General :: How To Implement Query Into Table To Prevent Overlapping Dates

Jun 30, 2014

I'm creating an equipment hire database, and I was wondering how I would not permit overlaps of equipment hire ie. equipment being borrowed before it is returned. I have a query that lists all bookings that overlap, but I am unsure of how to implement this into the table to prevent overlaps.

The SQL for the query is as follows:

SELECT Bookings.[Booking ID], Bookings.[Instrument ID], Bookings.[Borrow Date], Bookings.[Return Date], Bookings_1.[Booking ID], Bookings_1.[Instrument ID], Bookings_1.[Borrow Date], Bookings_1.[Return Date], ([Bookings_1].[Borrow Date]>[Bookings].[Return Date]) Or ([Bookings_1].[Return Date]<[Bookings].[Borrow Date]) Or ([Bookings].[Instrument ID]<>[Bookings_1].[Instrument ID]) Or ([Bookings].[Booking ID]=[Bookings_1].[Booking ID])


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Access Constraint: Overlapping Dates

Sep 9, 2005


I have developed a small hotel booking system which inserts records into a reservations table. The table looks like this:

I am now trying to add a constraint which prevents a room from beeing booked twice on the same day, hence the time period defined by StartDate and EndDate in a record must not overlap with another record.
Is Access capable of adding such a constraint?
It was easy to add a constraint that prevents a booking where the StartDate is before the EndDate, but this one needs to reference already existing records.
Any help would be much appreciated.


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Using Append Query To Add (overlapping Data) To Table

Sep 16, 2006

I have made several extractions from back ups from our ERP system using maketable querys. Each time when I renamed the table after running the maketable query. I now want to add them to create one big table showing the records which I extracted. I now found that each time when I extracted from my back up tapes there was a little overlap in time which gives me double entries when I use an append query to add them al together.

Is there a way to set parameters which filter our double entries and only adds the unique records to this table?

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General :: Implement Pop-up Reminder From Within Access

Oct 26, 2012

I'd like to know how to implement a pop-reminder that runs reminding the user of the database of :

1. some to-do actions for the current day or, for example, a week ahead of a certain event, that is related to some date previously entered in a table.

2. this should be within the access database.

3. I saw something like that in the [URL]... website, but actually couldn't understand it.

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General :: Prevent Export Of Table

Jun 17, 2013

I have set up a database that each user will put on their own computer, as it builds a running list made specifically for that user of chosen items to be exported to Excel, and because the remote locations have issues when accessing a shared network.

The db verifies the network user ID against a table to allow it to open. This to prevent any unauthorized user from accessing, and if db was copied or forwarded, only authorized users could see the data.

If the user is not on the list, it advises "Not an Authorized User", then exits Access. (I disabled the shift on opening, hid navigation bar, etc.) When further testing this security, I realized that even though users can access only the forms that I allowed, if they were to open another Access db, they could link or import the main table.

So all of my security precautions are for naught, as anyone with access to the db could see the confidential data. Even if they were not valid users, they could still get to the data if they knew how to import from another db. Is there any way to lock down the main table, so that it cannot be exported? Or be imported into another database?

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General :: Prevent Duplicate Date In Table

May 14, 2015

I don't want to allow more than one instance of (HolDte) for the same EmployeeID

PHP Code:

 If DLookup("[HolDte]", "tblHour", "[EmployeeID]='" & Me.EmployeeID.Value & "'") <> Me.HolDte.Value Then
    Exit Sub
End If 

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Prevent Duplicate Dates For Same Firstname And Lastname

Jan 9, 2013

I have tblWO_Points and column with firstname and lastname and dateWO column. What code do I use to prevent duplicate dates for same firstname and lastname? Also if a date is a duplicate that it wil ask if you want to go to that record?

Jane Doe Wednesday, January 07, 2012
Jane Doe Tuesday, January 06, 2012
Mike Doe Wednesday, January 07, 2012
Mike Doe Tuesday, January 06, 2012
Mike Doe Thursday, January 12, 2012

So the same dates can occur for different people but the same dates cannot be recorded for the same person.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Implement Variable In Nested Query

Jun 1, 2014

I have made this sql statement in VBA where rubriek = a variable but I dont know how to implement a variable in a nested query.

SELECT "rubriek, SUM(verkoopprijs) as prijzen
FROM voorwerp
(inner join VoorwerpInRubriek on voorwerp.voorwerpnummer = VoorwerpInRubriek.voorwerp)
inner join Rubriek on rubriek.rubrieknummer = VoorwerpInRubriek.rubriekOpLaagsteNiveau
where rubriek in (select rubrieknummer
from rubriek
where rubriek = variable name
group by rubriek"

Do I have to treat it as a normal select query or is there something speical that I have to do ?

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General :: Syncing Table Holding Reservation Dates To MS Outlook Calendar Automatically

Oct 10, 2014

I have been looking for a way to sync a table holding reservation dates to MS outlook calendar automatically when dates are inserted in the table.

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General :: Outlook Event Based On Query Dates

Dec 2, 2014

I have a query that has some reminder dates. 10 days before an event and 5 days after. I was wondering if it would be feasible to create an outlook reminder based on the query and if so how would I go about it?

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General :: Query To Calculate Points Based On Dates

Jul 1, 2015

I am trying to create an attendance database, our company introducing the point system attendance,

Called Off (CO) 2 points
Left Early (LE) 1 Point
Tardy (Tar) 1 point

Employee can reduce point if they have perfect attendance for 90 days from the last day of violation. For example, an employee absent on 01/01/2015, he will received 2 points, the credit will giving on 04/01/2015, if there is no violation, but if he absent again on 03/31/2015 not only he will received 2 more points his 90 days will start from 03/31/2015, now he will eligible to get credit on 06/29/2015 and so on.So far I have created 3 tables and 1 query.


Employees: Id, Last Name, First Name
Points: Id, Description Points
Attendance:Id, Date, Employee ID, Points ID

Employee ID
Last Name
First Name
Point Description

how and which formula to use which calculate the points based on above example.

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General :: How To Prevent Double Booking

Jan 23, 2013

On Microsoft Access 2010, I am creating a database project for a DJ booking system (not for professional use) and wondered how you can stop double booking from occurring that would provide you with an error message that I could personalize.

My current booking file looks like this:

Booking ID - Primary Key
Customer ID (Linked to customer table)
Venue ID (Linked to venue table)
Date Booked
Set Up Time
Start Time
Finish Time
Party Type
Discount Code

At the moment I have the date booked as Indexed (No Duplicates) however this gives me a long error message that I can not personalise.

Access 2010...

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General :: How To Prevent Piracy Of Database

May 23, 2013

If you are to sell a db. What have people done to stop one person copying it to their mates.

I have a way in which they send me their name,lastname and email. I then have a separate db that genertates a code based on a maths calculation. The users db does same calc. Then a comparison is done. if they match the code they entered goes green. if codes not right it goes red.

I also have macro that swap tables round when run. so by default its limted to 10 records. When swapped its unlimted.

I just cant link the 2 functions. Ideally some way it will see the green code and then run the macro to swap tables to a full db.

Then the customer has a full db and is also tied to their name etc...

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General :: Prevent Users From Modifying Database

Aug 6, 2013

Is there away in which I can protect an access 2007 database modification with a password.I'm doing this because I would like to prevent my client from modifying or having acces to the database's back end system (db), I would just like him to use forms and nothing else.

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General :: Prevent Duplicate Entries In A Subform

Oct 22, 2014

I have a mainform (F_main) and a subform associated (F_place).

F_place is the form of the table T_place.
T_place is linked to F_main by the field "BizNumber". I also have the field "Place" and of course the "Place ID" (primary key) in T_place.

"Place" in linked to a combobox (in F_place).I want to avoid, at a given "BizNumber", the same "place" to be entered in the F_place.

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General :: Prevent Autoupdate On Two Different Tables In Same Database

Dec 1, 2013

I have a table called tblDeliveryOverview and a table called tblPurchaseOverview in the relationship there is no link between each other but i've used a query to link the one field from tblDeliveryOverview to tblPurchaseOverview.

How can i prevent a record update from happening when i update a record in tbleDeliveryOverview and the same gets updated in tblPurchaseOverview, which i don't want to happen.

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General :: Lock Archived Records To Prevent Editing?

Dec 12, 2012

I want to lock archive records so that they can't be edited, however I want them available to users for viewing. So for example if the file is "closed" the record can not be changed.

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General :: Split Database - Prevent Linking To Back End

Jun 25, 2015

I have a split database. I have secured the mde sufficiently but I need to secure the back end so that no one could link to tables in it. If I introduce a password to the back end is this going to require those using front end to supply the password? If not then this could be good solution.

As the database is on the network drive, is there any other way to prevent people to link to the db? Can I hide the db in the network drive? Or should I hide tables in the BE. Should these still be available to be linked?

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General :: How To Disable / Prevent Overwrite Option In Window From Being Selected

Sep 8, 2013

Creating a database for processing survey data into a report format. We receive these reports as paper copies, which are then scanned in using Remark Office OMR. This results in a table of data, which is intended to be appended to the existing table in the database using Save As --> Access 2007, selecting the database and target table, clicking save as, and then selecting 'Append' from the subsequent popup.

What I want to know is: Is it possible to disable/otherwise prevent the 'Overwrite' option in this window from being selected? Can I make the table or database in such a way that data can only be added, not edited or deleted?

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General :: Linked Pivot Tables Prevent Updates To Database

Jul 10, 2012

I have built a database and within it my queries I use for reporting make tables in a separate database. This allows me to work in my data base and update info as needed. My problem is that my make table queries wont run if anyone has one of the report pivot tables open. I have added macros to all the Excel files that pull from the reporting DB but I still have several times when I cannot update because someone is using the pivot table, Is there a way to allow me to update the report DB's while the pivot tables are open? I have tried using manual refresh methods and disabling auto update on open but the result is the same.

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General :: Prevent Multiple Instance Of Access 2010 Runtime

Jun 21, 2014

is it possible to prevent

1- running multiple instance of MSACCESS.exe in runtime
2- running multiple instance of same database in runtime.

i have found seems not to work on access 2010 runtime.

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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Query/Report Of Multiple Dates Within Same Table

May 17, 2007

I have a table with a separate record for each client.
Each record has 5 future dates called ToDoDate1, ToDoDate2.... and tasks to be done called ToDo1, ToDo2....

I want to create a query that will search the 5 dates from all client's record and pull all the dates selcted within a range and list the ToDoDate, ToDo and name and a report.

I created a parameter query to prompt for user for dates to search between and can get the report to work for ToDoDate1 but I'm unsure of how to do this for the multiple ToDoDate fields.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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General :: How To Prevent Resetting Of Auto Number Indexes On Compact And Repair

Dec 3, 2012

In month-end posting - I basically delete all the records from my transaction file. And in doing so - it seems to be resetting the auto number index - which is causing me major problems.

The resetting of the index after deleting all the records is normal.

I am working in VB 2010 - using a 2003 MS Access database.

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General :: One User At A Time - Prevent Multiple Users Accessing The Database

Feb 13, 2015

Twice a year, a database of mine is accessed and put too use by various staff within a time range of 1 week. the database is on a shared drive and in a location which can be accessed by all.

The staff access the database from different workstations and in some instances at the same time.

This has only led to issues in the database being copied and then confusing staff on what database to click on thus i have 2 databases which i then have to sift through and copy/paste into the correct one.

I want to know the best way i can:

1) Prevent multiple users accessing the database at a time.
2) making a copy of the original and typing into a separate database.

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Is There A Way That Could Implement A Loading Bar

Jun 27, 2014

I have a Splash Screen type deal that loads after the user logs in I wanted to know if there was a way that I could add a Loading Bar that would say different things like Are you having a nice day?

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