members") is shown on "Main' by Dlookup coding, and therefore cannot be selected for input by the user. Now, lets say a user inputs data into "Main" and prints the report on 12/30/2012. On the next day, a member's name is changed and I update that data in the "Members" form. On 12/31, I would like to print the report again, but it shows the updated member's name instead of what is was like on 12/30. How can I keep the old data in case I want to print the report in the future like it was initially printed? What do I need to do to any form(s), report or what VBA code needs to be written?

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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General :: Can't Add Or Change Data

Oct 16, 2013

I finally found and eliminated all duplicate entries in my tblStoreProducts table, so that I could create a 2-field Index called UniqueProduct that would prevent duplicate entries. Without it, uploading information from Excel (not the preferred method) would result in duplicated entries in this table which would ultimately reflect in the Hazardous Materials reports that must be submitted to the fire marshal.

Today I was going through data entries in the Product table and noticed some that are STILL coming up with the UPC (a text field) in Scientific Notation.

I know that I have to change the information in the linked table tblStoreProducts first. The most simple way would be to just change the UPC of the product in that table to the correct UPC. It shouldn't be causing a problem, because it doesn't create a duplicate record. I'm getting the error "The text you entered isn't an item in the list" now that I've created that index.

I changed the index to Unique = No and still get the same error.

I removed the index all together...still get the same error.

I'm making the changes directly in the BE database right now. If I can't enter information directly, the forms aren't going to work either.

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General Ideas To Help W/ Rotating Data

Jan 18, 2008

Hello Everyone.

I am looking for a good idea; maybe it's just Friday syndrome but I just can't seem to get my brain to wrap around this problem!

Let me start by trying to explain what is happening here. I have a repair shop that works off of quotas. This was a recent change to the way we've always done business so I had to adapt our DB to track this information. I built a table, keyed off product#, and added 12 columns for each month's quota. These quotas are determined about mid-month (I just received Feb08's today).
Up to now, we have always taken this month's quota information and compaired it with our production table, showed just where we were at on all of the products. This worked great. (THANKS boblarson! {} )

So, now that I have next month's quotas, Mgmt is telling me that everything we produce now will count for next month's quota. Not a big deal, but trying to get my head around how to actually 'track' this is giving me the headaches! We thought doing a 'running' total would work, but things just are not adding up right.

The problem as I am seeing it is that I need to somehow take my current and next month quota but compair that with this month and last month production isn't going to give me accurate results. Not until next month. Once Feb comes around, things will be okay; but then mid-Feb when the quotas come out for March I'll be back in the same boat.

I'm betting that there is a easy solution to this; but like I said, I'm definatly having a Friday Moment here. Anyone have any ideas?


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General :: Popup On Change Of Data

May 5, 2015

Is it possible to show an alert/reminder any time data in a particular field is entered or changed? It would have to show up if the data was changed in table view or query view.

Until I can write something that will store historical data for these fields, I want to make sure anyone entering information will record the old information in a separate table. Yes, I know this is not the ideal way to store the type of data; but this database has been running for 10+years and is tied in to so many aspects of the company re-writing it is just not an option ...

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General :: Convert ACCDB Data To MDB

Oct 6, 2012

I am using accdb but I wanna convert some datas into mdb, but I really don't know how to do this?

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