General :: How To Incorporate Schemes Of Work - Adding Elements To Database

Jun 25, 2014

I am currently exploring the possibility of adding another element to our Database.

Each of our courses has a scheme of work associated with it, and this is completed on a daily basis by the tutor for each student. These are currently just Word documents we print out.

Example : I already have provided provision for recording attendance in the database, see below, (it may look a bit strange, but our training is ad-hoc so slightly different requirements than a college for example).

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General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?

There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?

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General :: Work Offline Feature In Split Database?

Feb 20, 2013

Any way to "work-off-line" in a split database, and then sync the data when one is done working?

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General :: Adding Record Into Database Via Forms

Aug 9, 2013

I want to send out my database to a client so they can add records into it via the forms i've created, but I don't want them to be able to change the coding etc. But I also want to be able to update my database and send it back out to them but obviously the records they've entered need to remain. Do i convert it to an accde and then back to an accdb, make my changes then convert again to accde?

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General :: Adding Priority List To Database

Feb 20, 2013

I have been asked if I can add a priority list to my database and I am trying to figure out how to do it.

The database already exists and this would be added code/forms. Basically this database has a number of users, all identified by a login name. Each of these users have several projects assigned to them. The projects are identified by a unique project number.

What I need to do is to be able to list all the projects that a user has, which is easy to do by simply creating a query, but then the user needs to be able to type in a priority number (1 to infinity) for each of these projects with no number repetitions. If a project priority is updated, say from 6 to 2, then the projects that had priorities 2 to 5, get a +1 added to their priority number so they go 3 to 6. Likewise if a project gets "demoted" (priority is lowered) then the ones below go up one.

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General :: Updating Front End After Adding New Table To Back End In Split Database

Sep 22, 2013

I have split the data base

Added a new table to the back end .But do not know how to update it to the front end

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Adding In Query Does Not Work

Nov 29, 2007

Im trying to add fields together in a query (these fields are results churned out by an iif expression), however access just concatenates the fields instead of summing. Access will not allow me to change the format of the original fields either.

Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Time With Work Hours Function

Sep 13, 2014

In my DB that we use and a workflow tool, some of our work has and due date and time.If we get the complete_package our work time starts and we have X amount of time to complete our work. This is something i worked on but set it aside, now i am coming back to try and fine tune this so it returns a more accurate value.

So if we receive and [Date_Complete_Package_Received] at 09/13/2014 09:00:00 AM and based on the work being done we have 5 hours to complete the work, then the [Date_and_Time_Complete_Package_DUE] would be 09/13/2014 02:00:00 AM. That part is simple and i have coding that does that just fine. [SLA_Time] is where it gets the amount of time allotted, we have 5,10,12,14,and 16 hours depending on what is being done.

Me.Date_and_Time_Complete_Package_DUE = DateAdd("h", [SLA_Time], [Date_Complete_Package_Received])

This is done on AfterUpdate of a field on one of my forms and it works the way it is but what i need is to be able to run this through my Workhours Function so i am not getting values that our in off hours.The following doesn't work i know i can't use the Workhours function with the DateAdd but this is just to show what i am trying to do.

Me.Date_and_Time_Complete_Package_DUE = WorkHours(DateAdd("h", [SLA_Time], [Date_Complete_Package_Received]))

I have a Workhours module and it is used for a lot of things and it works perfectly.

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How To Incorporate External VB Program Into Existing DB

Feb 8, 2012

I have a few homemade VB programs that I use for my job that I want to integrate into my groups contact db. What is the best way to do that?

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Way To Incorporate E-Signature Box In Access Form?

Aug 11, 2014

Any way to incorporate an E-Signature box in an access form?

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Queries :: Incorporate A Date In Output To Statement

Jun 11, 2013

I have a database that enables the banking details for a small club to be generated as an Excel spreadsheet that is then emailed as an attachment to the treasurer. The event procedure below works fine but I have been unable to incorporate the banking date from a control called BankDate to end up with the Excel file being in the form DGC Banking dd-mm-yy - is this possible?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Export Banking", "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "DGC Banking.xls", True, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

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Tables :: How To Incorporate Selling A Product Option

Dec 11, 2014

You have a company that sells a small line of very exotic, non-perishable, chemicals to manufacturers.

You source these chemicals from around the world and resell them to the manufacturers.

The chemicals are not only very expensive, but may or may not be required for any given batch of product the manufacturer is producing.

The manufacturer does not know if the chemicals will be required, or not, until the last minute, so must have them immediately available for each batch.

You keep track of the process with a simple database that is built around a "Chemicals" database and a "Transactions" database. Which are linked by [Product Code]

Quite straight forward to this point.



You are seeking a way to make these chemicals accessible to manufacturers who cannot afford to buy them, just to have them sit around waiting for the day they are needed.

You set up a system where a manufacturer can purchase an "Option" on the chemicals whereby:

They pay you a certain amount of money for the right to hold the chemicals at their plant for a given period, denoted in weeks.

After the pre-determined period is over they must either:

Return the chemicals to you and you keep the money they paid for the option.

If they used the chemicals, pay you the pre-determined purchase price --you still keep what they paid for the option.


My problem is incorporating the options into the database built around "Chemicals" and "Transactions," e,g,:

(1) The "Chemicals" table has fields such as [Product Code],[Quantity in Stock],[Cost],[Sales Price per Kilo]. The options require a unique set of fields such as [Product Being Optioned], [Expiry Date of Option],[Sales Price per Kilo -If Used],[Weekly Price for Option]

It doesn't seem correct to jam these into the same "Chemicals" table although I could be wrong.

(2) The same is true for the "Transactions" table, i.e., it now identifies the chemicals in each transaction using [Product Code].

To identify an option in a transaction one needs to use [Product Code] and [Expiration Date of Option]

(3) When a chemical is optioned the company has to track the fact that that quantity of it is not available for outright sale until the option expires

(4) A further problem exists even if I have figured out how to structure the tables.

Before selling a chemical one must create a record for that chemical in the "Chemicals" table--not a problem.

Options on the chemicals, however, do not exist until they are sold i.e., instead of using the "Chemicals" table to look up data for each transaction. Each transaction (to sell an option) has to create a record in the table being used to track the options

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Forms :: How To Incorporate Pivot Tables In Access Form

Mar 25, 2014

How to incorporate access pivot tables in an access form? Also how to subtotal on changes withinin a field in a form?

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I Need A Database For Work

Jul 7, 2006

I need a database that will contain employee names and three job titles they will choose.

When a Job comes open I want to search the entire database and pull together a report that will show every employee that has chosen that job as one of his her three choices sorted by hire date.

I also would like a seperate table with the job titles and position codes that can be filled in automaticaly on the main form by typing the position code.

I have a database started with some of this but I can't get it to work right!
First I haven't got a clue how to make the job choice combo boxes link to the three textboxes on the form where the job titles chosen will be displayed.

Can someone please Help me?


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My Database Doesn't Work Like Before?

Aug 22, 2007

Hello everbody,

I'm sorry if my thread is in wrong section, cause I'm first time on this great forum :(! I hope you'll undrestand me ;)

My problem is with my database for my coffee bar, man who made database is still, and I don't have somebody to repair my database unfourtanetly :(

I formatted my C:, cause I installed new OS Windows XP PR SP2, and everything is deleted, but I save this .mdb file, but I don't have instalation CD for this program, cause man who installed me this database didn't give me instalation file :(!

And I saved this .mdb file, and now I try to run this POS.mdb,I can open "POS KASA" in english POS CASH, and I see articles - (ARTIKLI), and value of them it account values of them, just program doesn't count for me like before "sume" or "total" of EX. one count, for example coca cola 2.5 KM, fanta 2.5 KM = 5 KM, and now he doesn't count sume - total in program total is "UKUPNO", if somebody to know to repair this, or something another what is importing to work this database like before, please help me, database is on bosnian, if you need translating just ask me, cause I don't know to edit this file, and to have access to change words :(!

1'st colone in program interface (bosnian - english)

Sifarnici -something like codes

Artikli = Articles
Ulazi = Inputs
Storno racuna = storno count
Pregled storno racuna = review storno count

2-nd colone in program interface

Dokumenti - Documents

POS kasa = POS cash register
Dnevni promet = daily exchange
Trenutni saldo kase = current saldo of cash register

3-rd colone in program interface

Printanje prometa po broju = Printing exchange by number
Printanje prometa od datuma do datuma = Printing exchange from date to date
Printanje trenutnog prometa = Printing current exchange


Actually for me the most important is POS CASH REGISTER, cause it doesn't count total value of one count , total = ukupno doesn't work, sume doesn't work, and I can't give on my guests count, and I have problem with inspection cause I don't have counts :(, please help me and if you can repair this; IN ADVANCE TNX MUCH!

Greetings to all, from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegowina!

I'm sorry really on my bad english, and I hope you'll understand me :(!

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CurrentDb In .adp Database Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2004

I am trying to take a string from an input box and place it in a table. I was told to use ado. I have tried but it seems to have problems with Access Data Projects. see
Does anyone know how to get this to work in an .adp database?

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Query Forms Don't Work W/back-end Database

May 18, 2006

Goal: : To improve an application's performance by basing sub forms and combo

The application has a front and back-end. There is no SQL server involved. I use a module for, seeking out the back-end and automatically linking to the back-end in order that I might be able to provide updates. This has worked for me since first setting everything up.

First let me define what I mean by, “sub form” as to how I am designing my application. I have a number of, what I call, “main (unbound) forms” that are used to open up separate application modules. Each module contains a number of hyperlinks to each of the other application modules. Also, each main form (application module) contains a tab form with bound forms. Therefore, I am calling these lower level bound forms, sub forms and basing them on query files instead of tables. Many of the tables have fields for collecting information across a second form. I did not want to bring back all the fields when they are used in any of the two are three forms bound with the same table.

Problem: When I base either a main form or a sub-form on a query, that particular front-end query form no longer links to the back-end database table via a query file whenever I import everything g into a new/fresh version of the front-end application. Whnever I open one of the query files via the form, I get an error message in each of the fields indicating it can't fine the field even though the table is listed with all the fields. No, I do not have the same problem with forms based on tables.

I suspect that my problem is in what I am calling a main and sub form; and that the main form is really the first level bound form and never the top unbound form if one is used. I have a lot of forms. I just wanted to get some feedback on
my suspicions or find out what else could be the source of my problem before re-doing everything.


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Creating Database To Track Work Hours?

May 8, 2013

I have been using Excel to keep a daily track of when people are in to work, but the number of persons employed has increased and it is taking too much time to manually input data into the sheet.

I am looking at Access and I would like to know if what I want is possible.

The fields I would need are , Name , Date , Time worked(1 for a full day and 0.5 for a half) , Reason worked, and funded by(inside/outside organization)

I would like to make a template of form that has the following options.

1. The ability to select a date (possibly through a calendar selection)
2. Select one or multiple different persons from a list
3. Possibly two check boxes (full/half day) - that when selected input a 1 or 0.5 into the database
4. A text entry for reason worked.
5. Another check box for inside/outside funding that reflects the time worked in step 3 and that can be queried to see how many total days funding was given.

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Hidding All Db Elements!?

Nov 19, 2006

Hello can anyone help me with a code or application example of how to hide all db elements. I have a database and i want only a main form to appear for users and tables, code, etc to be hidden.


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DB Elements Size

Jun 10, 2013

how can I see the size of all elements on the DB, Tables, Queries, etc...

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General Q - Code And Why It Doesnt Work All Of The Time

Feb 6, 2008

I am wondering why access does not follow its own code all of the time?

For example I have passworded forms following the tutorial on the Microsoft site. It mostly works when the participants fills in the wrong password we will get an error message box and when they cancel the password dialogue box it wont let the person enter the form - but not all the time. Sometimes if you press cancel it still opens the form anyway (without requiring the correct password).

This is similar with the module that I put in to prevent people from using the mousewheel to leave their record etc. Most times it works but sometimes it just isnt called on form load.

There is nothing wrong with any of these codes and when they work they work well but I cant seem to rely on access to do what is supposed to?

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General :: BAT File Does Not Work If Access Is Already Open

Oct 18, 2014

I use below simple command line to start a macro in my Access database. Usually all works well. I start my bat file, command is executed and macro does its job.

However it always fails if I have a session of Access already opened even if it is a completely different database. If I use below then it opens another sessions of Access but does not execute the macro. I need to go into the second session and run macro manually. It works fine then.

"C:UsersMeDocumentsDatabas1.accdb" /X Macro

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General :: Started Form Doesn't Work?

May 24, 2015

I have a DB: This DB was sent to me via eMail (dropbox). It consist in a BE and 3 FEs. In each of the FEs I have a started form with some code activated by the Open event.

The issue: Access do nothing when I open the FEs. Note please that the DB is designed by me and it work very well on the user"s computers.

I use A2007 on Win7

The DB is in a trusted folder. Compact and Repair is not useful.

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General :: Use Template File But It Doesn't Seem To Work

Nov 21, 2013

I currently have a "send object" macro which runs when a button is clicked on a report, it makes the report a PDF file and automatically places in my office outlook also places a subject and message into the Email.

what I wonered is there is a limited amount I can put into the body of the email in the field so I wondered if it is possible to use a Email template that is placed into the body and then the attachment is also added? I have tried to use the template file but it doesnt seem to work.

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General :: Identifying In And Out Work Times Records

Feb 1, 2015

I have a table (Imported from Excel) with In and Out records.

Here are the problems I have:Each record has either In or Out data. I have an identifier to know which ones are In and which ones are Out

It might have some misses, either no In or no Out record for the specific work time. A worker can get in at the evening and get out at the morning of the next day. Might have more then one entrance/exit on the same date.

I want to have the record sorted so I'll have an In and Out on the same row (record) including holes for the missing ones.

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General :: Removing Special Keys Does Not Work

Nov 23, 2012

I want to hide the Navigation Pane as well as the full menus and "special keys". I do that by going to the options tab and removing the appropriate check marks.However, it does not seem to work! No matter how many times I do it, if I hold the shift key, the navigation pane is still there.

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