General :: How To Check The Record Count

Sep 11, 2014

1) If I check recordcount without move rst to last position I get wrong number of recordcount.


rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
msgbox nz(rst.RecordCount, 0)

2) If I move rst to last position, number of recordcount is correct, but! If there's no record in my string I get an error that rst can't move to last position.

rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
msgbox nz(rst.RecordCount, 0)

how to check correctly RecordCount even if my query in string has no record?

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General :: How To Check The Record-count

Apr 3, 2015

1) If I check recordcount without move rst to last position I get wrong number of recordcount.

rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
msgbox nz(rst.RecordCount, 0)

2) If I move rst to last position, number of recordcount is correct, but! If there's no record in my string I get an error that rst can't move to last position

rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
msgbox nz(rst.RecordCount, 0)

So the question is, how to check correctly RecordCount even if my query in string has no record?

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Check Record Count Before Opening Form

Dec 22, 2004

How do I check, before opening the form, whether any records exist in the table bound to the form?


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General :: Check Or Validate If There Is Record In SQL Statement?

Mar 13, 2014

Payroll main form to post attendance record. Before I open the attendance form, I wanted to check if there is a record in the sql statement.

The code below produces error MS Acces object "Variable or With Block Variable Not Set"

Private Sub cmdPostAtt_Click()
Dim stSQL As String
Dim dbHBK As DAO.Database


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General :: Check Box Event - Lock Textboxes Depending On Each Record

Aug 30, 2013

I have a checkbox which when checked then turns textboxes to locked as below. However when I navigate to the next record which may not be checked the text boxes remain locked. I obviously want to lock the boxes depending on each record. I am navigating via the windows next/back record buttons. How do i do it?

Private Sub Check44_Click()
If Check44.Value = -1 Then
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
End If
End Sub

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General :: Count Number Of Record With SQL Result In MS Access

Jul 21, 2013

I want to return the number of record with the SQL search in MS Access. I am using the following code, the expected result will be a value. But somehow, it does not give any result.

StrSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE [Condition]='A' "

How do I return the count value with the search?

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General :: Get Latest Record Added Of Item - Check Period Between Now And Date Saved

Sep 28, 2014

In my Access app I need to get the latest record added of an item from a MS Sql table and check the period between now and the date saved in the record.

So my guess is:
Select TOP 1 * from tbl_StockItems
Where StockId = Loc_StockId

I then need to check the days between tbl_StockItems.LastStockDate and Today.

How would I write an Access VBA query to give me the amount of days and put that number into a variable.

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How To Count Check Boxes??

Jul 14, 2005

I have a table that contains the following fields:
male - yes/no
female - yes/no
number of kids

I need to create a query that will give me the count of males and females and sum of number of kids - all grouped by township.

I have created 3 separate queries that calculate each part and they work. My question is how do I display the results of all these queries in one report, all grouped by townships?

Or if there's a way to create one query that will add all of this up? when I tried to create one query, the check boxes were not calculated properly, because Access did not distinguish between filled and empty checkboxes and would just count them all...

Any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated.

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Count Up Check Boxes

Jul 29, 2007

I was just wondering if there is any way that I can create a query to find all of the records which have a tick box checked.

There is a tick box on each form and I want to know what I type in the 'Criteria' box is Query Design so that I can quickly and easily search for all those which are checked.

I know that in a normal query, to search for a particular object you can type it in (e.g. 'Mugs' - will find all the records under the name of 'Mugs' when typed under the right heading) but i'm unsure of what to type in under the 'Target' heading to make it find all those which are checked.

Any ideas. . .

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Count Ticked Check Box

Apr 18, 2008

i have table for attendance monitor and contaion following attribute:
session ID
Student Id
Attended session which is in yes/no format or in other work it give u option to tick it


and now what i want to do is that create a query and tell it to only count the number of attended session which has been ticked not count all the attended session for one student ,only count the ticked one
any idea please?

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Query To Count Check Boxes

Nov 29, 2005

I have a query problem that I have had no luck solving either through books or other post on this fourm. It might be because of my lack of Access skills or just might not be possible. I have a query that looks at one field in a table to count how many records have the check box checked. It works great when the query can find at least one as it reports it back, but when there are none with the boxes checked it comes back blank. What I really need it for when there are no records checked for it to come back with a 0. I have tried using NZ with no luck. If anyone has a solution to this either using NZ or some other way please let me know. Also please explain in beginner terms as Im still learning.

Thanks in advance

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Left Join - Check For Value And Count.

Feb 8, 2008


I'm using Access 03 and have a query that checks for the existence of a value from another table. This works well but what I'm not able to figure out is how to then get a count of the times that entry is found in the table.

In other words...

I have a table called 'jcaScore'
in this table are unique text values in a column named 'Tier3'

My query needs to check the 'analyze' table, 'Tier3' column and COUNT the number of times each of those unique Tier3 values from the jcaScore table are present and place that count in the 'jcaScore'.gapscore field.

I've almost got it but I can't figure out the last argument.

UPDATE scoreJCA LEFT JOIN analyze ON scoreJCA.[Tier3] = analyze.Tier3 SET scoreJCA.gapcount = ???

Much adulation for any assist!

TGIF too!

All the best,

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Count Check Boxs If True On Report

Jan 19, 2005

I have a report that has a nummer of check boxes, I want to count the number of boxes that are true.


I have 10 boxes on my report and only three of them are True.

I have put in the bottom of the report


But this seems to count all boxes

Please help



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Queries :: Using Count And MIN Together To Retrieve Only MIN Record With Count

Aug 16, 2015

I have a table that has 5M+ accounting line entries. Below is an example of one accounting journal in the table.


The journal ID above was an accounting entry, debit $16,797 and credit $-16,797. because it was entered as a reversing journal in the system, the table has captured the Journal ID with 2 dates. For my purpose i only want the one date (MIN) date, the total amount of the journal (either the debit or credit amount 16,797) and the total number of lines the journal ID has so in this instance I want the count to be 2 and not 4.

Right now this is what i get

CB001 0002888269 AUD 0 4 4/07/2014

This is the output i would like

CB0010002888269323 AUD16797 2 4/07/2014

Im thinking with the total sum because theres debits and credits is there a way to do the absolute value of the journal MONY_A then divide by 2?

current SQL
SELECT [One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I, [One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C, Count([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I) AS CountOfJRNL_I, Min([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_D) AS MinOfJRNL_D, [One Year Data Lines].BUSN_UNIT_I, Sum([One Year Data Lines].MONY_A) AS SumOfMONY_A
FROM [One Year Data Lines]
GROUP BY [One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I, [One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C, [One Year Data Lines].BUSN_UNIT_I
HAVING ((([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I)="0002888269") AND (([One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C)="aud"));

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Check Data On Leaving A RECORD- Record, Subforms And All

May 24, 2005

I have an application that enters candidates in, who apply for a job.

I found that I can enter a candidate in, and if I dont enter at least an address type or phone type ( giving that candidate an address record, albiet a blank one (just a type of address) and a phone record) then the candidate wont have a sub record for addres or phone at all.

This is hurting my reports. They are set to pull the primary address and phone only, as we dont need to have 2-3 contact information for a candidate on a report This is how I found out that I had blank address and phone for some test records. I need to be able to check when a person does a number of things, that at least the combos for phone type and address type have been chosen as something. This will ensure that they have a primary address and phone, as I have code that takes care of all that. I tried putting the following code in the form's before update, but since it is calling to a subform, the minute I tab TO the address combo, I get the message. The form is updating before I get the chance to skip the field.

Here is the lay out. A user can enter in candidate, their address, phone, application and activities. Address, phone, applications and activities are all sub reports on a tab control. The user should be able to move freely within any record, and only be bothered when they try to leave, if important information is still empty. I dont want to control how they enter ('you must enter this first!' lol) just that they do enter it in the end.

What I want to do is check when the user is leaving a record.(closing form, going to another record, clicking the search button that opens another form etc) if either combo is empty (no primary contact info) then it gives the message and goes back to the combo that is empty.

Here is the code I have. If anyone can help me find the right place to put it, I would really appreciate it. Thank you,

If IsNull(Me.[subAddressEntry].Form![cmbAddressTypeID]) Then
msgbox "You must enter an Address"
Cancel = True
ElseIf IsNull(Me.[subPhoneEntry].Form![cmbPhoneTypeID]) Then
msgbox "You must enter a Phone"
Cancel = True
Else: Cancel = False
End If

If I can't figure this out, I am thinking of making a new address type and phone type. Call it "none chosen" and then make that a default selection. Then one would always be chosen...I think. I would like to avoid that though.

Thanks again.

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Forms :: Record Count Last Visible Record Only?

Dec 16, 2014

I can use the following to return the last record count of the subform records, but I want the last record count of the VISIBLE records only.

So if records 1-15 are visible then it returns 15

If records 34-49 are visible then it returns 49


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General :: Check Box That Changes Value In Combo Box

Sep 3, 2013

I have a form with a combo box (it has two states (In process / On file)) and a checkbox and I need that when the checkbox is checked, change the status of the combo box..The combobox and checkbox are in different tables (Assigned and Movements, respectively) and refer to different types of data.

The checkbox Refers to a set of tasks FINISHED, then, if that's the case, They must change the values ​​of the ComboBox That has two values ​​or options (In process / On file). Note: These two values ​​are searched fields in a table "Status", and searches for values ​​in a table with the wizard searches

For example: While ComboBox contained in "In Process", the checkbox is unchecked and if this "On File" checkbox is marked.

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Check Next Record

Nov 18, 2006

I'm sure the coding is very simple, the question is .... can I build an expression using an IIF statement that checks whether the current field is the same as the same field in the next record? If it is put a 1, if not put a 0. Easy in Excel, not sure about Access??

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Check For Record

May 17, 2005

Hi Everyone

i would like to check a record exits before a new entry is saved. However i would like to check on three criterias and i am not sure on how to write the if statement.

IF Dcount "CompanyName" & "FirstName" & "Last Name" from "tblcustomer" is the same as "frmCompanyName" & "frmFirstName" & "frmLastName" > 0


Msgbox "This Customer Already Exists"
Cancel = True

End IF

Could someone please translate it into the correct code?

Many Thanks

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Record Check!

Oct 25, 2006

I am running a check for checking whether a value already exists in the database table. But the problem is that the control passes right through this check.

It does not give an error too...

If txt_id.Value = DLookup("id", "indicateur", "id=" & txt_id.Value) Then
info = MsgBox("Cette 'Id' déjà existe !", vbInformation)

whats wrong with this 'IF' loop??

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General :: Auto-populate With Check Box

Nov 20, 2013

I have limited Access experience, but have designed a database that we use here at work. In one of the forms for this database, there is a field where a distribution statement can be added manually, if the statement is received from a customer. However, we would like to add a "check-box" to the form, where is it is checked, the distribution statement automatically populates with a previously used generic distribution statement.

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General :: Check If File Exists?

Nov 27, 2013

I have a table with several thousand records. Each record as a path field that indicates a specific file that is associated with a given record (not just a directory, it identifies a specific file). I'm pretty sure that most of them are correct but I've seen and been cleaning up paths that have had typos in them or were otherwise not setup correctly. Is there a way that I can generate a report or a list of some sort that would tell me exactly which file paths exist and which ones don't? or even just the ones that don't.

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General :: Check Users References

Jun 26, 2014

i am having issues with certain users re references, I get weird errors when sending emails through Outlook, is there anyway running some code for me to check a users references?the below is what i have and everything works fine, so would like to check they have these

Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Libary
OLE Automation
Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Libary
Microsoft Office 14.0 Access Database Engine Object
Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Libary
Mictosoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Libary
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Libery
Microsoft visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Redemption Outlook and MAPI Com Libary
Windows Script Host Object Model

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General :: Check Time Does Not Overlap

Feb 19, 2013

in my form i want to check if the appointment does not overlap another appointment.the appointment is made up of items that all have an individual time allocated.i thought of doing something like this but i am useless with syntax etc.

PHP Code:

if DSum("[TreatmentTime]", tblOrdersItems, OrderID " = & " "[Forms].[frmNewAppointment].[OrderID]") + "[Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime]" > 'any record' tblOrdersItems.StartTime where StartDate = frmNewAppointment.OrderDate and 
Employee = frmAppointmentTreatmentItems.Employee 

then the only thing is that i dont know if it will work. it does in my head.

TreatmentTime = Time Field
OrderID = Foreign Key Field
OrderTime = TimeField
StartDate = Date Field
Employee = Foreign Key Field

the table is a one to many (parent/child). the OrderID is the parent. i have used a DSum to calculate the duration and the '+' is to add the start time to the duration which should leave the finish time. then the second part '>' to see if it is greater than any other start my theory this will work but i dont know if access will search all records that have the same date.

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General :: Check If Item Is Available To Hire

Jan 31, 2013

I have been creating a Access database to hire bikes out. I have created all the tables etc but i am stuck creating a query i want to create. I want to have a sub form on my booking form from a query which will show all the available bikes that can be hired. I have looked at the lending library sample and this hasn't really worked, My database is set out differently.

I have attached a version of the database to the post, this is zipped with some screenshots which may be useful.

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Check To See If A Record Exist

Nov 27, 2007

I would like help with a macro that looks to see if a record in my database table exists, then if it doesn't it adds a record with my data, but if the records does exist, it stops the routine and sends a message box to prompt if you want to continue with adding a new record.

The problem that I'm having is that my macro errors out when it doesn't find a record. I just want my macro to just see if a record exists or not. Then I can write my Iff statements based on whether it finds our or not. How do I just have my macro check for an record, then if it doesn't exist tell that it doesn't exist and not stop my macro. Is there some kind of IfExist() function or something?

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

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