General :: How To Assign Contact To Account If It Is Not A Member

Oct 10, 2012

I have table with companies (accounts) and a table contacts (people working for the specific company.

Then among this contacts there are contacts - individuals not linked to any account.

How to relate tables contacts with accounts if some are linked and some not ?

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General :: Not A Valid Account Name Or Password

Apr 7, 2013

It seems I've overstepped in setting up Users and Permissions, in MS Access 2007, on an .mdb. When I enter any of the user names and passwords I've created, I'm told that it's not a valid account name or password. I'm wondering how this could be possible since I'm staring at them in the Snapshot file.

My question is this: I can access the .mdw file as "Admin", is there anyway to unwind this mess?

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General :: Input Box That Asks For Account Number

Aug 17, 2015

On the opening of a form, I'd like to have an input box appear that asks the user for the account number but I'm stuck on the code to make this happen.

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General :: Managing Contact Emails

Sep 11, 2012

I work for a firm who have a few thousand clients and we are wanting to go through a process of checking with them that the data we send them is going to the email address they would like it to go to. However in some cases we don't currently hold an address so we are contacting them by phone to get the addresses over the next few weeks.

The way I've chosen to do this is to use the excellent link between Access and Outlook to send an email to the address we have on file (or have gotten) with a very light form they can optionally fill in to update the email address if desired.All seems well in testing this with 2 exceptions:

1) I have 2 email boxes in outlook, my "personal" one and a group mailbox. I'd like the emails access sends to come from the group mailbox but cannot see an option to control this.

2) We're likely to send the emails out in tranches - is there a way to have a single table the drives the email process but some how have it know that we have sent the emails out for certain clients such that when I send a second tranche, it doesn't re-send to clients that have already been contacted?

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General :: Cannot See Where To Enter Emergency Contact Information

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded a student template from microsoft and have been able to figure out most of it. I cannot see where to enter the emergency contact information. Also, when I try to see the student and guardian table/list, the guardian list comes up empty even though I entered this information when I entered the student info...

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General :: Assign Next Item To Next User?

May 6, 2014

I have a list of inventory (SR #s) in a excel under column A. And also there are 20 users using ms-access accessing by their user names. If a user completes one item, the next item from the excel should automatically goes to the next available user. After the item allocated to the particular user, under column B the user name should come and in column C there should be a comment saying "Done" Can i have a code for this in SQL or VBA.

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General :: Assign Referee To Various Soccer Games

Feb 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a database that an area soccer referee assigner can use to assign referee to various soccer games.

The assigner has soccer referee, games and different teams. There are 3 soccer referee to each game, therefore the issue is that I need all the referees that have been assigned a game to be blocked out and only those that not been assign games should show in the form frmGameOfficials for a specific date.

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General :: Assign Values Evenly And Randomly?

Oct 9, 2013

We will have around 100 people attending a program that will be broken into 7 (A-G) evenly. I would like to be able to have my database do this but I am unsure of where to start on this.

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General :: Assign Stock To Customers In Access 2010

Jul 28, 2014

In MS Access i want to be able log jobs and be able to assign my stock to the jobs i have logged is this possible ? how to create a database to log jobs but how can i make it so when i add stock to the job it will remove it from my stock pool and assign it to the customer thus taking it out of stock.

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General :: Assign Preferred Days Of Week When Volunteer Want To Work

Jul 26, 2014

I created a database for an organization I volunteer for but I am running into design problems. I want the database to be able to assign preferred days of the week (that the volunteers want to serve) with the flexibility to change them.

The problem is in order to be able to keep my reporting options flexible. I will have to write a record (on a separate table) for each volunteer for every day they want to serve. A one to many relationship between the volunteer table and preferred days table.

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Help Needed By A New Member

Sep 30, 2005

Lets start by saying I am not a programmer but by modifying examples found in books I have over the past few years built an order processing data base for our business. An expert would think what a mess but it works for ME. The problem being I would like my staff to be able to use it.There is one problem which I can get around but they would not be able to.
The database has two tables (well more than that but its two I am talking about here) One which holds details of 3000 + Roads. The other has House or Firms names and directions. On the order form I have two Combo boxes one to enter the Location (House Name) another for the Road Name. When you enter a House name the Not In List event looks to see if we have delivered to
that location before, if so displays the full address. name,number,road,town in the combo box fed from a query which uses an EXPr to re join the data fields to display as one. If the location has not been used before a yes/no box comes up. If yes a new form opens to enter the details and choose the road/town from the road list.Then you are returned to the order form.
The problem is let say you start to enter "Orchard Cottage" up comes Orchard Cottage,London Rd,Larkfield. Want you want to enter is another Orchard Cottage in say Ditton.
Because you already have one in the list the combo box will not ask if you want to enter a new one. I can get around it by putting an extra letter in the name, then once the order had been finished go to the location table and take the letter out. No good for the Staff as you can see. Shame the rest works fine.
Anyone have an answer ?


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Find A New Member

May 6, 2006

I have several queries to find expired members, current members etc, however I can't get new members this year. Iv'e tried the unmatched query wizard using these two queries, also several other queries and tables but I either end up with all records or none. I'm going round in circles. I don't want a parameter query to ask the date, just some code to get the new records for this year and when the query is run next year it will show the new records for that year etc. Any help would be appreciated. My year date starts August 1st and ends following July 31st.

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Member Database Problem..

Aug 8, 2007

here it is
i have a database for members.
i have a table with the general info for the members like name, date of birth, that kind of stuff.
i want to know how i can make sure that there are no duplicate members.
when in the form.. how can i validate that the member isn't already there?

the problem is i can't validate the name for duplicates because there isn't only one John in the world. or the name might match all together but the birthdate isn't the same.. things like that
i'm sure this is a very common problem so there might be an established solution
i made a search for duplicate reord. but not sure what to do with it

i was thinking of creating a special value using firstname-lastname-birthdate so they'd be unique... but even after doing that. how can i make sure the record isn't added to the table until it is validated?
hope i was clear with my question.. thanks for the help

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New Member - Calculating Fields Help

Jan 4, 2005

I am new to Access and have made a databse using Access 2000. This is used for a dart league.

In one of the Tables called Members each "record" is made up of the persons details
(Name,address, etc). Included in the Row record I have "fields" (columns) that keep track of
the points each person hits on a nightly basis. I also have a Total Field.

Exampleof fields)

ID#,First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone #, Week 1, week 2, week 3, Total

How do I get the Total Field in the record to add up the nightly points in Week 1 + Week 2 + Week 3.?

In Excel it would be a simple calculation (e.g =sum(a1+b1+c1) etc.

As I said I am new to this database and it is very frustrating at the moment. I have used the help function
but it mostly double dutch to me.

ANY HELP in plain english would be appreciated

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Club Member Database

Jul 11, 2007

I am a member of a local tennis club and they have asked me to help them to build a database that will cover membership details and annual fees. Does anybody have a template that would be useful to get me started with this? Obviosly, it could be for any type of club.

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Create Random Member ID Field?

Nov 3, 2004

I have a database that I took over for a small group (it has about 400 records), and they want to add a field for "Member ID", to use for member badges and whatnot.
A friend tried to help me by suggesting the "Change the starting value of an incrementing AutoNumber field" from the Access Help File, but I don't necessarily want incremental numbers, I just want a string of perhaps 8 numbers in no particular order, and obviously, unique to each record. I also don't understand how I can get that to work in pre-existing records...

So, what I'm wanting, in a snapshot, is:
83928475 John Smith 123 Any St
93827221 Mary Jones 678 Market St
19182734 Elvis Presley Graceland

I was thinking that perhaps a formula could be created in a query? Heck I don't know!
I only know enough about Access to be dangerous, so I appreciate anyone's help!


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Form To Automatically Display Member No

Jan 14, 2008

I need to create a form in Access which allows member registration, once the member has entered all their details and clicks on the enter button a pop screen/form of some sort should display their member no. this member number would be the next one down in the list, and should be a 16 digit number.. and it always has to start with the numbers 5555 1946 (the remaining 8 digits must be generated by access in sequence each time a member joins.)

How do i do this?

thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Text Box To Show Member First And Last Name?

Aug 11, 2015

I created a text box on a form to show the member's first and last name. Works great! I now want to add it to show if they are a Jr. or a Sr. I thought I knew enough to make it work, but now instead of the name it just shows "-1". Here's the expression in the box...(if possible I'd like to keep it as an expression, since I'm still new to the "behind the scenes stuff" and don't know VBA)

=[GoesBy] & " " & [LName] & " " & IIf([IsJr]=True,"Jr",0) Or IIf([IsSr]=True,"Sr",0)

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'Method Or Data Member Not Found' Please Help@! Am Desperate!!!

Nov 27, 2005


Trying to run a template on a new computer.. it works on other computers, but in this case it gives me this compile error.. kind of strange.

It comes up here-

End With
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)
Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

(.PasteAndFormat) gets highlighted... I'm not that computer savvy... please help!!

Thanks heaps


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Is The Current User A Member Of The Admin Group?

Aug 10, 2007

I am setting up a call log for an application. Once a message has been entered, I need to restrict access to the person who created it AND to managers (who have admin privelages to the database). Since the user who created a message needs to be able to go back in and edit it if necessary, I can NOT simply restrict access to the edit form to admins.

The command that opens this form looks like this so far:Code:If ((Me.[Transaction] = "Status Call") And _ (Me.[TransactionBy] = CurrentUser())) THEN DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditMessage" ...Else MsgBox("Blah blah blah, etc etc.")End IfI need to add something to the initial If statement like this:Code:Or (CurrentUser.isMemberOfGroup("Admins"))but I don't know the correct Access syntax for it.

Any help anyone can give me would be appreciated!

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Reports :: Add DLookup To Subreport - Member Not Found

Jul 3, 2014

I need to add a DLookup to my Subreport.

For my text box, Text255, on the Subreport I have tried:

Private Sub Report_Load()
Me.Text255 = DLookup("[Along_line_spacing_%pass]", "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table")

The table Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table has just one record for lookup. No value is returned when I run the main report.

I found this: [URL] .....

And tried adding the lookup code to the main report instead of the Subreport, but I think I am having trouble understanding what they mean here: "Subform1 is the name of the subform CONTROL on mainform" Are they inferring that I need to have a text box on the mainform as well?

I tried using this Me!Subform1.Form!ControlName like this:

Me.Text255.QC_Along_Line_Processing_Subreport!Text255 = DLookup("[Along_line_spacing_%pass]", "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table")

I know this is not correct, and I have tried several variations, but I am totally stumped. Everything I have tried with the lookup code in the main report returns "Member Not Found" and Text255 is highlighted. I feel like this should not be such a big problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Method Or Data Member Not Found

Jan 19, 2015

i have the following code in a function but when i want to compile it i have the following code will be blue i have error in this line:

.NamedParameters = True

the error message is this :

method or data member not found

my code is as following:

Function Get_Bearbeiter_Detail(ByVal vBearbeiter_Code As String, Optional ByRef vBearbeiter_Name As String, Optional ByRef vReadOnly_Flag As Boolean, Optional ByRef vAnalyser_Flag As Boolean, Optional ByRef vAdmin_Flag As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset


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Forms :: Method Or Data Member Not Found?

Jun 11, 2013

I am receiving the Method or data member not found error message when I attempt to add a new record in form view. I have been working in an old 2002-2003 version of Access until last week when it was converted to 2007. The old version allowed for additions just fine but now after the conversion something is wrong. The code is below. I underlined the line throwing the error message (FindFirst). Code is not my strong suit.

'Open form to new record
gstrCallingForm = Me.Name
strDocName = "frmNewApplicant"


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Method Or Data Member Not Found Error

Sep 27, 2013

I'm a newbie trying to upgrade a 2003 database to 2010. When I compile this database an error pops up saying "Method or data member not found". This is the code below:

Private Sub CBPrintReq_Click()
On Error GoTo SendPrintError
Dim NewID As String, Notice As String, Temp
Dim CRLF As String * 3
CRLF = Chr$(10) + Chr$(13)
Notice = ""

[Code] ....

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Filter Subform-Data Member Not Found Error!?

May 18, 2006

Hi all, I’m trying to filter the records a subform shows based on the employee number (in a combo box) that the user selects in the main form. At the moment im getting the following message when I select an employee number in the combo box: “Compile error, method or data member not found”:confused:

Ive searched the forums on here and tried to make use of the information other people have posted but im still having trouble getting this to work

Below is the code I have on the combo box of the main form:

Private Sub Cbo_Emp_Filter_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQl As String


End Sub

Ive also posted the database if any one is willing to have a look for me (ive removed irrelevant tables/forms/reports). Im using access 97



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Queries :: TOP N Subquery (Scores) For Each Member In Race League

Jan 5, 2014

I have a race league, I want to select the top 10 point scores for each member.

I have read the Allen Browne article (and many others) and tried many variations on his code but cannot get this working.

I face two issues
- The ORDER by clause has no effect, points are not sorted with largest first
- Access being unable to differentiate between scores with the same value and returning additional records. I have added an "Event" field to make the record unique, but this does not seem to work.

Query code is

SELECT qLeague.Member, qLeague.Event, qLeague.Points
FROM qLeague
WHERE qLeague.Points IN
(SELECT TOP 10 Points
FROM qLeague AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.Points= qLeague.Points
ORDER BY Dupe.Member, Dupe.Points DESC
ORDER BY qLeague.Member ASC, qLeague.Points;

This returns more than 10 results per member:

Member Event Points
Alex Peters SDMC North Weald Sprint 3
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden May 3
Alex Peters GB/Harrow TAMS NW Sprint 4
Alex Peters HCAAC Debden Sprint 5
Alex Peters Llys y Fran Hillclimb 6

etc ....

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